require "rss/parser" module RSS module RSS10 NSPOOL = {} ELEMENTS = [] def self.append_features(klass) super klass.install_must_call_validator('', ::RSS::URI) end end class RDF < Element include RSS10 include RootElementMixin include XMLStyleSheetMixin class << self def required_uri URI end end @tag_name = 'RDF' PREFIX = 'rdf' URI = "" install_ns('', ::RSS::URI) install_ns(PREFIX, URI) [ ["channel", nil], ["image", "?"], ["item", "+"], ["textinput", "?"], ].each do |tag, occurs| install_model(tag, occurs) end %w(channel image textinput).each do |x| install_have_child_element(x) end install_have_children_element("item") attr_accessor :rss_version, :version, :encoding, :standalone def initialize(version=nil, encoding=nil, standalone=nil) super('1.0', version, encoding, standalone) end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) next_indent = indent + INDENT rv = <<-EORDF #{xmldecl} #{xml_stylesheet_pi} #{indent}<#{PREFIX}:RDF#{ns_declaration(next_indent)}> #{channel_element(false, next_indent)} #{image_element(false, next_indent)} #{item_elements(false, next_indent)} #{textinput_element(false, next_indent)} #{other_element(false, next_indent)} #{indent} EORDF rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter remove_empty_newline(rv) end private def rdf_validate(tags) _validate(tags, []) end def children [@channel, @image, @textinput, *@item] end def _tags rv = [ [::RSS::URI, "channel"], [::RSS::URI, "image"], ].delete_if {|x| send(x[1]).nil?} @item.each do |x| rv << [::RSS::URI, "item"] end rv << [::RSS::URI, "textinput"] if @textinput rv end class Seq < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri URI end end @tag_name = 'Seq' install_have_children_element("li") install_must_call_validator('rdf', ::RSS::RDF::URI) def initialize(li=[]) super() @li = li end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) next_indent = indent + INDENT <<-EOT #{indent}<#{PREFIX}:Seq> #{li_elements(convert, next_indent)} #{other_element(convert, next_indent)} #{indent} EOT end private def children @li end def rdf_validate(tags) _validate(tags, [["li", '*']]) end def _tags rv = [] @li.each do |x| rv << [URI, "li"] end rv end end class Li < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri URI end end [ ["resource", [URI, nil], true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end def initialize(resource=nil) super() @resource = resource end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) if @resource rv = %Q!#{indent}<#{PREFIX}:li resource="#{h @resource}" />\n! rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv else '' end end private def _attrs [ ["resource", true] ] end end class Channel < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["about", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end %w(title link description).each do |x| install_text_element(x) end %w(image items textinput).each do |x| install_have_child_element(x) end [ ['title', nil], ['link', nil], ['description', nil], ['image', '?'], ['items', nil], ['textinput', '?'], ].each do |tag, occurs| install_model(tag, occurs) end def initialize(about=nil) super() @about = about end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) next_indent = indent + INDENT about = '' about << %Q!#{PREFIX}:about="#{h @about}"! if @about rv = <<-EOT #{indent} #{title_element(false, next_indent)} #{link_element(false, next_indent)} #{description_element(false, next_indent)} #{image_element(false, next_indent)} #{items_element(false, next_indent)} #{textinput_element(false, next_indent)} #{other_element(false, next_indent)} #{indent} EOT rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def children [@image, @items, @textinput] end def _tags [ [::RSS::URI, 'title'], [::RSS::URI, 'link'], [::RSS::URI, 'description'], [::RSS::URI, 'image'], [::RSS::URI, 'items'], [::RSS::URI, 'textinput'], ].delete_if do |x| send(x[1]).nil? end end def _attrs [ ["about", true] ] end class Image < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["resource", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end def initialize(resource=nil) super() @resource = resource end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) if @resource rv = %Q!