#= open-uri.rb # #open-uri.rb is easy-to-use wrapper for net/http and net/ftp. # #== Example # #It is possible to open http/ftp URL as usual a file: # # open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/") {|f| # f.each_line {|line| p line} # } # #The opened file has several methods for meta information as follows since #it is extended by OpenURI::Meta. # # open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en") {|f| # f.each_line {|line| p line} # p f.base_uri # # p f.content_type # "text/html" # p f.charset # "iso-8859-1" # p f.content_encoding # [] # p f.last_modified # Thu Dec 05 02:45:02 UTC 2002 # } # #Additional header fields can be specified by an optional hash argument. # # open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/", # "User-Agent" => "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}", # "From" => "foo@bar.invalid", # "Referer" => "http://www.ruby-lang.org/") {|f| # ... # } # #The environment variables such as http_proxy and ftp_proxy are in effect by #default. :proxy => nil disables proxy. # # open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/raa.html", # :proxy => nil) {|f| # ... # } # #URI objects can be opened in similar way. # # uri = URI.parse("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/") # uri.open {|f| # ... # } # #URI objects can be read directly. #The returned string is also extended by OpenURI::Meta. # # str = uri.read # p str.base_uri # #Author:: Tanaka Akira require 'uri' require 'stringio' require 'time' module OpenURI def OpenURI.open_dispatch(name, *rest, &block) #:nodoc: DispatchTable.each {|cond, meth| return meth.call(name, *rest, &block) if cond === name } return open_uri_original_open(name, *rest, &block) end def OpenURI.open_uri(name, *rest) #:nodoc: uri = URI::Generic === name ? name : URI.parse(name) if !rest.empty? && (String === rest.first || Integer === rest.first) mode = rest.shift if !rest.empty? && Integer === rest.first perm = rest.shift end end if !rest.empty? && Hash === rest.first options = rest.shift end if !rest.empty? raise ArgumentError.new("extra arguments") end unless mode == nil || mode == 'r' || mode == 'rb' || mode == O_RDONLY raise ArgumentError.new("invalid access mode #{mode} (#{uri.class} resource is read only.)") end io = open_loop(uri, options || {}) if block_given? begin yield io ensure io.close end else io end end def OpenURI.open_loop(uri, options) #:nodoc: header = {} options.each {|k, v| if String === k header[k] = v end } case opt_proxy = options.fetch(:proxy, true) when true find_proxy = lambda {|u| u.find_proxy} when nil, false find_proxy = lambda {|u| nil} when String opt_proxy = URI.parse(opt_proxy) find_proxy = lambda {|u| opt_proxy} when URI::Generic find_proxy = lambda {|u| opt_proxy} else raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid proxy option: #{opt_proxy}") end uri_set = {} begin buf = Buffer.new if proxy_uri = find_proxy.call(uri) proxy_uri.proxy_open(buf, uri, header) else uri.direct_open(buf, header) end rescue Redirect loc = $!.uri if loc.relative? # Although it violates RFC 2616, Location: field may have relative URI. # It is converted to absolute URI using uri. loc = uri + loc end uri = loc raise "HTTP redirection loop: #{uri}" if uri_set.include? uri.to_s uri_set[uri.to_s] = true retry end io = buf.io io.base_uri = uri io end DispatchTable = [ [URI::HTTP, method(:open_uri)], [URI::FTP, method(:open_uri)], [%r{\A(http|ftp)://}, method(:open_uri)], ] class Redirect < StandardError #:nodoc: def initialize(uri) @uri = uri end attr_reader :uri end class HTTPError < StandardError def initialize(message, io) super(message) @io = io end attr_reader :io end class Buffer #:nodoc: def initialize @io = StringIO.new end StringMax = 10240 def <<(str) @io << str if StringIO === @io && StringMax < @io.size require 'tempfile' io = Tempfile.new('open-uri') Meta.init io, @io if Meta === @io io << @io.string @io = io end end def io Meta.init @io unless Meta === @io @io end end # Mixin for holding meta-information. module Meta def Meta.init(obj, src=nil) #:nodoc: obj.extend Meta obj.instance_eval { @base_uri = nil @meta = {} } if src obj.status = src.status obj.base_uri = src.base_uri src.meta.each {|name, value| obj.meta_add_field(name, value) } end end # returns an Array which consits status code and message. attr_accessor :status # returns a URI which is base of relative URIs in the data. # It may differ from the URI supplied by a user because redirection. attr_accessor :base_uri # returns a Hash which represents header fields. # The Hash keys are downcased for canonicalization. attr_reader :meta def meta_add_field(name, value) #:nodoc: @meta[name.downcase] = value end # returns a Time which represents Last-Modified field. def last_modified if v = @meta['last-modified'] Time.httpdate(v) else nil end end RE_LWS = /[\r\n\t ]+/n RE_TOKEN = %r{[^\x00- ()<>@,;:\\"/\[\]?