require 'test/unit' require 'delegate' require 'timeout' class TestRange < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_range_string # XXX: Is this really the test of Range? assert_equal([], ("a" ... "a").to_a) assert_equal(["a"], ("a" .. "a").to_a) assert_equal(["a"], ("a" ... "b").to_a) assert_equal(["a", "b"], ("a" .. "b").to_a) end def test_range_numeric_string assert_equal(["6", "7", "8"], ("6".."8").to_a, "[ruby-talk:343187]") assert_equal(["6", "7"], ("6"..."8").to_a) assert_equal(["9", "10"], ("9".."10").to_a) assert_equal(["09", "10"], ("09".."10").to_a, "[ruby-dev:39361]") assert_equal(["9", "10"], ("9").."10").to_a) assert_equal(["9", "10"], ("9""10")).to_a) end def test_range_symbol assert_equal([:a, :b], (:a .. :b).to_a) end def test_evaluation_order arr = [1,2] r = (arr.shift)..(arr.shift) assert_equal(1..2, r, "[ruby-dev:26383]") end class DuckRange def initialize(b,e,excl=false) @begin = b @end = e @excl = excl end attr_reader :begin, :end def exclude_end? @excl end end def test_duckrange assert_equal("bc", "abcd"[,2)]) end def test_min assert_equal(1, (1..2).min) assert_equal(nil, (2..1).min) assert_equal(1, (1...2).min) assert_equal(1.0, (1.0..2.0).min) assert_equal(nil, (2.0..1.0).min) assert_equal(1, (1.0...2.0).min) assert_equal(0, (0..0).min) assert_equal(nil, (0...0).min) end def test_max assert_equal(2, (1..2).max) assert_equal(nil, (2..1).max) assert_equal(1, (1...2).max) assert_equal(2.0, (1.0..2.0).max) assert_equal(nil, (2.0..1.0).max) assert_raise(TypeError) { (1.0...2.0).max } assert_raise(TypeError) { (1...1.5).max } assert_raise(TypeError) { (1.5...2).max } assert_equal(-0x80000002, ((-0x80000002)...(-0x80000001)).max) assert_equal(0, (0..0).max) assert_equal(nil, (0...0).max) end def test_initialize_twice r = eval("1..2") assert_raise(NameError) { r.instance_eval { initialize 3, 4 } } end def test_uninitialized_range r = Range.allocate s = Marshal.dump(r) r = Marshal.load(s) assert_nothing_raised { r.instance_eval { initialize 5, 6} } end def test_bad_value assert_raise(ArgumentError) { (1 .. :a) } end def test_exclude_end assert(!((0..1).exclude_end?)) assert((0...1).exclude_end?) end def test_eq r = (0..1) assert(r == r) assert(r == (0..1)) assert(r != 0) assert(r != (1..2)) assert(r != (0..2)) assert(r != (0...1)) subclass = assert(r ==,1)) end def test_eql r = (0..1) assert(r.eql?(r)) assert(r.eql?(0..1)) assert(!r.eql?(0)) assert(!r.eql?(1..2)) assert(!r.eql?(0..2)) assert(!r.eql?(0...1)) subclass = assert(r.eql?(,1))) end def test_hash assert((0..1).hash.is_a?(Fixnum)) end def test_step a = [] (0..10).step {|x| a << x } assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], a) a = [] (0..10).step(2) {|x| a << x } assert_equal([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10], a) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { (0..10).step(-1) { } } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { (0..10).step(0) { } } a = [] ("a" .. "z").step(2) {|x| a << x } assert_equal(%w(a c e g i k m o q s u w y), a) a = [] ("a" .. "z").step(2**32) {|x| a << x } assert_equal(["a"], a) a = [] (2**32-1 .. 2**32+1).step(2) {|x| a << x } assert_equal([4294967295, 4294967297], a) zero = (2**32).coerce(0).first assert_raise(ArgumentError) { (2**32-1 .. 2**32+1).step(zero) { } } o1 = o2 = def o1.<=>(x); -1; end def o2.<=>(x); 0; end assert_raise(TypeError) { (o1..o2).step(1) { } } class << o1; self; end.class_eval do define_method(:succ) { o2 } end a = [] (o1..o2).step(1) {|x| a << x } assert_equal([o1, o2], a) a = [] (o1...o2).step(1) {|x| a << x } assert_equal([o1], a) assert_nothing_raised("[ruby-dev:34557]") { (0..2).step(0.5) {|x| } } a = [] (0..2).step(0.5) {|x| a << x } assert_equal([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0], a) a = [] (0x40000000..0x40000002).step(0.5) {|x| a << x } assert_equal([1073741824, 1073741824.5, 1073741825.0, 1073741825.5, 1073741826], a) o = def o.to_int() 1 end assert_nothing_raised("[ruby-dev:34558]") { (0..2).step(o) {|x| } } end def test_step_ruby_core_35753 assert_equal(6, (1...6.3).step.to_a.size) assert_equal(5, (1.1...6).step.to_a.size) assert_equal(5, (1...6).step(1.1).to_a.size) assert_equal(3, (1.0...5.4).step(1.5).to_a.size) assert_equal(3, (1.0...5.5).step(1.5).to_a.size) assert_equal(4, (1.0...5.6).step(1.5).to_a.size) end def test_each a = [] (0..10).each {|x| a << x } assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], a) o1 = o2 = def o1.setcmp(v) @cmpresult = v end o1.setcmp(-1) def o1.