# optparse library, not octopus. =begin = Summary Library for command line option analysis. features: (1) It is possible <option switch of a short form and a long form> to exist together. It is also possible in one to bring the switch of a short form together. (2) It is possible to write bringing specification and the handler of the switch together respectively in one place. (3) The argument of the switch is converted into the class which automatically specifies it. (4) The option summary can be made. (5) The option can be added on the way later. =end #'#"#`# # Not yet (;_;) =begin == Class tree * ((<OptionParser>)) front end * ((<OptionParser::Switch>)) each switches * ((<OptionParser::List>)) options list * ((<OptionParser::ParseError>)) errors on parsing * ((<OptionParser::AmbiguousOption>)) * ((<OptionParser::NeedlessArgument>)) * ((<OptionParser::MissingArgument>)) * ((<OptionParser::InvalidOption>)) * ((<OptionParser::InvalidArgument>)) * ((<OptionParser::AmbiguousArgument>)) == Object relations +--------------+ | OptionParser |<>-----+ +--------------+ | +--------+ | ,-| Switch | on_head -------->+---------------+ / +--------+ accept/reject -->| List |<|>- | |<|>- +----------+ on ------------->+---------------+ `-| argument | : : | class | +---------------+ |==========| on_tail -------->| | |pattern | +---------------+ |----------| OptionParser.accept ->| DefaultList | |converter | reject |(shared between| +----------+ | all instances)| +---------------+ =end #'#"#`# =begin = Classes & Modules =end #'#"#`# class OptionParser RCSID = %w$Id$[1..-1].each {|s| s.freeze}.freeze Version = (RCSID[1].split('.').collect {|s| s.to_i}.extend(Comparable).freeze if RCSID[1]) LastModified = (Time.gm(*RCSID[2, 2].join('-').scan(/\d+/).collect {|s| s.to_i}) if RCSID[2]) Release = RCSID[2] NoArgument = [NO_ARGUMENT = :NONE, nil].freeze RequiredArgument = [REQUIRED_ARGUMENT = :REQUIRED, true].freeze OptionalArgument = [OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT = :OPTIONAL, false].freeze =begin private == ((:OptionParser::Completion:)) Keyword completion module. =end #'#"#`# module Completion =begin private --- OptionParser::Completion#complete(key[, pat]) Searches ((|key|)), or ((|pat|)) with completion if not found. :Parameters: : ((|key|)) keyword to search. : ((|pat|)) completion pattern. =end #'#"#`# def complete(key, pat = nil) pat ||= Regexp.new('\A' + Regexp.quote(key).gsub(/\w+(?=.)/, '\&\w*'), true) canon, sw, k, v = nil each do |k, *v| (if Regexp === k k === key else pat === (defined?(k.id2name) ? k.id2name : k) end) or next v << k if v.empty? unless canon canon, sw = k, v else throw :ambiguous, key unless sw == v end end if canon block_given? or return key, *sw yield(key, *sw) end end =begin private --- OptionParser::Completion#convert(opt, *val) Extracts the first element from result of ((<OptionParser::Completion#complete>)). =end #'#"#`# def convert(opt = nil, val = nil, *) val end end =begin private == ((:OptionParser::OptionMap:)) Map from option/keyword string to object with completion. === Superclass (({Hash})) === Including modules ((<OptionParser::Completion>)) =end #'#"#`# class OptionMap < Hash include Completion end =begin == ((:OptionParser::Switch:)) Individual switch class. =end #'#"#`# class Switch attr_reader :pattern, :conv, :short, :long, :arg, :desc, :block =begin private === Class methods =end =begin private --- OptionParser::Switch.guess(arg) Guesses argument style from ((|arg|)). Returns corresponding ((<OptionParser::Switch>)) subclass. =end #'#"#`# def self.guess(arg) case arg when "" self when /\A[=\s]?\[/ Switch::OptionalArgument else Switch::RequiredArgument end end =begin private --- OptionParser::Switch.new =end #'#"#`# def initialize(pattern = nil, conv = nil, short = nil, long = nil, arg = nil, desc = ([] if short or long), block = Proc.new) @pattern, @conv, @short, @long, @arg, @desc, @block = pattern, conv, short, long, arg, desc, block end =begin === Instance methods =end =begin private --- OptionParser::Switch#parse_arg(arg) {non-serious error handler} Parses argument and returns rest of ((|arg|)), and matched portion to the argument pattern. :Parameters: : ((|arg|)) option argument to be parsed. : (({block})) yields when the pattern doesn't match sub-string. =end #'#"#`# def parse_arg(arg) pattern or return nil, arg unless m = pattern.match(arg) yield(InvalidArgument, arg) return arg, nil end if String === m m = [s = m] else m = m.to_a s = m[0] return nil, *m unless String === s end raise InvalidArgument, arg unless arg.rindex(s, 0) return nil, *m if s.length == arg.length yield(InvalidArgument, arg) # didn't match whole arg return arg[s.length..