/********************************************************************** memory_view.c - Memory View Copyright (C) 2020 Kenta Murata <mrkn@mrkn.jp> **********************************************************************/ #include "internal.h" #include "internal/hash.h" #include "internal/variable.h" #include "ruby/memory_view.h" #include "ruby/util.h" #include "vm_sync.h" #if SIZEOF_INTPTR_T == SIZEOF_LONG_LONG # define INTPTR2NUM LL2NUM # define UINTPTR2NUM ULL2NUM #elif SIZEOF_INTPTR_T == SIZEOF_LONG # define INTPTR2NUM LONG2NUM # define UINTPTR2NUM ULONG2NUM #else # define INTPTR2NUM INT2NUM # define UINTPTR2NUM UINT2NUM #endif #define STRUCT_ALIGNOF(T, result) do { \ (result) = RUBY_ALIGNOF(T); \ } while(0) // Exported Object Registry static st_table *exported_object_table = NULL; VALUE rb_memory_view_exported_object_registry = Qundef; static int exported_object_registry_mark_key_i(st_data_t key, st_data_t value, st_data_t data) { rb_gc_mark(key); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void exported_object_registry_mark(void *ptr) { // Don't use RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER here. It is unnecessary during GC. st_foreach(exported_object_table, exported_object_registry_mark_key_i, 0); } static void exported_object_registry_free(void *ptr) { RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER(); st_clear(exported_object_table); st_free_table(exported_object_table); exported_object_table = NULL; RB_VM_LOCK_LEAVE(); } const rb_data_type_t rb_memory_view_exported_object_registry_data_type = { "memory_view/exported_object_registry", { exported_object_registry_mark, exported_object_registry_free, 0, }, 0, 0, RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY }; static int exported_object_add_ref(st_data_t *key, st_data_t *val, st_data_t arg, int existing) { ASSERT_vm_locking(); if (existing) { *val += 1; } else { *val = 1; } return ST_CONTINUE; } static int exported_object_dec_ref(st_data_t *key, st_data_t *val, st_data_t arg, int existing) { ASSERT_vm_locking(); if (existing) { *val -= 1; if (*val == 0) { return ST_DELETE; } } return ST_CONTINUE; } static void register_exported_object(VALUE obj) { RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER(); st_update(exported_object_table, (st_data_t)obj, exported_object_add_ref, 0); RB_VM_LOCK_LEAVE(); } static void unregister_exported_object(VALUE obj) { RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER(); if (exported_object_table) st_update(exported_object_table, (st_data_t)obj, exported_object_dec_ref, 0); RB_VM_LOCK_LEAVE(); } // MemoryView static ID id_memory_view; static const rb_data_type_t memory_view_entry_data_type = { "memory_view/entry", { 0, 0, 0, }, 0, 0, RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY }; /* Register memory view functions for the given class */ bool rb_memory_view_register(VALUE klass, const rb_memory_view_entry_t *entry) { Check_Type(klass, T_CLASS); VALUE entry_obj = rb_ivar_lookup(klass, id_memory_view, Qnil); if (! NIL_P(entry_obj)) { rb_warning("Duplicated registration of memory view to %"PRIsVALUE, klass); return false; } else { entry_obj = TypedData_Wrap_Struct(0, &memory_view_entry_data_type, (void *)entry); rb_ivar_set(klass, id_memory_view, entry_obj); return true; } } /* Examine whether the given memory view has row-major order strides. */ bool rb_memory_view_is_row_major_contiguous(const rb_memory_view_t *view) { const ssize_t ndim = view->ndim; const ssize_t *shape = view->shape; const ssize_t *strides = view->strides; ssize_t n = view->item_size; ssize_t i; for (i = ndim - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (strides[i] != n) return false; n *= shape[i]; } return true; } /* Examine whether the given memory view has column-major order strides. */ bool