# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test/unit' require 'open-uri' require 'webrick' require 'webrick/httpproxy' begin require 'zlib' rescue LoadError end class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase NullLog = Object.new def NullLog.<<(arg) #puts arg if / INFO / !~ arg end def with_http(log_tester=lambda {|log| assert_equal([], log) }) log = [] logger = WEBrick::Log.new(log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN) Dir.mktmpdir {|dr| srv = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({ :DocumentRoot => dr, :ServerType => Thread, :Logger => logger, :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]], :BindAddress => '', :Port => 0}) _, port, _, host = srv.listeners[0].addr server_thread = srv.start server_thread2 = Thread.new { server_thread.join if log_tester log_tester.call(log) end } client_thread = Thread.new { begin yield srv, dr, "http://#{host}:#{port}", server_thread, log ensure srv.shutdown end } assert_join_threads([client_thread, server_thread2]) } ensure WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler.terminate end def with_env(h) begin old = {} h.each_key {|k| old[k] = ENV[k] } h.each {|k, v| ENV[k] = v } yield ensure h.each_key {|k| ENV[k] = old[k] } end end def setup @proxies = %w[http_proxy HTTP_PROXY ftp_proxy FTP_PROXY no_proxy] @old_proxies = @proxies.map {|k| ENV[k] } @proxies.each {|k| ENV[k] = nil } end def teardown @proxies.each_with_index {|k, i| ENV[k] = @old_proxies[i] } end def test_200_uri_open with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/urifoo200", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "urifoo200" } ) URI.open("#{url}/urifoo200") {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("urifoo200", f.read) } } end def test_200 with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/foo200", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "foo200" } ) URI.open("#{url}/foo200") {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("foo200", f.read) } } end def test_200big with_http {|srv, dr, url| content = "foo200big"*10240 srv.mount_proc("/foo200big", lambda { |req, res| res.body = content } ) URI.open("#{url}/foo200big") {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal(content, f.read) } } end def test_404 log_tester = lambda {|server_log| assert_equal(1, server_log.length) assert_match(%r{ERROR `/not-exist' not found}, server_log[0]) } with_http(log_tester) {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log| exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/not-exist") {} } assert_equal("404", exc.io.status[0]) } end def test_open_uri with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/foo_ou", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "foo_ou" } ) u = URI("#{url}/foo_ou") URI.open(u) {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("foo_ou", f.read) } } end def test_open_too_many_arg assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("", "r", 0666, :extra) {} } end def test_read_timeout TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv| port = serv.addr[1] th = Thread.new { sock = serv.accept begin req = sock.gets("\r\n\r\n") assert_match(%r{\AGET /foo/bar }, req) sock.print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" sock.print "Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n" sleep 1 sock.print "ab\r\n" ensure sock.close end } begin assert_raise(Net::ReadTimeout) { URI("{port}/foo/bar").read(:read_timeout=>0.1) } ensure Thread.kill(th) th.join end } end def test_open_timeout assert_raise(Net::OpenTimeout) do URI("http://example.com/").read(open_timeout: 0.000001) end if false # avoid external resources in tests with_http {|srv, dr, url| url += '/' srv.mount_proc('/', lambda { |_, res| res.body = 'hi' }) begin URI(url).read(open_timeout: 0.000001) rescue Net::OpenTimeout # not guaranteed to fire, since the kernel negotiates the # TCP connection even if the server thread is sleeping end assert_equal 'hi', URI(url).read(open_timeout: 60), 'should not timeout' } end def test_invalid_option assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("", :invalid_option=>true) {} } end def test_mode with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/mode", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "mode" } ) URI.open("#{url}/mode", "r") {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("mode", f.read) } URI.open("#{url}/mode", "r", 0600) {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("mode", f.read) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("#{url}/mode", "a") {} } URI.open("#{url}/mode", "r:us-ascii") {|f| assert_equal(Encoding::US_ASCII, f.read.encoding) } URI.open("#{url}/mode", "r:utf-8") {|f| assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, f.read.encoding) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("#{url}/mode", "r:invalid-encoding") {} } } end def test_without_block with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/without_block", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "without_block" } ) begin f = URI.open("#{url}/without_block") assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("without_block", f.read) ensure f.close if f && !f.closed? end } end def test_close_in_block_small with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/close200", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "close200" } ) assert_nothing_raised { URI.open("#{url}/close200") {|f| f.close } } } end def test_close_in_block_big with_http {|srv, dr, url| content = "close200big"*10240 srv.mount_proc("/close200big", lambda { |req, res| res.body = content } ) assert_nothing_raised { URI.open("#{url}/close200big") {|f| f.close } } } end def test_header myheader1 = 'barrrr' myheader2 = nil with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/h/") {|req, res| myheader2 = req['myheader']; res.body = "foo" } URI.open("#{url}/h/", 'MyHeader'=>myheader1) {|f| assert_equal("foo", f.read) assert_equal(myheader1, myheader2) } } end def test_multi_proxy_opt assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("", :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>true, :proxy=>true) {} } end def test_non_http_proxy