-1], *m end private :parse_arg =begin --- OptionParser::Switch#parse(arg, val) {semi-error handler} Parses argument, convert and returns ((|arg|)), ((|block|)) and result of conversion. : Arguments to ((|@conv|)) substrings matched to ((|@pattern|)), ((|$&|)), ((|$1|)), ((|$2|)) and so on. :Parameters: : ((|arg|)) argument string follows the switch. : ((|val|)) following argument. : (({block})) (({yields})) at semi-error condition, instead of raises exception. =end #'#"#`# def parse(arg, *val) if block val = conv.yield(*val) if conv return arg, block, val else return arg, nil end end =begin private --- OptionParser::Switch#summarize(sdone, ldone, width, max, indent) Makes summary strings. :Parameters: : ((|sdone|)) already summarized short style options keyed hash. : ((|ldone|)) already summarized long style options keyed hash. : ((|width|)) width of left side, option part. in other word, right side, description part strings start at ((|width|)) column. : ((|max|)) maximum width of left side, options are filled within ((|max|)) columns. : ((|indent|)) prefix string indents each summarized lines. : (({block})) to be passed each lines(without newline). =end #'#"#`# def summarize(sdone = [], ldone = [], width = 1, max = width - 1, indent = "") sopts, lopts, s = [], [], nil @short.each {|s| sdone.fetch(s) {sopts << s}; sdone[s] = true} if @short @long.each {|s| ldone.fetch(s) {lopts << s}; ldone[s] = true} if @long return if sopts.empty? and lopts.empty? # completely hidden left = [sopts.join(', ')] right = desc.dup while s = lopts.shift l = left[-1].length + s.length l += arg.length if left.size == 1 && arg l < max or left << '' left[-1] << if left[-1].empty? then ' ' * 4 else ', ' end << s end left[0] << arg if arg mlen = left.collect {|s| s.length}.max.to_i while mlen > width and l = left.shift mlen = left.collect {|s| s.length}.max.to_i if l.length == mlen yield(indent + l) end while (l = left.shift; r = right.shift; l or r) l = l.to_s.ljust(width) + ' ' + r if r and !r.empty? yield(indent + l) end self end =begin private == Switch classes =end #'#"#`# =begin private === ((:OptionParser::Switch::NoArgument:)) Switch that takes no arguments. ==== Superclass ((<OptionParser::Switch>)) ==== Instance methods --- OptionParser::Switch::NoArgument#parse Raises an exception if any arguments given. =end #'#"#`# class NoArgument < self def parse(arg, argv, &error) yield(NeedlessArgument, arg) if arg super(arg) end end =begin private === ((:OptionParser::Switch::RequiredArgument:)) Switch that takes an argument. ==== Superclass ((<OptionParser::Switch>)) ==== Instance methods --- OptionParser::Switch::RequiredArgument#parse Raises an exception if argument is not present. =end #'#"#`# class RequiredArgument < self def parse(arg, argv, &error) unless arg raise MissingArgument if argv.empty? arg = argv.shift end super(*parse_arg(arg, &error)) end def self.guess(arg) self >= (t = super) or raise ArgumentError, "#{arg}: incompatible argument styles\n #{self}, #{t}" t end end =begin private === ((:OptionParser::Switch::OptionalArgument:)) Switch that can omit argument. ==== Superclass ((<OptionParser::Switch>)) ==== Instance methods --- OptionParser::Switch::OptionalArgument#parse Parses argument if given, or uses default value. =end #'#"#`# class OptionalArgument < self def parse(arg, argv, &error) if arg super(*parse_arg(arg, &error)) else super(arg) end end def self.guess(arg) self >= (t = super) or raise ArgumentError, "#{arg}: incompatible argument styles\n #{self}, #{t}" t end end end =begin == ((:OptionParser::List:)) Simple option list providing mapping from short and/or long option string to ((<OptionParser::Switch>)), and mapping from acceptable argument to matching pattern and converter pair. Also provides summary feature. =end #'#"#`# class List =begin === Class methods =end #'#"#`# =begin private --- OptionParser::List.new Just initializes all instance variables. =end #'#"#`# def initialize @atype = {} @short = OptionMap.new @long = OptionMap.new @list = [] end =begin === Instance methods =end #'#"#`# =begin --- OptionParser::List#atype Map from acceptable argument types to pattern and converter pairs. --- OptionParser::List#short Map from short style option switches to actual switch objects. --- OptionParser::List#long Map from long style option switches to actual switch objects. --- OptionParser::List#list List of all switches and summary string. =end #'#"#`# attr_reader :atype, :short, :long, :list =begin private --- OptionParser::List#accept(type[, pattern]) {...} see ((<OptionParser.accept>)). --- OptionParser::List#reject(type) see ((<OptionParser.reject>)). =end #'#"#`# def accept(t, pat = nil, &block) if pat pat.respond_to?(:match) or raise TypeError, "has no `match'" else pat = t if t.respond_to?(:match) end unless block block = pat.method(:convert).to_proc if pat.respond_to?