rb_memory_view_is_column_major_contiguous(const rb_memory_view_t *view) { const ssize_t ndim = view->ndim; const ssize_t *shape = view->shape; const ssize_t *strides = view->strides; ssize_t n = view->item_size; ssize_t i; for (i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) { if (strides[i] != n) return false; n *= shape[i]; } return true; } /* Initialize strides array to represent the specified contiguous array. */ void rb_memory_view_fill_contiguous_strides(const ssize_t ndim, const ssize_t item_size, const ssize_t *const shape, const bool row_major_p, ssize_t *const strides) { ssize_t i, n = item_size; if (row_major_p) { for (i = ndim - 1; i >= 0; --i) { strides[i] = n; n *= shape[i]; } } else { // column-major for (i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) { strides[i] = n; n *= shape[i]; } } } /* Initialize view to expose a simple byte array */ bool rb_memory_view_init_as_byte_array(rb_memory_view_t *view, VALUE obj, void *data, const ssize_t len, const bool readonly) { view->obj = obj; view->data = data; view->byte_size = len; view->readonly = readonly; view->format = NULL; view->item_size = 1; view->item_desc.components = NULL; view->item_desc.length = 0; view->ndim = 1; view->shape = NULL; view->strides = NULL; view->sub_offsets = NULL; view->private_data = NULL; return true; } #ifdef HAVE_TRUE_LONG_LONG static const char native_types[] = "sSiIlLqQjJ"; #else static const char native_types[] = "sSiIlLjJ"; #endif static const char endianness_types[] = "sSiIlLqQjJ"; typedef enum { ENDIANNESS_NATIVE, ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, ENDIANNESS_BIG } endianness_t; static ssize_t get_format_size(const char *format, bool *native_p, ssize_t *alignment, endianness_t *endianness, ssize_t *count, const char **next_format, VALUE *error) { RUBY_ASSERT(format != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(native_p != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(endianness != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(count != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(next_format != NULL); *native_p = false; *endianness = ENDIANNESS_NATIVE; *count = 1; const int type_char = *format; int i = 1; while (format[i]) { switch (format[i]) { case '!': case '_': if (strchr(native_types, type_char)) { *native_p = true; ++i; } else { if (error) { *error = rb_exc_new_str(rb_eArgError, rb_sprintf("Unable to specify native size for '%c'", type_char)); } return -1; } continue; case '<': case '>': if (!strchr(endianness_types, type_char)) { if (error) { *error = rb_exc_new_str(rb_eArgError, rb_sprintf("Unable to specify endianness for '%c'", type_char)); } return -1; } if (*endianness != ENDIANNESS_NATIVE) { *error = rb_exc_new_cstr(rb_eArgError, "Unable to use both '<' and '>' multiple times"); return -1; } *endianness = (format[i] == '<') ? ENDIANNESS_LITTLE : ENDIANNESS_BIG; ++i; continue; default: break; } break; } // parse count int ch = format[i]; if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { ssize_t n = 0; while ('0' <= (ch = format[i]) && ch <= '9') { n = 10*n + ruby_digit36_to_number_table[ch]; ++i; } *count = n; } *next_format = &format[i]; switch (type_char) { case 'x': // padding return 1; case 'c': // signed char case 'C': // unsigned char return sizeof(char); case 's': // s for int16_t, s! for signed short case 'S': // S for uint16_t, S! for unsigned short if (*native_p) { STRUCT_ALIGNOF(short, *alignment); return sizeof(short); } // fall through case 'n': // n for big-endian 16bit unsigned integer case 'v': // v for little-endian 16bit unsigned integer STRUCT_ALIGNOF(int16_t, *alignment); return 2; case 'i': // i and i! for signed int case 'I': // I and I! for unsigned int STRUCT_ALIGNOF(int, *alignment); return sizeof(int); case 'l': // l for int32_t, l! for signed long case 