require_relative '../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/hash_strings_binary' require_relative 'fixtures/hash_strings_utf8' require_relative 'fixtures/hash_strings_usascii' describe "Hash literal" do it "{} should return an empty hash" do {}.size.should == 0 {}.should == {} end it "{} should return a new hash populated with the given elements" do h = {a: 'a', 'b' => 3, 44 => 2.3} h.size.should == 3 h.should == {a: "a", "b" => 3, 44 => 2.3} end it "treats empty expressions as nils" do h = {() => ()} h.keys.should == [nil] h.values.should == [nil] h[nil].should == nil h = {() => :value} h.keys.should == [nil] h.values.should == [:value] h[nil].should == :value h = {key: ()} h.keys.should == [:key] h.values.should == [nil] h[:key].should == nil end it "freezes string keys on initialization" do key = "foo" h = {key => "bar"} key.reverse! h["foo"].should == "bar" h.keys.first.should == "foo" h.keys.first.should.frozen? key.should == "oof" end it "checks duplicated keys on initialization" do -> { @h = eval "{foo: :bar, foo: :foo}" }.should complain(/key :foo is duplicated|duplicated key/) @h.keys.size.should == 1 @h.should == {foo: :foo} end it "accepts a hanging comma" do h = {a: 1, b: 2,} h.size.should == 2 h.should == {a: 1, b: 2} end it "recognizes '=' at the end of the key" do eval("{:a==>1}").should == {:"a=" => 1} eval("{:a= =>1}").should == {:"a=" => 1} eval("{:a= => 1}").should == {:"a=" => 1} end it "with '==>' in the middle raises SyntaxError" do -> { eval("{:a ==> 1}") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError) end it "constructs a new hash with the given elements" do {foo: 123}.should == {foo: 123} h = {rbx: :cool, specs: 'fail_sometimes'} {rbx: :cool, specs: 'fail_sometimes'}.should == h end it "ignores a hanging comma" do {foo: 123,}.should == {foo: 123} h = {rbx: :cool, specs: 'fail_sometimes'} {rbx: :cool, specs: 'fail_sometimes',}.should == h end it "accepts mixed 'key: value' and 'key => value' syntax" do h = {:a => 1, :b => 2, "c" => 3} {a: 1, b: 2, "c" => 3}.should == h end it "accepts mixed 'key: value', 'key => value' and '\"key\"': value' syntax" do h = {:a => 1, :b => 2, "c" => 3, :d => 4} eval('{a: 1, :b => 2, "c" => 3, "d": 4}').should == h end it "expands an '**{}' element into the containing Hash literal initialization" do {a: 1, **{b: 2}, c: 3}.should == {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} end it "expands an '**obj' element into the containing Hash literal initialization" do h = {b: 2, c: 3} {**h, a: 1}.should == {b: 2, c: 3, a: 1} {a: 1, **h}.should == {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} {a: 1, **h, c: 4}.should == {a: 1, b: 2, c: 4} end it "expands a BasicObject using ** into the containing Hash literal initialization" do h = def h.to_hash; {:b => 2, :c => 3}; end {**h, a: 1}.should == {b: 2, c: 3, a: 1} {a: 1, **h}.should == {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} {a: 1, **h, c: 4}.should == {a: 1, b: 2, c: 4} end it "expands an '**{}' element with the last key/value pair taking precedence" do -> { @h = eval "{a: 1, **{a: 2, b: 3, c: 1}, c: 3}" }.should complain(/key :a is duplicated|duplicated key/) @h.should == {a: 2, b: 3, c: 3} end it "merges multiple nested '**obj' in Hash literals" do -> { @h = eval "{a: 1, **{a: 2, **{b: 3, **{c: 4}}, **{d: 5}, }, **{d: 6}}" }.should complain(/key :a is duplicated|duplicated key/) @h.should == {a: 2, b: 3, c: 4, d: 6} end it "calls #to_hash to expand an '**obj' element" do obj = mock("hash splat") obj.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({b: 2, d: 4}) {a: 1, **obj, c: 3}.should == {a:1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4} end ruby_version_is ""..."2.7" do it "raises a TypeError if any splatted elements keys are not symbols" do h = {1 => 2, b: 3} -> { {a: 1, **h} }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end ruby_version_is "2.7" do it "allows splatted elements keys that are not symbols" do h = {1 => 2, b: 3} {a: 1, **h}.should == {a: 1, 1 => 2, b: 3} end end it "raises a TypeError if #to_hash does not return a Hash" do obj = mock("hash splat") obj.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return(obj) -> { {**obj} }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if the object does not respond to #to_hash" do obj = 42 -> { {**obj} }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { {a: 1, **obj} }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "does not change encoding of literal string keys during creation" do binary_hash = HashStringsBinary.literal_hash utf8_hash = HashStringsUTF8.literal_hash usascii_hash = HashStringsUSASCII.literal_hash binary_hash.keys.first.encoding.should == Encoding::BINARY binary_hash.keys.first.should == utf8_hash.keys.first utf8_hash.keys.first.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 utf8_hash.keys.first.should == usascii_hash.keys.first usascii_hash.keys.first.encoding.should == Encoding::US_ASCII end end