require '' require 'fiddle/function' require 'fiddle/closure' require 'dl' unless Object.const_defined?(:DL) module Fiddle # A reference to DL::CPtr Pointer = DL::CPtr if WINDOWS # Returns the last win32 +Error+ of the current executing +Thread+ or nil # if none def self.win32_last_error Thread.current[:__FIDDLE_WIN32_LAST_ERROR__] end # Sets the last win32 +Error+ of the current executing +Thread+ to +error+ def self.win32_last_error= error Thread.current[:__FIDDLE_WIN32_LAST_ERROR__] = error end end # Returns the last +Error+ of the current executing +Thread+ or nil if none def self.last_error Thread.current[:__FIDDLE_LAST_ERROR__] end # Sets the last +Error+ of the current executing +Thread+ to +error+ def self.last_error= error Thread.current[:__DL2_LAST_ERROR__] = error Thread.current[:__FIDDLE_LAST_ERROR__] = error end end