#include "vm_core.h" #include "vm_sync.h" #include "shape.h" #include "internal/class.h" #include "internal/symbol.h" #include "internal/variable.h" #include /* * Shape getters */ static rb_shape_t* rb_shape_get_root_shape(void) { return GET_VM()->root_shape; } shape_id_t rb_shape_id(rb_shape_t * shape) { return (shape_id_t)(shape - GET_VM()->shape_list); } static rb_shape_t* rb_shape_get_frozen_root_shape(void) { return GET_VM()->frozen_root_shape; } bool rb_shape_root_shape_p(rb_shape_t* shape) { return shape == rb_shape_get_root_shape(); } rb_shape_t* rb_shape_get_shape_by_id(shape_id_t shape_id) { RUBY_ASSERT(shape_id != INVALID_SHAPE_ID); rb_vm_t *vm = GET_VM(); rb_shape_t *shape = &vm->shape_list[shape_id]; return shape; } rb_shape_t* rb_shape_get_shape_by_id_without_assertion(shape_id_t shape_id) { RUBY_ASSERT(shape_id != INVALID_SHAPE_ID); rb_vm_t *vm = GET_VM(); rb_shape_t *shape = &vm->shape_list[shape_id]; return shape; } #if !SHAPE_IN_BASIC_FLAGS static inline shape_id_t RCLASS_SHAPE_ID(VALUE obj) { return RCLASS_EXT(obj)->shape_id; } shape_id_t rb_generic_shape_id(VALUE obj); #endif shape_id_t rb_shape_get_shape_id(VALUE obj) { if (RB_SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) { return FROZEN_ROOT_SHAPE_ID; } #if SHAPE_IN_BASIC_FLAGS return RBASIC_SHAPE_ID(obj); #else switch (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj)) { case T_OBJECT: return ROBJECT_SHAPE_ID(obj); break; case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: return RCLASS_SHAPE_ID(obj); default: return rb_generic_shape_id(obj); } #endif } rb_shape_t* rb_shape_get_shape(VALUE obj) { return rb_shape_get_shape_by_id(rb_shape_get_shape_id(obj)); } static rb_shape_t * rb_shape_lookup_id(rb_shape_t* shape, ID id, enum shape_type shape_type) { while (shape->parent) { if (shape->edge_name == id) { // If the shape type is different, we don't // want this to count as a "found" ID if (shape_type == (enum shape_type)shape->type) { return shape; } else { return NULL; } } shape = shape->parent; } return NULL; } static rb_shape_t* get_next_shape_internal(rb_shape_t* shape, ID id, VALUE obj, enum shape_type shape_type) { rb_shape_t *res = NULL; RUBY_ASSERT(SHAPE_FROZEN != (enum shape_type)shape->type); RB_VM_LOCK_ENTER(); { if (rb_shape_lookup_id(shape, id, shape_type)) { // If shape already contains the ivar that is being set, we'll return shape res = shape; } else { if (!shape->edges) { shape->edges = rb_id_table_create(0); } // Lookup the shape in edges - if there's already an edge and a corresponding shape for it, // we can return that. Otherwise, we'll need to get a new shape if (!rb_id_table_lookup(shape->edges, id, (VALUE *)&res)) { // In this case, the shape exists, but the shape is garbage, so we need to recreate it if (res) { rb_id_table_delete(shape->edges, id); res->parent = NULL; } rb_shape_t * new_shape = rb_shape_alloc(id, shape); new_shape->type = (uint8_t)shape_type; switch(shape_type) { case SHAPE_IVAR: new_shape->iv_count = new_shape->parent->iv_count + 1; // Check if we should update max_iv_count on the object's class if (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj) == T_OBJECT) { VALUE klass = rb_obj_class(obj); if (new_shape->iv_count > RCLASS_EXT(klass)->max_iv_count) { RCLASS_EXT(klass)->max_iv_count = new_shape->iv_count; } } break; case SHAPE_IVAR_UNDEF: new_shape->iv_count = new_shape->parent->iv_count; break; case SHAPE_ROOT: rb_bug("Unreachable"); break; case SHAPE_FROZEN: break; } rb_id_table_insert(shape->edges, id, (VALUE)new_shape); res = new_shape; } } } RB_VM_LOCK_LEAVE(); return res; } MJIT_FUNC_EXPORTED int rb_shape_frozen_shape_p(rb_shape_t* shape) { return SHAPE_FROZEN == (enum shape_type)shape->type; } void rb_shape_transition_shape_remove_ivar(VALUE obj, ID id, rb_shape_t *shape) { rb_shape_t* next_shape = get_next_shape_internal(shape, id, obj, SHAPE_IVAR_UNDEF); if (shape == next_shape) { return; } rb_shape_set_shape(obj, next_shape); } void rb_shape_transition_shape_frozen(VALUE obj) { rb_shape_t* shape = rb_shape_get_shape(obj); RUBY_ASSERT(shape); RUBY_ASSERT(RB_OBJ_FROZEN(obj)); if (rb_shape_frozen_shape_p(shape)) { return; } rb_shape_t* next_shape; if (shape == rb_shape_get_root_shape()) { switch(BUILTIN_TYPE(obj)) { case T_OBJECT: case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: break; default: return; } next_shape = rb_shape_get_frozen_root_shape(); } else { static ID id_frozen; if (!id_frozen) { id_frozen = rb_make_internal_id(); } next_shape = get_next_shape_internal(shape, (ID)id_frozen, obj, SHAPE_FROZEN); } RUBY_ASSERT(next_shape); rb_shape_set_shape(obj, next_shape); } void rb_shape_transition_shape(VALUE obj, ID id, rb_shape_t *shape) { rb_shape_t* next_shape = rb_shape_get_next(shape, obj, id); if (shape == next_shape) { return; } rb_shape_set_shape(obj, next_shape); } rb_shape_t* rb_shape_get_next(rb_shape_t* shape, VALUE obj, ID id) { return get_next_shape_internal(shape, id, obj, SHAPE_IVAR); } bool rb_shape_get_iv_index(rb_shape_t * shape, ID id, attr_index_t *value) { while (shape->parent) { if (shape->edge_name == id) { enum shape_type shape_type; shape_type = (enum shape_type)shape->type; switch(shape_type) { case SHAPE_IVAR: RUBY_ASSERT(shape->iv_count > 0); *value = shape->iv_count - 1; return true; case SHAPE_IVAR_UNDEF: case SHAPE_ROOT: return false; case SHAPE_FROZEN: rb_bug("Ivar should not exist on frozen transition\n"); } } shape = shape->parent; } return false; } static rb_shape_t * shape_alloc(void) { rb_vm_t *vm = GET_VM(); shape_id_t shape_id = vm->next_shape_id; vm->next_shape_id++; if (shape_id == MAX_SHAPE_ID) { // TODO: Make an OutOfShapesError ?? rb_bug("Out of shapes\n"); } return &GET_VM()->shape_list[shape_id]; } rb_shape_t * rb_shape_alloc(ID edge_name, rb_shape_t * parent) { rb_shape_t * shape = shape_alloc(); shape->edge_name = edge_name; shape->iv_count = 0; shape->parent = parent; return shape; } MJIT_FUNC_EXPORTED void rb_shape_set_shape(VALUE obj, rb_shape_t* shape) { rb_shape_set_shape_id(obj, rb_shape_id(shape)); } VALUE rb_cShape; static void shape_mark(void *ptr) { rb_gc_mark((VALUE)ptr); } /* * Exposing Shape to Ruby via RubyVM.debug_shape */ static const rb_data_type_t shape_data_type = { "Shape", {shape_mark, NULL, NULL,}, 0, 0, RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY|RUBY_TYPED_WB_PROTECTED }; static VALUE rb_wrapped_shape_id(VALUE self) { rb_shape_t * shape; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, rb_shape_t, &shape_data_type, shape); return INT2NUM(rb_shape_id(shape)); } static VALUE rb_shape_type(VALUE self) { rb_shape_t * shape; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, rb_shape_t, &shape_data_type, shape); return INT2NUM(shape->type); } static VALUE rb_shape_parent_id(VALUE self) { rb_shape_t * shape; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, rb_shape_t, &shape_data_type, shape); if (shape->parent) { return INT2NUM(rb_shape_id(shape->parent)); } else { return Qnil; } } static VALUE parse_key(ID key) { if ((key & RUBY_ID_INTERNAL) == RUBY_ID_INTERNAL) { return LONG2NUM(key); } else { return ID2SYM(key); } } static VALUE rb_shape_t_to_rb_cShape(rb_shape_t *shape) { union { const rb_shape_t *in; void *out; } deconst; VALUE res; deconst.in = shape; res = TypedData_Wrap_Struct(rb_cShape, &shape_data_type, deconst.out); return res; } static enum rb_id_table_iterator_result rb_edges_to_hash(ID key, VALUE value, void *ref) { rb_hash_aset(*(VALUE *)ref, parse_key(key), rb_shape_t_to_rb_cShape((rb_shape_t*)value)); return ID_TABLE_CONTINUE; } static VALUE rb_shape_edges(VALUE self) { rb_shape_t* shape; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, rb_shape_t, &shape_data_type, shape); VALUE hash = rb_hash_new(); if (shape->edges) { rb_id_table_foreach(shape->edges, rb_edges_to_hash, &hash); } return hash; } static VALUE rb_shape_edge_name(VALUE self) { rb_shape_t* shape; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, rb_shape_t, &shape_data_type, shape); if (shape->edge_name) { return ID2SYM(shape->edge_name); } else { return Qnil; } } static VALUE rb_shape_iv_count(VALUE self) { rb_shape_t* shape; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, rb_shape_t, &shape_data_type, shape); return INT2NUM(shape->iv_count); } static