$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require 'irb/ruby-lex' require 'test/unit' require 'ostruct' module TestIRB class TestRubyLex < Test::Unit::TestCase Row = Struct.new(:content, :current_line_spaces, :new_line_spaces, :nesting_level) class MockIO_AutoIndent def initialize(params, &assertion) @params = params @assertion = assertion end def auto_indent(&block) result = block.call(*@params) @assertion.call(result) end end def assert_indenting(lines, correct_space_count, add_new_line) lines = lines + [""] if add_new_line last_line_index = lines.length - 1 byte_pointer = lines.last.length ruby_lex = RubyLex.new() io = MockIO_AutoIndent.new([lines, last_line_index, byte_pointer, add_new_line]) do |auto_indent| error_message = "Calculated the wrong number of spaces for:\n #{lines.join("\n")}" assert_equal(correct_space_count, auto_indent, error_message) end ruby_lex.set_input(io) context = OpenStruct.new(auto_indent_mode: true) ruby_lex.set_auto_indent(context) end def assert_nesting_level(lines, expected, local_variables: []) ruby_lex = ruby_lex_for_lines(lines, local_variables: local_variables) error_message = "Calculated the wrong number of nesting level for:\n #{lines.join("\n")}" assert_equal(expected, ruby_lex.instance_variable_get(:@indent), error_message) end def assert_code_block_open(lines, expected, local_variables: []) ruby_lex = ruby_lex_for_lines(lines, local_variables: local_variables) error_message = "Wrong result of code_block_open for:\n #{lines.join("\n")}" assert_equal(expected, ruby_lex.instance_variable_get(:@code_block_open), error_message) end def ruby_lex_for_lines(lines, local_variables: []) ruby_lex = RubyLex.new() io = proc{ lines.join("\n") } ruby_lex.set_input(io, io) unless local_variables.empty? context = OpenStruct.new(local_variables: local_variables) end ruby_lex.lex(context) ruby_lex end def test_auto_indent input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(def each_top_level_statement), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( initialize_input), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( catch(:TERM_INPUT) do), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( loop do), nil, 6), Row.new(%q( begin), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( prompt), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( unless l = lex), nil, 10), Row.new(%q( throw :TERM_INPUT if @line == ''), nil, 10), Row.new(%q( else), 8, 10), Row.new(%q( @line_no += l.count("\n")), nil, 10), Row.new(%q( next if l == "\n"), nil, 10), Row.new(%q( @line.concat l), nil, 10), Row.new(%q( if @code_block_open or @ltype or @continue or @indent > 0), nil, 12), Row.new(%q( next), nil, 12), Row.new(%q( end), 10, 10), Row.new(%q( end), 8, 8), Row.new(%q( if @line != "\n"), nil, 10), Row.new(%q( @line.force_encoding(@io.encoding)), nil, 10), Row.new(%q( yield @line, @exp_line_no), nil, 10), Row.new(%q( end), 8, 8), Row.new(%q( break if @io.eof?), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( @line = ''), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( @exp_line_no = @line_no), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( ), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( @indent = 0), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( rescue TerminateLineInput), 6, 8), Row.new(%q( initialize_input), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( prompt), nil, 8), Row.new(%q( end), 6, 6), Row.new(%q( end), 4, 4), Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) end end def test_braces_on_their_own_line input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(if true), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( [), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( ]), 2, 2), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) end end def test_multiple_braces_in_a_line input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q([[[), nil, 6), Row.new(%q( ]), 4, 4), Row.new(%q( ]), 2, 2), Row.new(%q(]), 0, 0), Row.new(%q([< ', %q(a = 3..)), PromptRow.new('002:0: :* ', %q()), ] lines = input_with_prompt.map(&:content) expected_prompt_list = input_with_prompt.map(&:prompt) assert_dynamic_prompt(lines, expected_prompt_list) end def test_heredoc_with_embexpr input_with_prompt = [ PromptRow.new('001:0:":* ', %q(< ', %q(])), PromptRow.new('012:0: :* ', %q()), ] lines = input_with_prompt.map(&:content) expected_prompt_list = input_with_prompt.map(&:prompt) assert_dynamic_prompt(lines, expected_prompt_list) end def test_backtick_method input_with_prompt = [ PromptRow.new('001:0: :> ', %q(self.`(arg))), PromptRow.new('002:0: :* ', %q()), PromptRow.new('003:0: :> ', %q(def `(); end)), PromptRow.new('004:0: :* ', %q()), ] lines = input_with_prompt.map(&:content) expected_prompt_list = input_with_prompt.map(&:prompt) assert_dynamic_prompt(lines, expected_prompt_list) end def test_incomplete_coding_magic_comment input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(#coding:u), nil, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) end end def test_incomplete_encoding_magic_comment input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(#encoding:u), nil, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) end end def test_incomplete_emacs_coding_magic_comment input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(# -*- coding: u), nil, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) end end def test_incomplete_vim_coding_magic_comment input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(# vim:set fileencoding=u), nil, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) end end def test_mixed_rescue input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(def m), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( begin), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( begin), nil, 6), Row.new(%q( x = a rescue 4), nil, 6), Row.new(%q( y = [(a rescue 5)]), nil, 6), Row.new(%q( [x, y]), nil, 6), Row.new(%q( rescue => e), 4, 6), Row.new(%q( raise e rescue 8), nil, 6), Row.new(%q( end), 4, 4), Row.new(%q( rescue), 2, 4), Row.new(%q( raise rescue 11), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2), Row.new(%q(rescue => e), 0, 2), Row.new(%q( raise e rescue 14), nil, 2), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) end end def test_oneliner_method_definition input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(class A), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( def foo0), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2), Row.new(%q( def foo1()), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2), Row.new(%q( def foo2(a, b)), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( a + b), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2), Row.new(%q( def foo3 a, b), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( a + b), nil, 4), Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2), Row.new(%q( def bar0() = 3), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( def bar1(a) = a), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( def bar2(a, b) = a + b), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( def bar3() = :s), nil, 2), Row.new(%q( def bar4() = Time.now), nil, 2), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) end end def test_tlambda input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(if true), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( -> {), nil, 4, 2), Row.new(%q( }), 2, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_corresponding_syntax_to_keyword_do_in_class input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(class C), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( while method_name do), nil, 4, 2), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 4, 2), Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( foo do), nil, 4, 2), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 4, 2), Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_corresponding_syntax_to_keyword_do input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(while i > 0), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(while true), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(while ->{i > 0}.call), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(while ->{true}.call), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(while i > 0 do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(while true do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(while ->{i > 0}.call do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(while ->{true}.call do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(foo do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(foo true do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(foo ->{true} do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(foo ->{i > 0} do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_corresponding_syntax_to_keyword_for input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(for i in [1]), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( puts i), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_corresponding_syntax_to_keyword_for_with_do input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(for i in [1] do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( puts i), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_corresponding_syntax_to_keyword_in input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(module E), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(class A), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( in), nil, 4, 1) ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_bracket_corresponding_to_times input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(3.times { |i|), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( puts i), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(}), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_do_corresponding_to_times input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(3.times do |i|), nil, 2, 1), #Row.new(%q( puts i), nil, 2, 1), #Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_bracket_corresponding_to_loop input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(loop {), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(}), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_do_corresponding_to_loop input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(loop do), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( 3), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_local_variables_dependent_code pend if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' lines = ["a /1#/ do", "2"] assert_nesting_level(lines, 1) assert_code_block_open(lines, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, 0, local_variables: ['a']) assert_code_block_open(lines, false, local_variables: ['a']) end def test_heredoc_with_indent input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(<<~Q), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q({), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q( #), 2, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(}), 0, 0, 0) ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_oneliner_def_in_multiple_lines input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(def a()=[), nil, 4, 2), Row.new(%q( 1,), nil, 4, 1), Row.new(%q(].), 0, 0, 0), Row.new(%q(to_s), nil, 0, 0), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end def test_broken_heredoc if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new('2.7.0') pend 'This test needs Ripper::Lexer#scan to take broken tokens' end input_with_correct_indents = [ Row.new(%q(def foo), nil, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( <<~Q), 2, 2, 1), Row.new(%q( Qend), 2, 2, 1), ] lines = [] input_with_correct_indents.each do |row| lines << row.content assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false) assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true) assert_nesting_level(lines, row.nesting_level) end end PromptRow = Struct.new(:prompt, :content) class MockIO_DynamicPrompt def initialize(params, &assertion) @params = params @assertion = assertion end def dynamic_prompt(&block) result = block.call(@params) @assertion.call(result) end end def assert_dynamic_prompt(lines, expected_prompt_list) pend if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' ruby_lex = RubyLex.new() io = MockIO_DynamicPrompt.new(lines) do |prompt_list| error_message = <<~EOM Expected dynamic prompt: #{expected_prompt_list.join("\n")} Actual dynamic prompt: #{prompt_list.join("\n")} EOM assert_equal(expected_prompt_list, prompt_list, error_message) end ruby_lex.set_prompt do |ltype, indent, continue, line_no| '%03d:%01d:%1s:%s ' % [line_no, indent, ltype, continue ? '*' : '>'] end ruby_lex.set_input(io) end def test_dyanmic_prompt input_with_prompt = [ PromptRow.new('001:1: :* ', %q(def hoge)), PromptRow.new('002:1: :* ', %q( 3)), PromptRow.new('003:0: :> ', %q(end)), ] lines = input_with_prompt.map(&:content) expected_prompt_list = input_with_prompt.map(&:prompt) assert_dynamic_prompt(lines, expected_prompt_list) end def test_dyanmic_prompt_with_blank_line input_with_prompt = [ PromptRow.new('001:0:]:* ', %q(%w[)), PromptRow.new('002:0:]:* ', %q()), PromptRow.new('003:0: :> ', %q(])), ] lines = input_with_prompt.map(&:content) expected_prompt_list = input_with_prompt.map(&:prompt) assert_dynamic_prompt(lines, expected_prompt_list) end def test_broken_percent_literal if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new('2.7.0') pend 'This test needs Ripper::Lexer#scan to take broken tokens' end tokens = RubyLex.ripper_lex_without_warning('%wwww') pos_to_index = {} tokens.each_with_index { |t, i| assert_nil(pos_to_index[t.pos], "There is already another token in the position of #{t.inspect}.") pos_to_index[t.pos] = i } end def test_broken_percent_literal_in_method if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new('2.7.0') pend 'This test needs Ripper::Lexer#scan to take broken tokens' end tokens = RubyLex.ripper_lex_without_warning(<<~EOC.chomp) def foo %wwww end EOC pos_to_index = {} tokens.each_with_index { |t, i| assert_nil(pos_to_index[t.pos], "There is already another token in the position of #{t.inspect}.") pos_to_index[t.pos] = i } end def test_unterminated_code if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new('2.7.0') pend 'This test needs Ripper::Lexer#scan to take broken tokens' end ['do', '<