# # tkextlib/tcllib/ico.rb # by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp) # # * Part of tcllib extension # * Reading and writing windows icons # require 'tk' require 'tk/image' require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb' # TkPackage.require('ico', '0.3') TkPackage.require('ico') module Tk module Tcllib class ICO < TkImage def self.package_version begin TkPackage.require('ico') rescue '' end end end end end class Tk::Tcllib::ICO def self.list(file, keys=nil) tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIconList', file, *hash_kv(keys, true))) end def self.get(file, index, keys=nil) tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIcon', file, index, *hash_kv(keys, true)) end def self.get_image(file, index, keys={}) keys = _symbolkey2str(keys) keys.delete('format') self.new(file, index, keys) end def self.get_data(file, index, keys={}) keys['format'] = 'data' tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIcon', file, index, *hash_kv(keys, true))) end def self.write(file, index, depth, data, keys=nil) tk_call_without_enc('::ico::writeIcon', file, index, depth, data, *hash_kv(keys, true)) end def self.copy(from_file, from_index, to_file, to_index, keys=nil) tk_call_without_enc('::ico::copyIcon', from_file, from_index, to_file, to_index, *hash_kv(keys, true)) end def self.exe_to_ico(exe_file, ico_file, keys=nil) tk_call_without_enc('::ico::copyIcon', exe_file, ico_file, *hash_kv(keys, true)) end def self.clear_cache(file=None) tk_call_without_enc('::ico::clearCache', file) end def self.transparent_color(image, color) if image.kind_of?(Array) tk_split_list(tk_call_without_enc('::ico::transparentColor', image, color)) else tk_call_without_enc('::ico::transparentColor', image, color) end end def self.show(file, keys=nil) tk_call_without_enc('::ico::Show', file, *hash_kv(keys, true)) end ########################### def initialize(file, index, keys=nil) keys = _symbolkey2str(keys) if keys.key?('name') @path = keys['name'].to_s else @path = Tk_Image_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_) Tk_Image_ID[1].succ! end tk_call_without_enc('::ico::getIcon', file, index, '-name', @path, '-format', 'image', *hash_kv(keys, true)) Tk_IMGTBL[@path] = self end def write(file, index, depth, keys=nil) Tk::Tcllib::ICO.write(file, index, depth, @path, keys=nil) self end def transparent_color(color) tk_call_without_enc('::ico::transparentColor', @path, color) self end end