/* -*-c-*- */ /********************************************************************** thread_win32.c - $Author$ Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Koichi Sasada **********************************************************************/ #ifdef THREAD_SYSTEM_DEPENDENT_IMPLEMENTATION #include <process.h> #define TIME_QUANTUM_USEC (10 * 1000) #define RB_CONDATTR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC 1 /* no effect */ #undef Sleep #define native_thread_yield() Sleep(0) #define unregister_ubf_list(th) #define ubf_wakeup_all_threads() do {} while (0) #define ubf_threads_empty() (1) #define ubf_timer_disarm() do {} while (0) #define ubf_list_atfork() do {} while (0) static volatile DWORD ruby_native_thread_key = TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES; static int w32_wait_events(HANDLE *events, int count, DWORD timeout, rb_thread_t *th); RBIMPL_ATTR_NORETURN() static void w32_error(const char *func) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), (LPTSTR) & lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL) == 0) FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) & lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); rb_bug("%s: %s", func, (char*)lpMsgBuf); UNREACHABLE; } static int w32_mutex_lock(HANDLE lock, bool try) { DWORD result; while (1) { thread_debug("rb_native_mutex_lock: %p\n", lock); result = w32_wait_events(&lock, 1, try ? 0 : INFINITE, 0); switch (result) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: /* get mutex object */ thread_debug("acquire mutex: %p\n", lock); return 0; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: /* interrupt */ errno = EINTR; thread_debug("acquire mutex interrupted: %p\n", lock); return 0; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: thread_debug("timeout mutex: %p\n", lock); return EBUSY; case WAIT_ABANDONED: rb_bug("win32_mutex_lock: WAIT_ABANDONED"); break; default: rb_bug("win32_mutex_lock: unknown result (%ld)", result); break; } } return 0; } static HANDLE w32_mutex_create(void) { HANDLE lock = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); if (lock == NULL) { w32_error("rb_native_mutex_initialize"); } return lock; } #define GVL_DEBUG 0 static void gvl_acquire(rb_global_vm_lock_t *gvl, rb_thread_t *th) { w32_mutex_lock(gvl->lock, false); if (GVL_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "gvl acquire (%p): acquire\n", th); } static void gvl_release(rb_global_vm_lock_t *gvl) { ReleaseMutex(gvl->lock); } static void gvl_yield(rb_global_vm_lock_t *gvl, rb_thread_t *th) { gvl_release(gvl); native_thread_yield(); gvl_acquire(gvl, th); } void rb_gvl_init(rb_global_vm_lock_t *gvl) { if (GVL_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "gvl init\n"); gvl->lock = w32_mutex_create(); } static void gvl_destroy(rb_global_vm_lock_t *gvl) { if (GVL_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "gvl destroy\n"); CloseHandle(gvl->lock); } rb_thread_t * ruby_thread_from_native(void) { return TlsGetValue(ruby_native_thread_key); } int ruby_thread_set_native(rb_thread_t *th) { if (th && th->ec) { rb_ractor_set_current_ec(th->ractor, th->ec); } return TlsSetValue(ruby_native_thread_key, th); } void Init_native_thread(rb_thread_t *th) { if ((ruby_current_ec_key = TlsAlloc()) == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { rb_bug("TlsAlloc() for ruby_current_ec_key fails"); } if ((ruby_native_thread_key = TlsAlloc()) == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { rb_bug("TlsAlloc() for ruby_native_thread_key fails"); } ruby_thread_set_native(th); DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &th->thread_id, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); thread_debug("initial thread (th: %p, thid: %p, event: %p)\n", th, GET_THREAD()->thread_id, th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event); } static int w32_wait_events(HANDLE *events, int count, DWORD timeout, rb_thread_t *th) { HANDLE *targets = events; HANDLE intr; const int initcount = count; DWORD ret; thread_debug(" w32_wait_events