(:convert) end @atype[t] = [pat, block] end def reject(t) @atype.delete(t) end =begin private --- OptionParser::List#update(sw, sopts, lopts, nlopts = nil) Adds ((|sw|)) according to ((|sopts|)), ((|lopts|)) and ((|nlopts|)). :Parameters: : ((|sw|)) ((<OptionParser::Switch>)) instance to be added. : ((|sopts|)) short style options list. : ((|lopts|)) long style options list. : ((|nlopts|)) negated long style options list. =end #'#"#`# def update(sw, sopts, lopts, nsw = nil, nlopts = nil) o = nil sopts.each {|o| @short[o] = sw} if sopts lopts.each {|o| @long[o] = sw} if lopts nlopts.each {|o| @long[o] = nsw} if nsw and nlopts used = @short.invert.update(@long.invert) @list.delete_if {|o| Switch === o and !used[o]} end private :update =begin --- OptionParser::List#prepend(switch, short_opts, long_opts, nolong_opts) Inserts ((|switch|)) at head of the list, and associates short, long and negated long options. --- OptionParser::List#append(switch, short_opts, long_opts, nolong_opts) Appends ((|switch|)) at tail of the list, and associates short, long and negated long options. :Parameters: : ((|switch|)) ((<OptionParser::Switch>)) instance to be inserted. : ((|short_opts|)) list of short style options. : ((|long_opts|)) list of long style options. : ((|nolong_opts|)) list of long style options with (({"no-"})) prefix. =end #'#"#`# def prepend(*args) update(*args) @list.unshift(args[0]) end def append(*args) update(*args) @list.push(args[0]) end =begin --- OptionParser::List#search(id, key) [{block}] Searches ((|key|)) in ((|id|)) list. :Parameters: : ((|id|)) searching list. : ((|k|)) searching key. : (({Block})) yielded with the found value when succeeded. =end #'#"#`# def search(id, key) if list = __send__(id) val = list.fetch(key) {return nil} return val unless block_given? yield(val) end end =begin --- OptionParser::List#complete(id, opt, *pat, &block) Searches list ((|id|)) for ((|opt|)) and ((|*pat|)). :Parameters: : ((|id|)) searching list. : ((|opt|)) searching key. : ((|*pat|)) optional pattern for completion. : (({Block})) yielded with the found value when succeeded. =end #'#"#`# def complete(id, opt, *pat, &block) __send__(id).complete(opt, *pat, &block) end =begin --- OptionParser::List#summarize(*args) {...} Making summary table, yields the (({block})) with each lines. Each elements of (({@list})) should be able to (({summarize})). :Parameters: : ((|args|)) passed to elements#summarize through. : (({block})) to be passed each lines(without newline). =end #'#"#`# def summarize(*args, &block) list.each do |opt| if opt.respond_to?(:summarize) # perhaps OptionParser::Switch opt.summarize(*args, &block) elsif opt.empty? yield("") else opt.each(&block) end end end end =begin private == ((:OptionParser::CompletingHash:)) (({Hash})) with completion search feature. === Superclass (({Hash})) === Including modules ((<OptionParser::Completion>)) =end #'#"#`# class CompletingHash < Hash include Completion =begin private === Instance methods --- OptionParser::CompletingHash#match(key) Completion for hash key. =end #'#"#`# def match(key) return key, *fetch(key) { raise AmbiguousArgument, catch(:ambiguous) {return complete(key)} }.to_a end end =begin == ((:OptionParser:)) The front-end of (({OptionParser})). =end #'#"#`# =begin === Constants =end #'#"#`# =begin --- OptionParser::ArgumentStyle Enumeration of acceptable argument styles; possible values are: : OptionParser::NO_ARGUMENT the switch takes no arguments. ((({:NONE}))) : OptionParser::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT the switch requires an argument. ((({:REQUIRED}))) : OptionParser::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT the switch requires an optional argument, that is, may take or not. ((({:OPTIONAL}))) Use like (({--switch=argument}))(long style) or (({-Xargument}))(short style). For short style, only portion matched to ((<argument pattern>)) is dealed as argument. =end #'#"#`# ArgumentStyle = {} NoArgument.each {|el| ArgumentStyle[el] = Switch::NoArgument} RequiredArgument.each {|el| ArgumentStyle[el] = Switch::RequiredArgument} OptionalArgument.each {|el| ArgumentStyle[el] = Switch::OptionalArgument} ArgumentStyle.freeze =begin private --- OptionParser::DefaultList Switches common used such as '--', and also provides default argument classes =end #'#"#`# DefaultList = List.new DefaultList.short['-'] = Switch::NoArgument.new {} DefaultList.long[''] = Switch::NoArgument.new {throw :terminate} =begin undocumented === Default options Default options, which never appear in option summary. --- --help Shows option summary. --- --version Shows version string if (({::Version})) is defined. =end #'#"#`# DefaultList.long['help'] = Switch::NoArgument.new do puts ARGV.options exit end DefaultList.long['version'] = Switch::NoArgument.new do if v = ARGV.options.ver puts v exit end end =begin === Class methods =end #'#"#`# =begin --- OptionParser.with([banner[, width[, indent]]]) [{...