'L': // L for uint32_t, L! for unsigned long if (*native_p) { STRUCT_ALIGNOF(long, *alignment); return sizeof(long); } // fall through case 'N': // N for big-endian 32bit unsigned integer case 'V': // V for little-endian 32bit unsigned integer STRUCT_ALIGNOF(int32_t, *alignment); return 4; case 'f': // f for native float case 'e': // e for little-endian float case 'g': // g for big-endian float STRUCT_ALIGNOF(float, *alignment); return sizeof(float); case 'q': // q for int64_t, q! for signed long long case 'Q': // Q for uint64_t, Q! for unsigned long long if (*native_p) { STRUCT_ALIGNOF(LONG_LONG, *alignment); return sizeof(LONG_LONG); } STRUCT_ALIGNOF(int64_t, *alignment); return 8; case 'd': // d for native double case 'E': // E for little-endian double case 'G': // G for big-endian double STRUCT_ALIGNOF(double, *alignment); return sizeof(double); case 'j': // j for intptr_t case 'J': // J for uintptr_t STRUCT_ALIGNOF(intptr_t, *alignment); return sizeof(intptr_t); default: *alignment = -1; if (error) { *error = rb_exc_new_str(rb_eArgError, rb_sprintf("Invalid type character '%c'", type_char)); } return -1; } } static inline ssize_t calculate_padding(ssize_t total, ssize_t alignment_size) { if (alignment_size > 1) { ssize_t res = total % alignment_size; if (res > 0) { return alignment_size - res; } } return 0; } ssize_t rb_memory_view_parse_item_format(const char *format, rb_memory_view_item_component_t **members, size_t *n_members, const char **err) { if (format == NULL) return 1; VALUE error = Qnil; ssize_t total = 0; size_t len = 0; bool alignment = false; ssize_t max_alignment_size = 0; const char *p = format; if (*p == '|') { // alignment specifier alignment = true; ++format; ++p; } while (*p) { const char *q = p; // ignore spaces if (ISSPACE(*p)) { while (ISSPACE(*p)) ++p; continue; } bool native_size_p = false; ssize_t alignment_size = 0; endianness_t endianness = ENDIANNESS_NATIVE; ssize_t count = 0; const ssize_t size = get_format_size(p, &native_size_p, &alignment_size, &endianness, &count, &p, &error); if (size < 0) { if (err) *err = q; return -1; } if (max_alignment_size < alignment_size) { max_alignment_size = alignment_size; } const ssize_t padding = alignment ? calculate_padding(total, alignment_size) : 0; total += padding + size * count; if (*q != 'x') { ++len; } } // adjust total size with the alignment size of the largest element if (alignment && max_alignment_size > 0) { const ssize_t padding = calculate_padding(total, max_alignment_size); total += padding; } if (members && n_members) { rb_memory_view_item_component_t *buf = ALLOC_N(rb_memory_view_item_component_t, len); ssize_t i = 0, offset = 0; const char *p = format; while (*p) { const int type_char = *p; bool native_size_p; ssize_t alignment_size = 0; endianness_t endianness = ENDIANNESS_NATIVE; ssize_t count = 0; const ssize_t size = get_format_size(p, &native_size_p, &alignment_size, &endianness, &count, &p, NULL); const ssize_t padding = alignment ? calculate_padding(offset, alignment_size) : 0; offset += padding; if (type_char != 'x') { #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN bool little_endian_p = (endianness == ENDIANNESS_LITTLE); #else bool little_endian_p = (endianness != ENDIANNESS_BIG); #endif switch (type_char) { case 'e': case 'E': case 'v': case 'V': little_endian_p = true; break; case 'g': case 'G': case 'n': case 'N': little_endian_p = false; break; default: break; } buf[i++] = (rb_memory_view_item_component_t){ .format = type_char, .native_size_p = native_size_p, .little_endian_p = little_endian_p, .offset = offset, .size = size, .repeat = count }; } offset += size * count; } *members = buf; *n_members = len; } return total; } /* Return the item size. */ ssize_t rb_memory_view_item_size_from_format(const char *format, const char **err) { return