events:%p, count:%d, timeout:%ld, th:%p\n", events, count, timeout, th); if (th && (intr = th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event)) { if (ResetEvent(intr) && (!RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED(th->ec) || SetEvent(intr))) { targets = ALLOCA_N(HANDLE, count + 1); memcpy(targets, events, sizeof(HANDLE) * count); targets[count++] = intr; thread_debug(" * handle: %p (count: %d, intr)\n", intr, count); } else if (intr == th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event) { w32_error("w32_wait_events"); } } thread_debug(" WaitForMultipleObjects start (count: %d)\n", count); ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(count, targets, FALSE, timeout); thread_debug(" WaitForMultipleObjects end (ret: %lu)\n", ret); if (ret == (DWORD)(WAIT_OBJECT_0 + initcount) && th) { errno = EINTR; } if (ret == WAIT_FAILED && THREAD_DEBUG) { int i; DWORD dmy; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { thread_debug(" * error handle %d - %s\n", i, GetHandleInformation(targets[i], &dmy) ? "OK" : "NG"); } } return ret; } static void ubf_handle(void *ptr); #define ubf_select ubf_handle int rb_w32_wait_events_blocking(HANDLE *events, int num, DWORD timeout) { return w32_wait_events(events, num, timeout, ruby_thread_from_native()); } int rb_w32_wait_events(HANDLE *events, int num, DWORD timeout) { int ret; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); BLOCKING_REGION(th, ret = rb_w32_wait_events_blocking(events, num, timeout), ubf_handle, ruby_thread_from_native(), FALSE); return ret; } static void w32_close_handle(HANDLE handle) { if (CloseHandle(handle) == 0) { w32_error("w32_close_handle"); } } static void w32_resume_thread(HANDLE handle) { if (ResumeThread(handle) == (DWORD)-1) { w32_error("w32_resume_thread"); } } #ifdef _MSC_VER #define HAVE__BEGINTHREADEX 1 #else #undef HAVE__BEGINTHREADEX #endif #ifdef HAVE__BEGINTHREADEX #define start_thread (HANDLE)_beginthreadex #define thread_errno errno typedef unsigned long (__stdcall *w32_thread_start_func)(void*); #else #define start_thread CreateThread #define thread_errno rb_w32_map_errno(GetLastError()) typedef LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE w32_thread_start_func; #endif static HANDLE w32_create_thread(DWORD stack_size, w32_thread_start_func func, void *val) { return start_thread(0, stack_size, func, val, CREATE_SUSPENDED | STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION, 0); } int rb_w32_sleep(unsigned long msec) { return w32_wait_events(0, 0, msec, ruby_thread_from_native()); } int WINAPI rb_w32_Sleep(unsigned long msec) { int ret; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); BLOCKING_REGION(th, ret = rb_w32_sleep(msec), ubf_handle, ruby_thread_from_native(), FALSE); return ret; } static DWORD hrtime2msec(rb_hrtime_t hrt) { return (DWORD)hrt / (DWORD)RB_HRTIME_PER_MSEC; } static void native_sleep(rb_thread_t *th, rb_hrtime_t *rel) { const volatile DWORD msec = rel ? hrtime2msec(*rel) : INFINITE; GVL_UNLOCK_BEGIN(th); { DWORD ret; rb_native_mutex_lock(&th->interrupt_lock); th->unblock.func = ubf_handle; th->unblock.arg = th; rb_native_mutex_unlock(&th->interrupt_lock); if (RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED(th->ec)) { /* interrupted. return immediate */ } else { thread_debug("native_sleep start (%lu)\n", msec); ret = w32_wait_events(0, 0, msec, th); thread_debug("native_sleep done (%lu)\n", ret); } rb_native_mutex_lock(&th->interrupt_lock); th->unblock.func = 0; th->unblock.arg = 0; rb_native_mutex_unlock(&th->interrupt_lock); } GVL_UNLOCK_END(th); } void rb_native_mutex_lock(rb_nativethread_lock_t *lock) { #ifdef USE_WIN32_MUTEX w32_mutex_lock(lock->mutex, false); #else EnterCriticalSection(&lock->crit); #endif } int rb_native_mutex_trylock(rb_nativethread_lock_t *lock) { #ifdef USE_WIN32_MUTEX return w32_mutex_lock(lock->mutex, true); #else return TryEnterCriticalSection(&lock->crit) == 0 ? EBUSY : 0; #endif } void rb_native_mutex_unlock(rb_nativethread_lock_t *lock) { #ifdef USE_WIN32_MUTEX