# coding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'tempfile' require 'timeout' require 'io/wait' require 'rbconfig' class TestProcess < Test::Unit::TestCase RUBY = EnvUtil.rubybin def setup Process.waitall end def teardown Process.waitall end def windows? self.class.windows? end def self.windows? return /mswin|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM end def write_file(filename, content) File.open(filename, "w") {|f| f << content } end def with_tmpchdir Dir.mktmpdir {|d| d = File.realpath(d) Dir.chdir(d) { yield d } } end def run_in_child(str) # should be called in a temporary directory write_file("test-script", str) Process.wait spawn(RUBY, "test-script") $? end def test_rlimit_availability begin Process.getrlimit(nil) rescue NotImplementedError assert_raise(NotImplementedError) { Process.setrlimit } rescue TypeError assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.setrlimit } end end def rlimit_exist? Process.getrlimit(nil) rescue NotImplementedError return false rescue TypeError return true end def test_rlimit_nofile return unless rlimit_exist? with_tmpchdir { write_file 's', <<-"End" # Too small RLIMIT_NOFILE, such as zero, causes problems. # [OpenBSD] Setting to zero freezes this test. # [GNU/Linux] EINVAL on poll(). EINVAL on ruby's internal poll() ruby with "[ASYNC BUG] thread_timer: select". pipes = IO.pipe limit = pipes.map {|io| io.fileno }.min result = 1 begin Process.setrlimit(Process::RLIMIT_NOFILE, limit) rescue Errno::EINVAL result = 0 end if result == 1 begin IO.pipe rescue Errno::EMFILE result = 0 end end exit result End pid = spawn RUBY, "s" Process.wait pid assert_equal(0, $?.to_i, "#{$?}") } end def test_rlimit_name return unless rlimit_exist? [ :AS, "AS", :CORE, "CORE", :CPU, "CPU", :DATA, "DATA", :FSIZE, "FSIZE", :MEMLOCK, "MEMLOCK", :MSGQUEUE, "MSGQUEUE", :NICE, "NICE", :NOFILE, "NOFILE", :NPROC, "NPROC", :RSS, "RSS", :RTPRIO, "RTPRIO", :RTTIME, "RTTIME", :SBSIZE, "SBSIZE", :SIGPENDING, "SIGPENDING", :STACK, "STACK", ].each {|name| if Process.const_defined? "RLIMIT_#{name}" assert_nothing_raised { Process.getrlimit(name) } else assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.getrlimit(name) } end } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.getrlimit(:FOO) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.getrlimit("FOO") } assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /\u{30eb 30d3 30fc}/) { Process.getrlimit("\u{30eb 30d3 30fc}") } end def test_rlimit_value return unless rlimit_exist? assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.setrlimit(:FOO, 0) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.setrlimit(:CORE, :FOO) } assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /\u{30eb 30d3 30fc}/) { Process.setrlimit("\u{30eb 30d3 30fc}", 0) } assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /\u{30eb 30d3 30fc}/) { Process.setrlimit(:CORE, "\u{30eb 30d3 30fc}") } with_tmpchdir do s = run_in_child(<<-'End') cur, max = Process.getrlimit(:NOFILE) Process.setrlimit(:NOFILE, [max-10, cur].min) begin Process.setrlimit(:NOFILE, :INFINITY) rescue Errno::EPERM exit false end End assert_not_predicate(s, :success?) s = run_in_child(<<-'End') cur, max = Process.getrlimit(:NOFILE) Process.setrlimit(:NOFILE, [max-10, cur].min) begin Process.setrlimit(:NOFILE, "INFINITY") rescue Errno::EPERM exit false end End assert_not_predicate(s, :success?) end end TRUECOMMAND = [RUBY, '-e', ''] def test_execopts_opts assert_nothing_raised { Process.wait Process.spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, {}) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, :foo => 100) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, Process => 100) } end def test_execopts_pgroup skip "system(:pgroup) is not supported" if windows? assert_nothing_raised { system(*TRUECOMMAND, :pgroup=>false) } io = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "print Process.getpgrp"]) assert_equal(Process.getpgrp.to_s, io.read) io.close io = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "print Process.getpgrp", :pgroup=>true]) assert_equal(io.pid.to_s, io.read) io.close assert_raise(ArgumentError) { system(*TRUECOMMAND, :pgroup=>-1) } assert_raise(Errno::EPERM) { Process.wait spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, :pgroup=>2) } io1 = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "print Process.getpgrp", :pgroup=>true]) io2 = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "print Process.getpgrp", :pgroup=>io1.pid]) assert_equal(io1.pid.to_s, io1.read) assert_equal(io1.pid.to_s, io2.read) Process.wait io1.pid Process.wait io2.pid io1.close io2.close end def test_execopts_rlimit return unless rlimit_exist? assert_raise(ArgumentError) { system(*TRUECOMMAND, :rlimit_foo=>0) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { system(*TRUECOMMAND, :rlimit_NOFILE=>0) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { system(*TRUECOMMAND, :rlimit_nofile=>[]) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { system(*TRUECOMMAND, :rlimit_nofile=>[1,2,3]) } max = Process.getrlimit(:CORE).last n = max IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "p Process.getrlimit(:CORE)", :rlimit_core=>n]) {|io| assert_equal("[#{n}, #{n}]\n", io.read) } n = 0 IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "p Process.getrlimit(:CORE)", :rlimit_core=>n]) {|io| assert_equal("[#{n}, #{n}]\n", io.read) } n = max IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "p Process.getrlimit(:CORE)", :rlimit_core=>[n]]) {|io| assert_equal("[#{n}, #{n}]", io.read.chomp) } m, n = 0, max IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "p Process.getrlimit(:CORE)", :rlimit_core=>[m,n]]) {|io| assert_equal("[#{m}, #{n}]", io.read.chomp) } m, n = 0, 0 IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "p Process.getrlimit(:CORE)", :rlimit_core=>[m,n]]) {|io| assert_equal("[#{m}, #{n}]", io.read.chomp) } n = max IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "p Process.getrlimit(:CORE), Process.getrlimit(:CPU)", :rlimit_core=>n, :rlimit_cpu=>3600]) {|io| assert_equal("[#{n}, #{n}]\n[3600, 3600]", io.read.chomp) } end MANDATORY_ENVS = %w[RUBYLIB] case RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] when /linux/ MANDATORY_ENVS << 'LD_PRELOAD' when /mswin|mingw/ MANDATORY_ENVS.concat(%w[HOME USER TMPDIR]) when /darwin/ MANDATORY_ENVS.concat(ENV.keys.grep(/\A__CF_/)) end if e = RbConfig::CONFIG['LIBPATHENV'] MANDATORY_ENVS << e end PREENVARG = ['-e', "%w[#{MANDATORY_ENVS.join(' ')}].each{|e|ENV.delete(e)}"] ENVARG = ['-e', 'ENV.each {|k,v| puts "#{k}=#{v}" }'] ENVCOMMAND = [RUBY].concat(PREENVARG).concat(ENVARG) def test_execopts_env assert_raise(ArgumentError) { system({"F=O"=>"BAR"}, *TRUECOMMAND) } with_tmpchdir {|d| prog = "#{d}/notexist" e = assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { Process.wait Process.spawn({"FOO"=>"BAR"}, prog) } assert_equal(prog, e.message.sub(/.* - /, '')) e = assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { Process.wait Process.spawn({"FOO"=>"BAR"}, [prog, "blar"]) } assert_equal(prog, e.message.sub(/.* - /, '')) } h = {} cmd = [h, RUBY] (ENV.keys + MANDATORY_ENVS).each do |k| case k when /\APATH\z/i when *MANDATORY_ENVS cmd << '-e' << "ENV.delete('#{k}')" else h[k] = nil end end cmd << '-e' << 'puts ENV.keys.map{|e|e.upcase}' IO.popen(cmd) {|io| assert_equal("PATH\n", io.read) } IO.popen([{"FOO"=>"BAR"}, *ENVCOMMAND]) {|io| assert_match(/^FOO=BAR$/, io.read) } with_tmpchdir {|d| system({"fofo"=>"haha"}, *ENVCOMMAND, STDOUT=>"out") assert_match(/^fofo=haha$/, File.read("out").chomp) } old = ENV["hmm"] begin