#-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' require 'rbconfig' require 'rubygems/format' require 'rubygems/ext' ## # The installer class processes RubyGem .gem files and installs the # files contained in the .gem into the Gem.path. # # Gem::Installer does the work of putting files in all the right places on the # filesystem including unpacking the gem into its gem dir, installing the # gemspec in the specifications dir, storing the cached gem in the cache dir, # and installing either wrappers or symlinks for executables. class Gem::Installer ## # Raised when there is an error while building extensions. # class ExtensionBuildError < Gem::InstallError; end include Gem::UserInteraction ## # Constructs an Installer instance that will install the gem located at # +gem+. +options+ is a Hash with the following keys: # # :env_shebang:: Use /usr/bin/env in bin wrappers. # :force:: Overrides all version checks and security policy checks, except # for a signed-gems-only policy. # :ignore_dependencies:: Don't raise if a dependency is missing. # :install_dir:: The directory to install the gem into. # :security_policy:: Use the specified security policy. See Gem::Security # :wrappers:: Install wrappers if true, symlinks if false. def initialize(gem, options={}) @gem = gem options = { :force => false, :install_dir => Gem.dir }.merge options @env_shebang = options[:env_shebang] @force = options[:force] gem_home = options[:install_dir] @gem_home = Pathname.new(gem_home).expand_path @ignore_dependencies = options[:ignore_dependencies] @security_policy = options[:security_policy] @wrappers = options[:wrappers] begin @format = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path @gem, @security_policy rescue Gem::Package::FormatError raise Gem::InstallError, "invalid gem format for #{@gem}" end @spec = @format.spec @gem_dir = File.join(@gem_home, "gems", @spec.full_name).untaint end ## # Installs the gem and returns a loaded Gem::Specification for the installed # gem. # # The gem will be installed with the following structure: # # @gem_home/ # cache/.gem #=> a cached copy of the installed gem # gems//... #=> extracted files # specifications/.gemspec #=> the Gem::Specification def install # If we're forcing the install then disable security unless the security # policy says that we only install singed gems. @security_policy = nil if @force and @security_policy and not @security_policy.only_signed unless @force then if rrv = @spec.required_ruby_version then unless rrv.satisfied_by? Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) then raise Gem::InstallError, "#{@spec.name} requires Ruby version #{rrv}" end end if rrgv = @spec.required_rubygems_version then unless rrgv.satisfied_by? Gem::Version.new(Gem::RubyGemsVersion) then raise Gem::InstallError, "#{@spec.name} requires RubyGems version #{rrgv}" end end unless @ignore_dependencies then @spec.dependencies.each do |dep_gem| ensure_dependency @spec, dep_gem end end end FileUtils.mkdir_p @gem_home unless File.directory? @gem_home raise Gem::FilePermissionError, @gem_home unless File.writable? @gem_home Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gem_home FileUtils.mkdir_p @gem_dir extract_files generate_bin build_extensions write_spec # HACK remove? Isn't this done in multiple places? cached_gem = File.join @gem_home, "cache", @gem.split(/\//).pop unless File.exist? cached_gem then FileUtils.cp @gem, File.join(@gem_home, "cache") end say @spec.post_install_message unless @spec.post_install_message.nil? @spec.loaded_from = File.join(@gem_home, 'specifications', "#{@spec.full_name}.gemspec") return @spec rescue Zlib::GzipFile::Error raise Gem::InstallError, "gzip error installing #{@gem}" end ## # Ensure that the dependency is satisfied by the current installation of # gem. If it is not an exception is raised. # # spec :: Gem::Specification # dependency :: Gem::Dependency def ensure_dependency(spec, dependency) unless installation_satisfies_dependency? dependency then raise Gem::InstallError, "#{spec.name} requires #{dependency}" end true end ## # True if the current installed gems satisfy the given dependency. # # dependency :: Gem::Dependency def installation_satisfies_dependency?(dependency) current_index = Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems current_index.find_name(dependency.name, dependency.version_requirements).size > 0 end ## # Unpacks the gem into the given directory. # def unpack(directory) @gem_dir = directory @format = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path @gem, @security_policy extract_files end ## # Writes the .gemspec specification (in Ruby) to the supplied # spec_path. # # spec:: [Gem::Specification] The Gem specification to output # spec_path:: [String] The location (path) to write the gemspec to # def write_spec rubycode = @spec.to_ruby file_name = File.join @gem_home, 'specifications', "#{@spec.full_name}.gemspec" file_name.untaint File.open(file_name, "w") do |file| file.puts rubycode end end ## # Creates windows .bat files for easy running of commands # def generate_windows_script(bindir, filename) if Gem.win_platform? then script_name = filename + ".bat" File.open(File.join(bindir, File.basename(script_name)), "w") do |file| file.puts windows_stub_script(bindir, filename) end end end def generate_bin return if @spec.executables.nil? or @spec.executables.empty? # If the user has asked for the gem to be installed in a directory that is # the system gem directory, then use the system bin directory, else