}] Initializes new instance, and evaluates the block in context of the instance if called as iterator. This behavior is equivalent to older (({new})). This is ((*deprecated*)) method. cf. ((<OptionParser.new>)) :Parameters: : ((|banner|)) banner message. : ((|width|)) summary width. : ((|indent|)) summary indent. : (({Block})) to be evaluated in the new instance context. =end #'#"#`# def self.with(*args, &block) opts = new(*args) opts.instance_eval(&block) opts end =begin --- OptionParser.inc(arg[, default]) --- OptionParser#inc(arg[, default]) Returns incremented value of ((|default|)) according to ((|arg|)). =end def self.inc(arg, default = nil) case arg when Integer arg.nonzero? when nil default.to_i + 1 end end def inc(*args) self.class.inc(*args) end =begin --- OptionParser.new([banner[, width[, indent]]]) [{...}] Initializes the instance, and yields itself if called as iterator. :Parameters: : ((|banner|)) banner message. : ((|width|)) summary width. : ((|indent|)) summary indent. : (({Block})) to be evaluated in the new instance context. =end #'#"#`# def initialize(banner = nil, width = 32, indent = ' ' * 4) @stack = [DefaultList, List.new, List.new] @program_name = nil @banner = banner @summary_width = width @summary_indent = indent yield self if block_given? end =begin --- OptionParser.terminate([arg]) Terminates option parsing. Optional parameter ((|arg|)) would be pushed back if given. :Parameters: : ((|arg|)) string pushed back to be first non-option argument =end #'#"#`# def terminate(arg = nil) self.class.terminate(arg) end def self.terminate(arg = nil) throw :terminate, arg end @stack = [DefaultList] def self.top() DefaultList end =begin --- OptionParser.accept(t, [pat]) {...} --- OptionParser#accept(t, [pat]) {...} Directs to accept specified class argument. :Parameters: : ((|t|)) argument class specifier, any object including Class. : ((|pat|)) pattern for argument, defaulted to ((|t|)) if it respond to (({match})). : (({Block})) receives argument string and should be convert to desired class. =end #'#"#`# def accept(*args, &blk) top.accept(*args, &blk) end def self.accept(*args, &blk) top.accept(*args, &blk) end =begin --- OptionParser.reject(t) --- OptionParser#reject(t) Directs to reject specified class argument. :Parameters: : ((|t|)) argument class specifier, any object including Class. =end #'#"#`# def reject(*args, &blk) top.reject(*args, &blk) end def self.reject(*args, &blk) top.reject(*args, &blk) end =begin === Instance methods =end #'#"#`# =begin --- OptionParser#banner --- OptionParser#banner=(heading) Heading banner preceding summary. --- OptionParser#summary_width --- OptionParser#summary_width=(width) Width for option list portion of summary. Must be (({Numeric})). --- OptionParser#summary_indent --- OptionParser#summary_indent=(indent) Indentation for summary. Must be (({String})) (or have (({+ String}))). --- OptionParser#program_name --- OptionParser#program_name=(name) Program name to be emitted in error message and default banner, defaulted to (({$0})). =end #'#"#`# attr_writer :banner, :program_name attr_accessor :summary_width, :summary_indent def banner @banner ||= "Usage: #{program_name} [options]" end def program_name @program_name || File.basename($0, '.*') end # for experimental cascading :-) alias set_banner banner= alias set_program_name program_name= alias set_summary_width summary_width= alias set_summary_indent summary_indent= =begin --- OptionParser#version --- OptionParser#version=(ver) Version. --- OptionParser#release --- OptionParser#release=(rel) Release code. --- OptionParser#ver Returns version string from ((<program_name>)), (({version})) and (({release})). =end #'#"#`# attr_writer :version, :release def version @version || (defined?(::Version) && ::Version) end def release @release || (defined?(::Release) && ::Release) end def ver if v = version str = "#{program_name} #{[v].join('.')}" str << " (#{v})" if v = release str end end =begin --- OptionParser#top Subject of ((<on>))/((<on_head>)), ((<accept>))/((<reject>)). =end #'#"#`# def top @stack[-1] end =begin --- OptionParser#base Subject of ((<on_tail>)). =end #'#"#`# def base @stack[1] end =begin --- OptionParser#new Pushes a new (({List})). =end #'#"#`# def new @stack.push(List.new) if block_given? yield self else self end end =begin --- OptionParser#remove Removes the last (({List})). =end #'#"#`# def remove @stack.pop end =begin --- OptionParser#summarize(to = [], width = @summary_width, max = width - 1, indent = @summary_indent) Puts option summary into ((|to|)), and returns ((|to|)). :Parameters: : ((|to|)) output destination, which must have method ((|<<|)). Defaulted to (({[]})). : ((|width|)) width of left side. Defaulted to ((|@summary_width|)) : ((|max|)) maximum length allowed for left side. Defaulted to (({((|width|)) - 1})) : ((|indent|)) indentation. Defaulted to ((|@summary_indent|)) : (({Block})) yields with each line if called as iterator. =end #'#"#`# def summarize(to = [], width = @summary_width, max = width - 1, indent = @summary_indent, &blk) visit(:summarize, {}, {}, width, max, indent, &(blk || proc {|l| to << l + $/})) to end =begin --- OptionParser#to_str --- OptionParser#to_s Returns option summary string. =end #'#"#`# def to_str; summarize(banner.to_s.sub(/\n?