thread_debug("release mutex: %p\n", lock->mutex); ReleaseMutex(lock->mutex); #else LeaveCriticalSection(&lock->crit); #endif } void rb_native_mutex_initialize(rb_nativethread_lock_t *lock) { #ifdef USE_WIN32_MUTEX lock->mutex = w32_mutex_create(); /* thread_debug("initialize mutex: %p\n", lock->mutex); */ #else InitializeCriticalSection(&lock->crit); #endif } void rb_native_mutex_destroy(rb_nativethread_lock_t *lock) { #ifdef USE_WIN32_MUTEX w32_close_handle(lock->mutex); #else DeleteCriticalSection(&lock->crit); #endif } struct cond_event_entry { struct cond_event_entry* next; struct cond_event_entry* prev; HANDLE event; }; void rb_native_cond_signal(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond) { /* cond is guarded by mutex */ struct cond_event_entry *e = cond->next; struct cond_event_entry *head = (struct cond_event_entry*)cond; if (e != head) { struct cond_event_entry *next = e->next; struct cond_event_entry *prev = e->prev; prev->next = next; next->prev = prev; e->next = e->prev = e; SetEvent(e->event); } } void rb_native_cond_broadcast(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond) { /* cond is guarded by mutex */ struct cond_event_entry *e = cond->next; struct cond_event_entry *head = (struct cond_event_entry*)cond; while (e != head) { struct cond_event_entry *next = e->next; struct cond_event_entry *prev = e->prev; SetEvent(e->event); prev->next = next; next->prev = prev; e->next = e->prev = e; e = next; } } static int native_cond_timedwait_ms(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond, rb_nativethread_lock_t *mutex, unsigned long msec) { DWORD r; struct cond_event_entry entry; struct cond_event_entry *head = (struct cond_event_entry*)cond; entry.event = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* cond is guarded by mutex */ entry.next = head; entry.prev = head->prev; head->prev->next = &entry; head->prev = &entry; rb_native_mutex_unlock(mutex); { r = WaitForSingleObject(entry.event, msec); if ((r != WAIT_OBJECT_0) && (r != WAIT_TIMEOUT)) { rb_bug("rb_native_cond_wait: WaitForSingleObject returns %lu", r); } } rb_native_mutex_lock(mutex); entry.prev->next = entry.next; entry.next->prev = entry.prev; w32_close_handle(entry.event); return (r == WAIT_OBJECT_0) ? 0 : ETIMEDOUT; } void rb_native_cond_wait(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond, rb_nativethread_lock_t *mutex) { native_cond_timedwait_ms(cond, mutex, INFINITE); } static unsigned long abs_timespec_to_timeout_ms(const struct timespec *ts) { struct timeval tv; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); tv.tv_sec = ts->tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = ts->tv_nsec / 1000; if (!rb_w32_time_subtract(&tv, &now)) return 0; return (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000); } static int native_cond_timedwait(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond, rb_nativethread_lock_t *mutex, const struct timespec *ts) { unsigned long timeout_ms; timeout_ms = abs_timespec_to_timeout_ms(ts); if (!timeout_ms) return ETIMEDOUT; return native_cond_timedwait_ms(cond, mutex, timeout_ms); } static struct timespec native_cond_timeout(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond, struct timespec timeout_rel); void rb_native_cond_timedwait(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond, rb_nativethread_lock_t *mutex, unsigned long msec) { struct timespec rel = { .tv_sec = msec / 1000, .tv_nsec = (msec % 1000) * 1000 * 1000, }; struct timespec ts = native_cond_timeout(cond, rel); native_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, &ts); } static struct timespec native_cond_timeout(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond, struct timespec timeout_rel) { int ret; struct timeval tv; struct timespec timeout; struct timespec now; ret = gettimeofday(&tv, 0); if (ret != 0) rb_sys_fail(0); now.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; now.