/********************************************************************** iseq.c - $Author$ created at: 2006-07-11(Tue) 09:00:03 +0900 Copyright (C) 2006 Koichi Sasada **********************************************************************/ #include "internal.h" #include "ruby/util.h" #include "eval_intern.h" #ifdef HAVE_DLADDR # include <dlfcn.h> #endif /* #define RUBY_MARK_FREE_DEBUG 1 */ #include "gc.h" #include "vm_core.h" #include "iseq.h" #include "id_table.h" #include "insns.inc" #include "insns_info.inc" VALUE rb_cISeq; static VALUE iseqw_new(const rb_iseq_t *iseq); static const rb_iseq_t *iseqw_check(VALUE iseqw); #define hidden_obj_p(obj) (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj) && !RBASIC(obj)->klass) static inline VALUE obj_resurrect(VALUE obj) { if (hidden_obj_p(obj)) { switch (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj)) { case T_STRING: obj = rb_str_resurrect(obj); break; case T_ARRAY: obj = rb_ary_resurrect(obj); break; } } return obj; } static void compile_data_free(struct iseq_compile_data *compile_data) { if (compile_data) { struct iseq_compile_data_storage *cur, *next; cur = compile_data->storage_head; while (cur) { next = cur->next; ruby_xfree(cur); cur = next; } if (compile_data->ivar_cache_table) { rb_id_table_free(compile_data->ivar_cache_table); } ruby_xfree(compile_data); } } void rb_iseq_free(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { RUBY_FREE_ENTER("iseq"); if (iseq) { if (iseq->body) { ruby_xfree((void *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded); ruby_xfree((void *)iseq->body->line_info_table); ruby_xfree((void *)iseq->body->local_table); ruby_xfree((void *)iseq->body->is_entries); if (iseq->body->ci_entries) { unsigned int i; struct rb_call_info_with_kwarg *ci_kw_entries = (struct rb_call_info_with_kwarg *)&iseq->body->ci_entries[iseq->body->ci_size]; for (i=0; i<iseq->body->ci_kw_size; i++) { const struct rb_call_info_kw_arg *kw_arg = ci_kw_entries[i].kw_arg; ruby_xfree((void *)kw_arg); } ruby_xfree(iseq->body->ci_entries); ruby_xfree(iseq->body->cc_entries); } ruby_xfree((void *)iseq->body->catch_table); ruby_xfree((void *)iseq->body->param.opt_table); if (iseq->body->param.keyword != NULL) { ruby_xfree((void *)iseq->body->param.keyword->default_values); ruby_xfree((void *)iseq->body->param.keyword); } compile_data_free(ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)); ruby_xfree(iseq->body); } } RUBY_FREE_LEAVE("iseq"); } void rb_iseq_mark(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { RUBY_MARK_ENTER("iseq"); RUBY_GC_INFO("%s @ %s\n", RSTRING_PTR(iseq->body->location.label), RSTRING_PTR(iseq->body->location.path)); if (iseq->body) { const struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body = iseq->body; RUBY_MARK_UNLESS_NULL(body->mark_ary); rb_gc_mark(body->location.label); rb_gc_mark(body->location.base_label); rb_gc_mark(body->location.path); RUBY_MARK_UNLESS_NULL(body->location.absolute_path); RUBY_MARK_UNLESS_NULL((VALUE)body->parent_iseq); } if (FL_TEST(iseq, ISEQ_NOT_LOADED_YET)) { rb_gc_mark(iseq->aux.loader.obj); } else if (ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq) != 0) { const struct iseq_compile_data *const compile_data = ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq); RUBY_MARK_UNLESS_NULL(compile_data->mark_ary); RUBY_MARK_UNLESS_NULL(compile_data->err_info); RUBY_MARK_UNLESS_NULL(compile_data->catch_table_ary); } RUBY_MARK_LEAVE("iseq"); } static size_t param_keyword_size(const struct rb_iseq_param_keyword *pkw) { size_t size = 0; if (!pkw) return size; size += sizeof(struct rb_iseq_param_keyword); size += sizeof(VALUE) * (pkw->num - pkw->required_num); return size; } static size_t iseq_memsize(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { size_t size = 0; /* struct already counted as RVALUE size */ const struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body = iseq->body; const struct iseq_compile_data *compile_data; /* TODO: should we count original_iseq? */ if (body) { struct rb_call_info_with_kwarg *ci_kw_entries = (struct rb_call_info_with_kwarg *)&body->ci_entries[body->ci_size]; size += sizeof(struct rb_iseq_constant_body); size += body->iseq_size * sizeof(VALUE); size += body->line_info_size * sizeof(struct iseq_line_info_entry); size += body->local_table_size * sizeof(ID); if (body->catch_table) { size += iseq_catch_table_bytes(body->catch_table->size); } size += (body->param.opt_num + 1) * sizeof(VALUE); size += param_keyword_size(body->param.keyword); /* body->is_entries */ size += body->is_size * sizeof(union iseq_inline_storage_entry); /* body->ci_entries */ size += body->ci_size * sizeof(struct rb_call_info); size += body->ci_kw_size * sizeof(struct rb_call_info_with_kwarg); /* body->cc_entries */ size += body->ci_size * sizeof(struct rb_call_cache); size += body->ci_kw_size * sizeof(struct rb_call_cache); if (ci_kw_entries) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < body->ci_kw_size; i++) { const struct rb_call_info_kw_arg *kw_arg = ci_kw_entries[i].kw_arg; if (kw_arg) { size += rb_call_info_kw_arg_bytes(kw_arg->keyword_len); } } } } compile_data = ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq); if (compile_data) { struct iseq_compile_data_storage *cur; size += sizeof(struct iseq_compile_data); cur = compile_data->storage_head; while (cur) { size += cur->size + SIZEOF_ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA_STORAGE; cur = cur->next; } } return size; } static rb_iseq_t * iseq_alloc(void) { rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseq_imemo_alloc(); iseq->body = ZALLOC(struct rb_iseq_constant_body); return iseq; } static rb_iseq_location_t * iseq_location_setup(rb_iseq_t *iseq, VALUE path, VALUE absolute_path, VALUE name, VALUE first_lineno) { rb_iseq_location_t *loc = &iseq->body->location; RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &loc->path, path); if (RTEST(absolute_path) && rb_str_cmp(path, absolute_path) == 0) { RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &loc->absolute_path, path); } else { RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &loc->absolute_path, absolute_path); } RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &loc->label, name); RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &loc->base_label, name); loc->first_lineno = first_lineno; return loc; } static void set_relation(rb_iseq_t *iseq, const rb_iseq_t *piseq) { const VALUE type = iseq->body->type; /* set class nest stack */ if (type == ISEQ_TYPE_TOP) { iseq->body->local_iseq = iseq; } else if (type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD || type == ISEQ_TYPE_CLASS) { iseq->body->local_iseq = iseq; } else if (piseq) { iseq->body->local_iseq = piseq->body->local_iseq; } if (piseq) { iseq->body->parent_iseq = piseq; } if (type == ISEQ_TYPE_MAIN) { iseq->body->local_iseq = iseq; } } void rb_iseq_add_mark_object(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, VALUE obj) { /* TODO: check dedup */ rb_ary_push(ISEQ_MARK_ARY(iseq), obj); } static VALUE prepare_iseq_build(rb_iseq_t *iseq, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE absolute_path, VALUE first_lineno, const rb_iseq_t *parent, enum iseq_type type, const rb_compile_option_t *option) { VALUE coverage = Qfalse; iseq->body->type = type; set_relation(iseq, parent); name = rb_fstring(name); path = rb_fstring(path); if (RTEST(absolute_path)) absolute_path = rb_fstring(absolute_path); iseq_location_setup(iseq, path, absolute_path, name, first_lineno); if (iseq != iseq->body->local_iseq) { RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &iseq->body->location.base_label, iseq->body->local_iseq->body->location.label); } RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &iseq->body->mark_ary, iseq_mark_ary_create(0)); ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq) = ZALLOC(struct iseq_compile_data); RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->err_info, Qnil); RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->mark_ary, rb_ary_tmp_new(3)); ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->storage_head = ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->storage_current = (struct iseq_compile_data_storage *) ALLOC_N(char, INITIAL_ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA_STORAGE_BUFF_SIZE + SIZEOF_ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA_STORAGE); RB_OBJ_WRITE(iseq, &ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->catch_table_ary, rb_ary_tmp_new(3)); ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->storage_head->pos = 0; ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->storage_head->next = 0; ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->storage_head->size = INITIAL_ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA_STORAGE_BUFF_SIZE; ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->option = option; ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->last_coverable_line = -1; ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->ivar_cache_table = NULL; if (option->coverage_enabled) { VALUE coverages = rb_get_coverages(); if (RTEST(coverages)) { coverage = rb_hash_lookup(coverages, path); if (NIL_P(coverage)) coverage = Qfalse; } } ISEQ_COVERAGE_SET(iseq, coverage); return Qtrue; } static VALUE cleanup_iseq_build(rb_iseq_t *iseq) { struct iseq_compile_data *data = ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq); VALUE err = data->err_info; ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq) = 0; compile_data_free(data); if (RTEST(err)) { rb_funcall2(err, rb_intern("set_backtrace"), 1, &iseq->body->location.path); rb_exc_raise(err); } return Qtrue; } static rb_compile_option_t COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT = { OPT_INLINE_CONST_CACHE, /* int inline_const_cache; */ OPT_PEEPHOLE_OPTIMIZATION, /* int peephole_optimization; */ OPT_TAILCALL_OPTIMIZATION, /* int tailcall_optimization */ OPT_SPECIALISED_INSTRUCTION, /* int specialized_instruction; */ OPT_OPERANDS_UNIFICATION, /* int operands_unification; */ OPT_INSTRUCTIONS_UNIFICATION, /* int instructions_unification; */ OPT_STACK_CACHING, /* int stack_caching; */ OPT_TRACE_INSTRUCTION, /* int trace_instruction */ OPT_FROZEN_STRING_LITERAL, OPT_DEBUG_FROZEN_STRING_LITERAL, TRUE, /* coverage_enabled */ }; static const rb_compile_option_t COMPILE_OPTION_FALSE = {0}; static void set_compile_option_from_hash(rb_compile_option_t *option, VALUE opt) { #define SET_COMPILE_OPTION(o, h, mem) \ { VALUE flag = rb_hash_aref((h), ID2SYM(rb_intern(#mem))); \ if (flag == Qtrue) { (o)->mem = 1; } \ else if (flag == Qfalse) { (o)->mem = 0; } \ } #define SET_COMPILE_OPTION_NUM(o, h, mem) \ { VALUE num = rb_hash_aref(opt, ID2SYM(rb_intern(#mem))); \ if (!NIL_P(num)) (o)->mem = NUM2INT(num); \ } SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, inline_const_cache); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, peephole_optimization); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, tailcall_optimization); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, specialized_instruction); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, operands_unification); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, instructions_unification); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, stack_caching); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, trace_instruction); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, frozen_string_literal); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, debug_frozen_string_literal); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, coverage_enabled); SET_COMPILE_OPTION_NUM(option, opt, debug_level); #undef SET_COMPILE_OPTION #undef SET_COMPILE_OPTION_NUM } void rb_iseq_make_compile_option(rb_compile_option_t *option, VALUE opt) { Check_Type(opt, T_HASH); set_compile_option_from_hash(option, opt); } static void make_compile_option(rb_compile_option_t *option, VALUE opt) { if (opt == Qnil) { *option = COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT; } else if (opt == Qfalse) { *option = COMPILE_OPTION_FALSE; } else if (opt == Qtrue) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(rb_compile_option_t) / sizeof(int)); ++i) ((int *)option)[i] = 1; } else if (RB_TYPE_P(opt, T_HASH)) { *option = COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT; set_compile_option_from_hash(option, opt); } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Compile option must be Hash/true/false/nil"); } } static VALUE make_compile_option_value(rb_compile_option_t *option) { VALUE opt = rb_hash_new(); #define SET_COMPILE_OPTION(o, h, mem) \ rb_hash_aset((h), ID2SYM(rb_intern(#mem)), (o)->mem ? Qtrue : Qfalse) #define SET_COMPILE_OPTION_NUM(o, h, mem) \ rb_hash_aset((h), ID2SYM(rb_intern(#mem)), INT2NUM((o)->mem)) { SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, inline_const_cache); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, peephole_optimization); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, tailcall_optimization); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, specialized_instruction); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, operands_unification); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, instructions_unification); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, stack_caching); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, trace_instruction); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, frozen_string_literal); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, debug_frozen_string_literal); SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, coverage_enabled); SET_COMPILE_OPTION_NUM(option, opt, debug_level); } #undef SET_COMPILE_OPTION #undef SET_COMPILE_OPTION_NUM return opt; } rb_iseq_t * rb_iseq_new(NODE *node, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE absolute_path, const rb_iseq_t *parent, enum iseq_type type) { return rb_iseq_new_with_opt(node, name, path, absolute_path, INT2FIX(0), parent, type, &COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT); } rb_iseq_t * rb_iseq_new_top(NODE *node, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE absolute_path, const rb_iseq_t *parent) { return rb_iseq_new_with_opt(node, name, path, absolute_path, INT2FIX(0), parent, ISEQ_TYPE_TOP, &COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT); } rb_iseq_t * rb_iseq_new_main(NODE *node, VALUE path, VALUE absolute_path, const rb_iseq_t *parent) { return rb_iseq_new_with_opt(node, rb_fstring_cstr("<main>"), path, absolute_path, INT2FIX(0), parent, ISEQ_TYPE_MAIN, &COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT); } static inline rb_iseq_t * iseq_translate(rb_iseq_t *iseq) { if (rb_respond_to(rb_cISeq, rb_intern("translate"))) { VALUE v1 = iseqw_new(iseq); VALUE v2 = rb_funcall(rb_cISeq, rb_intern("translate"), 1, v1); if (v1 != v2 && CLASS_OF(v2) == rb_cISeq) { iseq = (rb_iseq_t *)iseqw_check(v2); } } return iseq; } rb_iseq_t * rb_iseq_new_with_opt(NODE *node, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE absolute_path, VALUE first_lineno, const rb_iseq_t *parent, enum iseq_type type, const rb_compile_option_t *option) { /* TODO: argument check */ rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseq_alloc(); if (!option) option = &COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT; prepare_iseq_build(iseq, name, path, absolute_path, first_lineno, parent, type, option); rb_iseq_compile_node(iseq, node); cleanup_iseq_build(iseq); return iseq_translate(iseq); } const rb_iseq_t * rb_iseq_load_iseq(VALUE fname) { VALUE iseqv = rb_check_funcall(rb_cISeq, rb_intern("load_iseq"), 1, &fname); if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(iseqv) && RBASIC_CLASS(iseqv) == rb_cISeq) { return iseqw_check(iseqv); } return NULL; } #define CHECK_ARRAY(v) rb_convert_type((v), T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary") #define CHECK_HASH(v) rb_convert_type((v), T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash") #define CHECK_STRING(v) rb_convert_type((v), T_STRING, "String", "to_str") #define CHECK_SYMBOL(v) rb_convert_type((v), T_SYMBOL, "Symbol", "to_sym") static inline VALUE CHECK_INTEGER(VALUE v) {(void)NUM2LONG(v); return v;} static enum iseq_type iseq_type_from_sym(VALUE type) { const ID id_top = rb_intern("top"); const ID id_method = rb_intern("method"); const ID id_block = rb_intern("block"); const ID id_class = rb_intern("class"); const ID id_rescue = rb_intern("rescue"); const ID id_ensure = rb_intern("ensure"); const ID id_eval = rb_intern("eval"); const ID id_main = rb_intern("main"); const ID id_defined_guard = rb_intern("defined_guard"); /* ensure all symbols are static or pinned down before * conversion */ const ID typeid = rb_check_id(&type); if (typeid == id_top) return ISEQ_TYPE_TOP; if (typeid == id_method) return ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD; if (typeid == id_block) return ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK; if (typeid == id_class) return ISEQ_TYPE_CLASS; if (typeid == id_rescue) return ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE; if (typeid == id_ensure) return ISEQ_TYPE_ENSURE; if (typeid == id_eval) return ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL; if (typeid == id_main) return ISEQ_TYPE_MAIN; if (typeid == id_defined_guard) return ISEQ_TYPE_DEFINED_GUARD; return (enum iseq_type)-1; } static