assert_raise(RuntimeError) { URI.open("", :proxy=>URI("")) {} } end def test_proxy with_http {|srv, dr, url| proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup) proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN) proxy_auth_log = ''.dup proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({ :ServerType => Thread, :Logger => proxy_logger, :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]], :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res| proxy_auth_log << req.request_line }, :BindAddress => '', :Port => 0}) _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/" begin proxy_thread = proxy.start srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } ) URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>proxy_url) {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("proxy", f.read) } assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>URI(proxy_url)) {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("proxy", f.read) } assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>nil) {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("proxy", f.read) } assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>:invalid) {} } assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear with_env("http_proxy"=>proxy_url) { # should not use proxy for URI.open("#{url}/proxy") {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("proxy", f.read) } } assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear ensure proxy.shutdown proxy_thread.join end assert_equal("", proxy_log.string) } end def test_proxy_http_basic_authentication_failure with_http {|srv, dr, url| proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup) proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN) proxy_auth_log = ''.dup proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({ :ServerType => Thread, :Logger => proxy_logger, :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]], :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res| proxy_auth_log << req.request_line if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}" raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired end }, :BindAddress => '', :Port => 0}) _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/" begin th = proxy.start srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } ) exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>proxy_url) {} } assert_equal("407", exc.io.status[0]) assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear ensure proxy.shutdown th.join end assert_match(/ERROR WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired/, proxy_log.string) } end def test_proxy_http_basic_authentication_success with_http {|srv, dr, url| proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup) proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN) proxy_auth_log = ''.dup proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({ :ServerType => Thread, :Logger => proxy_logger, :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]], :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res| proxy_auth_log << req.request_line if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}" raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired end }, :BindAddress => '', :Port => 0}) _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/" begin th = proxy.start srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } ) URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>[proxy_url, "user", "pass"]) {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("proxy", f.read) } assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>[true, "user", "pass"]) {} } assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear ensure proxy.shutdown th.join end assert_equal("", proxy_log.string) } end def test_authenticated_proxy_http_basic_authentication_success with_http {|srv, dr, url| proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup) proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN) proxy_auth_log = ''.dup proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({ :ServerType => Thread, :Logger => proxy_logger, :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]], :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res| proxy_auth_log << req.request_line if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}" raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired end }, :BindAddress => '', :Port => 0}) _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr proxy_url = "http://user:pass@#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/" begin th = proxy.start srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } ) URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy => proxy_url) {|f| assert_equal("200", f.status[0]) assert_equal("proxy", f.read) } assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear ensure proxy.shutdown th.join end assert_equal("", proxy_log.string) } end def test_redirect with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" } srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res| res.body = "r2" } srv.mount_proc("/to-file/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "file:///foo" } URI.open("#{url}/r1/") {|f| assert_equal("#{url}/r2", f.base_uri.to_s) assert_equal("r2", f.read) } assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPRedirect) { URI.open("#{url}/r1/", :redirect=>false) {} } assert_raise(RuntimeError) { URI.open("#{url}/to-file/") {} } } end def test_redirect_loop with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" } srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r1"; res.body = "r2" } assert_raise(RuntimeError) { URI.open("#{url}/r1/") {} } } end def test_redirect_relative TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv| port = serv.addr[1] th = Thread.new { sock = serv.accept begin req = sock.gets("\r\n\r\n") assert_match(%r{\AGET /foo/bar }, req) sock.print "HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n" sock.print "Location: ../baz\r\n\r\n" ensure sock.close end sock = serv.accept begin req = sock.gets("\r\n\r\n") assert_match(%r{\AGET /baz }, req) sock.print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" sock.print "Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n" sock.print "ab\r\n" ensure sock.close end } begin content = URI("{port}/foo/bar").read assert_equal("ab\r\n", content) ensure Thread.kill(th) th.join end } end def test_redirect_invalid TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv| port = serv.addr[1] th = Thread.new { sock = serv.accept begin req = sock.gets("\r\n\r\n") assert_match(%r{\AGET /foo/bar }, req) sock.print "HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n" sock.print "Location: ::\r\n\r\n" ensure sock.close end } begin assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI("{port}/foo/bar").read } ensure Thread.kill(th) th.join end } end def setup_redirect_auth(srv, url) srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301 res["location"] = "#{url}/r2" } srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res| if req["Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}" raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Unauthorized end res.body = "r2" } end def test_redirect_auth_success with_http {|srv, dr, url| setup_redirect_auth(srv, url) URI.open("#{url}/r2/", :http_basic_authentication=>['user', 'pass']) {|f| assert_equal("r2", f.read) } } end def test_redirect_auth_failure_r2 log_tester = lambda {|server_log| assert_equal(1, server_log.length) assert_match(/ERROR WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Unauthorized/, server_log[0]) } with_http(log_tester) {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log| setup_redirect_auth(srv, url) exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/r2/") {} } assert_equal("401", exc.io.status[0]) } end def test_redirect_auth_failure_r1 log_tester = lambda {|server_log| assert_equal(1, server_log.length) assert_match(/ERROR WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Unauthorized/, server_log[0]) } with_http(log_tester) {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log| setup_redirect_auth(srv, url) exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/r1/", :http_basic_authentication=>['user', 'pass']) {} } assert_equal("401", exc.io.status[0]) } end def test_userinfo assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("http://user:pass@") {} } end def test_progress with_http {|srv, dr, url| content = "a" * 100000 srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content } length = [] progress = [] URI.open("#{url}/data/", :content_length_proc => lambda {|n| length << n }, :progress_proc => lambda {|n| progress << n } ) {|f| assert_equal(1, length.length) assert_equal(content.length, length[0]) assert(progress.length>1,"maybe test is wrong") assert(progress.sort == progress,"monotone increasing expected but was\n#{progress.inspect}") assert_equal(content.length, progress[-1]) assert_equal(content, f.read) } } end def test_progress_chunked with_http {|srv, dr, url| content = "a" * 100000 srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content; res.chunked = true } length = [] progress = [] URI.open("#{url}/data/", :content_length_proc => lambda {|n| length << n }, :progress_proc => lambda {|n| progress << n } ) {|f| assert_equal(1, length.length) assert_equal(nil, length[0]) assert(progress.length>1,"maybe test is worng") assert(progress.sort == progress,"monotone increasing expected but was\n#{progress.inspect}") assert_equal(content.length, progress[-1]) assert_equal(content, f.read) } } end def test_uri_read with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/uriread", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "uriread" } ) data = URI("#{url}/uriread").read assert_equal("200", data.status[0]) assert_equal("uriread", data) } end def test_encoding with_http {|srv, dr, url| content_u8 = "\u3042" content_ej = "\xa2\xa4".dup.force_encoding("euc-jp") srv.mount_proc("/u8/") {|req, res| res.body = content_u8; res['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' } srv.mount_proc("/ej/") {|req, res| res.body = content_ej; res['content-type'] = 'TEXT/PLAIN; charset=EUC-JP' } srv.mount_proc("/nc/") {|req, res| res.body = "aa"; res['content-type'] = 'Text/Plain' } URI.open("#{url}/u8/") {|f| assert_equal(content_u8, f.read) assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type) assert_equal("utf-8", f.charset) } URI.open("#{url}/ej/") {|f| assert_equal(content_ej, f.read) assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type) assert_equal("euc-jp", f.charset) assert_equal(Encoding::EUC_JP, f.read.encoding) } URI.open("#{url}/ej/", 'r:utf-8') {|f| # override charset with encoding option assert_equal(content_ej.dup.force_encoding('utf-8'), f.read) assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type) assert_equal("euc-jp", f.charset) assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, f.read.encoding) } URI.open("#{url}/ej/", :encoding=>'utf-8') {|f| # override charset with encoding option assert_equal(content_ej.dup.force_encoding('utf-8'), f.read) assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type) assert_equal("euc-jp", f.charset) assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, f.read.encoding) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI.open("#{url}/ej/", 'r:utf-8', :encoding=>'utf-8') {|f| } } URI.open("#{url}/nc/") {|f| assert_equal("aa", f.read) assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type) assert_equal("utf-8", f.charset) assert_equal("unknown", f.charset { "unknown" }) } } end def test_quoted_attvalue with_http {|srv, dr, url| content_u8 = "\u3042" srv.mount_proc("/qu8/") {|req, res| res.body = content_u8; res['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset="utf\-8"' } URI.open("#{url}/qu8/") {|f| assert_equal(content_u8, f.read) assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type) assert_equal("utf-8", f.charset) } } end def test_last_modified with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = "foo"; res['last-modified'] = 'Fri, 07 Aug 2009 06:05:04 GMT' } URI.open("#{url}/data/") {|f| assert_equal("foo", f.read) assert_equal(Time.utc(2009,8,7,6,5,4), f.last_modified) } } end def test_content_encoding with_http {|srv, dr, url| content = "abc" * 10000 Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(StringIO.new(content_gz="".b)) {|z| z.write content } srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz; res['content-encoding'] = 'gzip' } srv.mount_proc("/data2/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz; res['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'; res.chunked = true } srv.mount_proc("/noce/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz } URI.open("#{url}/data/") {|f| assert_equal [], f.content_encoding assert_equal(content, f.read) } URI.open("#{url}/data2/") {|f| assert_equal [], f.content_encoding assert_equal(content, f.read) } URI.open("#{url}/noce/") {|f| assert_equal [], f.content_encoding assert_equal(content_gz, f.read.force_encoding("ascii-8bit")) } } end if defined?