\z/, "\n")) end alias to_s to_str =begin --- OptionParser#to_a Returns option summary list. =end #'#"#`# def to_a; summarize(banner.to_a.dup) end =begin --- OptionParser#switch Creates ((<OptionParser::Switch>)). :Parameters: : ((|*opts|)) option definition: : argument style see ((<OptionParser::ArgumentStyle>)) : argument pattern acceptable option argument format, must pre-defined with ((<OptionParser.accept>)) or ((<OptionParser#accept>)), or (({Regexp})). This can appear once or assigned as (({String})) if not present, otherwise causes exception (({ArgumentError})). cf. ((<Acceptable argument classes>)). : Hash : Array possible argument values. : Proc : Method alternative way to give the ((*handler*)). : "--switch=MANDATORY", "--switch[=OPTIONAL]", "--switch" specifies long style switch that takes ((*mandatory*)), ((*optional*)) and ((*no*)) argument, respectively. : "-xMANDATORY", "-x[OPTIONAL]", "-x" specifies short style switch that takes ((*mandatory*)), ((*optional*)) and ((*no*)) argument, respectively. : "-[a-z]MANDATORY", "-[a-z][OPTIONAL]", "-[a-z]" special form short style switch that matches character range(not fullset of regular expression). : "=MANDATORY", "=[OPTIONAL]" argument style and description. : "description", ... ((*description*)) for this option. : (({Block})) ((*handler*)) to convert option argument to arbitrary (({Class})). =end #'#"#`# =begin private --- OptionParser#notwice(obj, prv, msg) Checks never given twice an argument. ((*Called from OptionParser#switch only*)) :Parameters: : ((|obj|)) new argument. : ((|prv|)) previously specified argument. : ((|msg|)) exception message =end #'#"#`# def notwice(obj, prv, msg) unless !prv or prv == obj begin raise ArgumentError, "argument #{msg} given twice: #{obj}" rescue $@[0, 2] = nil raise end end obj end private :notwice def make_switch(*opts, &block) short, long, nolong, style, pattern, conv, not_pattern, not_conv, not_style = [], [], [] ldesc, sdesc, desc, arg = [], [], [] default_style = Switch::NoArgument default_pattern = nil klass = nil o = nil n, q, a = nil opts.each do |o| # argument class next if search(:atype, o) do |pat, c| klass = notwice(o, klass, 'type') if not_style and not_style != Switch::NoArgument not_pattern, not_conv = pat, c else default_pattern, conv = pat, c end end # directly specified pattern(any object possible to match) if !(String === o) and o.respond_to?(:match) pattern = notwice(o, pattern, 'pattern') conv = (pattern.method(:convert).to_proc if pattern.respond_to?(:convert)) next end # anything others case o when Proc, Method block = notwice(o, block, 'block') when Array, Hash case pattern when CompletingHash when nil pattern = CompletingHash.new conv = (pattern.method(:convert).to_proc if pattern.respond_to?(:convert)) else raise ArgumentError, "argument pattern given twice" end if Array === o o.each {|o| pattern[(Array === o ? o.shift : o)] = o} else pattern.update(o) end when Module raise ArgumentError, "unsupported argument type: #{o}" when *ArgumentStyle.keys style = notwice(ArgumentStyle[o], style, 'style') when /^--no-([^][=\s]*)(.+)?/ q, a = $1, $2 o = notwice(a ? Object : TrueClass, klass, 'type') not_pattern, not_conv = search(:atype, o) unless not_style not_style = (not_style || default_style).guess(arg = a) if a default_style = Switch::NoArgument default_pattern, conv = search(:atype, FalseClass) ldesc << "--no-#{q}" long << 'no-' + (q = q.downcase) nolong << q when /^--\[no-\]([^][=\s]*)(.+)?/ q, a = $1, $2 o = notwice(a ? Object : TrueClass, klass, 'type') default_style = default_style.guess(arg = a) if a default_pattern, conv = search(:atype, o) ldesc << "--#{q}" long << (o = q.downcase) not_pattern, not_conv = search(:atype, FalseClass) unless not_style not_style = Switch::NoArgument nolong << 'no-' + o when /^--([^][=\s]*)(.+)?/ q, a = $1, $2 o = notwice(a ? NilClass : TrueClass, klass, 'type') default_style = default_style.guess(arg = a) if a default_pattern, conv = search(:atype, o) ldesc << "--#{q}" long << (o = q.downcase) when /^-(\[\^?\]?(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\])(.+)?/ q, a = $1, $2 o = notwice(Object, klass, 'type') default_style = default_style.guess(arg = a) if a default_pattern, conv = search(:atype, o) sdesc << "-#{q}" short << Regexp.new(q) when /^-(.)(.+)?