# frozen_string_literal: false # # irb/workspace-binding.rb - # $Release Version: 0.9.6$ # $Revision$ # by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ruby-lang.org) # # -- # # # require "delegate" IRB::TOPLEVEL_BINDING = binding module IRB # :nodoc: class WorkSpace # Creates a new workspace. # # set self to main if specified, otherwise # inherit main from TOPLEVEL_BINDING. def initialize(*main) if main[0].kind_of?(Binding) @binding = main.shift elsif IRB.conf[:SINGLE_IRB] @binding = TOPLEVEL_BINDING else case IRB.conf[:CONTEXT_MODE] when 0 # binding in proc on TOPLEVEL_BINDING @binding = eval("proc{binding}.call", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, __FILE__, __LINE__) when 1 # binding in loaded file require "tempfile" f = Tempfile.open("irb-binding") f.print <<EOF $binding = binding EOF f.close load f.path @binding = $binding when 2 # binding in loaded file(thread use) unless defined? BINDING_QUEUE IRB.const_set(:BINDING_QUEUE, Thread::SizedQueue.new(1)) Thread.abort_on_exception = true Thread.start do eval "require \"irb/ws-for-case-2\"", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, __FILE__, __LINE__ end Thread.pass end @binding = BINDING_QUEUE.pop when 3 # binding in function on TOPLEVEL_BINDING @binding = eval("self.class.remove_method(:irb_binding) if defined?(irb_binding); private; def irb_binding; binding; end; irb_binding", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 3) when 4 # binding is a copy of TOPLEVEL_BINDING (default) # Note that this will typically be IRB::TOPLEVEL_BINDING # This is to avoid RubyGems' local variables (see issue #17623) @binding = TOPLEVEL_BINDING.dup end end if main.empty? @main = eval("self", @binding) else @main = main[0] end IRB.conf[:__MAIN__] = @main unless main.empty? case @main when Module @binding = eval("IRB.conf[:__MAIN__].module_eval('binding', __FILE__, __LINE__)", @binding, __FILE__, __LINE__) else begin @binding = eval("IRB.conf[:__MAIN__].instance_eval('binding', __FILE__, __LINE__)", @binding, __FILE__, __LINE__) rescue TypeError fail CantChangeBinding, @main.inspect end end end case @main when Object use_delegator = @main.frozen? else use_delegator = true end if use_delegator @main = SimpleDelegator.new(@main) IRB.conf[:__MAIN__] = @main @main.singleton_class.class_eval do private define_method(:exit) do |*a, &b| # Do nothing, will be overridden end define_method(:binding, Kernel.instance_method(:binding)) define_method(:local_variables, Kernel.instance_method(:local_variables)) end @binding = eval("IRB.conf[:__MAIN__].instance_eval('binding', __FILE__, __LINE__)", @binding, *@binding.source_location) end @binding.local_variable_set(:_, nil) end # The Binding of this workspace attr_reader :binding # The top-level workspace of this context, also available as # <code>IRB.conf[:__MAIN__]</code> attr_reader :main # Evaluate the given +statements+ within the context of this workspace. def evaluate(context, statements, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__) eval(statements, @binding, file, line) end def local_variable_set(name, value) @binding.local_variable_set(name, value) end def local_variable_get(name) @binding.local_variable_get(name) end # error message manipulator def filter_backtrace(bt) return nil if bt =~ /\/irb\/.*\.rb/ return nil if bt =~ /\/irb\.rb/ return nil if bt =~ /tool\/lib\/.*\.rb|runner\.rb/ # for tests in Ruby repository case IRB.conf[:CONTEXT_MODE] when 1 return nil if bt =~ %r!/tmp/irb-binding! when 3 bt = bt.sub(/:\s*in `irb_binding'/, '') end bt end def code_around_binding if @binding.respond_to?(:source_location) file, pos = @binding.source_location else file, pos = @binding.eval('[__FILE__, __LINE__]') end if defined?(::SCRIPT_LINES__[file]) && lines = ::SCRIPT_LINES__[file] code = ::SCRIPT_LINES__[file].join('') else begin code = File.read(file) rescue SystemCallError return end end lines = Color.colorize_code(code).lines pos -= 1 start_pos = [pos - 5, 0].max end_pos = [pos + 5, lines.size - 1].min line_number_fmt = Color.colorize("%#{end_pos.to_s.length}d", [:BLUE, :BOLD]) fmt = " %2s #{line_number_fmt}: %s" body = (start_pos..end_pos).map do |current_pos| sprintf(fmt, pos == current_pos ? '=>' : '', current_pos + 1, lines[current_pos]) end.join("") "\nFrom: #{file} @ line #{pos + 1} :\n\n#{body}#{Color.clear}\n" end def IRB.delete_caller end end end