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec; timeout.tv_nsec = now.tv_nsec; timeout.tv_sec += timeout_rel.tv_sec; timeout.tv_nsec += timeout_rel.tv_nsec; if (timeout.tv_nsec >= 1000*1000*1000) { timeout.tv_sec++; timeout.tv_nsec -= 1000*1000*1000; } if (timeout.tv_sec < now.tv_sec) timeout.tv_sec = TIMET_MAX; return timeout; } void rb_native_cond_initialize(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond) { cond->next = (struct cond_event_entry *)cond; cond->prev = (struct cond_event_entry *)cond; } void rb_native_cond_destroy(rb_nativethread_cond_t *cond) { /* */ } void ruby_init_stack(volatile VALUE *addr) { } #define CHECK_ERR(expr) \ {if (!(expr)) {rb_bug("err: %lu - %s", GetLastError(), #expr);}} COMPILER_WARNING_PUSH #if defined(__GNUC__) COMPILER_WARNING_IGNORED(-Wmaybe-uninitialized) #endif static inline SIZE_T query_memory_basic_info(PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mi) { return VirtualQuery(mi, mi, sizeof(*mi)); } COMPILER_WARNING_POP static void native_thread_init_stack(rb_thread_t *th) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mi; char *base, *end; DWORD size, space; CHECK_ERR(query_memory_basic_info(&mi)); base = mi.AllocationBase; end = mi.BaseAddress; end += mi.RegionSize; size = end - base; space = size / 5; if (space > 1024*1024) space = 1024*1024; th->ec->machine.stack_start = (VALUE *)end - 1; th->ec->machine.stack_maxsize = size - space; } #ifndef InterlockedExchangePointer #define InterlockedExchangePointer(t, v) \ (void *)InterlockedExchange((long *)(t), (long)(v)) #endif static void native_thread_destroy(rb_thread_t *th) { HANDLE intr = InterlockedExchangePointer(&th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event, 0); thread_debug("close handle - intr: %p, thid: %p\n", intr, th->thread_id); w32_close_handle(intr); } static unsigned long __stdcall thread_start_func_1(void *th_ptr) { rb_thread_t *th = th_ptr; volatile HANDLE thread_id = th->thread_id; native_thread_init_stack(th); th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); /* run */ thread_debug("thread created (th: %p, thid: %p, event: %p)\n", th, th->thread_id, th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event); thread_start_func_2(th, th->ec->machine.stack_start); w32_close_handle(thread_id); thread_debug("thread deleted (th: %p)\n", th); return 0; } static int native_thread_create(rb_thread_t *th) { const size_t stack_size = th->vm->default_params.thread_machine_stack_size + th->vm->default_params.thread_vm_stack_size; th->thread_id = w32_create_thread(stack_size, thread_start_func_1, th); if ((th->thread_id) == 0) { return thread_errno; } w32_resume_thread(th->thread_id); if (THREAD_DEBUG) { Sleep(0); thread_debug("create: (th: %p, thid: %p, intr: %p), stack size: %"PRIuSIZE"\n", th, th->thread_id, th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event, stack_size); } return 0; } static void native_thread_join(HANDLE th) { w32_wait_events(&th, 1, INFINITE, 0); } #if USE_NATIVE_THREAD_PRIORITY static void native_thread_apply_priority(rb_thread_t *th) { int priority = th->priority; if (th->priority > 0) { priority = THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL; } else if (th->priority < 0) { priority = THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL; } else { priority = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL; } SetThreadPriority(th->thread_id, priority); } #endif /* USE_NATIVE_THREAD_PRIORITY */ int rb_w32_select_with_thread(int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *, struct timeval *, void *); /* @internal */ static int native_fd_select(int n, rb_fdset_t *readfds, rb_fdset_t *writefds, rb_fdset_t *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout, rb_thread_t *th) { fd_set *r = NULL, *w = NULL, *e = NULL; if (readfds) { rb_fd_resize(n - 1, readfds); r = rb_fd_ptr(readfds); } if (writefds) { rb_fd_resize(n - 1, writefds); w = rb_fd_ptr(writefds); } if (exceptfds) { rb_fd_resize(n - 1, exceptfds); e = rb_fd_ptr(exceptfds); } return rb_w32_select_with_thread(n, r, w, e, timeout, th); } /* @internal */ int rb_w32_check_interrupt(rb_thread_t *th) { return w32_wait_events(0, 