(Zlib::GzipWriter) def test_multiple_cookies with_http {|srv, dr, url| srv.mount_proc("/mcookie/") {|req, res| res.cookies << "name1=value1; blabla" res.cookies << "name2=value2; blabla" res.body = "foo" } URI.open("#{url}/mcookie/") {|f| assert_equal("foo", f.read) assert_equal(["name1=value1; blabla", "name2=value2; blabla"], f.metas['set-cookie'].sort) } } end # is TEST-NET. [RFC3330] def test_ftp_invalid_request assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read } assert_nothing_raised(URI::InvalidComponentError) { URI(";type=x") } end def test_ftp TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv| _, port, _, host = serv.addr th = Thread.new { s = serv.accept begin s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n" assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n" assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n" assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n" assert_equal("CWD foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n" assert_equal("PASV\r\n", s.gets) TCPServer.open("", 0) {|data_serv| _, data_serv_port, _, _ = data_serv.addr hi = data_serv_port >> 8 lo = data_serv_port & 0xff s.print "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,#{hi},#{lo}).\r\n" assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n" data_sock = data_serv.accept begin data_sock << "content" ensure data_sock.close end s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n" assert_nil(s.gets) } ensure s.close if s end } begin content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/foo/bar").read assert_equal("content", content) ensure Thread.kill(th) th.join end } end def test_ftp_active TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv| _, port, _, host = serv.addr th = Thread.new { s = serv.accept begin content = "content" s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n" assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n" assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n" assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n" assert_equal("CWD foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n" assert(m = /\APORT 127,0,0,1,(\d+),(\d+)\r\n\z/.match(s.gets)) active_port = m[1].to_i << 8 | m[2].to_i TCPSocket.open("", active_port) {|data_sock| s.print "200 data connection opened\r\n" assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n" begin data_sock << content ensure data_sock.close end s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n" assert_nil(s.gets) } ensure s.close if s end } begin content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/foo/bar").read(:ftp_active_mode=>true) assert_equal("content", content) ensure Thread.kill(th) th.join end } end def test_ftp_ascii TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv| _, port, _, host = serv.addr th = Thread.new { s = serv.accept begin content = "content" s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n" assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n" assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n" assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n" assert_equal("CWD /foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n" assert_equal("TYPE A\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to A\r\n" assert_equal("SIZE bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "213 #{content.bytesize}\r\n" assert_equal("PASV\r\n", s.gets) TCPServer.open("", 0) {|data_serv| _, data_serv_port, _, _ = data_serv.addr hi = data_serv_port >> 8 lo = data_serv_port & 0xff s.print "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,#{hi},#{lo}).\r\n" assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n" data_sock = data_serv.accept begin data_sock << content ensure data_sock.close end s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n" assert_nil(s.gets) } ensure s.close if s end } begin length = [] progress = [] content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/%2Ffoo/b%61r;type=a").read( :content_length_proc => lambda {|n| length << n }, :progress_proc => lambda {|n| progress << n }) assert_equal("content", content) assert_equal([7], length) assert_equal(7, progress.inject(&:+)) ensure Thread.kill(th) th.join end } end def test_ftp_over_http_proxy TCPServer.open("", 0) {|proxy_serv| proxy_port = proxy_serv.addr[1] th = Thread.new { proxy_sock = proxy_serv.accept begin req = proxy_sock.gets("\r\n\r\n") assert_match(%r{\AGET }, req) proxy_sock.print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" proxy_sock.print "Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n" proxy_sock.print "ab\r\n" ensure proxy_sock.close end } begin with_env('ftp_proxy'=>"{proxy_port}") { content = URI("").read assert_equal("ab\r\n", content) } ensure Thread.kill(th) th.join end } end def test_ftp_over_http_proxy_auth TCPServer.open("", 0) {|proxy_serv| proxy_port = proxy_serv.addr[1] th = Thread.new { proxy_sock = proxy_serv.accept begin req = proxy_sock.gets("\r\n\r\n") assert_match(%r{\AGET }, req) assert_match(%r{Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{['proxy-user:proxy-password'].pack('m').chomp}\r\n}, req) proxy_sock.print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" proxy_sock.print "Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n" proxy_sock.print "ab\r\n" ensure proxy_sock.close end } begin content = URI("").read( :proxy_http_basic_authentication => ["{proxy_port}", "proxy-user", "proxy-password"]) assert_equal("ab\r\n", content) ensure Thread.kill(th) th.join end } end end