require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Float#<=>" do it "returns -1, 0, 1 when self is less than, equal, or greater than other" do (1.5 <=> 5).should == -1 (2.45 <=> 2.45).should == 0 ((bignum_value*1.1) <=> bignum_value).should == 1 end it "returns nil when either argument is NaN" do (nan_value <=> 71.2).should be_nil (1771.176 <=> nan_value).should be_nil end it "returns nil when the given argument is not a Float" do (1.0 <=> "1").should be_nil (1.0 <=> "1".freeze).should be_nil (1.0 <=> :one).should be_nil (1.0 <=> true).should be_nil end it "compares using #coerce when argument is not a Float" do klass = do attr_reader :call_count def coerce(other) @call_count ||= 0 @call_count += 1 [other, 42.0] end end coercible = (2.33 <=> coercible).should == -1 (42.0 <=> coercible).should == 0 (43.0 <=> coercible).should == 1 coercible.call_count.should == 3 end it "raises TypeError when #coerce misbehaves" do klass = do def coerce(other) :incorrect end end bad_coercible = -> { 4.2 <=> bad_coercible }.should raise_error(TypeError, "coerce must return [x, y]") end # The 4 tests below are taken from matz's revision 23730 for Ruby trunk # it "returns 1 when self is Infinity and other is an Integer" do (infinity_value <=> Float::MAX.to_i*2).should == 1 end it "returns -1 when self is negative and other is Infinity" do (-Float::MAX.to_i*2 <=> infinity_value).should == -1 end it "returns -1 when self is -Infinity and other is negative" do (-infinity_value <=> -Float::MAX.to_i*2).should == -1 end it "returns 1 when self is negative and other is -Infinity" do (-Float::MAX.to_i*2 <=> -infinity_value).should == 1 end it "returns 0 when self is Infinity and other other is infinite?=1" do obj = def obj.infinite? 1 end (infinity_value <=> obj).should == 0 end it "returns 1 when self is Infinity and other is infinite?=-1" do obj = def obj.infinite? -1 end (infinity_value <=> obj).should == 1 end it "returns 1 when self is Infinity and other is infinite?=nil (which means finite)" do obj = def obj.infinite? nil end (infinity_value <=> obj).should == 1 end end