<=>(x); @cmpresult; end def o2.setcmp(v) @cmpresult = v end o2.setcmp(0) def o2.<=>(x); @cmpresult; end class << o1; self; end.class_eval do define_method(:succ) { o2 } end r1 = (o1..o2) r2 = (o1...o2) a = [] r1.each {|x| a << x } assert_equal([o1, o2], a) a = [] r2.each {|x| a << x } assert_equal([o1], a) o2.setcmp(1) a = [] r1.each {|x| a << x } assert_equal([o1], a) o2.setcmp(nil) a = [] r1.each {|x| a << x } assert_equal([o1], a) o1.setcmp(nil) a = [] r2.each {|x| a << x } assert_equal([], a) end def test_begin_end assert_equal(0, (0..1).begin) assert_equal(1, (0..1).end) end def test_first_last assert_equal([0, 1, 2], (0..10).first(3)) assert_equal([8, 9, 10], (0..10).last(3)) end def test_to_s assert_equal("0..1", (0..1).to_s) assert_equal("0...1", (0...1).to_s) end def test_inspect assert_equal("0..1", (0..1).inspect) assert_equal("0...1", (0...1).inspect) end def test_eqq assert((0..10) === 5) assert(!((0..10) === 11)) end def test_include assert(("a".."z").include?("c")) assert(!(("a".."z").include?("5"))) assert(("a"..."z").include?("y")) assert(!(("a"..."z").include?("z"))) assert(!(("a".."z").include?("cc"))) assert((0...10).include?(5)) end def test_cover assert(("a".."z").cover?("c")) assert(!(("a".."z").cover?("5"))) assert(("a"..."z").cover?("y")) assert(!(("a"..."z").cover?("z"))) assert(("a".."z").cover?("cc")) end def test_beg_len o = assert_raise(TypeError) { [][o] } class << o; attr_accessor :begin end o.begin = -10 assert_raise(TypeError) { [][o] } class << o; attr_accessor :end end o.end = 0 assert_raise(NoMethodError) { [][o] } def o.exclude_end=(v) @exclude_end = v end def o.exclude_end?() @exclude_end end o.exclude_end = false assert_nil([0][o]) assert_raise(RangeError) { [0][o] = 1 } o.begin = 10 o.end = 10 assert_nil([0][o]) o.begin = 0 assert_equal([0], [0][o]) o.begin = 2 o.end = 0 assert_equal([], [0, 1, 2][o]) end class CyclicRange < Range def <=>(other); true; end end def test_cyclic_range_inspect o = CyclicRange.allocate o.instance_eval { initialize(o, 1) } assert_equal("(... .. ...)..1", o.inspect) end def test_comparison_when_recursive x = CyclicRange.allocate; x.send(:initialize, x, 1) y = CyclicRange.allocate; y.send(:initialize, y, 1) Timeout.timeout(1) { assert x == y assert x.eql? y } z = CyclicRange.allocate; z.send(:initialize, z, :another) Timeout.timeout(1) { assert x != z assert !x.eql?(z) } x = CyclicRange.allocate y = CyclicRange.allocate x.send(:initialize, y, 1) y.send(:initialize, x, 1) Timeout.timeout(1) { assert x == y assert x.eql?(y) } x = CyclicRange.allocate z = CyclicRange.allocate x.send(:initialize, z, 1) z.send(:initialize, x, :other) Timeout.timeout(1) { assert x != z assert !x.eql?(z) } end def test_size assert_equal 42, (1..42).size assert_equal 41, (1...42).size assert_equal 6, (1...6.3).size assert_equal 5, (1.1...6).size assert_equal 42, (1..42).each.size end def test_bsearch_with_no_block enum = (42...666).bsearch assert_nil enum.size assert_equal 200, enum.each{|x| x >= 200 } end def test_bsearch_for_fixnum ary = [3, 4, 7, 9, 12] assert_equal(0, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i] >= 2 }) assert_equal(1, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i] >= 4 }) assert_equal(2, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i] >= 6 }) assert_equal(3, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i] >= 8 }) assert_equal(4, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i] >= 10 }) assert_equal(nil, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i] >= 100 }) assert_equal(0, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| true }) assert_equal(nil, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| false }) ary = [0, 100, 100, 100, 200] assert_equal(1, (0...ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i] >= 100 }) end def test_bsearch_for_float inf = Float::INFINITY assert_in_delta(10.0, (0.0...100.0).bsearch {|x| x > 0 && Math.log(x / 10) >= 0 }, 0.0001) assert_in_delta(10.0, (0.0...inf).bsearch {|x| x > 0 && Math.log(x / 10) >= 0 }, 0.0001) assert_in_delta(-10.0, (-inf..100.0).bsearch {|x| x >= 0 || Math.log(-x / 10) < 0 }, 0.0001) assert_in_delta(10.0, (-inf..inf).bsearch {|x| x > 0 && Math.log(x / 10) >= 0 }, 0.0001) assert_equal(nil, (-inf..5).bsearch {|x| x > 0 && Math.log(x / 10) >= 0 }, 0.0001) assert_in_delta(10.0, (-inf.. 10).bsearch {|x| x > 0 && Math.log(x / 10) >= 0 }, 0.0001) assert_equal(nil, (-inf...10).bsearch {|x| x > 0 && Math.log(x / 10) >= 0 }, 0.0001) assert_equal(nil, (-inf..inf).bsearch { false }) assert_equal(-inf, (-inf..inf).bsearch { true }) assert_equal(inf, (0..inf).bsearch {|x| x == inf }) assert_equal(nil, (0...inf).bsearch {|x| x == inf }) v = (-inf..0).bsearch {|x| x != -inf } assert_operator(-Float::MAX, :>=, v) assert_operator(-inf, :<, v) v = (0.0..1.0).bsearch {|x| x > 0 } # the nearest positive value to 0.0 assert_in_delta(0, v, 0.0001) assert_operator(0, :<, v) assert_equal(0.0, (-1.0..0.0).bsearch {|x| x >= 0 }) assert_equal(nil, (-1.0...0.0).bsearch {|x| x >= 0 }) v = (0..Float::MAX).bsearch {|x| x >= Float::MAX } assert_in_delta(Float::MAX, v) assert_equal(nil, v.infinite?) v = (0..inf).bsearch {|x| x >= Float::MAX } assert_in_delta(Float::MAX, v) assert_equal(nil, v.infinite?) v = (-Float::MAX..0).bsearch {|x| x > -Float::MAX } assert_operator(-Float::MAX, :<, v) assert_equal(nil, v.infinite?) v = (-inf..0).bsearch {|x| x >= -Float::MAX } assert_in_delta(-Float::MAX, v) assert_equal(nil, v.infinite?) v = (-inf..0).bsearch {|x| x > -Float::MAX } assert_operator(-Float::MAX, :<, v) assert_equal(nil, v.infinite?) assert_in_delta(1.0, (0.0..inf).bsearch {|x| Math.log(x) >= 0 }) assert_in_delta(7.0, (0.0..10).bsearch {|x| 7.0 - x }) end def check_bsearch_values(range, search) from, to = range.begin, range.end cmp = range.exclude_end? ? :< : :<= # (0) trivial test r =, from, range.exclude_end?).bsearch do |x| fail "#{to}, #{from}, #{range.exclude_end?}, #{x}" end assert_equal nil, r r = ( do fail end assert_equal nil, r # prepare for others yielded = [] r = range.bsearch do |val| yielded << val val >= search end # (1) log test max = case from when Float then 65 when Integer then Math.log(to-from+(range.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1), 2).to_i + 1 end assert yielded.size <= max # (2) coverage test expect = if search < from from elsif search.send(cmp, to) search else nil end assert_equal expect, r # (3) uniqueness test assert_equal nil, yielded.uniq! # (4) end of range test case when range.exclude_end? assert !yielded.include?(to) assert r != to when search >= to assert yielded.include?(to) assert_equal search == to ? to : nil, r end # start of range test if search <= from assert yielded.include?(from) assert_equal from, r end # (5) out of range test yielded.each do |val| assert from <= val && val.send(cmp, to) end end def test_range_bsearch_for_floats ints = [-1 << 100, -123456789, -42, -1, 0, 1, 42, 123456789, 1 << 100] floats = [-Float::INFINITY, -Float::MAX, -42.0, -4.2, -Float::EPSILON, -Float::MIN, 0.0, Float::MIN, Float::EPSILON, Math::PI, 4.2, 42.0, Float::MAX, Float::INFINITY] [ints, floats].each do |values| values.combination(2).to_a.product(values).each do |(from, to), search| check_bsearch_values(, search) check_bsearch_values(, search) end end end def test_bsearch_for_bignum bignum = 2**100 ary = [3, 4, 7, 9, 12] assert_equal(bignum + 0, (bignum...bignum+ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i - bignum] >= 2 }) assert_equal(bignum + 1, (bignum...bignum+ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i - bignum] >= 4 }) assert_equal(bignum + 2, (bignum...bignum+ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i - bignum] >= 6 }) assert_equal(bignum + 3, (bignum...bignum+ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i - bignum] >= 8 }) assert_equal(bignum + 4, (bignum...bignum+ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i - bignum] >= 10 }) assert_equal(nil, (bignum...bignum+ary.size).bsearch {|i| ary[i - bignum] >= 100 }) assert_equal(bignum + 0, (bignum...bignum+ary.size).bsearch {|i| true }) assert_equal(nil, (bignum...bignum+ary.size).bsearch {|i| false }) assert_raise(TypeError) { ("a".."z").bsearch {} } end end