require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "IO#ungetbyte" do before :each do @name = tmp("io_ungetbyte") touch(@name) { |f| f.write "a" } @io = new_io @name, "r" end after :each do @io.close unless @io.closed? rm_r @name end it "does nothing when passed nil" do @io.ungetbyte(nil).should be_nil @io.getbyte.should == 97 end it "puts back each byte in a String argument" do @io.ungetbyte("cat").should be_nil @io.getbyte.should == 99 @io.getbyte.should == 97 @io.getbyte.should == 116 @io.getbyte.should == 97 end it "calls #to_str to convert the argument" do str = mock("io ungetbyte") str.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("dog") @io.ungetbyte(str).should be_nil @io.getbyte.should == 100 @io.getbyte.should == 111 @io.getbyte.should == 103 @io.getbyte.should == 97 end ruby_version_is ''...'2.6' do it "puts back one byte for a Fixnum argument..." do @io.ungetbyte(4095).should be_nil @io.getbyte.should == 255 end it "... but not for Bignum argument (eh?)" do lambda { @io.ungetbyte(0x4f7574206f6620636861722072616e6765) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end ruby_version_is '2.6'...'2.7' do it "is an RangeError if the integer is not in 8bit" do for i in [4095, 0x4f7574206f6620636861722072616e6765] do lambda { @io.ungetbyte(i) }.should raise_error(RangeError) end end end ruby_version_is '2.7' do it "never raises RangeError" do for i in [4095, 0x4f7574206f6620636861722072616e6765] do lambda { @io.ungetbyte(i) }.should_not raise_error end end end it "raises an IOError if the IO is closed" do @io.close lambda { @io.ungetbyte(42) }.should raise_error(IOError) end end