ENV["hmm"] = "fufu" IO.popen(ENVCOMMAND) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=fufu$/, io.read) } IO.popen([{"hmm"=>""}, *ENVCOMMAND]) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=$/, io.read) } IO.popen([{"hmm"=>nil}, *ENVCOMMAND]) {|io| assert_not_match(/^hmm=/, io.read) } ENV["hmm"] = "" IO.popen(ENVCOMMAND) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=$/, io.read) } IO.popen([{"hmm"=>""}, *ENVCOMMAND]) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=$/, io.read) } IO.popen([{"hmm"=>nil}, *ENVCOMMAND]) {|io| assert_not_match(/^hmm=/, io.read) } ENV["hmm"] = nil IO.popen(ENVCOMMAND) {|io| assert_not_match(/^hmm=/, io.read) } IO.popen([{"hmm"=>""}, *ENVCOMMAND]) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=$/, io.read) } IO.popen([{"hmm"=>nil}, *ENVCOMMAND]) {|io| assert_not_match(/^hmm=/, io.read) } ensure ENV["hmm"] = old end end def _test_execopts_env_popen(cmd) message = cmd.inspect IO.popen({"FOO"=>"BAR"}, cmd) {|io| assert_equal('FOO=BAR', io.read[/^FOO=.*/], message) } old = ENV["hmm"] begin ENV["hmm"] = "fufu" IO.popen(cmd) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=fufu$/, io.read, message)} IO.popen({"hmm"=>""}, cmd) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=$/, io.read, message)} IO.popen({"hmm"=>nil}, cmd) {|io| assert_not_match(/^hmm=/, io.read, message)} ENV["hmm"] = "" IO.popen(cmd) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=$/, io.read, message)} IO.popen({"hmm"=>""}, cmd) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=$/, io.read, message)} IO.popen({"hmm"=>nil}, cmd) {|io| assert_not_match(/^hmm=/, io.read, message)} ENV["hmm"] = nil IO.popen(cmd) {|io| assert_not_match(/^hmm=/, io.read, message)} IO.popen({"hmm"=>""}, cmd) {|io| assert_match(/^hmm=$/, io.read, message)} IO.popen({"hmm"=>nil}, cmd) {|io| assert_not_match(/^hmm=/, io.read, message)} ensure ENV["hmm"] = old end end def test_execopts_env_popen_vector _test_execopts_env_popen(ENVCOMMAND) end def test_execopts_env_popen_string with_tmpchdir do |d| open('test-script', 'w') do |f| ENVCOMMAND.each_with_index do |cmd, i| next if i.zero? or cmd == "-e" f.puts cmd end end _test_execopts_env_popen("#{RUBY} test-script") end end def test_execopts_preserve_env_on_exec_failure with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file 's', <<-"End" ENV["mgg"] = nil prog = "./nonexistent" begin Process.exec({"mgg" => "mggoo"}, [prog, prog]) rescue Errno::ENOENT end open('out', 'w') {|f| f.print ENV["mgg"].inspect } End system(RUBY, 's') assert_equal(nil.inspect, File.read('out'), "[ruby-core:44093] [ruby-trunk - Bug #6249]") } end def test_execopts_env_single_word with_tmpchdir {|d| open("test_execopts_env_single_word.rb", "w") {|f| f.puts "print ENV['hgga']" } system({"hgga"=>"ugu"}, RUBY, :in => 'test_execopts_env_single_word.rb', :out => 'test_execopts_env_single_word.out') assert_equal('ugu', File.read('test_execopts_env_single_word.out')) } end def test_execopts_unsetenv_others h = {} MANDATORY_ENVS.each {|k| e = ENV[k] and h[k] = e} IO.popen([h, *ENVCOMMAND, :unsetenv_others=>true]) {|io| assert_equal("", io.read) } IO.popen([h.merge("A"=>"B"), *ENVCOMMAND, :unsetenv_others=>true]) {|io| assert_equal("A=B\n", io.read) } end PWD = [RUBY, '-e', 'puts Dir.pwd'] def test_execopts_chdir with_tmpchdir {|d| IO.popen([*PWD, :chdir => d]) {|io| assert_equal(d, io.read.chomp) } assert_raise_with_message(Errno::ENOENT, %r"d/notexist") { Process.wait Process.spawn(*PWD, :chdir => "d/notexist") } n = "d/\u{1F37A}" assert_raise_with_message(Errno::ENOENT, /#{n}/) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*PWD, :chdir => n) } } end def test_execopts_open_chdir with_tmpchdir {|d| Dir.mkdir "foo" system(*PWD, :chdir => "foo", :out => "open_chdir_test") assert_file.exist?("open_chdir_test") assert_file.not_exist?("foo/open_chdir_test") assert_equal("#{d}/foo", File.read("open_chdir_test").chomp) } end def test_execopts_open_chdir_m17n_path with_tmpchdir {|d| Dir.mkdir "テスト" system(*PWD, :chdir => "テスト", :out => "open_chdir_テスト") assert_file.exist?