rb_memory_view_parse_item_format(format, NULL, NULL, err); } /* Return the pointer to the item located by the given indices. */ void * rb_memory_view_get_item_pointer(rb_memory_view_t *view, const ssize_t *indices) { uint8_t *ptr = view->data; if (view->ndim == 1) { ssize_t stride = view->strides != NULL ? view->strides[0] : view->item_size; return ptr + indices[0] * stride; } assert(view->shape != NULL); ssize_t i; if (view->strides == NULL) { // row-major contiguous array ssize_t stride = view->item_size; for (i = 0; i < view->ndim; ++i) { stride *= view->shape[i]; } for (i = 0; i < view->ndim; ++i) { stride /= view->shape[i]; ptr += indices[i] * stride; } } else if (view->sub_offsets == NULL) { // flat strided array for (i = 0; i < view->ndim; ++i) { ptr += indices[i] * view->strides[i]; } } else { // indirect strided array for (i = 0; i < view->ndim; ++i) { ptr += indices[i] * view->strides[i]; if (view->sub_offsets[i] >= 0) { ptr = *(uint8_t **)ptr + view->sub_offsets[i]; } } } return ptr; } static void switch_endianness(uint8_t *buf, ssize_t len) { RUBY_ASSERT(buf != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(len >= 0); uint8_t *p = buf; uint8_t *q = buf + len - 1; while (q - p > 0) { uint8_t t = *p; *p = *q; *q = t; ++p; --q; } } static inline VALUE extract_item_member(const uint8_t *ptr, const rb_memory_view_item_component_t *member, const size_t i) { RUBY_ASSERT(ptr != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(member != NULL); RUBY_ASSERT(i < member->repeat); #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN const bool native_endian_p = !member->little_endian_p; #else const bool native_endian_p = member->little_endian_p; #endif const uint8_t *p = ptr + member->offset + i * member->size; if (member->format == 'c') { return INT2FIX(*(char *)p); } else if (member->format == 'C') { return INT2FIX(*(unsigned char *)p); } union { short s; unsigned short us; int i; unsigned int ui; long l; unsigned long ul; LONG_LONG ll; unsigned LONG_LONG ull; int16_t i16; uint16_t u16; int32_t i32; uint32_t u32; int64_t i64; uint64_t u64; intptr_t iptr; uintptr_t uptr; float f; double d; } val; if (!native_endian_p) { MEMCPY(&val, p, uint8_t, member->size); switch_endianness((uint8_t *)&val, member->size); } else { MEMCPY(&val, p, uint8_t, member->size); } switch (member->format) { case 's': if (member->native_size_p) { return INT2FIX(val.s); } else { return INT2FIX(val.i16); } case 'S': case 'n': case 'v': if (member->native_size_p) { return UINT2NUM(val.us); } else { return INT2FIX(val.u16); } case 'i': return INT2NUM(val.i); case 'I': return UINT2NUM(val.ui); case 'l': if (member->native_size_p) { return LONG2NUM(val.l); } else { return LONG2NUM(val.i32); } case 'L': case 'N': case 'V': if (member->native_size_p) { return ULONG2NUM(val.ul); } else { return ULONG2NUM(val.u32); } case 'f': case 'e': case 'g': return DBL2NUM(val.f); case 'q': if (member->native_size_p) { return LL2NUM(val.ll); } else { #if SIZEOF_INT64_T == SIZEOF_LONG return LONG2NUM(val.i64); #else return LL2NUM(val.i64); #endif } case 'Q': if (member->native_size_p) { return ULL2NUM(val.ull); } else { #if SIZEOF_UINT64_T == SIZEOF_LONG return ULONG2NUM(val.u64); #else return ULL2NUM(val.u64); #endif } case 'd': case 'E': case 'G': return DBL2NUM(val.d); case 'j': return INTPTR2NUM(val.iptr); case 'J': return UINTPTR2NUM(val.uptr); default: UNREACHABLE_RETURN(Qnil); } } /* Return a value of the extracted member. */ VALUE rb_memory_view_extract_item_member(const void *ptr, const rb_memory_view_item_component_t *member, const size_t i) { if (ptr == NULL) return Qnil; if (member == NULL) return Qnil; if (i >= member->repeat) return Qnil; return extract_item_member(ptr, member, i); } /* Return a value that consists of item members. * When an item is a single