# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#   irb/lc/help-message.rb -
#   	$Release Version: 0.9.6$
#   	$Revision$
#   	by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ruby-lang.org)
# --
Usage:  irb.rb [options] [programfile] [arguments]
  -f		    Suppress read of ~/.irbrc
  -d                Set $DEBUG to true (same as `ruby -d')
  -r load-module    Same as `ruby -r'
  -I path           Specify $LOAD_PATH directory
  -U                Same as `ruby -U`
  -E enc            Same as `ruby -E`
  -w                Same as `ruby -w`
  -W[level=2]       Same as `ruby -W`
  --context-mode n  Set n[0-3] to method to create Binding Object,
                    when new workspace was created
  --echo            Show result(default)
  --noecho          Don't show result
  --inspect	    Use `inspect' for output (default except for bc mode)
  --noinspect	    Don't use inspect for output
  --readline        Use Readline extension module
  --noreadline	    Don't use Readline extension module
  --prompt prompt-mode/--prompt-mode prompt-mode
		    Switch prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are
		    `default', `simple', `xmp' and `inf-ruby'
  --inf-ruby-mode   Use prompt appropriate for inf-ruby-mode on emacs.
		    Suppresses --readline.
                    Simple prompt mode
  --noprompt        No prompt mode
  --single-irb      Share self with sub-irb.
  --tracer          Display trace for each execution of commands.
  --back-trace-limit n
		    Display backtrace top n and tail n. The default
		    value is 16.
  --irb_debug n	    Set internal debug level to n (not for popular use)
  --verbose         Show details
  --noverbose       Don't show details
  -v, --version	    Print the version of irb
  -h, --help        Print help
  --                Separate options of irb from the list of command-line args

# vim:fileencoding=utf-8