("open_chdir_テスト") assert_file.not_exist?("テスト/open_chdir_テスト") assert_equal("#{d}/テスト", File.read("open_chdir_テスト").chomp.encode(__ENCODING__)) } end if windows? || Encoding.find('locale') == Encoding::UTF_8 def test_execopts_open_failure with_tmpchdir {|d| assert_raise_with_message(Errno::ENOENT, %r"d/notexist") { Process.wait Process.spawn(*PWD, :in => "d/notexist") } assert_raise_with_message(Errno::ENOENT, %r"d/notexist") { Process.wait Process.spawn(*PWD, :out => "d/notexist") } n = "d/\u{1F37A}" assert_raise_with_message(Errno::ENOENT, /#{n}/) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*PWD, :in => n) } assert_raise_with_message(Errno::ENOENT, /#{n}/) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*PWD, :out => n) } } end UMASK = [RUBY, '-e', 'printf "%04o\n", File.umask'] def test_execopts_umask skip "umask is not supported" if windows? IO.popen([*UMASK, :umask => 0]) {|io| assert_equal("0000", io.read.chomp) } IO.popen([*UMASK, :umask => 0777]) {|io| assert_equal("0777", io.read.chomp) } end def with_pipe begin r, w = IO.pipe yield r, w ensure r.close unless r.closed? w.close unless w.closed? end end def with_pipes(n) ary = [] begin n.times { ary << IO.pipe } yield ary ensure ary.each {|r, w| r.close unless r.closed? w.close unless w.closed? } end end ECHO = lambda {|arg| [RUBY, '-e', "puts #{arg.dump}; STDOUT.flush"] } SORT = [RUBY, '-e', "puts ARGF.readlines.sort"] CAT = [RUBY, '-e', "IO.copy_stream STDIN, STDOUT"] def test_execopts_redirect_fd with_tmpchdir {|d| Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["a"], STDOUT=>["out", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC, 0644]) assert_equal("a", File.read("out").chomp) if windows? # currently telling to child the file modes is not supported. open("out", "a") {|f| f.write "0\n"} else Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["0"], STDOUT=>["out", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::APPEND, 0644]) assert_equal("a\n0\n", File.read("out")) end Process.wait Process.spawn(*SORT, STDIN=>["out", File::RDONLY, 0644], STDOUT=>["out2", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC, 0644]) assert_equal("0\na\n", File.read("out2")) Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["b"], [STDOUT, STDERR]=>["out", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC, 0644]) assert_equal("b", File.read("out").chomp) # problem occur with valgrind #Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["a"], STDOUT=>:close, STDERR=>["out", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC, 0644]) #p File.read("out") #assert_not_empty(File.read("out")) # error message such as "-e:1:in `flush': Bad file descriptor (Errno::EBADF)" Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["c"], STDERR=>STDOUT, STDOUT=>["out", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC, 0644]) assert_equal("c", File.read("out").chomp) File.open("out", "w") {|f| Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["d"], STDOUT=>f) assert_equal("d", File.read("out").chomp) } opts = {STDOUT=>["out", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC, 0644]} opts.merge(3=>STDOUT, 4=>STDOUT, 5=>STDOUT, 6=>STDOUT, 7=>STDOUT) unless windows? Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["e"], opts) assert_equal("e", File.read("out").chomp) opts = {STDOUT=>["out", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC, 0644]} opts.merge(3=>0, 4=>:in, 5=>STDIN, 6=>1, 7=>:out, 8=>STDOUT, 9=>2, 10=>:err, 11=>STDERR) unless windows? Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["ee"], opts) assert_equal("ee", File.read("out").chomp) unless windows? # passing non-stdio fds is not supported on Windows File.open("out", "w") {|f| h = {STDOUT=>f, f=>STDOUT} 3.upto(30) {|i| h[i] = STDOUT if f.fileno != i } Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["f"], h) assert_equal("f", File.read("out").chomp) } end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["f"], 1=>Process) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["f"], [Process]=>1) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["f"], [1, STDOUT]=>2) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["f"], -1=>2) } Process.wait Process.spawn(*ECHO["hhh\nggg\n"], STDOUT=>"out") assert_equal("hhh\nggg\n", File.read("out")) Process.wait Process.spawn(*SORT, STDIN=>"out", STDOUT=>"out2") assert_equal("ggg\nhhh\n", File.read("out2")) unless windows? # passing non-stdio fds is not supported on Windows assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { Process.wait Process.spawn("non-existing-command", (3..60).to_a=>["err", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT]) } assert_equal("", File.read("err")) end system(*ECHO["bb\naa\n"], STDOUT=>["out", "w"]) assert_equal("bb\naa\n", File.read("out")) system(*SORT, STDIN=>["out"], STDOUT=>"out2") assert_equal("aa\nbb\n", File.read("out2")) } end def test_execopts_redirect_open_order_normal minfd = 3 maxfd = 20 with_tmpchdir {|d| opts = {} minfd.upto(maxfd) {|fd| opts[fd] = ["out#{fd}", "w"] } system RUBY, "-e", "#{minfd}.upto(#{maxfd}) {|fd| IO.new(fd).print fd.to_s }", opts minfd.upto(maxfd) {|fd| assert_equal(fd.to_s, File.read("out#{fd}")) } } end unless windows? # passing non-stdio fds is not supported on Windows def test_execopts_redirect_open_order_reverse minfd = 3 maxfd = 20 with_tmpchdir {|d| opts = {} maxfd.downto(minfd) {|fd| opts[fd] = ["out#{fd}", "w"] } system RUBY, "-e", "#{minfd}.upto(#{maxfd}) {|fd| IO.new(fd).print fd.to_s }", opts minfd.upto(maxfd) {|fd| assert_equal(fd.to_s, File.read("out#{fd}")) } } end unless windows? # passing non-stdio fds is not supported on Windows def test_execopts_redirect_open_fifo with_tmpchdir {|d| begin File.mkfifo("fifo") rescue NotImplementedError return end assert(FileTest.pipe?("fifo"), "should be pipe") t1 = Thread.new { system(*ECHO["output to fifo"], :out=>"fifo") } t2 = Thread.new { IO.popen([*CAT, :in=>"fifo"]) {|f| f.read } } _, v2 = assert_join_threads([t1, t2]) assert_equal("output to fifo\n", v2) } end unless windows? # does not support fifo def test_execopts_redirect_open_fifo_interrupt_raise with_tmpchdir {|d| begin File.mkfifo("fifo") rescue NotImplementedError return end IO.popen([RUBY, '-e', <<-'EOS']) {|io| class E < StandardError; end trap(:USR1) { raise E } begin system("cat", :in => "fifo") rescue E puts "ok" end EOS sleep 0.5 Process.kill(:USR1, io.pid) assert_equal("ok\n", io.read) } } end unless windows? # does not support fifo def test_execopts_redirect_open_fifo_interrupt_print with_tmpchdir {|d| begin File.mkfifo("fifo") rescue NotImplementedError return end IO.popen([RUBY, '-e', <<-'EOS']) {|io| trap(:USR1) { print "trap\n" } system("cat", :in => "fifo") EOS sleep 1 Process.kill(:USR1, io.pid) sleep 1 File.write("fifo", "ok\n") assert_equal("trap\nok\n", io.read) } } end unless windows? # does not support fifo def test_execopts_redirect_pipe with_pipe {|r1, w1| with_pipe {|r2, w2| opts = {STDIN=>r1, STDOUT=>w2} opts.merge(w1=>:close, r2=>:close) unless windows? pid = spawn(*SORT, opts) r1.close w2.close w1.puts "c" w1.puts "a" w1.puts "b" w1.close assert_equal("a\nb\nc\n", r2.read) r2.close Process.wait(pid) } } unless windows? # passing non-stdio fds is not supported on Windows with_pipes(5) {|pipes| ios = pipes.flatten h = {} ios.length.times {|i| h[ios[i]] = ios[(i-1)%ios.length] } h2 = h.invert _rios = pipes.map {|r, w| r } wios = pipes.map {|r, w| w } child_wfds = wios.map {|w| h2[w].fileno } pid = spawn(RUBY, "-e", "[#{child_wfds.join(',')}].each {|fd| IO.new(fd, 'w').puts fd }", h) pipes.each {|r, w| assert_equal("#{h2[w].fileno}\n", r.gets) } Process.wait pid; } with_pipes(5) {|pipes| ios = pipes.flatten h = {} ios.length.times {|i| h[ios[i]] = ios[(i+1)%ios.length] } h2 = h.invert _rios = pipes.map {|r, w| r } wios = pipes.map {|r, w| w } child_wfds = wios.map {|w| h2[w].fileno } pid = spawn(RUBY, "-e", "[#{child_wfds.join(',')}].each {|fd| IO.new(fd, 'w').puts fd }", h) pipes.each {|r, w| assert_equal("#{h2[w].fileno}\n", r.gets) } Process.wait pid } closed_fd = nil with_pipes(5) {|pipes| io = pipes.last.last closed_fd = io.fileno } assert_raise(Errno::EBADF) { Process.wait spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, closed_fd=>closed_fd) } with_pipe {|r, w| if w.respond_to?