0, 0, th); } static void ubf_handle(void *ptr) { rb_thread_t *th = (rb_thread_t *)ptr; thread_debug("ubf_handle: %p\n", th); if (!SetEvent(th->native_thread_data.interrupt_event)) { w32_error("ubf_handle"); } } int rb_w32_set_thread_description(HANDLE th, const WCHAR *name); int rb_w32_set_thread_description_str(HANDLE th, VALUE name); #define native_set_another_thread_name rb_w32_set_thread_description_str static struct { HANDLE id; HANDLE lock; } timer_thread; #define TIMER_THREAD_CREATED_P() (timer_thread.id != 0) static unsigned long __stdcall timer_thread_func(void *dummy) { rb_vm_t *vm = GET_VM(); thread_debug("timer_thread\n"); rb_w32_set_thread_description(GetCurrentThread(), L"ruby-timer-thread"); while (WaitForSingleObject(timer_thread.lock, TIME_QUANTUM_USEC/1000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { vm->clock++; ruby_sigchld_handler(vm); /* probably no-op */ rb_threadptr_check_signal(vm->ractor.main_thread); } thread_debug("timer killed\n"); return 0; } void rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread(int sig) { /* do nothing */ } static VALUE rb_thread_start_unblock_thread(void) { return Qfalse; /* no-op */ } static void rb_thread_create_timer_thread(void) { if (timer_thread.id == 0) { if (!timer_thread.lock) { timer_thread.lock = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); } timer_thread.id = w32_create_thread(1024 + (THREAD_DEBUG ? BUFSIZ : 0), timer_thread_func, 0); w32_resume_thread(timer_thread.id); } } static int native_stop_timer_thread(void) { int stopped = --system_working <= 0; if (stopped) { SetEvent(timer_thread.lock); native_thread_join(timer_thread.id); CloseHandle(timer_thread.lock); timer_thread.lock = 0; } return stopped; } static void native_reset_timer_thread(void) { if (timer_thread.id) { CloseHandle(timer_thread.id); timer_thread.id = 0; } } int ruby_stack_overflowed_p(const rb_thread_t *th, const void *addr) { return rb_ec_raised_p(th->ec, RAISED_STACKOVERFLOW); } #if defined(__MINGW32__) LONG WINAPI rb_w32_stack_overflow_handler(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exception) { if (exception->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { rb_ec_raised_set(GET_EC(), RAISED_STACKOVERFLOW); raise(SIGSEGV); } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } #endif #ifdef RUBY_ALLOCA_CHKSTK void ruby_alloca_chkstk(size_t len, void *sp) { if (ruby_stack_length(NULL) * sizeof(VALUE) >= len) { rb_execution_context_t *ec = GET_EC(); if (!rb_ec_raised_p(ec, RAISED_STACKOVERFLOW)) { rb_ec_raised_set(ec, RAISED_STACKOVERFLOW); rb_exc_raise(sysstack_error); } } } #endif int rb_reserved_fd_p(int fd) { return 0; } int rb_sigwait_fd_get(rb_thread_t *th) { return -1; /* TODO */ } NORETURN(void rb_sigwait_fd_put(rb_thread_t *, int)); void rb_sigwait_fd_put(rb_thread_t *th, int fd) { rb_bug("not implemented, should not be called"); } NORETURN(void rb_sigwait_sleep(const rb_thread_t *, int, const rb_hrtime_t *)); void rb_sigwait_sleep(const rb_thread_t *th, int fd, const rb_hrtime_t *rel) { rb_bug("not implemented, should not be called"); } rb_nativethread_id_t rb_nativethread_self(void) { return GetCurrentThread(); } static void native_set_thread_name(rb_thread_t *th) { } static VALUE native_thread_native_thread_id(rb_thread_t *th) { DWORD tid = GetThreadId(th->thread_id); if (tid == 0) rb_sys_fail("GetThreadId"); return ULONG2NUM(tid); } #define USE_NATIVE_THREAD_NATIVE_THREAD_ID 1 #if USE_MJIT static unsigned long __stdcall mjit_worker(void *arg) { void (*worker_func)(void) = arg; rb_w32_set_thread_description(GetCurrentThread(), L"ruby-mjitworker"); worker_func(); return 0; } /* Launch MJIT thread. Returns FALSE if it fails to create thread. */ int rb_thread_create_mjit_thread(void (*worker_func)(void)) { size_t stack_size = 4 * 1024; /* 4KB is the minimum commit size */ HANDLE thread_id = w32_create_thread(stack_size, mjit_worker, worker_func); if (thread_id == 0) { return FALSE; } w32_resume_thread(thread_id); return TRUE; } #endif #endif /* THREAD_SYSTEM_DEPENDENT_IMPLEMENTATION */