/ q, a = $1, $2 o = notwice((a ? Object : TrueClass), klass, 'type') default_style = default_style.guess(arg = a) if a default_pattern, conv = search(:atype, o) sdesc << "-#{q}" short << q when /^=/ style = notwice(default_style.guess(arg = o), style, 'style') default_pattern, conv = search(:atype, Object) else desc.push(o) end end s = if short.empty? and long.empty? raise ArgumentError, "no switch given" if style or pattern or block desc else (style || default_style).new(pattern || default_pattern, conv, sdesc, ldesc, arg, desc, block) end return s, short, long, (not_style.new(not_pattern, not_conv, sdesc, ldesc, nil, desc, block) if not_style), nolong end =begin --- OptionParser#on(*opts) [{...}] --- OptionParser#def_option(*opts) [{...}] --- OptionParser#on_head(*opts) [{...}] --- OptionParser#def_head_option(*opts) [{...}] --- OptionParser#on_tail(*opts) [{...}] --- OptionParser#def_tail_option(*opts) [{...}] Defines option switch and handler. (({on_head})), (({def_head_option})) and (({on_tail})), (({def_tail_option})) put the switch at head and tail of summary, respectively. cf. ((<OptionParser#switch>)). =end #'#"#`# def define(*opts, &block) top.append(*(sw = make_switch(*opts, &block))) sw[0] end def on(*opts, &block) define(*opts, &block) self end alias def_option define def define_head(*opts, &block) top.prepend(*(sw = make_switch(*opts, &block))) sw[0] end def on_head(*opts, &block) define_head(*opts, &block) self end alias def_head_option define_head def define_tail(*opts, &block) base.append(*(sw = make_switch(*opts, &block))) sw[0] end def on_tail(*opts, &block) define_tail(*opts, &block) self end alias def_tail_option define_tail def separator(string) top.append(string, nil, nil) end =begin --- OptionParser#order(*argv) [{...}] --- OptionParser#order!([argv = ARGV]) [{...}] Parses ((|argv|)) in order. When non-option argument encountered, yields it if called as iterator, otherwise terminates the parse process. Returns rest of ((|argv|)) left unparsed. (({order!})) takes argument array itself, and removes switches destructively. Defaults to parse ((|ARGV|)). :Parameters: : ((|argv|)) command line arguments to be parsed. : (({Block})) called with each non-option argument. =end #'#"#`# def order(*argv, &block) order!(argv, &block) end def order!(argv = ARGV, &nonopt) opt, arg, sw, val, rest = nil nonopt ||= proc {|arg| throw :terminate, arg} argv.unshift(arg) if arg = catch(:terminate) { while arg = argv.shift case arg # long option when /\A--([^=]*)(?:=(.*))?/ opt, rest = $1, $2 begin sw, = complete(:long, opt) rescue ParseError raise $!.set_option(arg, true) end begin opt, sw, val = sw.parse(rest, argv) {|*exc| raise(*exc)} sw.yield(val) if sw rescue ParseError raise $!.set_option(arg, rest) end # short option when /\A-(.)((=).*|.+)?/ opt, has_arg, eq, val, rest = $1, $3, $3, $2, $2 begin unless sw = search(:short, opt) begin sw, = complete(:short, opt) # short option matched. val = arg.sub(/\A-/, '') has_arg = true rescue InvalidOption # if no short options match, try completion with long # options. sw, = complete(:long, opt) eq ||= !rest end end rescue ParseError raise $!.set_option(arg, true) end begin opt, sw, val = sw.parse(val, argv) {|*exc| raise(*exc) if eq} raise InvalidOption, arg if has_arg and !eq and arg == "-#{opt}" argv.unshift(opt) if opt and (opt = opt.sub(/\A-*/, '-')) != '-' sw.yield(val) if sw rescue ParseError raise $!.set_option(arg, has_arg) end # non-option argument else nonopt.call(arg) end end nil } argv end =begin --- OptionParser#permute(*argv) --- OptionParser#permute!([argv = ARGV]) Parses ((|argv|)) in permutation mode, and returns list of non-option arguments. (({permute!})) takes argument array itself, and removes switches destructively. Defaults to parse ((|ARGV|)). :Parameters: : ((|argv|)) command line arguments to be parsed. =end #'#"#`# def permute(*argv) permute!(argv) end def permute!(argv = ARGV) nonopts = [] arg = nil order!(argv) {|arg| nonopts << arg} argv[0, 0] = nonopts argv end =begin --- OptionParser#parse(*argv) --- OptionParser#parse!([argv = ARGV]) Parses ((|argv|)) in order when environment variable (({POSIXLY_CORRECT})) is set, otherwise permutation mode (({parse!})) takes argument array itself, and removes switches destructively. Defaults to parse ((|ARGV|)). :Parameters: : ((|argv|)) command line arguments to be parsed. =end #'#"#`# def parse(*argv) parse!(argv) end def parse!(argv = ARGV) if ENV.include?('POSIXLY_CORRECT') order!(argv) else permute!(argv) end end =begin private --- OptionParser#visit(id, *args) {block} Traverses (({stack}))s calling method ((|id|)) with ((|*args|)). :Parameters: : ((|id|)) called method in each elements of (({stack}))s. : ((|*args|)) passed to ((|id|)). : (({Block})) passed to ((|id|)). =end #'#"#`# def visit(id, *args, &block) el = nil @stack.reverse_each do |el| el.send(id, *args, &block) end nil end private :visit =begin private --- OptionParser#search(id, k) Searches ((|k|)) in stack for ((|id|)) hash, and returns it or yielded value if called as iterator. :Parameters: : ((|id|)) searching table. : ((|k|)) searching key. : (({Block})) yielded with the found value when succeeded. =end #'#"#`# def search(id, k) visit(:search, id, k) do |k| return k unless block_given? return yield(k) end end private :search =begin private --- OptionParser#complete(typ, opt, *etc) Completes shortened long style option switch, and returns pair of canonical switch and switch descriptor((<OptionParser::Switch>)). :Parameters: : ((|id|)) searching table. : ((|opt|)) searching key. : ((|*pat|)) optional pattern for completion. : (({Block})) yielded with the found value when succeeded. =end #'#"#`# def complete(typ, opt, *pat) if pat.empty? search(typ, opt) {|sw| return [sw, opt]} # exact match or... end raise AmbiguousOption, catch(:ambiguous) { visit(:complete, typ, opt, *pat) {|opt, *sw| return sw} raise InvalidOption, opt } end private :complete =begin undocumented --- OptionParser#load([filename]) Loads options from file named as ((|filename|)). Does nothing when the file is not present. Returns whether successfuly loaded. :Parameters: : ((|filename|)) option file name. defaulted to basename of the program without suffix in a directory ((%~/.options%)). =end #'#"#`# def load(filename = nil) begin filename ||= File.expand_path(File.basename($0, '.*'), '~/.options') rescue return false end begin parse(*IO.readlines(filename).each {|s| s.chomp!}) true rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTDIR false end end =begin undocumented --- OptionParser#environment([env]) Parses environment variable ((|env|)) or its uppercase with spliting like as shell. :Parameters: : ((|env|)) defaulted to basename of the program. =end #'#"#`# def environment(env = File.basename($0, '.*')) env = ENV[env] || ENV[env.upcase] or return parse(*Shellwords.shellwords(env)) end =begin = Acceptable argument classes =end #'#"#`# =begin : Object any string, and no conversion. this is fall-back. =end #'#"#`# accept(Object) {|s|s or s.nil?} accept(NilClass) {|s|s} =begin : String any none-empty string, and no conversion. =end #'#"#`# accept(String, /.+/) {|s,*|s} =begin : Integer Ruby/C-like integer, octal for (({0-7})) sequence, binary for (({0b})), hexadecimal for (({0x})), and decimal for others; with optional sign prefix. Converts to (({Integer})). =end #'#"#`# decimal = '\d+(?:_\d+)*' binary = 'b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*' hex = 'x[\da-f]+(?:_[\da-f]+)*' octal = "0(?:[0-7]*(?:_[0-7]+)*|#{binary}|#{hex})" integer = "#{octal}|#{decimal}" accept(Integer, %r"\A[-+]?(?:#{integer})"io) {|s| Integer(s) if s} =begin : Float Float number format, and converts to (({Float})). =end #'#"#`# float = "(?:#{decimal}(?:\\.(?:#{decimal})?)?|\\.#{decimal})(?:E[-+]?#{decimal})?" floatpat = %r"\A[-+]?#{float}"io accept(Float, floatpat) {|s| s.to_f if s} =begin : Numeric Generic numeric format, and converts to (({Integer})) for integer format, (({Float})) for float format. =end #'#"#`# accept(Numeric, %r"\A[-+]?(?:#{octal}|#{float})"io) {|s| eval(s) if s} =begin : OptionParser::DecimalInteger Decimal integer format, to be converted to (({Integer})). =end #'#"#`# DecimalInteger = /\A[-+]?#{decimal}/io accept(DecimalInteger) {|s| s.to_i if s} =begin : OptionParser::OctalInteger Ruby/C like octal/hexadecimal/binary integer format, to be converted to (({Integer})). =end #'#"#`# OctalInteger = /\A[-+]?(?:[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*|0(?:#{binary}|#{hex}))/io accept(OctalInteger) {|s| s.oct if s} =begin : OptionParser::DecimalNumeric Decimal integer/float number format, to be converted to (({Integer})) for integer format, (({Float})) for float format. =end #'#"#`# DecimalNumeric = floatpat # decimal integer is allowed as float also. accept(DecimalNumeric) {|s| eval(s) if s} =begin : TrueClass Boolean switch, which means whether it is present or not, whether it is absent or not with prefix (({no-})), or it takes an argument (({yes/no/true/false/+/-})). : FalseClass Similar to ((<TrueClass>)), but defaulted to (({false})). =end #'#"#`# yesno = CompletingHash.new %w[- no false].each {|el| yesno[el] = false} %w[+ yes true].each {|el| yesno[el] = true} yesno['nil'] = false # shoud be nil? accept(TrueClass, yesno) {|arg, val| val == nil or val} accept(FalseClass, yesno) {|arg, val| val != nil and val} =begin : Array List of strings separated by "," =end #'#"#`# accept(Array) do |s| if s s = s.split(',').collect {|s| s unless s.empty?