require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'shared/stat' describe "File.stat" do it_behaves_like :file_stat, :stat end platform_is_not :windows do describe "File.stat" do before :each do @file = tmp('i_exist') @link = tmp('i_am_a_symlink') touch(@file) { |f| f.write "rubinius" } end after :each do rm_r @link, @file end it "returns information for a file that has been deleted but is still open" do do |f| rm_r @file st = f.stat st.should.file? st.size.should == 8 st.size?.should == 8 st.blksize.should >= 0 st.atime.should be_kind_of(Time) st.ctime.should be_kind_of(Time) st.mtime.should be_kind_of(Time) end end it "returns a File::Stat object with file properties for a symlink" do File.symlink(@file, @link) st = File.stat(@link) st.should.file? st.should_not.symlink? end it "returns an error when given missing non-ASCII path" do missing_path = "/missingfilepath\xE3E4".b -> { File.stat(missing_path) }.should raise_error(SystemCallError) { |e| [Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EILSEQ].should include(e.class) e.message.should include(missing_path) } end end end