={}\x7f]+}n RE_QUOTED_STRING = %r{"(?:[\r\n\t !#-\[\]-~\x80-\xff]|\\[\x00-\x7f])"}n RE_PARAMETERS = %r{(?:;#{RE_LWS}?#{RE_TOKEN}#{RE_LWS}?=#{RE_LWS}?(?:#{RE_TOKEN}|#{RE_QUOTED_STRING})#{RE_LWS}?)*}n def content_type_parse #:nodoc: v = @meta['content-type'] if v && %r{\A#{RE_LWS}?(#{RE_TOKEN})#{RE_LWS}?/(#{RE_TOKEN})#{RE_LWS}?(#{RE_PARAMETERS})\z}o =~ v type = $1.downcase subtype = $2.downcase parameters = [] $3.scan(/;#{RE_LWS}?(#{RE_TOKEN})#{RE_LWS}?=#{RE_LWS}?(?:(#{RE_TOKEN})|(#{RE_QUOTED_STRING}))/o) {|att, val, qval| val = qval.gsub(/[\r\n\t !#-\[\]-~\x80-\xff]+|(\\[\x00-\x7f])/) { $1 ? $1[1,1] : $& } if qval parameters << [att.downcase, val] } ["#{type}/#{subtype}", *parameters] else nil end end # returns "type/subtype" which is MIME Content-Type. # It is downcased for canonicalization. # Content-Type parameters are stripped. def content_type type, *parameters = content_type_parse type || 'application/octet-stream' end # returns a charset parameter in Content-Type field. # It is downcased for canonicalization. def charset type, *parameters = content_type_parse if pair = parameters.assoc('charset') pair.last.downcase elsif type && %r{\Atext/} =~ type && @base_uri && @base_uri.scheme == 'http' "iso-8859-1" # RFC2616 3.7.1 else nil end end # returns a list of encodings in Content-Encoding field # as an Array of String. # The encodings are downcased for canonicalization. def content_encoding v = @meta['content-encoding'] if v && %r{\A#{RE_LWS}?#{RE_TOKEN}#{RE_LWS}?(?:,#{RE_LWS}?#{RE_TOKEN}#{RE_LWS}?)*}o =~ v v.scan(RE_TOKEN).map {|content_coding| content_coding.downcase} else [] end end end # Mixin for URIs. module OpenRead # opens the URI. def open(options={}, &block) OpenURI.open_uri(self, options, &block) end # reads a content of the URI. def read(options={}) self.open(options) {|f| str = f.read Meta.init str, f str } end end end module URI class Generic # returns a proxy URI. # The proxy URI is obtained from environment variables such as http_proxy, # ftp_proxy, no_proxy, etc. # If there is no proper proxy, nil is returned. def find_proxy name = self.scheme + '_proxy' if proxy_uri = ENV[name] || ENV[name.upcase] proxy_uri = URI.parse(proxy_uri) name = 'no_proxy' if no_proxy = ENV[name] || ENV[name.upcase] no_proxy.scan(/([^:,]*)(?::(\d+))?/) {|host, port| if /(\A|\.)#{Regexp.quote host}\z/i =~ proxy_uri.host && (!port || self.port == port.to_i) proxy_uri = nil break end } end proxy_uri else nil end end end class HTTP def direct_open(buf, header) #:nodoc: proxy_open(buf, request_uri, header) end def proxy_open(buf, uri, header) #:nodoc: require 'net/http' resp = Net::HTTP.start(self.host, self.port) {|http| http.get(uri.to_s, header) {|str| buf << str} } io = buf.io io.rewind io.status = [resp.code, resp.message] resp.each {|name,value| buf.io.meta_add_field name, value } case resp when Net::HTTPSuccess when Net::HTTPMovedPermanently, # 301 Net::HTTPFound, # 302 Net::HTTPSeeOther, # 303 Net::HTTPTemporaryRedirect # 307 raise OpenURI::Redirect.new(URI.parse(resp['location'])) else raise OpenURI::HTTPError.new(io.status.join(' '), io) end end include OpenURI::OpenRead end class FTP def direct_open(buf, header) #:nodoc: require 'net/ftp' # xxx: header is discarded. # todo: extract user/passwd from .netrc. user = 'anonymous' passwd = nil user, passwd = self.userinfo.split(/:/) if self.userinfo ftp = Net::FTP.open(self.host) ftp.login(user, passwd) ftp.getbinaryfile(self.path, '/dev/null', Net::FTP::DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE) {|str| buf << str} ftp.close buf.io.rewind end include OpenURI::OpenRead end end module Kernel private alias open_uri_original_open open # makes possible to open URIs. # If the first argument is URI::HTTP, URI::FTP or # String beginning with http:// or ftp://, # the URI is opened. # The opened file object is extended by OpenURI::Meta. def open(name, *rest, &block) OpenURI.open_dispatch(name, *rest, &block) end end