VALUE iseq_load(VALUE data, const rb_iseq_t *parent, VALUE opt) { rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseq_alloc(); VALUE magic, version1, version2, format_type, misc; VALUE name, path, absolute_path, first_lineno; VALUE type, body, locals, params, exception; st_data_t iseq_type; rb_compile_option_t option; int i = 0; /* [magic, major_version, minor_version, format_type, misc, * label, path, first_lineno, * type, locals, args, exception_table, body] */ data = CHECK_ARRAY(data); magic = CHECK_STRING(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); version1 = CHECK_INTEGER(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); version2 = CHECK_INTEGER(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); format_type = CHECK_INTEGER(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); misc = CHECK_HASH(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); ((void)magic, (void)version1, (void)version2, (void)format_type); name = CHECK_STRING(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); path = CHECK_STRING(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); absolute_path = rb_ary_entry(data, i++); absolute_path = NIL_P(absolute_path) ? Qnil : CHECK_STRING(absolute_path); first_lineno = CHECK_INTEGER(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); type = CHECK_SYMBOL(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); locals = CHECK_ARRAY(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); params = CHECK_HASH(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); exception = CHECK_ARRAY(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); body = CHECK_ARRAY(rb_ary_entry(data, i++)); iseq->body->local_iseq = iseq; iseq_type = iseq_type_from_sym(type); if (iseq_type == (enum iseq_type)-1) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "unsupport type: :%"PRIsVALUE, rb_sym2str(type)); } make_compile_option(&option, opt); option.peephole_optimization = FALSE; /* because peephole optimization can modify original iseq */ prepare_iseq_build(iseq, name, path, absolute_path, first_lineno, parent, (enum iseq_type)iseq_type, &option); rb_iseq_build_from_ary(iseq, misc, locals, params, exception, body); cleanup_iseq_build(iseq); return iseqw_new(iseq); } /* * :nodoc: */ static VALUE iseq_s_load(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE data, opt=Qnil; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &data, &opt); return iseq_load(data, NULL, opt); } VALUE rb_iseq_load(VALUE data, VALUE parent, VALUE opt) { return iseq_load(data, RTEST(parent) ? (rb_iseq_t *)parent : NULL, opt); } rb_iseq_t * rb_iseq_compile_with_option(VALUE src, VALUE file, VALUE absolute_path, VALUE line, rb_block_t *base_block, VALUE opt) { rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); rb_iseq_t *iseq = NULL; const rb_iseq_t *const parent = base_block ? base_block->iseq : NULL; rb_compile_option_t option; const enum iseq_type type = parent ? ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL : ISEQ_TYPE_TOP; #if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 8) # define INITIALIZED volatile /* suppress warnings by gcc 4.8 */ #else # define INITIALIZED /* volatile */ #endif NODE *(*parse)(VALUE vparser, VALUE fname, VALUE file, int start); int ln; NODE *INITIALIZED node; /* safe results first */ make_compile_option(&option, opt); ln = NUM2INT(line); StringValueCStr(file); if (RB_TYPE_P(src, T_FILE)) { parse = rb_parser_compile_file_path; } else { parse = rb_parser_compile_string_path; StringValue(src); } { const VALUE parser = rb_parser_new(); rb_parser_set_context(parser, base_block, FALSE); node = (*parse)(parser, file, src, ln); } if (!node) { rb_exc_raise(th->errinfo); } else { INITIALIZED VALUE label = parent ? parent->body->location.label : rb_fstring_cstr("<compiled>"); iseq = rb_iseq_new_with_opt(node, label, file, absolute_path, line, parent, type, &option); } return iseq; } rb_iseq_t * rb_iseq_compile(VALUE src, VALUE file, VALUE line) { return rb_iseq_compile_with_option(src, file, Qnil, line, 0, Qnil); } rb_iseq_t * rb_iseq_compile_on_base(VALUE src, VALUE file, VALUE line, rb_block_t *base_block) { return rb_iseq_compile_with_option(src, file, Qnil, line, base_block, Qnil); } VALUE rb_iseq_path(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { return iseq->body->location.path; } VALUE rb_iseq_absolute_path(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { return iseq->body->location.absolute_path; } VALUE rb_iseq_label(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { return iseq->body->location.label; } VALUE rb_iseq_base_label(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { return iseq->body->location.base_label; } VALUE rb_iseq_first_lineno(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { return iseq->body->location.first_lineno; } VALUE rb_iseq_method_name(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { const rb_iseq_t *local_iseq; local_iseq = iseq->body->local_iseq; if (local_iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD) { return local_iseq->body->location.base_label; } else { return Qnil; } } VALUE rb_iseq_coverage(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { return ISEQ_COVERAGE(iseq); } /* define wrapper class methods (RubyVM::InstructionSequence) */ static void iseqw_mark(void *ptr) { rb_gc_mark((VALUE)ptr); } static size_t iseqw_memsize(const void *ptr) { return iseq_memsize((const rb_iseq_t *)ptr); } static const rb_data_type_t iseqw_data_type = { "T_IMEMO/iseq", {iseqw_mark, NULL, iseqw_memsize,}, 0, 0, RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY|RUBY_TYPED_WB_PROTECTED }; static VALUE iseqw_new(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { union { const rb_iseq_t *in; void *out; } deconst; VALUE obj; deconst.in = iseq; obj = TypedData_Wrap_Struct(rb_cISeq, &iseqw_data_type, deconst.out); RB_OBJ_WRITTEN(obj, Qundef, iseq); return obj; } VALUE rb_iseqw_new(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { return iseqw_new(iseq); } /* * call-seq: * InstructionSequence.compile(source[, file[, path[, line[, options]]]]) -> iseq * InstructionSequence.new(source[, file[, path[, line[, options]]]]) -> iseq * * Takes +source+, a String of Ruby code and compiles it to an * InstructionSequence. * * Optionally takes +file+, +path+, and +line+ which describe the filename, * absolute path and first line number of the ruby code in +source+ which are * metadata attached to the returned +iseq+. * * +options+, which can be +true+, +false+ or a +Hash+, is used to * modify the default behavior of the Ruby iseq compiler. * * For details regarding valid compile options see ::compile_option=. * * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("a = 1 + 2") * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>> * */ static VALUE iseqw_s_compile(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE src, file = Qnil, path = Qnil, line = INT2FIX(1), opt = Qnil; rb_secure(1); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "14", &src, &file, &path, &line, &opt); if (NIL_P(file)) file = rb_fstring_cstr("<compiled>"); if (NIL_P(line)) line = INT2FIX(1); return iseqw_new(rb_iseq_compile_with_option(src, file, path, line, 0, opt)); } /* * call-seq: * InstructionSequence.compile_file(file[, options]) -> iseq * * Takes +file+, a String with the location of a Ruby source file, reads, * parses and compiles the file, and returns +iseq+, the compiled * InstructionSequence with source location metadata set. * * Optionally takes +options+, which can be +true+, +false+ or a +Hash+, to * modify the default behavior of the Ruby iseq compiler. * * For details regarding valid compile options see ::compile_option=. * * # /tmp/hello.rb * puts "Hello, world!" * * # elsewhere * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file("/tmp/hello.rb") * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<main>@/tmp/hello.rb> */ static VALUE iseqw_s_compile_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE file, line = INT2FIX(1), opt = Qnil; VALUE parser; VALUE f; NODE *node; const char *fname; rb_compile_option_t option; rb_secure(1); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &file, &opt); FilePathValue(file); file = rb_fstring(file); /* rb_io_t->pathv gets frozen anyways */ fname = StringValueCStr(file); f = rb_file_open_str(file, "r"); parser = rb_parser_new(); node = rb_parser_compile_file(parser, fname, f, NUM2INT(line)); rb_io_close(f); make_compile_option(&option, opt); return iseqw_new(rb_iseq_new_with_opt(node, rb_fstring_cstr("<main>"), file, rb_realpath_internal(Qnil, file, 1), line, NULL, ISEQ_TYPE_TOP, &option)); } /* * call-seq: * InstructionSequence.compile_option = options * * Sets the default values for various optimizations in the Ruby iseq * compiler. * * Possible values for +options+ include +true+, which enables all options, * +false+ which disables all options, and +nil+ which leaves all options * unchanged. * * You can also pass a +Hash+ of +options+ that you want to change, any * options not present in the hash will be left unchanged. * * Possible option names (which are keys in +options+) which can be set to * +true+ or +false+ include: * * * +:inline_const_cache+ * * +:instructions_unification+ * * +:operands_unification+ * * +:peephole_optimization+ * * +:specialized_instruction+ * * +:stack_caching+ * * +:tailcall_optimization+ * * +:trace_instruction+ * * Additionally, +:debug_level+ can be set to an integer. * * These default options can be overwritten for a single run of the iseq * compiler by passing any of the above values as the +options+ parameter to * ::new, ::compile and ::compile_file. */ static VALUE iseqw_s_compile_option_set(VALUE self, VALUE opt) { rb_compile_option_t option; rb_secure(1); make_compile_option(&option, opt); COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT = option; return opt; } /* * call-seq: * InstructionSequence.compile_option -> options * * Returns a hash of default options used by the Ruby iseq compiler. * * For details, see InstructionSequence.compile_option=. */ static VALUE iseqw_s_compile_option_get(VALUE self) { return make_compile_option_value(&COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT); } static const rb_iseq_t * iseqw_check(VALUE iseqw) { rb_iseq_t *iseq = DATA_PTR(iseqw); if (!iseq->body) { ibf_load_iseq_complete(iseq); } if (!iseq->body->location.label) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "uninitialized InstructionSequence"); } return iseq; } const rb_iseq_t * rb_iseqw_to_iseq(VALUE iseqw) { return iseqw_check(iseqw); } /* * call-seq: * iseq.eval -> obj * * Evaluates the instruction sequence and returns the result. * * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("1 + 2").eval #=> 3 */ static VALUE iseqw_eval(VALUE self) { rb_secure(1); return rb_iseq_eval(iseqw_check(self)); } /* * Returns a human-readable string representation of this instruction * sequence, including the #label and #path. */ static VALUE iseqw_inspect(VALUE self) { const rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseqw_check(self); if (!iseq->body->location.label) { return rb_sprintf("#<%s: uninitialized>", rb_obj_classname(self)); } else { return rb_sprintf("<%s:%s@%s>", rb_obj_classname(self), RSTRING_PTR(iseq->body->location.label), RSTRING_PTR(iseq->body->location.path)); } } /* * Returns the path of this instruction sequence. * * <code><compiled></code> if the iseq was evaluated from a string. * * For example, using irb: * * iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile('num = 1 + 2') * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>> * iseq.path * #=> "<compiled>" * * Using ::compile_file: * * # /tmp/method.rb * def hello * puts "hello, world" * end * * # in irb * > iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file('/tmp/method.rb') * > iseq.path #=> /tmp/method.rb */ static VALUE iseqw_path(VALUE self) { return rb_iseq_path(iseqw_check(self)); } /* * Returns the absolute path of this instruction sequence. * * +nil+ if the iseq was evaluated from a string. * * For example, using ::compile_file: * * # /tmp/method.rb * def hello * puts "hello, world" * end * * # in irb * > iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file('/tmp/method.rb') * > iseq.absolute_path #=> /tmp/method.rb */ static VALUE iseqw_absolute_path(VALUE self) { return rb_iseq_absolute_path(iseqw_check(self)); } /* Returns the label of this instruction sequence. * * <code><main></code> if it's at the top level, <code><compiled></code> if it * was evaluated from a string. * * For example, using irb: * * iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile('num = 1 + 2') * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>> * iseq.label * #=> "<compiled>" * * Using ::compile_file: * * # /tmp/method.rb * def hello * puts "hello, world" * end * * # in irb * > iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file('/tmp/method.rb') * > iseq.label #=> <main> */ static VALUE iseqw_label(VALUE self) { return rb_iseq_label(iseqw_check(self)); } /* Returns the base label of this instruction sequence. * * For example, using irb: * * iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile('num = 1 + 2') * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>> * iseq.base_label * #=> "<compiled>" * * Using ::compile_file: * * # /tmp/method.rb * def hello * puts "hello, world" * end * * # in irb * > iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file('/tmp/method.rb') * > iseq.base_label #=> <main> */ static VALUE iseqw_base_label(VALUE self) { return rb_iseq_base_label(iseqw_check(self)); } /* Returns the number of the first source line where the instruction sequence * was loaded from. * * For example, using irb: * * iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile('num = 1 + 2') * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>> * iseq.first_lineno * #=> 1 */ static VALUE iseqw_first_lineno(VALUE self) { return rb_iseq_first_lineno(iseqw_check(self)); } static VALUE iseq_data_to_ary(const rb_iseq_t *iseq); /* * call-seq: * iseq.to_a -> ary * * Returns an Array with 14 elements representing the instruction sequence * with the following data: * * [magic] * A string identifying the data format. <b>Always * +YARVInstructionSequence/SimpleDataFormat+.</b> * * [major_version] * The major version of the instruction sequence. * * [minor_version] * The minor version of the instruction sequence. * * [format_type] * A number identifying the data format. <b>Always 1</b>. * * [misc] * A hash containing: * * [+:arg_size+] * the total number of arguments taken by the method or the block (0 if * _iseq_ doesn't represent a method or block) * [+:local_size+] * the number of local variables + 1 * [+:stack_max+] * used in calculating the stack depth at which a SystemStackError is * thrown. * * [#label] * The name of the context (block, method, class, module, etc.) that this * instruction sequence belongs to. * * <code><main></code> if it's at the top level, <code><compiled></code> if * it was evaluated from a string. * * [#path] * The relative path to the Ruby file where the instruction sequence was * loaded from. * * <code><compiled></code> if the iseq was evaluated from a string. * * [#absolute_path] * The absolute path to the Ruby file where the instruction sequence was * loaded from. * * +nil+ if the iseq was evaluated from a string. * * [#first_lineno] * The number of the first source line where the instruction sequence was * loaded from. * * [type] * The type of the instruction sequence. * * Valid values are +:top+, +:method+, +:block+, +:class+, +:rescue+, * +:ensure+, +:eval+, +:main+, and +:defined_guard+. * * [locals] * An array containing the names of all arguments and local variables as * symbols. * * [params] * An Hash object containing parameter information. * * More info about these values can be found in +vm_core.h+. * * [catch_table] * A list of exceptions and control flow operators (rescue, next, redo, * break, etc.). * * [bytecode] * An array of arrays containing the instruction names and operands that * make up the body of the instruction sequence. * * Note that this format is MRI specific and version dependent. * */ static VALUE iseqw_to_a(VALUE self) { const rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseqw_check(self); rb_secure(1); return iseq_data_to_ary(iseq); } /* TODO: search algorithm is brute force. this should be binary search or so. */ static const struct iseq_line_info_entry * get_line_info(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, size_t pos) { size_t i = 0, size = iseq->body->line_info_size; const struct iseq_line_info_entry *table = iseq->body->line_info_table; const int debug = 0; if (debug) { printf("size: %"PRIdSIZE"\n", size); printf("table[%"PRIdSIZE"]: position: %d, line: %d, pos: %"PRIdSIZE"\n", i, table[i].position, table[i].line_no, pos); } if (size == 0) { return 0; } else if (size == 1) { return &table[0]; } else { for (i=1; i<size; i++) { if (debug) printf("table[%"PRIdSIZE"]: position: %d, line: %d, pos: %"PRIdSIZE"\n", i, table[i].position, table[i].line_no, pos); if (table[i].position == pos) { return &table[i]; } if (table[i].position > pos) { return &table[i-1]; } } } return &table[i-1]; } static unsigned int find_line_no(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, size_t pos) { const struct iseq_line_info_entry *entry = get_line_info(iseq, pos); if (entry) { return entry->line_no; } else { return 0; } } unsigned int rb_iseq_line_no(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, size_t pos) { if (pos == 0) { return find_line_no(iseq, pos); } else { return find_line_no(iseq, pos - 1); } } static VALUE id_to_name(ID id, VALUE default_value) { VALUE str = rb_id2str(id); if (!str) { str = default_value; } else if (!rb_str_symname_p(str)) { str = rb_str_inspect(str); } return str; } VALUE rb_insn_operand_intern(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, VALUE insn, int op_no, VALUE op, int len, size_t pos, const VALUE *pnop, VALUE child) { const char *types = insn_op_types(insn); char type = types[op_no]; VALUE ret = Qundef; switch (type) { case TS_OFFSET: /* LONG */ ret = rb_sprintf("%"PRIdVALUE, (VALUE)(pos + len + op)); break; case TS_NUM: /* ULONG */ ret = rb_sprintf("%"PRIuVALUE, op); break; case TS_LINDEX:{ if (insn == BIN(getlocal) || insn == BIN(setlocal)) { if (pnop) { const rb_iseq_t *diseq = iseq; VALUE level = *pnop, i; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { diseq = diseq->body->parent_iseq; } ret = id_to_name(diseq->body->local_table[diseq->body->local_size - op], INT2FIX('*')); } else { ret = rb_sprintf("%"PRIuVALUE, op); } } else { ret = rb_inspect(INT2FIX(op)); } break; } case TS_ID: /* ID (symbol) */ op = ID2SYM(op); case TS_VALUE: /* VALUE */ op = obj_resurrect(op); ret = rb_inspect(op); if (CLASS_OF(op) == rb_cISeq) { if (child) { rb_ary_push(child, op); } } break; case TS_ISEQ: /* iseq */ { if (op) { const rb_iseq_t *iseq = rb_iseq_check((rb_iseq_t *)op); ret = iseq->body->location.label; if (child) { rb_ary_push(child, (VALUE)iseq); } } else { ret = rb_str_new2("nil"); } break; } case TS_GENTRY: { struct rb_global_entry *entry = (struct rb_global_entry *)op; ret = rb_str_dup(rb_id2str(entry->id)); } break; case TS_IC: ret = rb_sprintf("<is:%"PRIdPTRDIFF">", (union iseq_inline_storage_entry *)op - iseq->body->is_entries); break; case TS_CALLINFO: { struct rb_call_info *ci = (struct rb_call_info *)op; VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); if (ci->mid) { rb_ary_push(ary, rb_sprintf("mid:%"PRIsVALUE, rb_id2str(ci->mid))); } rb_ary_push(ary, rb_sprintf("argc:%d", ci->orig_argc)); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_KWARG) { struct rb_call_info_kw_arg *kw_args = ((struct rb_call_info_with_kwarg *)ci)->kw_arg; VALUE kw_ary = rb_ary_new_from_values(kw_args->keyword_len, kw_args->keywords); rb_ary_push(ary, rb_sprintf("kw:[%"PRIsVALUE"]", rb_ary_join(kw_ary, rb_str_new2(",")))); } if (ci->flag) { VALUE flags = rb_ary_new(); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("ARGS_SPLAT")); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("ARGS_BLOCKARG")); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_FCALL) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("FCALL")); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_VCALL) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("VCALL")); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_TAILCALL) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("TAILCALL")); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_SUPER) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("SUPER")); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_KWARG) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("KWARG")); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_OPT_SEND) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("SNED")); /* maybe not reachable */ if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_SIMPLE) rb_ary_push(flags, rb_str_new2("ARGS_SIMPLE")); /* maybe not reachable */ rb_ary_push(ary, rb_ary_join(flags, rb_str_new2("|"))); } ret = rb_sprintf("<callinfo!%"PRIsVALUE">", rb_ary_join(ary, rb_str_new2(", "))); } break; case TS_CALLCACHE: ret = rb_str_new2("<callcache>"); break; case TS_CDHASH: ret = rb_str_new2("<cdhash>"); break; case TS_FUNCPTR: { #ifdef HAVE_DLADDR Dl_info info; if (dladdr((void *)op, &info) && info.dli_sname) { ret = rb_str_new_cstr(info.dli_sname); break; } #endif ret = rb_str_new2("<funcptr>"); } break; default: rb_bug("insn_operand_intern: unknown operand type: %c", type); } return ret; } /** * Disassemble a instruction * Iseq -> Iseq inspect object */ int rb_iseq_disasm_insn(VALUE ret, const VALUE *code, size_t pos, const rb_iseq_t *iseq, VALUE child) { VALUE insn = code[pos]; int len = insn_len(insn); int j; const char *types = insn_op_types(insn); VALUE str = rb_str_new(0, 0); const char *insn_name_buff; insn_name_buff = insn_name(insn); if (1) { rb_str_catf(str, "%04"PRIdSIZE" %-16s ", pos, insn_name_buff); } else { rb_str_catf(str, "%04"PRIdSIZE" %-16.*s ", pos, (int)strcspn(insn_name_buff, "_"), insn_name_buff); } for (j = 0; types[j]; j++) { const char *types = insn_op_types(insn); VALUE opstr = rb_insn_operand_intern(iseq, insn, j, code[pos + j + 1], len, pos, &code[pos + j + 2], child); rb_str_concat(str, opstr); if (types[j + 1]) { rb_str_cat2(str, ", "); } } { unsigned int line_no = find_line_no(iseq, pos); unsigned int prev = pos == 0 ? 0 : find_line_no(iseq, pos - 1); if (line_no && line_no != prev) { long slen = RSTRING_LEN(str); slen = (slen > 70) ? 0 : (70 - slen); str = rb_str_catf(str, "%*s(%4d)", (int)slen, "", line_no); } } if (ret) { rb_str_cat2(str, "\n"); rb_str_concat(ret, str); } else { printf("%s\n", RSTRING_PTR(str)); } return len; } static const char * catch_type(int type) { switch (type) { case CATCH_TYPE_RESCUE: return "rescue"; case CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE: return "ensure"; case CATCH_TYPE_RETRY: return "retry"; case CATCH_TYPE_BREAK: return "break"; case CATCH_TYPE_REDO: return "redo"; case CATCH_TYPE_NEXT: return "next"; default: rb_bug("unknown catch type (%d)", type); return 0; } } static VALUE iseq_inspect(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { if (!iseq->body->location.label) { return rb_sprintf("#<ISeq: uninitialized>"); } else { return rb_sprintf("#<ISeq:%s@%s>", RSTRING_PTR(iseq->body->location.label), RSTRING_PTR(iseq->body->location.path)); } } VALUE rb_iseq_disasm(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { VALUE *code; VALUE str = rb_str_new(0, 0); VALUE child = rb_ary_tmp_new(3); unsigned int size; unsigned int i; long l; const ID *tbl; size_t n; enum {header_minlen = 72}; rb_secure(1); size = iseq->body->iseq_size; rb_str_cat2(str, "== disasm: "); rb_str_concat(str, iseq_inspect(iseq)); if ((l = RSTRING_LEN(str)) < header_minlen) { rb_str_resize(str, header_minlen); memset(RSTRING_PTR(str) + l, '=', header_minlen - l); } rb_str_cat2(str, "\n"); /* show catch table information */ if (iseq->body->catch_table) { rb_str_cat2(str, "== catch table\n"); } if (iseq->body->catch_table) { for (i = 0; i < iseq->body->catch_table->size; i++) { const struct iseq_catch_table_entry *entry = &iseq->body->catch_table->entries[i]; rb_str_catf(str, "| catch type: %-6s st: %04d ed: %04d sp: %04d cont: %04d\n", catch_type((int)entry->type), (int)entry->start, (int)entry->end, (int)entry->sp, (int)entry->cont); if (entry->iseq) { rb_str_concat(str, rb_iseq_disasm(rb_iseq_check(entry->iseq))); } } } if (iseq->body->catch_table) { rb_str_cat2(str, "|-------------------------------------" "-----------------------------------\n"); } /* show local table information */ tbl = iseq->body->local_table; if (tbl) { rb_str_catf(str, "local table (size: %d, argc: %d " "[opts: %d, rest: %d, post: %d, block: %d, kw: %d@%d, kwrest: %d])\n", iseq->body->local_size, iseq->body->param.lead_num, iseq->body->param.opt_num, iseq->body->param.flags.has_rest ? iseq->body->param.rest_start : -1, iseq->body->param.post_num, iseq->body->param.flags.has_block ? iseq->body->param.block_start : -1, iseq->body->param.flags.has_kw ? iseq->body->param.keyword->num : -1, iseq->body->param.flags.has_kw ? iseq->body->param.keyword->required_num : -1, iseq->body->param.flags.has_kwrest ? iseq->body->param.keyword->rest_start : -1); for (i = 0; i < iseq->body->local_table_size; i++) { int li = (int)i; long width; VALUE name = id_to_name(tbl[i], 0); char argi[0x100] = ""; char opti[0x100] = ""; if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_opt) { int argc = iseq->body->param.lead_num; int opts = iseq->body->param.opt_num; if (li >= argc && li < argc + opts) { snprintf(opti, sizeof(opti), "Opt=%"PRIdVALUE, iseq->body->param.opt_table[li - argc]); } } snprintf(argi, sizeof(argi), "%s%s%s%s%s", /* arg, opts, rest, post block */ iseq->body->param.lead_num > li ? "Arg" : "", opti, (iseq->body->param.flags.has_rest && iseq->body->param.rest_start == li) ? "Rest" : "", (iseq->body->param.flags.has_post && iseq->body->param.post_start <= li && li < iseq->body->param.post_start + iseq->body->param.post_num) ? "Post" : "", (iseq->body->param.flags.has_block && iseq->body->param.block_start == li) ? "Block" : ""); rb_str_catf(str, "[%2d] ", iseq->body->local_size - i); width = RSTRING_LEN(str) + 11; if (name) rb_str_append(str, name); else rb_str_cat2(str, "?"); if (*argi) rb_str_catf(str, "<%s>", argi); if ((width -= RSTRING_LEN(str)) > 0) rb_str_catf(str, "%*s", (int)width, ""); } rb_str_cat2(str, "\n"); } /* show each line */ code = rb_iseq_original_iseq(iseq); for (n = 0; n < size;) { n += rb_iseq_disasm_insn(str, code, n, iseq, child); } for (l = 0; l < RARRAY_LEN(child); l++) { VALUE isv = rb_ary_entry(child, l); rb_str_concat(str, rb_iseq_disasm(rb_iseq_check((rb_iseq_t *)isv))); } return str; } /* * call-seq: * iseq.disasm -> str * iseq.disassemble -> str * * Returns the instruction sequence as a +String+ in human readable form. * * puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile('1 + 2').disasm * * Produces: * * == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>========== * 0000 trace 1 ( 1) * 0002 putobject 1 * 0004 putobject 2 * 0006 opt_plus <ic:1> * 0008 leave */ static VALUE iseqw_disasm(VALUE self) { return rb_iseq_disasm(iseqw_check(self)); } /* * Returns the instruction sequence containing the given proc or method. * * For example, using irb: * * # a proc * > p = proc { num = 1 + 2 } * > RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(p) * > #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:block in irb_binding@(irb)> * * # for a method * > def foo(bar); puts bar; end * > RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(method(:foo)) * > #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:foo@(irb)> * * Using ::compile_file: * * # /tmp/iseq_of.rb * def hello * puts "hello, world" * end * * $a_global_proc = proc { str = 'a' + 'b' } * * # in irb * > require '/tmp/iseq_of.rb' * * # first the method hello * > RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(method(:hello)) * > #=> #<RubyVM::InstructionSequence:0x007fb73d7cb1d0> * * # then the global proc * > RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of($a_global_proc) * > #=> #<RubyVM::InstructionSequence:0x007fb73d7caf78> */ static VALUE iseqw_s_of(VALUE klass, VALUE body) { const rb_iseq_t *iseq = NULL; rb_secure(1); if (rb_obj_is_proc(body)) { rb_proc_t *proc; GetProcPtr(body, proc); iseq = proc->block.iseq; if (!RUBY_VM_NORMAL_ISEQ_P(iseq)) { iseq = NULL; } } else { iseq = rb_method_iseq(body); } return iseq ? iseqw_new(iseq) : Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * InstructionSequence.disasm(body) -> str * InstructionSequence.disassemble(body) -> str * * Takes +body+, a Method or Proc object, and returns a String with the * human readable instructions for +body+. * * For a Method object: * * # /tmp/method.rb * def hello * puts "hello, world" * end * * puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(method(:hello)) * * Produces: * * == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:hello@/tmp/method.rb>============ * 0000 trace 8 ( 1) * 0002 trace 1 ( 2) * 0004 putself * 0005 putstring "hello, world" * 0007 send :puts, 1, nil, 8, <ic:0> * 0013 trace 16 ( 3) * 0015 leave ( 2) * * For a Proc: * * # /tmp/proc.rb * p = proc { num = 1 + 2 } * puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(p) * * Produces: * * == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:block in <main>@/tmp/proc.rb>=== * == catch table * | catch type: redo st: 0000 ed: 0012 sp: 0000 cont: 0000 * | catch type: next st: 0000 ed: 0012 sp: 0000 cont: 0012 * |------------------------------------------------------------------------ * local table (size: 2, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1] s1) * [ 2] num * 0000 trace 1 ( 1) * 0002 putobject 1 * 0004 putobject 2 * 0006 opt_plus <ic:1> * 0008 dup * 0009 setlocal num, 0 * 0012 leave * */ static VALUE iseqw_s_disasm(VALUE klass, VALUE body) { VALUE iseqw = iseqw_s_of(klass, body); return NIL_P(iseqw) ? Qnil : rb_iseq_disasm(iseqw_check(iseqw)); } const char * ruby_node_name(int node) { switch (node) { #include "node_name.inc" default: rb_bug("unknown node (%d)", node); return 0; } } #define DECL_SYMBOL(name) \ static VALUE sym_##name #define INIT_SYMBOL(name) \ sym_##name = ID2SYM(rb_intern(#name)) static VALUE register_label(struct st_table *table, unsigned long idx) { VALUE sym = rb_str_intern(rb_sprintf("label_%lu", idx)); st_insert(table, idx, sym); return sym; } static VALUE exception_type2symbol(VALUE type) { ID id; switch (type) { case CATCH_TYPE_RESCUE: CONST_ID(id, "rescue"); break; case CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE: CONST_ID(id, "ensure"); break; case CATCH_TYPE_RETRY: CONST_ID(id, "retry"); break; case CATCH_TYPE_BREAK: CONST_ID(id, "break"); break; case CATCH_TYPE_REDO: CONST_ID(id, "redo"); break; case CATCH_TYPE_NEXT: CONST_ID(id, "next"); break; default: rb_bug("exception_type2symbol: unknown type %d", (int)type); } return ID2SYM(id); } static int cdhash_each(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ary) { rb_ary_push(ary, obj_resurrect(key)); rb_ary_push(ary, value); return ST_CONTINUE; } static VALUE iseq_data_to_ary(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { unsigned int i; long l; size_t ti; unsigned int pos; unsigned int line = 0; VALUE *seq, *iseq_original; VALUE val = rb_ary_new(); VALUE type; /* Symbol */ VALUE locals = rb_ary_new(); VALUE params = rb_hash_new(); VALUE body = rb_ary_new(); /* [[:insn1, ...], ...] */ VALUE nbody; VALUE exception = rb_ary_new(); /* [[....]] */ VALUE misc = rb_hash_new(); static VALUE insn_syms[VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE]; struct st_table *labels_table = st_init_numtable(); DECL_SYMBOL(top); DECL_SYMBOL(method); DECL_SYMBOL(block); DECL_SYMBOL(class); DECL_SYMBOL(rescue); DECL_SYMBOL(ensure); DECL_SYMBOL(eval); DECL_SYMBOL(main); DECL_SYMBOL(defined_guard); if (sym_top == 0) { int i; for (i=0; i<VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE; i++) { insn_syms[i] = ID2SYM(rb_intern(insn_name(i))); } INIT_SYMBOL(top); INIT_SYMBOL(method); INIT_SYMBOL(block); INIT_SYMBOL(class); INIT_SYMBOL(rescue); INIT_SYMBOL(ensure); INIT_SYMBOL(eval); INIT_SYMBOL(main); INIT_SYMBOL(defined_guard); } /* type */ switch (iseq->body->type) { case ISEQ_TYPE_TOP: type = sym_top; break; case ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD: type = sym_method; break; case ISEQ_TYPE_BLOCK: type = sym_block; break; case ISEQ_TYPE_CLASS: type = sym_class; break; case ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE: type = sym_rescue; break; case ISEQ_TYPE_ENSURE: type = sym_ensure; break; case ISEQ_TYPE_EVAL: type = sym_eval; break; case ISEQ_TYPE_MAIN: type = sym_main; break; case ISEQ_TYPE_DEFINED_GUARD: type = sym_defined_guard; break; default: rb_bug("unsupported iseq type"); }; /* locals */ for (i=0; i<iseq->body->local_table_size; i++) { ID lid = iseq->body->local_table[i]; if (lid) { if (rb_id2str(lid)) { rb_ary_push(locals, ID2SYM(lid)); } else { /* hidden variable from id_internal() */ rb_ary_push(locals, ULONG2NUM(iseq->body->local_table_size-i+1)); } } else { rb_ary_push(locals, ID2SYM(rb_intern("#arg_rest"))); } } /* params */ { int j; if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_opt) { int len = iseq->body->param.opt_num + 1; VALUE arg_opt_labels = rb_ary_new2(len); for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { VALUE l = register_label(labels_table, iseq->body->param.opt_table[j]); rb_ary_push(arg_opt_labels, l); } rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("opt")), arg_opt_labels); } /* commit */ if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_lead) rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("lead_num")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->param.lead_num)); if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_post) rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("post_num")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->param.post_num)); if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_post) rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("post_start")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->param.post_start)); if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_rest) rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("rest_start")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->param.rest_start)); if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_block) rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("block_start")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->param.block_start)); if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_kw) { VALUE