# configure options for Ruby/Tk
# release date:  2011-06-05
with tk-old-extconf
with ActiveTcl
with tk-shlib-search-path
enable tcltk-stubs
with tcltkversion
enable tcl-h-ver-check
enable tk-h-ver-check
with tcl-build-dir
with tk-build-dir
with tcl-config
with tk-config
with tclConfig-dir
with tkConfig-dir
with tclConfig-file
with tkConfig-file
with tcllib
with tklib
with tcl-dir
with tk-dir
with tcl-include
with tk-include
with tcl-lib
with tk-lib
enable mac-tcltk-framework
enable tcltk-framework
with tcltk-framework
with tcl-framework-dir
with tk-framework-dir
with tcl-framework-header
with tk-framework-header
with X11
with X11-dir
with X11-include
with X11-lib
enable pthread
enable tcl-thread
enable space-on-tk-libpath