README		this file
multi-tk.rb	multiple Tk interpreter (included safe-Tk) support
remotei-tk.rb	control remote Tk interpreter on the other process support
tk.rb		Tk interface

tk/             library files construct Ruby/Tk

tkextlib/       non-standard Tcl/Tk extension support libraries

***  The followings exists for backward compatibility only.
***  The only thing which they work is that requires current 
***  library files ( tk/*.rb ). 
tkafter.rb	handles Tcl after
tkbgerror.rb	Tk error module
tkcanvas.rb	Tk canvas interface
tkclass.rb	provides generic names for Tk classes
tkconsole.rb	console command support
tkdialog.rb	Tk dialog class
tkentry.rb	Tk entry class
tkfont.rb	Tk font support
tkmacpkg.rb	Mac resource support
tkmenubar.rb	TK menubar utility
tkmngfocus.rb	focus manager
tkpalette.rb	pallete support
tkscrollbox.rb	scroll box, also example of compound widget
tktext.rb	text classes
tkvirtevent.rb	virtual event support
tkwinpkg.rb	Win DDE and registry support