# frozen_string_literal: true require "pathname" require "rbconfig" module Spec module Path def source_root @source_root ||= Pathname.new(ruby_core? ? "../../../.." : "../../..").expand_path(__FILE__) end def root @root ||= system_gem_path("gems/bundler-#{Bundler::VERSION}") end def gemspec @gemspec ||= source_root.join(relative_gemspec) end def relative_gemspec @relative_gemspec ||= ruby_core? ? "lib/bundler/bundler.gemspec" : "bundler.gemspec" end def gemspec_dir @gemspec_dir ||= gemspec.parent end def loaded_gemspec @loaded_gemspec ||= Gem::Specification.load(gemspec.to_s) end def test_gemfile @test_gemfile ||= source_root.join(ruby_core? ? "tool/bundler/test_gems.rb" : "test_gems.rb") end def dev_gemfile @dev_gemfile ||= source_root.join("dev_gems.rb") end def bindir @bindir ||= source_root.join(ruby_core? ? "libexec" : "exe") end def installed_bindir @installed_bindir ||= system_gem_path("bin") end def gem_cmd @gem_cmd ||= ruby_core? ? source_root.join("bin/gem") : "gem" end def gem_bin @gem_bin ||= ruby_core? ? ENV["GEM_COMMAND"] : "gem" end def path env_path = ENV["PATH"] env_path = env_path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).reject {|path| path == bindir.to_s }.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) if ruby_core? env_path end def spec_dir @spec_dir ||= source_root.join(ruby_core? ? "spec/bundler" : "spec") end def tracked_files @tracked_files ||= git_ls_files(tracked_files_glob) end def shipped_files @shipped_files ||= git_ls_files(shipped_files_glob) end def lib_tracked_files @lib_tracked_files ||= git_ls_files(lib_tracked_files_glob) end def man_tracked_files @man_tracked_files ||= git_ls_files(man_tracked_files_glob) end def tmp(*path) source_root.join("tmp", scope, *path) end def scope test_number = ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"] return "1" if test_number.nil? test_number.empty? ? "1" : test_number end def home(*path) tmp.join("home", *path) end def default_bundle_path(*path) if Bundler.feature_flag.default_install_uses_path? local_gem_path(*path) else system_gem_path(*path) end end def bundled_app(*path) root = tmp.join("bundled_app") FileUtils.mkdir_p(root) root.join(*path) end def bundled_app2(*path) root = tmp.join("bundled_app2") FileUtils.mkdir_p(root) root.join(*path) end def vendored_gems(path = nil) bundled_app(*["vendor/bundle", Gem.ruby_engine, RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"], path].compact) end def cached_gem(path) bundled_app("vendor/cache/#{path}.gem") end def bundled_app_gemfile bundled_app("Gemfile") end def bundled_app_lock bundled_app("Gemfile.lock") end def base_system_gems tmp.join("gems/base") end def file_uri_for(path) protocol = "file://" root = Gem.win_platform? ? "/" : "" protocol + root + path.to_s end def gem_repo1(*args) tmp("gems/remote1", *args) end def gem_repo_missing(*args) tmp("gems/missing", *args) end def gem_repo2(*args) tmp("gems/remote2", *args) end def gem_repo3(*args) tmp("gems/remote3", *args) end def gem_repo4(*args) tmp("gems/remote4", *args) end def security_repo(*args) tmp("gems/security_repo", *args) end def system_gem_path(*path) tmp("gems/system", *path) end def pristine_system_gem_path tmp("gems/base_system") end def local_gem_path(*path, base: bundled_app) base.join(*[".bundle", Gem.ruby_engine, RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"], *path].compact) end def lib_path(*args) tmp("libs", *args) end def source_lib_dir source_root.join("lib") end def lib_dir root.join("lib") end def global_plugin_gem(*args) home ".bundle", "plugin", "gems", *args end def local_plugin_gem(*args) bundled_app ".bundle", "plugin", "gems", *args end def tmpdir(*args) tmp "tmpdir", *args end def replace_version_file(version, dir: source_root) version_file = File.expand_path("lib/bundler/version.rb", dir) contents = File.read(version_file) contents.sub!(/(^\s+VERSION\s*=\s*)"#{Gem::Version::VERSION_PATTERN}"/, %(\\1"#{version}")) File.open(version_file, "w") {|f| f << contents } end def replace_build_metadata(build_metadata, dir: source_root) build_metadata_file = File.expand_path("lib/bundler/build_metadata.rb", dir) ivars = build_metadata.sort.map do |k, v| " @#{k} = #{loaded_gemspec.send(:ruby_code, v)}" end.join("\n") contents = File.read(build_metadata_file) contents.sub!(/^(\s+# begin ivars).+(^\s+# end ivars)/m, "\\1\n#{ivars}\n\\2") File.open(build_metadata_file, "w") {|f| f << contents } end def ruby_core? # avoid to warnings @ruby_core ||= nil if @ruby_core.nil? @ruby_core = true & ENV["GEM_COMMAND"] else @ruby_core end end private def git_ls_files(glob) sys_exec("git ls-files -z -- #{glob}", :dir => source_root).split("\x0") ensure if err == "fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git" @command_executions.pop # Remove failed "git ls-files" Dir.chdir(source_root) do files = [] Dir.glob(glob.shellsplit) do |path| if File.directory?(path) Dir.glob("#{path}/**/{*,.*}") do |sub_path| next if File.directory?(sub_path) files << sub_path end else files << path end end return files.uniq end end end def tracked_files_glob ruby_core? ? "lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb spec/bundler man/bundle*" : "" end def shipped_files_glob ruby_core? ? "lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb man/bundle* man/gemfile* libexec/bundle*" : "lib man exe CHANGELOG.md LICENSE.md README.md bundler.gemspec" end def lib_tracked_files_glob ruby_core? ? "lib/bundler lib/bundler.rb" : "lib" end def man_tracked_files_glob ruby_core? ? "man/bundle* man/gemfile*" : "man" end extend self end end