keywords = rb_ary_new(); int i, j; for (i=0; i<iseq->body->param.keyword->required_num; i++) { rb_ary_push(keywords, ID2SYM(iseq->body->param.keyword->table[i])); } for (j=0; i<iseq->body->param.keyword->num; i++, j++) { VALUE key = rb_ary_new_from_args(1, ID2SYM(iseq->body->param.keyword->table[i])); if (iseq->body->param.keyword->default_values[j] != Qundef) { rb_ary_push(key, iseq->body->param.keyword->default_values[j]); } rb_ary_push(keywords, key); } rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("kwbits")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->param.keyword->bits_start)); rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("keyword")), keywords); } if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_kwrest) rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("kwrest")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->param.keyword->rest_start)); if (iseq->body->param.flags.ambiguous_param0) rb_hash_aset(params, ID2SYM(rb_intern("ambiguous_param0")), Qtrue); } /* body */ iseq_original = rb_iseq_original_iseq((rb_iseq_t *)iseq); for (seq = iseq_original; seq < iseq_original + iseq->body->iseq_size; ) { VALUE insn = *seq++; int j, len = insn_len(insn); VALUE *nseq = seq + len - 1; VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(len); rb_ary_push(ary, insn_syms[insn]); for (j=0; j<len-1; j++, seq++) { switch (insn_op_type(insn, j)) { case TS_OFFSET: { unsigned long idx = nseq - iseq_original + *seq; rb_ary_push(ary, register_label(labels_table, idx)); break; } case TS_LINDEX: case TS_NUM: rb_ary_push(ary, INT2FIX(*seq)); break; case TS_VALUE: rb_ary_push(ary, obj_resurrect(*seq)); break; case TS_ISEQ: { const rb_iseq_t *iseq = (rb_iseq_t *)*seq; if (iseq) { VALUE val = iseq_data_to_ary(rb_iseq_check(iseq)); rb_ary_push(ary, val); } else { rb_ary_push(ary, Qnil); } } break; case TS_GENTRY: { struct rb_global_entry *entry = (struct rb_global_entry *)*seq; rb_ary_push(ary, ID2SYM(entry->id)); } break; case TS_IC: { union iseq_inline_storage_entry *is = (union iseq_inline_storage_entry *)*seq; rb_ary_push(ary, INT2FIX(is - iseq->body->is_entries)); } break; case TS_CALLINFO: { struct rb_call_info *ci = (struct rb_call_info *)*seq; VALUE e = rb_hash_new(); int orig_argc = ci->orig_argc; rb_hash_aset(e, ID2SYM(rb_intern("mid")), ci->mid ? ID2SYM(ci->mid) : Qnil); rb_hash_aset(e, ID2SYM(rb_intern("flag")), UINT2NUM(ci->flag)); if (ci->flag & VM_CALL_KWARG) { struct rb_call_info_with_kwarg *ci_kw = (struct rb_call_info_with_kwarg *)ci; int i; VALUE kw = rb_ary_new2((long)ci_kw->kw_arg->keyword_len); orig_argc -= ci_kw->kw_arg->keyword_len; for (i = 0; i < ci_kw->kw_arg->keyword_len; i++) { rb_ary_push(kw, ci_kw->kw_arg->keywords[i]); } rb_hash_aset(e, ID2SYM(rb_intern("kw_arg")), kw); } rb_hash_aset(e, ID2SYM(rb_intern("orig_argc")), INT2FIX(orig_argc)); rb_ary_push(ary, e); } break; case TS_CALLCACHE: rb_ary_push(ary, Qfalse); break; case TS_ID: rb_ary_push(ary, ID2SYM(*seq)); break; case TS_CDHASH: { VALUE hash = *seq; VALUE val = rb_ary_new(); int i; rb_hash_foreach(hash, cdhash_each, val); for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(val); i+=2) { VALUE pos = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(val, i+1)); unsigned long idx = nseq - iseq_original + pos; rb_ary_store(val, i+1, register_label(labels_table, idx)); } rb_ary_push(ary, val); } break; case TS_FUNCPTR: { #if SIZEOF_VALUE <= SIZEOF_LONG VALUE val = LONG2NUM((SIGNED_VALUE)*seq); #else VALUE val = LL2NUM((SIGNED_VALUE)*seq); #endif rb_ary_push(ary, val); } break; default: rb_bug("unknown operand: %c", insn_op_type(insn, j)); } } rb_ary_push(body, ary); } nbody = body; /* exception */ if (iseq->body->catch_table) for (i=0; i<iseq->body->catch_table->size; i++) { VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); const struct iseq_catch_table_entry *entry = &iseq->body->catch_table->entries[i]; rb_ary_push(ary, exception_type2symbol(entry->type)); if (entry->iseq) { rb_ary_push(ary, iseq_data_to_ary(rb_iseq_check(entry->iseq))); } else { rb_ary_push(ary, Qnil); } rb_ary_push(ary, register_label(labels_table, entry->start)); rb_ary_push(ary, register_label(labels_table, entry->end)); rb_ary_push(ary, register_label(labels_table, entry->cont)); rb_ary_push(ary, UINT2NUM(entry->sp)); rb_ary_push(exception, ary); } /* make body with labels and insert line number */ body = rb_ary_new(); ti = 0; for (l=0, pos=0; l<RARRAY_LEN(nbody); l++) { VALUE ary = RARRAY_AREF(nbody, l); st_data_t label; if (st_lookup(labels_table, pos, &label)) { rb_ary_push(body, (VALUE)label); } if (ti < iseq->body->line_info_size && iseq->body->line_info_table[ti].position == pos) { line = iseq->body->line_info_table[ti].line_no; rb_ary_push(body, INT2FIX(line)); ti++; } rb_ary_push(body, ary); pos += RARRAY_LENINT(ary); /* reject too huge data */ } RB_GC_GUARD(nbody); st_free_table(labels_table); rb_hash_aset(misc, ID2SYM(rb_intern("arg_size")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->param.size)); rb_hash_aset(misc, ID2SYM(rb_intern("local_size")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->local_size)); rb_hash_aset(misc, ID2SYM(rb_intern("stack_max")), INT2FIX(iseq->body->stack_max)); /* TODO: compatibility issue */ /* * [:magic, :major_version, :minor_version, :format_type, :misc, * :name, :path, :absolute_path, :start_lineno, :type, :locals, :args, * :catch_table, :bytecode] */ rb_ary_push(val, rb_str_new2("YARVInstructionSequence/SimpleDataFormat")); rb_ary_push(val, INT2FIX(ISEQ_MAJOR_VERSION)); /* major */ rb_ary_push(val, INT2FIX(ISEQ_MINOR_VERSION)); /* minor */ rb_ary_push(val, INT2FIX(1)); rb_ary_push(val, misc); rb_ary_push(val, iseq->body->location.label); rb_ary_push(val, iseq->body->location.path); rb_ary_push(val, iseq->body->location.absolute_path); rb_ary_push(val, iseq->body->location.first_lineno); rb_ary_push(val, type); rb_ary_push(val, locals); rb_ary_push(val, params); rb_ary_push(val, exception); rb_ary_push(val, body); return val; } VALUE rb_iseq_parameters(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, int is_proc) { int i, r; VALUE a, args = rb_ary_new2(iseq->body->param.size); ID req, opt, rest, block, key, keyrest; #define PARAM_TYPE(type) rb_ary_push(a = rb_ary_new2(2), ID2SYM(type)) #define PARAM_ID(i) iseq->body->local_table[(i)] #define PARAM(i, type) ( \ PARAM_TYPE(type), \ rb_id2str(PARAM_ID(i)) ? \ rb_ary_push(a, ID2SYM(PARAM_ID(i))) : \ a) CONST_ID(req, "req"); CONST_ID(opt, "opt"); if (is_proc) { for (i = 0; i < iseq->body->param.lead_num; i++) { PARAM_TYPE(opt); rb_ary_push(a, rb_id2str(PARAM_ID(i)) ? ID2SYM(PARAM_ID(i)) : Qnil); rb_ary_push(args, a); } } else { for (i = 0; i < iseq->body->param.lead_num; i++) { rb_ary_push(args, PARAM(i, req)); } } r = iseq->body->param.lead_num + iseq->body->param.opt_num; for (; i < r; i++) { PARAM_TYPE(opt); if (rb_id2str(PARAM_ID(i))) { rb_ary_push(a, ID2SYM(PARAM_ID(i))); } rb_ary_push(args, a); } if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_rest) { CONST_ID(rest, "rest"); rb_ary_push(args, PARAM(iseq->body->param.rest_start, rest)); } r = iseq->body->param.post_start + iseq->body->param.post_num; if (is_proc) { for (i = iseq->body->param.post_start; i < r; i++) { PARAM_TYPE(opt); rb_ary_push(a, rb_id2str(PARAM_ID(i)) ? ID2SYM(PARAM_ID(i)) : Qnil); rb_ary_push(args, a); } } else { for (i = iseq->body->param.post_start; i < r; i++) { rb_ary_push(args, PARAM(i, req)); } } if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_kw) { i = 0; if (iseq->body->param.keyword->required_num > 0) { ID keyreq; CONST_ID(keyreq, "keyreq"); for (; i < iseq->body->param.keyword->required_num; i++) { PARAM_TYPE(keyreq); if (rb_id2str(iseq->body->param.keyword->table[i])) { rb_ary_push(a, ID2SYM(iseq->body->param.keyword->table[i])); } rb_ary_push(args, a); } } CONST_ID(key, "key"); for (; i < iseq->body->param.keyword->num; i++) { PARAM_TYPE(key); if (rb_id2str(iseq->body->param.keyword->table[i])) { rb_ary_push(a, ID2SYM(iseq->body->param.keyword->table[i])); } rb_ary_push(args, a); } } if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_kwrest) { CONST_ID(keyrest, "keyrest"); rb_ary_push(args, PARAM(iseq->body->param.keyword->rest_start, keyrest)); } if (iseq->body->param.flags.has_block) { CONST_ID(block, "block"); rb_ary_push(args, PARAM(iseq->body->param.block_start, block)); } return args; } VALUE rb_iseq_defined_string(enum defined_type type) { static const char expr_names[][18] = { "nil", "instance-variable", "local-variable", "global-variable", "class variable", "constant", "method", "yield", "super", "self", "true", "false", "assignment", "expression", }; const char *estr; VALUE *defs, str; if ((unsigned)(type - 1) >= (unsigned)numberof(expr_names)) return 0; estr = expr_names[type - 1]; if (!estr[0]) return 0; defs = GET_VM()->defined_strings; if (!defs) { defs = ruby_xcalloc(numberof(expr_names), sizeof(VALUE)); GET_VM()->defined_strings = defs; } str = defs[type-1]; if (!str) { str = rb_str_new_cstr(estr); OBJ_FREEZE(str); defs[type-1] = str; rb_gc_register_mark_object(str); } return str; } /* Experimental tracing support: trace(line) -> trace(specified_line) * MRI Specific. */ int rb_iseqw_line_trace_each(VALUE iseqw, int (*func)(int line, rb_event_flag_t *events_ptr, void *d), void *data) { int trace_num = 0; unsigned int pos; size_t insn; const rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseqw_check(iseqw); int cont = 1; VALUE *iseq_original; iseq_original = rb_iseq_original_iseq(iseq); for (pos = 0; cont && pos < iseq->body->iseq_size; pos += insn_len(insn)) { insn = iseq_original[pos]; if (insn == BIN(trace)) { rb_event_flag_t current_events; current_events = (rb_event_flag_t)iseq_original[pos+1]; if (current_events & RUBY_EVENT_LINE) { rb_event_flag_t events = current_events & RUBY_EVENT_SPECIFIED_LINE; trace_num++; if (func) { int line = find_line_no(iseq, pos); /* printf("line: %d\n", line); */ cont = (*func)(line, &events, data); if (current_events != events) { VALUE *encoded = (VALUE *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded; iseq_original[pos+1] = encoded[pos+1] = (VALUE)(current_events | (events & RUBY_EVENT_SPECIFIED_LINE)); } } } } } return trace_num; } static int collect_trace(int line, rb_event_flag_t *events_ptr, void *ptr) { VALUE result = (VALUE)ptr; rb_ary_push(result, INT2NUM(line)); return 1; } /* * <b>Experimental MRI specific feature, only available as C level api.</b> * * Returns all +specified_line+ events. */ VALUE rb_iseqw_line_trace_all(VALUE iseqw) { VALUE result = rb_ary_new(); rb_iseqw_line_trace_each(iseqw, collect_trace, (void *)result); return result; } struct set_specifc_data { int pos; int set; int prev; /* 1: set, 2: unset, 0: not found */ }; static int line_trace_specify(int line, rb_event_flag_t *events_ptr, void *ptr) { struct set_specifc_data *data = (struct set_specifc_data *)ptr; if (data->pos == 0) { data->prev = *events_ptr & RUBY_EVENT_SPECIFIED_LINE ? 1 : 2; if (data->set) { *events_ptr = *events_ptr | RUBY_EVENT_SPECIFIED_LINE; } else { *events_ptr = *events_ptr & ~RUBY_EVENT_SPECIFIED_LINE; } return 0; /* found */ } else { data->pos--; return 1; } } /* * <b>Experimental MRI specific feature, only available as C level api.</b> * * Set a +specified_line+ event at the given line position, if the +set+ * parameter is +true+. * * This method is useful for building a debugger breakpoint at a specific line. * * A TypeError is raised if +set+ is not boolean. * * If +pos+ is a negative integer a TypeError exception is raised. */ VALUE rb_iseqw_line_trace_specify(VALUE iseqval, VALUE pos, VALUE set) { struct set_specifc_data data; data.prev = 0; data.pos = NUM2INT(pos); if (data.pos < 0) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "`pos' is negative"); switch (set) { case Qtrue: data.set = 1; break; case Qfalse: data.set = 0; break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "`set' should be true/false"); } rb_iseqw_line_trace_each(iseqval, line_trace_specify, (void *)&data); if (data.prev == 0) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "`pos' is out of range."); } return data.prev == 1 ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } VALUE rb_iseqw_local_variables(VALUE iseqval) { return rb_iseq_local_variables(iseqw_check(iseqval)); } /* * call-seq: * iseq.to_binary(extra_data = nil) -> binary str * * Returns serialized iseq binary format data as a String object. * A corresponding iseq object is created by * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary() method. * * String extra_data will be saved with binary data. * You can access this data with * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary_extra_data(binary). * * Note that the translated binary data is not portable. * You can not move this binary data to another machine. * You can not use the binary data which is created by another * version/another architecture of Ruby. */ static VALUE iseqw_to_binary(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE opt; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &opt); return iseq_ibf_dump(iseqw_check(self), opt); } /* * call-seq: * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary(binary) -> iseq * * Load an iseq object from binary format String object * created by RubyVM::InstructionSequence.to_binary. * * This loader does not have a verifier, so that loading broken/modified * binary causes critical problem. * * You should not load binary data provided by others. * You should use binary data translated by yourself. */ static VALUE iseqw_s_load_from_binary(VALUE self, VALUE str) { return iseqw_new(iseq_ibf_load(str)); } /* * call-seq: * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary_extra_data(binary) -> str * * Load extra data embed into binary format String object. */ static VALUE iseqw_s_load_from_binary_extra_data(VALUE self, VALUE str) { return iseq_ibf_load_extra_data(str); } /* * Document-class: RubyVM::InstructionSequence * * The InstructionSequence class represents a compiled sequence of * instructions for the Ruby Virtual Machine. * * With it, you can get a handle to the instructions that make up a method or * a proc, compile strings of Ruby code down to VM instructions, and * disassemble instruction sequences to strings for easy inspection. It is * mostly useful if you want to learn how the Ruby VM works, but it also lets * you control various settings for the Ruby iseq compiler. * * You can find the source for the VM instructions in +insns.def+ in the Ruby * source. * * The instruction sequence results will almost certainly change as Ruby * changes, so example output in this documentation may be different from what * you see. */ void Init_ISeq(void) { /* declare ::RubyVM::InstructionSequence */ rb_cISeq = rb_define_class_under(rb_cRubyVM, "InstructionSequence", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "inspect", iseqw_inspect, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "disasm", iseqw_disasm, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "disassemble", iseqw_disasm, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "to_a", iseqw_to_a, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "eval", iseqw_eval, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "to_binary", iseqw_to_binary, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "load_from_binary", iseqw_s_load_from_binary, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "load_from_binary_extra_data", iseqw_s_load_from_binary_extra_data, 1); /* location APIs */ rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "path", iseqw_path, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "absolute_path", iseqw_absolute_path, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "label", iseqw_label, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "base_label", iseqw_base_label, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "first_lineno", iseqw_first_lineno, 0); #if 0 /* Now, it is experimental. No discussions, no tests. */ /* They can be used from C level. Please give us feedback. */ rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "line_trace_all", rb_iseqw_line_trace_all, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cISeq, "line_trace_specify", rb_iseqw_line_trace_specify, 2); #else (void)rb_iseqw_line_trace_all; (void)rb_iseqw_line_trace_specify; #endif #if 0 /* TBD */ rb_define_private_method(rb_cISeq, "marshal_dump", iseqw_marshal_dump, 0); rb_define_private_method(rb_cISeq, "marshal_load", iseqw_marshal_load, 1); /* disable this feature because there is no verifier. */ rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "load", iseq_s_load, -1); #endif (void)iseq_s_load; rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "compile", iseqw_s_compile, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "new", iseqw_s_compile, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "compile_file", iseqw_s_compile_file, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "compile_option", iseqw_s_compile_option_get, 0); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "compile_option=", iseqw_s_compile_option_set, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "disasm", iseqw_s_disasm, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "disassemble", iseqw_s_disasm, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cISeq, "of", iseqw_s_of, 1); }