#{indent}! rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv else '' end end private def _attrs [ ["resource", true] ] end end class Textinput < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["resource", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end def initialize(resource=nil) super() @resource = resource end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) if @resource rv = %Q|#{indent}| rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv else '' end end private def _attrs [ ["resource", true], ] end end class Items < Element include RSS10 Seq = ::RSS::RDF::Seq class Seq unless const_defined?(:Li) Li = ::RSS::RDF::Li end end class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end install_have_child_element("Seq") install_must_call_validator('rdf', ::RSS::RDF::URI) def initialize( super() @Seq = seq end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) next_indent = indent + INDENT <<-EOT #{indent} #{Seq_element(convert, next_indent)} #{other_element(convert, next_indent)} #{indent} EOT end private def children [@Seq] end private def _tags rv = [] rv << [URI, 'Seq'] unless @Seq.nil? rv end def rdf_validate(tags) _validate(tags, [["Seq", nil]]) end end end class Image < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["about", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end %w(title url link).each do |x| install_text_element(x) end [ ['title', nil], ['url', nil], ['link', nil], ].each do |tag, occurs| install_model(tag, occurs) end def initialize(about=nil) super() @about = about end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) next_indent = indent + INDENT about = '' about << %Q!#{PREFIX}:about="#{h @about}"! if @about rv = <<-EOT #{indent} #{title_element(false, next_indent)} #{url_element(false, next_indent)} #{link_element(false, next_indent)} #{other_element(false, next_indent)} #{indent} EOT rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def _tags [ [::RSS::URI, 'title'], [::RSS::URI, 'url'], [::RSS::URI, 'link'], ].delete_if do |x| send(x[1]).nil? end end def _attrs [ ["about", true], ] end end class Item < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["about", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end %w(title link description).each do |x| install_text_element(x) end [ ["title", nil], ["link", nil], ["description", "?"], ].each do |tag, occurs| install_model(tag, occurs) end def initialize(about=nil) super() @about = about end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) next_indent = indent + INDENT about = '' about << %Q!#{PREFIX}:about="#{h @about}"! if @about rv = <<-EOT #{indent} #{title_element(false, next_indent)} #{link_element(false, next_indent)} #{description_element(false, next_indent)} #{other_element(false, next_indent)} #{indent} EOT rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def _tags [ [::RSS::URI, 'title'], [::RSS::URI, 'link'], [::RSS::URI, 'description'], ].delete_if do |x| send(x[1]).nil? end end def _attrs [ ["about", true], ] end end class Textinput < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["about", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end %w(title description name link).each do |x| install_text_element(x) end [ ["title", nil], ["description", nil], ["name", nil], ["link", nil], ].each do |tag, occurs| install_model(tag, occurs) end def initialize(about=nil) super() @about = about end def to_s(convert=true, indent=calc_indent) next_indent = indent + INDENT about = '' about << %Q!#{PREFIX}:about="#{h @about}"! if @about rv = <<-EOT #{indent} #{title_element(false, next_indent)} #{description_element(false, next_indent)} #{name_element(false, next_indent)} #{link_element(false, next_indent)} #{other_element(false, next_indent)} #{indent} EOT rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter rv end private def _tags [ [::RSS::URI, 'title'], [::RSS::URI, 'description'], [::RSS::URI, 'name'], [::RSS::URI, 'link'], ].delete_if do |x| send(x[1]).nil? end end def _attrs [ ["about", true], ] end end end RSS10::ELEMENTS.each do |x| BaseListener.install_get_text_element(x, URI, "#{x}=") end module ListenerMixin private def start_RDF(tag_name, prefix, attrs, ns) check_ns(tag_name, prefix, ns, RDF::URI) @rss =, @encoding, @standalone) @rss.do_validate = @do_validate @rss.xml_stylesheets = @xml_stylesheets @last_element = @rss @proc_stack.push { |text, tags| @rss.validate_for_stream(tags) if @do_validate } end end end