create # (or use) a new bin dir under the gem_home. bindir = Gem.bindir @gem_home Dir.mkdir bindir unless File.exist? bindir raise Gem::FilePermissionError.new(bindir) unless File.writable? bindir @spec.executables.each do |filename| filename.untaint bin_path = File.join @gem_dir, 'bin', filename mode = File.stat(bin_path).mode | 0111 File.chmod mode, bin_path if @wrappers then generate_bin_script filename, bindir else generate_bin_symlink filename, bindir end end end ## # Creates the scripts to run the applications in the gem. #-- # The Windows script is generated in addition to the regular one due to a # bug or misfeature in the Windows shell's pipe. See # http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/193379 # def generate_bin_script(filename, bindir) File.open(File.join(bindir, File.basename(filename)), "w", 0755) do |file| file.print app_script_text(filename) end generate_windows_script bindir, filename end ## # Creates the symlinks to run the applications in the gem. Moves # the symlink if the gem being installed has a newer version. # def generate_bin_symlink(filename, bindir) if Config::CONFIG["arch"] =~ /dos|win32/i then alert_warning "Unable to use symlinks on win32, installing wrapper" generate_bin_script filename, bindir return end src = File.join @gem_dir, 'bin', filename dst = File.join bindir, File.basename(filename) if File.exist? dst then if File.symlink? dst then link = File.readlink(dst).split File::SEPARATOR cur_version = Gem::Version.create(link[-3].sub(/^.*-/, '')) return if @spec.version < cur_version end File.unlink dst end File.symlink src, dst end ## # Generates a #! line for +bin_file_name+'s wrapper copying arguments if # necessary. def shebang(bin_file_name) if @env_shebang then "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" else path = File.join @gem_dir, @spec.bindir, bin_file_name File.open(path, "rb") do |file| first_line = file.gets if first_line =~ /^#!/ then # Preserve extra words on shebang line, like "-w". Thanks RPA. shebang = first_line.sub(/\A\#!.*?ruby\S*/, "#!#{Gem.ruby}") else # Create a plain shebang line. shebang = "#!#{Gem.ruby}" end shebang.strip # Avoid nasty ^M issues. end end end # Return the text for an application file. def app_script_text(bin_file_name) <<-TEXT #{shebang bin_file_name} # # This file was generated by RubyGems. # # The application '#{@spec.name}' is installed as part of a gem, and # this file is here to facilitate running it. # require 'rubygems' version = "#{Gem::Requirement.default}" if ARGV.first =~ /^_(.*)_$/ and Gem::Version.correct? $1 then version = $1 ARGV.shift end gem '#{@spec.name}', version load '#{bin_file_name}' TEXT end # return the stub script text used to launch the true ruby script def windows_stub_script(bindir, bin_file_name) <<-TEXT @ECHO OFF IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT @"#{Gem.ruby}" "#{File.join(bindir, bin_file_name)}" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 GOTO :EOF :WinNT "%~dp0ruby.exe" "%~dpn0" %* TEXT end # Builds extensions. Valid types of extensions are extconf.rb files, # configure scripts and rakefiles or mkrf_conf files. def build_extensions return if @spec.extensions.empty? say "Building native extensions. This could take a while..." start_dir = Dir.pwd dest_path = File.join @gem_dir, @spec.require_paths.first ran_rake = false # only run rake once @spec.extensions.each do |extension| break if ran_rake results = [] builder = case extension when /extconf/ then Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder when /configure/ then Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder when /rakefile/i, /mkrf_conf/i then ran_rake = true Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder else results = ["No builder for extension '#{extension}'"] nil end begin Dir.chdir File.join(@gem_dir, File.dirname(extension)) results = builder.build(extension, @gem_dir, dest_path, results) rescue => ex results = results.join "\n" File.open('gem_make.out', 'wb') { |f| f.puts results } message = <<-EOF ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. #{results} Gem files will remain installed in #{@gem_dir} for inspection. Results logged to #{File.join(Dir.pwd, 'gem_make.out')} EOF raise ExtensionBuildError, message ensure Dir.chdir start_dir end end end ## # Reads the file index and extracts each file into the gem directory. # # Ensures that files can't be installed outside the gem directory. def extract_files expand_and_validate_gem_dir raise ArgumentError, "format required to extract from" if @format.nil? @format.file_entries.each do |entry, file_data| path = entry['path'].untaint if path =~ /\A\// then # for extra sanity raise Gem::InstallError, "attempt to install file into #{entry['path'].inspect}" end path = File.expand_path File.join(@gem_dir, path) if path !~ /\A#{Regexp.escape @gem_dir}/ then msg = "attempt to install file into %p under %p" % [entry['path'], @gem_dir] raise Gem::InstallError, msg end FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(path) File.open(path, "wb") do |out| out.write file_data end end end private # HACK Pathname is broken on windows. def absolute_path? pathname pathname.absolute? or (Gem.win_platform? and pathname.to_s =~ /\A[a-z]:/i) end def expand_and_validate_gem_dir @gem_dir = Pathname.new(@gem_dir).expand_path unless absolute_path?(@gem_dir) then # HACK is this possible after #expand_path? raise ArgumentError, "install directory %p not absolute" % @gem_dir end @gem_dir = @gem_dir.to_s end end