require_relative '../../spec_helper' # These specs use instead of the literal notation so they parse fine on Ruby < 2.6 describe 'Range#minmax' do before(:each) do @x = mock('x') @y = mock('y') @x.should_receive(:<=>).with(@y).any_number_of_times.and_return(-1) # x < y @x.should_receive(:<=>).with(@x).any_number_of_times.and_return(0) # x == x @y.should_receive(:<=>).with(@x).any_number_of_times.and_return(1) # y > x @y.should_receive(:<=>).with(@y).any_number_of_times.and_return(0) # y == y end describe 'on an inclusive range' do ruby_version_is '2.6'...'2.7' do it 'should try to iterate endlessly on an endless range' do @x.should_receive(:succ).once.and_return(@y) range =, nil) -> { range.minmax }.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /^undefined method `succ' for/) end end ruby_version_is '2.7' do it 'should raise RangeError on an endless range without iterating the range' do @x.should_not_receive(:succ) range =, nil) -> { range.minmax }.should raise_error(RangeError, 'cannot get the maximum of endless range') end it 'raises RangeError or ArgumentError on a beginless range' do range =, @x) -> { range.minmax }.should raise_error(StandardError) { |e| if RangeError === e # error from #min -> { raise e }.should raise_error(RangeError, 'cannot get the minimum of beginless range') else # error from #max -> { raise e }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'comparison of NilClass with MockObject failed') end } end end it 'should return beginning of range if beginning and end are equal without iterating the range' do @x.should_not_receive(:succ) (@x..@x).minmax.should == [@x, @x] end it 'should return nil pair if beginning is greater than end without iterating the range' do @y.should_not_receive(:succ) (@y..@x).minmax.should == [nil, nil] end ruby_version_is ''...'2.7' do it 'should return the minimum and maximum values for a non-numeric range by iterating the range' do @x.should_receive(:succ).once.and_return(@y) (@x..@y).minmax.should == [@x, @y] end end ruby_version_is '2.7' do it 'should return the minimum and maximum values for a non-numeric range without iterating the range' do @x.should_not_receive(:succ) (@x..@y).minmax.should == [@x, @y] end end it 'should return the minimum and maximum values for a numeric range' do (1..3).minmax.should == [1, 3] end ruby_version_is '2.7' do it 'should return the minimum and maximum values for a numeric range without iterating the range' do # We cannot set expectations on integers, # so we "prevent" iteration by picking a value that would iterate until the spec times out. range_end = Float::INFINITY (1..range_end).minmax.should == [1, range_end] end end it 'should return the minimum and maximum values according to the provided block by iterating the range' do @x.should_receive(:succ).once.and_return(@y) (@x..@y).minmax { |x, y| - (x <=> y) }.should == [@y, @x] end end describe 'on an exclusive range' do ruby_version_is '2.6'...'2.7' do # Endless ranges introduced in 2.6 it 'should try to iterate endlessly on an endless range' do @x.should_receive(:succ).once.and_return(@y) range =, nil, true) -> { range.minmax }.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /^undefined method `succ' for/) end end ruby_version_is '2.7' do it 'should raise RangeError on an endless range' do @x.should_not_receive(:succ) range =, nil, true) -> { range.minmax }.should raise_error(RangeError, 'cannot get the maximum of endless range') end it 'should raise RangeError on a beginless range' do range =, @x, true) -> { range.minmax }.should raise_error(RangeError, /cannot get the maximum of beginless range with custom comparison method|cannot get the minimum of beginless range/) end end ruby_bug "#17014", "2.7.0"..."3.0" do it 'should return nil pair if beginning and end are equal without iterating the range' do @x.should_not_receive(:succ) (@x...@x).minmax.should == [nil, nil] end it 'should return nil pair if beginning is greater than end without iterating the range' do @y.should_not_receive(:succ) (@y...@x).minmax.should == [nil, nil] end it 'should return the minimum and maximum values for a non-numeric range by iterating the range' do @x.should_receive(:succ).once.and_return(@y) (@x...@y).minmax.should == [@x, @x] end end it 'should return the minimum and maximum values for a numeric range' do (1...3).minmax.should == [1, 2] end ruby_version_is '2.7' do it 'should return the minimum and maximum values for a numeric range without iterating the range' do # We cannot set expectations on integers, # so we "prevent" iteration by picking a value that would iterate until the spec times out. range_end = bignum_value (1...range_end).minmax.should == [1, range_end - 1] end it 'raises TypeError if the end value is not an integer' do range = (0...Float::INFINITY) -> { range.minmax }.should raise_error(TypeError, 'cannot exclude non Integer end value') end end it 'should return the minimum and maximum values according to the provided block by iterating the range' do @x.should_receive(:succ).once.and_return(@y) (@x...@y).minmax { |x, y| - (x <=> y) }.should == [@x, @x] end end end