VALUE rb_shape_export_depth(VALUE self) { rb_shape_t* shape; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, rb_shape_t, &shape_data_type, shape); unsigned int depth = 0; while (shape->parent) { depth++; shape = shape->parent; } return INT2NUM(depth); } static VALUE rb_shape_parent(VALUE self) { rb_shape_t * shape; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, rb_shape_t, &shape_data_type, shape); if (shape->parent) { return rb_shape_t_to_rb_cShape(shape->parent); } else { return Qnil; } } VALUE rb_shape_debug_shape(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { return rb_shape_t_to_rb_cShape(rb_shape_get_shape(obj)); } VALUE rb_shape_debug_root_shape(VALUE self) { return rb_shape_t_to_rb_cShape(rb_shape_get_root_shape()); } VALUE rb_shape_debug_frozen_root_shape(VALUE self) { return rb_shape_t_to_rb_cShape(rb_shape_get_frozen_root_shape()); } VALUE rb_obj_shape(rb_shape_t* shape); static enum rb_id_table_iterator_result collect_keys_and_values(ID key, VALUE value, void *ref) { rb_hash_aset(*(VALUE *)ref, parse_key(key), rb_obj_shape((rb_shape_t*)value)); return ID_TABLE_CONTINUE; } static VALUE edges(struct rb_id_table* edges) { VALUE hash = rb_hash_new(); if (edges) rb_id_table_foreach(edges, collect_keys_and_values, &hash); return hash; } VALUE rb_obj_shape(rb_shape_t* shape) { VALUE rb_shape = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(rb_shape, ID2SYM(rb_intern("id")), INT2NUM(rb_shape_id(shape))); rb_hash_aset(rb_shape, ID2SYM(rb_intern("edges")), edges(shape->edges)); if (shape == rb_shape_get_root_shape()) { rb_hash_aset(rb_shape, ID2SYM(rb_intern("parent_id")), INT2NUM(ROOT_SHAPE_ID)); } else { rb_hash_aset(rb_shape, ID2SYM(rb_intern("parent_id")), INT2NUM(rb_shape_id(shape->parent))); } rb_hash_aset(rb_shape, ID2SYM(rb_intern("edge_name")), rb_id2str(shape->edge_name)); return rb_shape; } static VALUE shape_transition_tree(VALUE self) { return rb_obj_shape(rb_shape_get_root_shape()); } static VALUE shape_count(VALUE self) { int shape_count = 0; rb_vm_t *vm = GET_VM(); for(shape_id_t i = 0; i < vm->next_shape_id; i++) { if(rb_shape_get_shape_by_id_without_assertion(i)) { shape_count++; } } return INT2NUM(shape_count); } static VALUE shape_max_shape_count(VALUE self) { return INT2NUM(GET_VM()->next_shape_id); } VALUE rb_shape_flags_mask(void) { return SHAPE_FLAG_MASK; } void Init_shape(void) { rb_cShape = rb_define_class_under(rb_cRubyVM, "Shape", rb_cObject); rb_undef_alloc_func(rb_cShape); rb_define_method(rb_cShape, "parent_id", rb_shape_parent_id, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cShape, "parent", rb_shape_parent, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cShape, "edges", rb_shape_edges, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cShape, "edge_name", rb_shape_edge_name, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cShape, "iv_count", rb_shape_iv_count, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cShape, "depth", rb_shape_export_depth, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cShape, "id", rb_wrapped_shape_id, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cShape, "type", rb_shape_type, 0); rb_define_const(rb_cShape, "SHAPE_ROOT", INT2NUM(SHAPE_ROOT)); rb_define_const(rb_cShape, "SHAPE_IVAR", INT2NUM(SHAPE_IVAR)); rb_define_const(rb_cShape, "SHAPE_IVAR_UNDEF", INT2NUM(SHAPE_IVAR_UNDEF)); rb_define_const(rb_cShape, "SHAPE_FROZEN", INT2NUM(SHAPE_FROZEN)); rb_define_const(rb_cShape, "SHAPE_BITS", INT2NUM(SHAPE_BITS)); rb_define_module_function(rb_cRubyVM, "debug_shape_transition_tree", shape_transition_tree, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_cRubyVM, "debug_shape_count", shape_count, 0); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cRubyVM, "debug_shape", rb_shape_debug_shape, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cRubyVM, "debug_max_shape_count", shape_max_shape_count, 0); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cRubyVM, "debug_root_shape", rb_shape_debug_root_shape, 0); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cRubyVM, "debug_frozen_root_shape", rb_shape_debug_frozen_root_shape, 0); }