require_relative 'spec_helper' load_extension("kernel") describe "C-API Kernel function" do before :each do @s = end describe "rb_block_given_p" do it "returns false if no block is passed" do @s.rb_block_given_p.should == false end it "returns true if a block is passed" do (@s.rb_block_given_p { puts "FOO" } ).should == true end end describe "rb_need_block" do it "raises a LocalJumpError if no block is given" do lambda { @s.rb_need_block }.should raise_error(LocalJumpError) end it "does not raise a LocalJumpError if a block is given" do @s.rb_need_block { }.should == nil end end describe "rb_block_call" do before :each do ScratchPad.record [] end it "calls the block with a single argument" do ary = [1, 3, 5] @s.rb_block_call(ary).should == [2, 4, 6] end it "calls the block with multiple arguments in argc / argv" do ary = [1, 3, 5] @s.rb_block_call_multi_arg(ary).should == 9 end it "calls the method with no function callback and no block" do ary = [1, 3, 5] @s.rb_block_call_no_func(ary).should be_kind_of(Enumerator) end it "calls the method with no function callback and a block" do ary = [1, 3, 5] @s.rb_block_call_no_func(ary) do |i| i + 1 end.should == [2, 4, 6] end end describe "rb_frame_this_func" do it "returns the name of the method called" do @s.rb_frame_this_func_test.should == :rb_frame_this_func_test @s.rb_frame_this_func_test_again.should == :rb_frame_this_func_test_again end end describe "rb_raise" do it "raises an exception" do lambda { @s.rb_raise({}) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "terminates the function at the point it was called" do h = {} lambda { @s.rb_raise(h) }.should raise_error(TypeError) h[:stage].should == :before end end describe "rb_throw" do before :each do ScratchPad.record [] end it "sets the return value of the catch block to the specified value" do catch(:foo) do @s.rb_throw(:return_value) end.should == :return_value end it "terminates the function at the point it was called" do catch(:foo) do ScratchPad << :before_throw @s.rb_throw(:thrown_value) ScratchPad << :after_throw end.should == :thrown_value ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:before_throw] end it "raises an ArgumentError if there is no catch block for the symbol" do lambda { @s.rb_throw(nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "rb_throw_obj" do before :each do ScratchPad.record [] @tag = end it "sets the return value of the catch block to the specified value" do catch(@tag) do @s.rb_throw_obj(@tag, :thrown_value) end.should == :thrown_value end it "terminates the function at the point it was called" do catch(@tag) do ScratchPad << :before_throw @s.rb_throw_obj(@tag, :thrown_value) ScratchPad << :after_throw end.should == :thrown_value ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:before_throw] end it "raises an ArgumentError if there is no catch block for the symbol" do lambda { @s.rb_throw(nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "rb_warn" do before :each do @stderr, $stderr = $stderr, @verbose = $VERBOSE end after :each do $stderr = @stderr $VERBOSE = @verbose end it "prints a message to $stderr if $VERBOSE evaluates to true" do $VERBOSE = true @s.rb_warn("This is a warning") $stderr.should =~ /This is a warning/ end it "prints a message to $stderr if $VERBOSE evaluates to false" do $VERBOSE = false @s.rb_warn("This is a warning") $stderr.should =~ /This is a warning/ end end describe "rb_sys_fail" do it "raises an exception from the value of errno" do lambda do @s.rb_sys_fail("additional info") end.should raise_error(SystemCallError, /additional info/) end it "can take a NULL message" do lambda do @s.rb_sys_fail(nil) end.should raise_error(Errno::EPERM) end end describe "rb_syserr_fail" do it "raises an exception from the given error" do lambda do @s.rb_syserr_fail(Errno::EINVAL::Errno, "additional info") end.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL, /additional info/) end it "can take a NULL message" do lambda do @s.rb_syserr_fail(Errno::EINVAL::Errno, nil) end.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end end describe "rb_yield" do it "yields passed argument" do ret = nil @s.rb_yield(1) { |z| ret = z } ret.should == 1 end it "returns the result from block evaluation" do @s.rb_yield(1) { |z| z * 1000 }.should == 1000 end it "raises LocalJumpError when no block is given" do lambda { @s.rb_yield(1) }.should raise_error(LocalJumpError) end it "rb_yield to a block that breaks does not raise an error" do @s.rb_yield(1) { break }.should == nil end it "rb_yield to a block that breaks with a value returns the value" do @s.rb_yield(1) { break 73 }.should == 73 end platform_is_not :"solaris2.10" do # NOTE: i386-pc-solaris2.10 it "rb_yield through a callback to a block that breaks with a value returns the value" do @s.rb_yield_indirected(1) { break 73 }.should == 73 end end it "rb_yield to block passed to enumerator" do enum_class = do include Enumerable end @s.rb_yield_define_each(enum_class) res = { |i| i * 2} res.should == [0, 2, 4, 6] end end describe "rb_yield_values" do it "yields passed arguments" do ret = nil @s.rb_yield_values(1, 2) { |x, y| ret = x + y } ret.should == 3 end it "returns the result from block evaluation" do @s.rb_yield_values(1, 2) { |x, y| x + y }.should == 3 end it "raises LocalJumpError when no block is given" do lambda { @s.rb_yield_splat([1, 2]) }.should raise_error(LocalJumpError) end end describe "rb_yield_splat" do it "yields with passed array's contents" do ret = nil @s.rb_yield_splat([1, 2]) { |x, y| ret = x + y } ret.should == 3 end it "returns the result from block evaluation" do @s.rb_yield_splat([1, 2]) { |x, y| x + y }.should == 3 end it "passes arguments to a block accepting splatted args" do @s.rb_yield_splat([1, 2]) { |*v| v }.should == [1, 2] end it "raises LocalJumpError when no block is given" do lambda { @s.rb_yield_splat([1, 2]) }.should raise_error(LocalJumpError) end end describe "rb_protect" do it "will run a function with an argument" do proof = [] # Hold proof of work performed after the yield. res = @s.rb_protect_yield(7, proof) { |x| x + 1 } res.should == 8 proof[0].should == 23 end it "will allow cleanup code to run after break" do proof = [] # Hold proof of work performed after the yield. @s.rb_protect_yield(7, proof) { |x| break } proof[0].should == 23 end it "will allow cleanup code to run after break with value" do proof = [] # Hold proof of work performed after the yield. res = @s.rb_protect_yield(7, proof) { |x| break x + 1 } res.should == 8 proof[0].should == 23 end it "will allow cleanup code to run after a raise" do proof = [] # Hold proof of work performed after the yield. lambda do @s.rb_protect_yield(7, proof) { |x| raise NameError} end.should raise_error(NameError) proof[0].should == 23 end end describe "rb_rescue" do before :each do @proc = lambda { |x| x } @raise_proc_returns_sentinel = lambda {|*_| :raise_proc_executed } @raise_proc_returns_arg = lambda {|*a| a } @arg_error_proc = lambda { |*_| raise ArgumentError, '' } @std_error_proc = lambda { |*_| raise StandardError, '' } @exc_error_proc = lambda { |*_| raise Exception, '' } end it "executes passed function" do @s.rb_rescue(@proc, :no_exc, @raise_proc_returns_arg, :exc).should == :no_exc end it "executes passed 'raise function' if a StandardError exception is raised" do @s.rb_rescue(@arg_error_proc, nil, @raise_proc_returns_sentinel, :exc).should == :raise_proc_executed @s.rb_rescue(@std_error_proc, nil, @raise_proc_returns_sentinel, :exc).should == :raise_proc_executed end it "passes the user supplied argument to the 'raise function' if a StandardError exception is raised" do arg1, _ = @s.rb_rescue(@arg_error_proc, nil, @raise_proc_returns_arg, :exc1) arg1.should == :exc1 arg2, _ = @s.rb_rescue(@std_error_proc, nil, @raise_proc_returns_arg, :exc2) arg2.should == :exc2 end it "passes the raised exception to the 'raise function' if a StandardError exception is raised" do _, exc1 = @s.rb_rescue(@arg_error_proc, nil, @raise_proc_returns_arg, :exc) exc1.class.should == ArgumentError _, exc2 = @s.rb_rescue(@std_error_proc, nil, @raise_proc_returns_arg, :exc) exc2.class.should == StandardError end it "raises an exception if passed function raises an exception other than StandardError" do lambda { @s.rb_rescue(@exc_error_proc, nil, @raise_proc_returns_arg, nil) }.should raise_error(Exception) end it "raises an exception if any exception is raised inside 'raise function'" do lambda { @s.rb_rescue(@std_error_proc, nil, @std_error_proc, nil) }.should raise_error(StandardError) end it "makes $! available only during 'raise function' execution" do @s.rb_rescue(@std_error_proc, nil, lambda { |*_| $! }, nil).class.should == StandardError $!.should == nil end it "returns the break value if the passed function yields to a block with a break" do def proc_caller @s.rb_rescue(lambda { |*_| yield }, nil, @proc, nil) end proc_caller { break :value }.should == :value end end describe "rb_rescue2" do it "only rescues if one of the passed exceptions is raised" do proc = lambda { |x| x } arg_error_proc = lambda { |*_| raise ArgumentError, '' } run_error_proc = lambda { |*_| raise RuntimeError, '' } type_error_proc = lambda { |*_| raise TypeError, '' } @s.rb_rescue2(arg_error_proc, :no_exc, proc, :exc, ArgumentError, RuntimeError).should == :exc @s.rb_rescue2(run_error_proc, :no_exc, proc, :exc, ArgumentError, RuntimeError).should == :exc lambda { @s.rb_rescue2(type_error_proc, :no_exc, proc, :exc, ArgumentError, RuntimeError) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "rb_catch" do before :each do