=begin = simple CGI support library = example == get form values require "cgi-lib.rb" query = CGI.new query['field'] # <== value of 'field' query.keys # <== array of fields and query has Hash class methods == get cookie values require "cgi-lib.rb" query = CGI.new query.cookie['name'] # <== cookie value of 'name' query.cookie.keys # <== all cookie names and query.cookie has Hash class methods == print HTTP header and HTML string to $> require "cgi-lib.rb" CGI::print{ CGI::tag("HTML"){ CGI::tag("HEAD"){ CGI::tag("TITLE"){"TITLE"} } + CGI::tag("BODY"){ CGI::tag("FORM", {"ACTION"=>"test.rb", "METHOD"=>"POST"}){ CGI::tag("INPUT", {"TYPE"=>"submit", "VALUE"=>"submit"}) } + CGI::tag("HR") } } } == make raw cookie string require "cgi-lib.rb" cookie1 = CGI::cookie({'name' => 'name', 'value' => 'value', 'path' => 'path', # optional 'domain' => 'domain', # optional 'expires' => Time.now, # optional 'secure' => true # optional }) CGI::print("Content-Type: text/html", cookie1, cookie2){ "string" } == print HTTP header and string to $> require "cgi-lib.rb" CGI::print{ "string" } # == CGI::print("Content-Type: text/html"){ "string" } CGI::print("Content-Type: text/html", cookie1, cookie2){ "string" } === NPH (no-parse-header) mode require "cgi-lib.rb" CGI::print("nph"){ "string" } # == CGI::print("nph", "Content-Type: text/html"){ "string" } CGI::print("nph", "Content-Type: text/html", cookie1, cookie2){ "string" } == make HTML tag string require "cgi-lib.rb" CGI::tag("element", {"attribute_name"=>"attribute_value"}){"content"} == make HTTP header string require "cgi-lib.rb" CGI::header # == CGI::header("Content-Type: text/html") CGI::header("Content-Type: text/html", cookie1, cookie2) === NPH (no-parse-header) mode CGI::header("nph") # == CGI::header("nph", "Content-Type: text/html") CGI::header("nph", "Content-Type: text/html", cookie1, cookie2) == escape url encode require "cgi-lib.rb" url_encoded_string = CGI::escape("string") == unescape url encoded require "cgi-lib.rb" string = CGI::unescape("url encoded string") == escape HTML &"<> require "cgi-lib.rb" CGI::escapeHTML("string") =end require "delegate" class CGI < SimpleDelegator CR = "\015" LF = "\012" EOL = CR + LF RFC822_DAYS = %w[ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ] RFC822_MONTHS = %w[ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ] # make rfc1123 date string def CGI::rfc1123_date(time) t = time.clone.gmtime return format("%s, %.2d %s %d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d GMT", RFC822_DAYS[t.wday], t.day, RFC822_MONTHS[t.month-1], t.year, t.hour, t.min, t.sec) end # escape url encode def CGI::escape(str) str.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]/n){ sprintf("%%%02X", $&.unpack("C")[0]) } end # unescape url encoded def CGI::unescape(str) str.gsub(/\+/, ' ').gsub(/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/){ [$1.hex].pack("c") } end # escape HTML def CGI::escapeHTML(str) str.gsub(/&/, "&").gsub(/\"/, """).gsub(/>/, ">").gsub(/</, "<") end # offline mode. read name=value pairs on standard input. def read_from_cmdline require "shellwords.rb" words = Shellwords.shellwords( if not ARGV.empty? ARGV.join(' ') else STDERR.print "(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)\n" if STDIN.tty? readlines.join(' ').gsub(/\n/, '') end.gsub(/\\=/, '%3D').gsub(/\\&/, '%26')) if words.find{|x| x =~ /=/} then words.join('&') else words.join('+') end end def initialize(input = $stdin) @inputs = {} @cookie = {} case ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] when "GET" ENV['QUERY_STRING'] or "" when "POST" input.read(Integer(ENV['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) or "" else read_from_cmdline end.split(/[&;]/).each do |x| key, val = x.split(/=/,2).collect{|x|CGI::unescape(x)} if @inputs.include?(key) @inputs[key] += "\0" + (val or "") else @inputs[key] = (val or "") end end super(@inputs) if ENV.has_key?('HTTP_COOKIE') or ENV.has_key?('COOKIE') (ENV['HTTP_COOKIE'] or ENV['COOKIE']).split(/; /).each do |x| key, val = x.split(/=/,2) key = CGI::unescape(key) val = val.split(/&/).collect{|x|CGI::unescape(x)}.join("\0") if @cookie.include?(key) @cookie[key] += "\0" + val else @cookie[key] = val end end end end attr("inputs") attr("cookie") # make HTML tag string def CGI::tag(element, attributes = {}) "<" + escapeHTML(element) + attributes.collect{|name, value| " " + escapeHTML(name) + '="' + escapeHTML(value) + '"' }.to_s + ">" + (iterator? ? yield.to_s + "</" + escapeHTML(element) + ">" : "") end # make raw cookie string def CGI::cookie(options) "Set-Cookie: " + options['name'] + '=' + escape(options['value']) + (options['domain'] ? '; domain=' + options['domain'] : '') + (options['path'] ? '; path=' + options['path'] : '') + (options['expires'] ? '; expires=' + rfc1123_date(options['expires']) : '') + (options['secure'] ? '; secure' : '') end # make HTTP header string def CGI::header(*options) if defined?(MOD_RUBY) options.each{|option| option.sub(/(.*?): (.*)/){ Apache::request.headers_out[$1] = $2 } } Apache::request.send_http_header '' else if options.delete("nph") or (ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] =~ /IIS/) [(ENV['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] or "HTTP/1.0") + " 200 OK", "Date: " + rfc1123_date(Time.now), "Server: " + (ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] or ""), "Connection: close"] + (options.empty? ? ["Content-Type: text/html"] : options) else options.empty? ? ["Content-Type: text/html"] : options end.join(EOL) + EOL + EOL end end # print HTTP header and string to $> def CGI::print(*options) $>.print CGI::header(*options) + yield.to_s end # print message to $> def CGI::message(message, title = "", header = ["Content-Type: text/html"]) if message.kind_of?(Hash) title = message['title'] header = message['header'] message = message['body'] end CGI::print(*header){ CGI::tag("HTML"){ CGI::tag("HEAD"){ CGI.tag("TITLE"){ title } } + CGI::tag("BODY"){ message } } } true end # print error message to $> and exit def CGI::error CGI::message({'title'=>'ERROR', 'body'=> CGI::tag("PRE"){ "ERROR: " + CGI::tag("STRONG"){ escapeHTML($!.to_s) } + "\n" + escapeHTML($@.join("\n")) } }) exit end end