(:"close_on_exec=") w.close_on_exec = true pid = spawn(RUBY, "-e", "IO.new(#{w.fileno}, 'w').print 'a'", w=>w) w.close assert_equal("a", r.read) Process.wait pid end } end end def test_execopts_redirect_symbol with_tmpchdir {|d| system(*ECHO["funya"], :out=>"out") assert_equal("funya\n", File.read("out")) system(RUBY, '-e', 'STDOUT.reopen(STDERR); puts "henya"', :err=>"out") assert_equal("henya\n", File.read("out")) IO.popen([*CAT, :in=>"out"]) {|io| assert_equal("henya\n", io.read) } } end def test_execopts_redirect_nonascii_path bug9946 = '[ruby-core:63185] [Bug #9946]' with_tmpchdir {|d| path = "t-\u{30c6 30b9 30c8 f6}.txt" system(*ECHO["a"], out: path) assert_file.for(bug9946).exist?(path) assert_equal("a\n", File.read(path), bug9946) } end def test_execopts_redirect_to_out_and_err with_tmpchdir {|d| ret = system(RUBY, "-e", 'STDERR.print "e"; STDOUT.print "o"', [:out, :err] => "foo") assert_equal(true, ret) assert_equal("eo", File.read("foo")) ret = system(RUBY, "-e", 'STDERR.print "E"; STDOUT.print "O"', [:err, :out] => "bar") assert_equal(true, ret) assert_equal("EO", File.read("bar")) } end def test_execopts_redirect_dup2_child with_tmpchdir {|d| Process.wait spawn(RUBY, "-e", "STDERR.print 'err'; STDOUT.print 'out'", STDOUT=>"out", STDERR=>[:child, STDOUT]) assert_equal("errout", File.read("out")) Process.wait spawn(RUBY, "-e", "STDERR.print 'err'; STDOUT.print 'out'", STDERR=>"out", STDOUT=>[:child, STDERR]) assert_equal("errout", File.read("out")) skip "inheritance of fd other than stdin,stdout and stderr is not supported" if windows? Process.wait spawn(RUBY, "-e", "STDERR.print 'err'; STDOUT.print 'out'", STDOUT=>"out", STDERR=>[:child, 3], 3=>[:child, 4], 4=>[:child, STDOUT] ) assert_equal("errout", File.read("out")) IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "STDERR.print 'err'; STDOUT.print 'out'", STDERR=>[:child, STDOUT]]) {|io| assert_equal("errout", io.read) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, STDOUT=>[:child, STDOUT]) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, 3=>[:child, 4], 4=>[:child, 3]) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, 3=>[:child, 4], 4=>[:child, 5], 5=>[:child, 3]) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Process.wait spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, STDOUT=>[:child, 3]) } } end def test_execopts_exec with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("s", 'exec "echo aaa", STDOUT=>"foo"') pid = spawn RUBY, 's' Process.wait pid assert_equal("aaa\n", File.read("foo")) } end def test_execopts_popen with_tmpchdir {|d| IO.popen("#{RUBY} -e 'puts :foo'") {|io| assert_equal("foo\n", io.read) } assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { IO.popen(["echo bar"]) {} } # assuming "echo bar" command not exist. IO.popen(ECHO["baz"]) {|io| assert_equal("baz\n", io.read) } } end def test_execopts_popen_stdio with_tmpchdir {|d| assert_raise(ArgumentError) { IO.popen([*ECHO["qux"], STDOUT=>STDOUT]) {|io| } } IO.popen([*ECHO["hoge"], STDERR=>STDOUT]) {|io| assert_equal("hoge\n", io.read) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { IO.popen([*ECHO["fuga"], STDOUT=>"out"]) {|io| } } } end def test_execopts_popen_extra_fd skip "inheritance of fd other than stdin,stdout and stderr is not supported" if windows? with_tmpchdir {|d| with_pipe {|r, w| IO.popen([RUBY, '-e', 'IO.new(3, "w").puts("a"); puts "b"', 3=>w]) {|io| assert_equal("b\n", io.read) } w.close assert_equal("a\n", r.read) } IO.popen([RUBY, '-e', "IO.new(9, 'w').puts(:b)", 9=>["out2", File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC]]) {|io| assert_equal("", io.read) } assert_equal("b\n", File.read("out2")) } end def test_popen_fork IO.popen("-") {|io| if !io puts "fooo" else assert_equal("fooo\n", io.read) end } rescue NotImplementedError end def test_fd_inheritance skip "inheritance of fd other than stdin,stdout and stderr is not supported" if windows? with_pipe {|r, w| system(RUBY, '-e', 'IO.new(ARGV[0].to_i, "w").puts(:ba)', w.fileno.to_s, w=>w) w.close assert_equal("ba\n", r.read) } with_pipe {|r, w| Process.wait spawn(RUBY, '-e', 'IO.new(ARGV[0].to_i, "w").puts("bi") rescue nil', w.fileno.to_s) w.close assert_equal("", r.read) } with_pipe {|r, w| with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("s", <<-"End") exec(#{RUBY.dump}, '-e', 'IO.new(ARGV[0].to_i, "w").puts("bu") rescue nil', #{w.fileno.to_s.dump}, :close_others=>false) End w.close_on_exec = false Process.wait spawn(RUBY, "s", :close_others=>false) w.close assert_equal("bu\n", r.read) } } with_pipe {|r, w| io = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "STDERR.reopen(STDOUT); IO.new(#{w.fileno}, 'w').puts('me')"]) begin w.close errmsg = io.read assert_equal("", r.read) assert_not_equal("", errmsg) ensure io.close end } with_pipe {|r, w| errmsg = `#{RUBY} -e "STDERR.reopen(STDOUT); IO.new(#{w.fileno}, 'w').puts(123)"` w.close assert_equal("", r.read) assert_not_equal("", errmsg) } end def test_execopts_close_others skip "inheritance of fd other than stdin,stdout and stderr is not supported" if windows? with_tmpchdir {|d| with_pipe {|r, w| system(RUBY, '-e', 'STDERR.reopen("err", "w"); IO.new(ARGV[0].to_i, "w").puts("ma")', w.fileno.to_s, :close_others=>true) w.close assert_equal("", r.read) assert_not_equal("", File.read("err")) File.unlink("err") } with_pipe {|r, w| Process.wait spawn(RUBY, '-e', 'STDERR.reopen("err", "w"); IO.new(ARGV[0].to_i, "w").puts("mi")', w.fileno.to_s, :close_others=>true) w.close assert_equal("", r.read) assert_not_equal("", File.read("err")) File.unlink("err") } with_pipe {|r, w| w.close_on_exec = false Process.wait spawn(RUBY, '-e', 'IO.new(ARGV[0].to_i, "w").puts("bi")', w.fileno.to_s, :close_others=>false) w.close assert_equal("bi\n", r.read) } with_pipe {|r, w| write_file("s", <<-"End") exec(#{RUBY.dump}, '-e', 'STDERR.reopen("err", "w"); IO.new(ARGV[0].to_i, "w").puts("mu")', #{w.fileno.to_s.dump}, :close_others=>true) End Process.wait spawn(RUBY, "s", :close_others=>false) w.close assert_equal("", r.read) assert_not_equal("", File.read("err")) File.unlink("err") } with_pipe {|r, w| io = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "STDERR.reopen(STDOUT); IO.new(#{w.fileno}, 'w').puts('me')", :close_others=>true]) begin w.close errmsg = io.read assert_equal("", r.read) assert_not_equal("", errmsg) ensure io.close end } with_pipe {|r, w| w.close_on_exec = false io = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "STDERR.reopen(STDOUT); IO.new(#{w.fileno}, 'w').puts('mo')", :close_others=>false]) begin w.close errmsg = io.read assert_equal("mo\n", r.read) assert_equal("", errmsg) ensure io.close end } with_pipe {|r, w| w.close_on_exec = false io = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "STDERR.reopen(STDOUT); IO.new(#{w.fileno}, 'w').puts('mo')", :close_others=>nil]) begin w.close errmsg = io.read assert_equal("mo\n", r.read) assert_equal("", errmsg) ensure io.close end } } end def test_execopts_redirect_self begin with_pipe {|r, w| w << "haha\n" w.close r.close_on_exec = true IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "print IO.new(#{r.fileno}, 'r').read", r.fileno=>r.fileno, :close_others=>false]) {|io| assert_equal("haha\n", io.read) } } rescue