ScratchPad.record [] end it "executes passed function" do @s.rb_catch("foo", lambda { 1 }).should == 1 end it "terminates the function at the point it was called" do proc = lambda do ScratchPad << :before_throw throw :thrown_value ScratchPad << :after_throw end @s.rb_catch("thrown_value", proc).should be_nil ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:before_throw] end it "raises an ArgumentError if the throw symbol isn't caught" do lambda { @s.rb_catch("foo", lambda { throw :bar }) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "rb_catch_obj" do before :each do ScratchPad.record [] @tag = end it "executes passed function" do @s.rb_catch_obj(@tag, lambda { 1 }).should == 1 end it "terminates the function at the point it was called" do proc = lambda do ScratchPad << :before_throw throw @tag ScratchPad << :after_throw end @s.rb_catch_obj(@tag, proc).should be_nil ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:before_throw] end it "raises an ArgumentError if the throw symbol isn't caught" do lambda { @s.rb_catch("foo", lambda { throw :bar }) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "rb_ensure" do it "executes passed function and returns its value" do proc = lambda { |x| x } @s.rb_ensure(proc, :proc, proc, :ensure_proc).should == :proc end it "executes passed 'ensure function' when no exception is raised" do foo = nil proc = lambda { |*_| } ensure_proc = lambda { |x| foo = x } @s.rb_ensure(proc, nil, ensure_proc, :foo) foo.should == :foo end it "executes passed 'ensure function' when an exception is raised" do foo = nil raise_proc = lambda { raise '' } ensure_proc = lambda { |x| foo = x } @s.rb_ensure(raise_proc, nil, ensure_proc, :foo) rescue nil foo.should == :foo end it "raises the same exception raised inside passed function" do raise_proc = lambda { |*_| raise RuntimeError, 'foo' } proc = lambda { |*_| } lambda { @s.rb_ensure(raise_proc, nil, proc, nil) }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, 'foo') end end describe "rb_eval_string" do it "evaluates a string of ruby code" do @s.rb_eval_string("1+1").should == 2 end end describe "rb_block_proc" do it "converts the implicit block into a proc" do proc = @s.rb_block_proc() { 1+1 } proc.should be_kind_of(Proc) == 2 proc.lambda?.should == false end it "passes through an existing lambda and does not convert to a proc" do b = -> { 1+1 } proc = @s.rb_block_proc(&b) proc.should equal(b) == 2 proc.lambda?.should == true end end describe "rb_block_lambda" do it "converts the implicit block into a Proc but does not convert it to a lambda" do proc = @s.rb_block_proc { 1+1 } proc.should be_kind_of(Proc) == 2 proc.lambda?.should == false end it "passes through an existing Proc and does not convert to a lambda" do b = proc { 1+1 } proc = @s.rb_block_proc(&b) proc.should equal(b) == 2 proc.lambda?.should == false end end describe "rb_exec_recursive" do it "detects recursive invocations of a method and indicates as such" do s = "hello" @s.rb_exec_recursive(s).should == s end end platform_is_not :windows do describe "rb_set_end_proc" do before :each do @r, @w = IO.pipe end after :each do @r.close @w.close Process.wait @pid end it "runs a C function on shutdown" do @pid = fork { @s.rb_set_end_proc(@w) } == "e" end end end describe "rb_f_sprintf" do it "returns a string according to format and arguments" do @s.rb_f_sprintf(["%d %f %s", 10, 2.5, "test"]).should == "10 2.500000 test" end end describe "rb_make_backtrace" do it "returns a caller backtrace" do backtrace = @s.rb_make_backtrace lines = {|l| l =~ /#{__FILE__}/ } lines.should_not be_empty end end describe "rb_obj_method" do it "returns the method object for a symbol" do method = @s.rb_obj_method("test", :size) method.owner.should == String == :size end it "returns the method object for a string" do method = @s.rb_obj_method("test", "size") method.owner.should == String == :size end end describe "rb_funcall3" do before :each do @obj = class << @obj def method_public; :method_public end def method_private; :method_private end private :method_private end end it "calls a public method" do @s.rb_funcall3(@obj, :method_public).should == :method_public end it "does not call a private method" do lambda { @s.rb_funcall3(@obj, :method_private) }.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /private/) end end describe 'rb_funcall_with_block' do before :each do @obj = class << @obj def method_public; yield end def method_private; yield end private :method_private end end it "calls a method with block" do @s.rb_funcall_with_block(@obj, :method_public, proc { :result }).should == :result end it "does not call a private method" do lambda { @s.rb_funcall_with_block(@obj, :method_private, proc { :result }) }.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /private/) end end end