#!./miniruby -s # avoid warnings with -d. $srcdir ||= nil $install_name ||= nil $so_name ||= nil require File.dirname($0)+"/lib/ftools" mkconfig = File.basename($0) rbconfig_rb = ARGV[0] || 'rbconfig.rb' srcdir = $srcdir || '.' File.makedirs(File.dirname(rbconfig_rb), true) version = RUBY_VERSION rbconfig_rb_tmp = rbconfig_rb + '.tmp' config = open(rbconfig_rb_tmp, "w") $orgout = $stdout.dup $stdout.reopen(config) fast = {'prefix'=>TRUE, 'ruby_install_name'=>TRUE, 'INSTALL'=>TRUE, 'EXEEXT'=>TRUE} print %[ # This file was created by #{mkconfig} when ruby was built. Any # changes made to this file will be lost the next time ruby is built. module Config RUBY_VERSION == "#{version}" or raise "ruby lib version (#{version}) doesn't match executable version (\#{RUBY_VERSION})" ] v_fast = [] v_others = [] has_version = false File.foreach "config.status" do |line| next if /^#/ =~ line if /^s[%,]@program_transform_name@[%,]s,(.*)/ =~ line next if $install_name ptn = $1.sub(/\$\$/, '$').split(/,/) #' v_fast << " CONFIG[\"ruby_install_name\"] = \"" + "ruby".sub(/#{ptn[0]}/,ptn[1]) + "\"\n" elsif /^s[%,]@(\w+)@[%,](.*)[%,]/ =~ line name = $1 val = $2 || "" next if /^(INSTALL|DEFS|configure_input|srcdir|top_srcdir)$/ =~ name next if $install_name and /^RUBY_INSTALL_NAME$/ =~ name next if $so_name and /^RUBY_SO_NAME$/ =~ name v = " CONFIG[\"" + name + "\"] = " + val.gsub(/\$(?:\$|\{?(\w+)\}?)/) {$1 ? "$(#{$1})" : $&}.dump + "\n" if fast[name] v_fast << v else v_others << v end has_version = true if name == "MAJOR" elsif /^(?:ac_given_)?srcdir=(.*)/ =~ line srcdir = $1.strip elsif /^ac_given_INSTALL=(.*)/ =~ line v_fast << " CONFIG[\"INSTALL\"] = " + $1 + "\n" end # break if /^CEOF/ end srcdir = File.expand_path(srcdir) v_fast.unshift(" CONFIG[\"srcdir\"] = \"" + srcdir + "\"\n") v_fast.collect! do |x| if /"prefix"/ === x x.sub(/= (.*)/, '= (TOPDIR || DESTDIR + \1)') else x end end drive = File::PATH_SEPARATOR == ';' prefix = Regexp.quote('/lib/ruby/' + RUBY_VERSION.sub(/\.\d+$/, '') + '/' + RUBY_PLATFORM) print " TOPDIR = File.dirname(__FILE__).sub!(%r'#{prefix}\\Z', '')\n" print " DESTDIR = ", (drive ? "TOPDIR && TOPDIR[/\\A[a-z]:/i] || " : ""), "'' unless defined? DESTDIR\n" print " CONFIG = {}\n" print " CONFIG[\"DESTDIR\"] = DESTDIR\n" unless has_version RUBY_VERSION.scan(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { print " CONFIG[\"MAJOR\"] = \"" + $1 + "\"\n" print " CONFIG[\"MINOR\"] = \"" + $2 + "\"\n" print " CONFIG[\"TEENY\"] = \"" + $3 + "\"\n" } end dest = drive ? /= \"(?!\$[\(\{])(?:[a-z]:)?/i : /= \"(?!\$[\(\{])/ v_others.collect! do |x| if /^\s*CONFIG\["(?!abs_|old)[a-z]+(?:_prefix|dir)"\]/ === x x.sub(dest, '= "$(DESTDIR)') else x end end if $install_name v_fast << " CONFIG[\"ruby_install_name\"] = \"" + $install_name + "\"\n" v_fast << " CONFIG[\"RUBY_INSTALL_NAME\"] = \"" + $install_name + "\"\n" end if $so_name v_fast << " CONFIG[\"RUBY_SO_NAME\"] = \"" + $so_name + "\"\n" end print v_fast, v_others print <<EOS CONFIG["ruby_version"] = "$(MAJOR).$(MINOR)" CONFIG["rubylibdir"] = "$(libdir)/ruby/$(ruby_version)" CONFIG["archdir"] = "$(rubylibdir)/$(arch)" CONFIG["sitelibdir"] = "$(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)" CONFIG["sitearchdir"] = "$(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)" CONFIG["compile_dir"] = "#{Dir.pwd}" MAKEFILE_CONFIG = {} CONFIG.each{|k,v| MAKEFILE_CONFIG[k] = v.dup} def Config::expand(val, config = CONFIG) val.gsub!(/\\$\\$|\\$\\(([^()]+)\\)|\\$\\{([^{}]+)\\}/) do |var| if !(v = $1 || $2) '$' elsif key = config[v] config[v] = false Config::expand(key, config) config[v] = key else var end end val end CONFIG.each_value do |val| Config::expand(val) end end CROSS_COMPILING = nil unless defined? CROSS_COMPILING EOS $stdout.flush $stdout.reopen($orgout) config.close File.rename(rbconfig_rb_tmp, rbconfig_rb) # vi:set sw=2: