require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' describe "BigDecimal constants" do ruby_version_is "2.5" do it "defines a VERSION value" do BigDecimal.const_defined?(:VERSION).should be_true end end it "has a BASE value" do # The actual one is decided based on HAVE_INT64_T in MRI, # which is hard to check here. [10000, 1000000000].should include(BigDecimal::BASE) end it "has a NaN value" do BigDecimal::NAN.nan?.should be_true end it "has an INFINITY value" do BigDecimal::INFINITY.infinite?.should == 1 end describe "exception-related constants" do [ [:EXCEPTION_ALL, 0xff], [:EXCEPTION_INFINITY, 0x01], [:EXCEPTION_NaN, 0x02], [:EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW, 0x04], [:EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, 0x01], [:EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE, 0x10] ].each do |const, value| it "has a #{const} value" do BigDecimal.const_get(const).should == value end end end describe "rounding-related constants" do [ [:ROUND_MODE, 0x100], [:ROUND_UP, 1], [:ROUND_DOWN, 2], [:ROUND_HALF_UP, 3], [:ROUND_HALF_DOWN, 4], [:ROUND_CEILING, 5], [:ROUND_FLOOR, 6], [:ROUND_HALF_EVEN, 7] ].each do |const, value| it "has a #{const} value" do BigDecimal.const_get(const).should == value end end end describe "sign-related constants" do [ [:SIGN_NaN, 0], [:SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, 1], [:SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO, -1], [:SIGN_POSITIVE_FINITE, 2], [:SIGN_NEGATIVE_FINITE, -2], [:SIGN_POSITIVE_INFINITE, 3], [:SIGN_NEGATIVE_INFINITE, -3] ].each do |const, value| it "has a #{const} value" do BigDecimal.const_get(const).should == value end end end end