prelude: require 'cgi/escape'
  - name: escape_html_blank
    prelude: str = ""
    script: CGI.escapeHTML(str)
    loop_count: 20000000
  - name: escape_html_short_none
    prelude: str = "abcde"
    script: CGI.escapeHTML(str)
    loop_count: 20000000
  - name: escape_html_short_one
    prelude: str = "abcd<"
    script: CGI.escapeHTML(str)
    loop_count: 20000000
  - name: escape_html_short_all
    prelude: str = "'&\"<>"
    script: CGI.escapeHTML(str)
    loop_count: 5000000
  - name: escape_html_long_none
    prelude: str = "abcde" * 300
    script: CGI.escapeHTML(str)
    loop_count: 1000000
  - name: escape_html_long_all
    prelude: str = "'&\"<>" * 10
    script: CGI.escapeHTML(str)
    loop_count: 1000000
  - name: escape_html_real
    prelude: | #
      str = <<~HTML
            <h1>Example Domain</h1>
            <p>This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this
            domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission.</p>
            <p><a href="">More information...</a></p>
    script: CGI.escapeHTML(str)
    loop_count: 1000000