} s.size > 1 or s = [s] # guard empty or single. end s end =begin = Exceptions =end #'#"#`# =begin == ((:OptionParser::ParseError:)) Base class of exceptions from ((<OptionParser>)) === Superclass (({RuntimeError})) === Constants : OptionParser::ParseError::Reason Reason caused error. === Instance methods --- OptionParser::ParseError#recover(argv) Push backs erred argument(s) to ((|argv|)). --- OptionParser::ParseError#reason Returns error reason. Override this to I18N. --- OptionParser::ParseError#inspect Returns inspection string. --- OptionParser::ParseError#message --- OptionParser::ParseError#to_s --- OptionParser::ParseError#to_str Default stringizing method to emit standard error message. =end #'#"#`# class ParseError < RuntimeError Reason = 'parse error'.freeze def initialize(*args) @args = args @reason = nil end attr_reader :args attr_writer :reason def recover(argv) argv[0, 0] = @args argv end def set_option(opt, eq) if eq @args[0] = opt else @args.unshift(opt) end self end def reason @reason || self.class::Reason end def inspect "#<#{self.class.to_s}: #{args.join(' ')}>" end def message reason + ': ' + args.join(' ') end alias to_s message alias to_str message end =begin == ((:OptionParser::AmbiguousOption:)) Raises when encountered ambiguously completable string. === Superclass ((<OptionParser::ParseError>)) =end #'#"#`# class AmbiguousOption < ParseError const_set(:Reason, 'ambiguous option'.freeze) end =begin == ((:OptionParser::NeedlessArgument:)) Raises when encountered argument for switch defined as which takes no argument. === Superclass ((<OptionParser::ParseError>)) =end #'#"#`# class NeedlessArgument < ParseError const_set(:Reason, 'needles argument'.freeze) end =begin == ((:OptionParser::MissingArgument:)) Raises when no argument found for switch defined as which needs argument. === Superclass ((<OptionParser::ParseError>)) =end #'#"#`# class MissingArgument < ParseError const_set(:Reason, 'missing argument'.freeze) end =begin == ((:OptionParser::InvalidOption:)) Raises when undefined switch. === Superclass ((<OptionParser::ParseError>)) =end #'#"#`# class InvalidOption < ParseError const_set(:Reason, 'invalid option'.freeze) end =begin == ((:OptionParser::InvalidArgument:)) Raises when the given argument does not match required format. === Superclass ((<OptionParser::ParseError>)) =end #'#"#`# class InvalidArgument < ParseError const_set(:Reason, 'invalid argument'.freeze) end =begin == ((:OptionParser::AmbiguousArgument:)) Raises when the given argument word can't completed uniquely. === Superclass ((<OptionParser::InvalidArgument>)) =end #'#"#`# class AmbiguousArgument < InvalidArgument const_set(:Reason, 'ambiguous argument'.freeze) end =begin = Miscellaneous =end #'#"#`# =begin == ((:OptionParser::Arguable:)) Extends command line arguments array to parse itself. =end #'#"#`# module Arguable =begin --- OptionParser::Arguable#options=(opt) Sets ((<OptionParser>)) object, when ((|opt|)) is (({false})) or (({nil})), methods ((<OptionParser::Arguable#options>)) and ((<OptionParser::Arguable#options=>)) are undefined. Thus, there is no ways to access the ((<OptionParser>)) object via the receiver object. =end #'#"#`# def options=(opt) unless @optparse = opt class << self undef_method(:options) undef_method(:options=) end end end =begin --- OptionParser::Arguable#options Actual ((<OptionParser>)) object, automatically created if not yet. If called as iterator, yields with the ((<OptionParser>)) object and returns the result of the block. In this case, rescues any ((<OptionParser::ParseError>)) exceptions in the block, just emits error message to ((<STDERR>)) and returns (({nil})). :Parameters: : (({block})) Yielded with the ((<OptionParser>)) instance. =end #'#"#`# def options @optparse ||= OptionParser.new block_given? or return @optparse begin yield @optparse rescue ParseError STDERR.puts @optparse.program_name + ': ' + $! nil end end =begin --- OptionParser::Arguable#order! --- OptionParser::Arguable#permute! --- OptionParser::Arguable#parse! Parses ((|self|)) destructively, and returns ((|self|)) just contains rest arguments left without parsed. =end #'#"#`# def order!(&blk) options.order!(self, &blk) end def permute!() options.permute!(self) end def parse!() options.parse!(self) end =begin private Initializes instance variable. =end #'#"#`# def self.extend_object(obj) super obj.instance_eval {@optparse = nil} end def initialize(*args) super @optparse = nil end end =begin == OptionParser::Acceptables Acceptable argument classes. Now contains (({DecimalInteger})), (({OctalInteger})) and (({DecimalNumeric})). see ((<Acceptable argument classes>)). =end #'#"#`# module Acceptables const_set(:DecimalInteger, OptionParser::DecimalInteger) const_set(:OctalInteger, OptionParser::OctalInteger) const_set(:DecimalNumeric, OptionParser::DecimalNumeric) end end # ARGV is arguable by OptionParser ARGV.extend(OptionParser::Arguable) if $0 == __FILE__ Version = OptionParser::Version ARGV.options {|q| q.parse!.empty? or puts "what's #{ARGV.join(' ')}?" } or exit 1 end __END__ =begin example = Example <<< opttest.rb =end #'#"#`#