member, the return value is a single value. * When an item consists of multiple members, an array will be returned. */ VALUE rb_memory_view_extract_item_members(const void *ptr, const rb_memory_view_item_component_t *members, const size_t n_members) { if (ptr == NULL) return Qnil; if (members == NULL) return Qnil; if (n_members == 0) return Qnil; if (n_members == 1 && members[0].repeat == 1) { return rb_memory_view_extract_item_member(ptr, members, 0); } size_t i, j; VALUE item = rb_ary_new(); for (i = 0; i < n_members; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < members[i].repeat; ++j) { VALUE v = extract_item_member(ptr, &members[i], j); rb_ary_push(item, v); } } return item; } void rb_memory_view_prepare_item_desc(rb_memory_view_t *view) { if (view->item_desc.components == NULL) { const char *err; rb_memory_view_item_component_t **p_components = (rb_memory_view_item_component_t **)&view->item_desc.components; ssize_t n = rb_memory_view_parse_item_format(view->format, p_components, &view->item_desc.length, &err); if (n < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Unable to parse item format at %"PRIdSIZE" in \"%s\"", (err - view->format), view->format); } } } /* Return a value that consists of item members in the given memory view. */ VALUE rb_memory_view_get_item(rb_memory_view_t *view, const ssize_t *indices) { void *ptr = rb_memory_view_get_item_pointer(view, indices); if (view->format == NULL) { return INT2FIX(*(uint8_t *)ptr); } if (view->item_desc.components == NULL) { rb_memory_view_prepare_item_desc(view); } return rb_memory_view_extract_item_members(ptr, view->item_desc.components, view->item_desc.length); } static const rb_memory_view_entry_t * lookup_memory_view_entry(VALUE klass) { VALUE entry_obj = rb_ivar_lookup(klass, id_memory_view, Qnil); while (NIL_P(entry_obj)) { klass = rb_class_get_superclass(klass); if (klass == rb_cBasicObject || klass == rb_cObject) return NULL; entry_obj = rb_ivar_lookup(klass, id_memory_view, Qnil); } if (! rb_typeddata_is_kind_of(entry_obj, &memory_view_entry_data_type)) return NULL; return (const rb_memory_view_entry_t *)RTYPEDDATA_DATA(entry_obj); } /* Examine whether the given object supports memory view. */ bool rb_memory_view_available_p(VALUE obj) { VALUE klass = CLASS_OF(obj); const rb_memory_view_entry_t *entry = lookup_memory_view_entry(klass); if (entry) return (* entry->available_p_func)(obj); else return false; } /* Obtain a memory view from obj, and substitute the information to view. */ bool rb_memory_view_get(VALUE obj, rb_memory_view_t* view, int flags) { VALUE klass = CLASS_OF(obj); const rb_memory_view_entry_t *entry = lookup_memory_view_entry(klass); if (entry) { if (!(*entry->available_p_func)(obj)) { return false; } bool rv = (*entry->get_func)(obj, view, flags); if (rv) { view->_memory_view_entry = entry; register_exported_object(view->obj); } return rv; } else return false; } /* Release the memory view obtained from obj. */ bool rb_memory_view_release(rb_memory_view_t* view) { const rb_memory_view_entry_t *entry = view->_memory_view_entry; if (entry) { bool rv = true; if (entry->release_func) { rv = (*entry->release_func)(view->obj, view); } if (rv) { unregister_exported_object(view->obj); view->obj = Qnil; if (view->item_desc.components) { xfree((void *)view->item_desc.components); } } return rv; } else return false; } void Init_MemoryView(void) { exported_object_table = rb_init_identtable(); // exported_object_table is referred through rb_memory_view_exported_object_registry // in -test-/memory_view extension. VALUE obj = TypedData_Wrap_Struct( 0, &rb_memory_view_exported_object_registry_data_type, exported_object_table); rb_gc_register_mark_object(obj); rb_memory_view_exported_object_registry = obj; id_memory_view = rb_intern_const("__memory_view__"); }