NotImplementedError skip "IO#close_on_exec= is not supported" end end unless windows? # passing non-stdio fds is not supported on Windows def test_execopts_redirect_tempfile bug6269 = '[ruby-core:44181]' Tempfile.create("execopts") do |tmp| pid = assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError, bug6269) do break spawn(RUBY, "-e", "print $$", out: tmp) end Process.wait(pid) tmp.rewind assert_equal(pid.to_s, tmp.read) end end def test_execopts_duplex_io IO.popen("#{RUBY} -e ''", "r+") {|duplex| assert_raise(ArgumentError) { system("#{RUBY} -e ''", duplex=>STDOUT) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { system("#{RUBY} -e ''", STDOUT=>duplex) } } end def test_execopts_modification h = {} Process.wait spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, h) assert_equal({}, h) h = {} system(*TRUECOMMAND, h) assert_equal({}, h) h = {} io = IO.popen([*TRUECOMMAND, h]) io.close assert_equal({}, h) end def test_system_noshell str = "echo non existing command name which contains spaces" assert_nil(system([str, str])) end def test_spawn_noshell str = "echo non existing command name which contains spaces" assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { spawn([str, str]) } end def test_popen_noshell str = "echo non existing command name which contains spaces" assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { IO.popen([str, str]) } end def test_exec_noshell with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("s", <<-"End") str = "echo non existing command name which contains spaces" STDERR.reopen(STDOUT) begin exec [str, str] rescue Errno::ENOENT print "Errno::ENOENT success" end End r = IO.popen([RUBY, "s", :close_others=>false], "r") {|f| f.read} assert_equal("Errno::ENOENT success", r) } end def test_system_wordsplit with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script", <<-'End') File.open("result", "w") {|t| t << "haha pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" } exit 5 End str = "#{RUBY} script" ret = system(str) status = $? assert_equal(false, ret) assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_equal(5, status.exitstatus) assert_equal("haha pid=#{status.pid} ppid=#{$$}", File.read("result")) } end def test_spawn_wordsplit with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script", <<-'End') File.open("result", "w") {|t| t << "hihi pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" } exit 6 End str = "#{RUBY} script" pid = spawn(str) Process.wait pid status = $? assert_equal(pid, status.pid) assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_equal(6, status.exitstatus) assert_equal("hihi pid=#{status.pid} ppid=#{$$}", File.read("result")) } end def test_popen_wordsplit with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script", <<-'End') print "fufu pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" exit 7 End str = "#{RUBY} script" io = IO.popen(str) pid = io.pid result = io.read io.close status = $? assert_equal(pid, status.pid) assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_equal(7, status.exitstatus) assert_equal("fufu pid=#{status.pid} ppid=#{$$}", result) } end def test_popen_wordsplit_beginning_and_trailing_spaces with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script", <<-'End') print "fufumm pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" exit 7 End str = " #{RUBY} script " io = IO.popen(str) pid = io.pid result = io.read io.close status = $? assert_equal(pid, status.pid) assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_equal(7, status.exitstatus) assert_equal("fufumm pid=#{status.pid} ppid=#{$$}", result) } end def test_exec_wordsplit with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script", <<-'End') File.open("result", "w") {|t| if /mswin|bccwin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM t << "hehe ppid=#{Process.ppid}" else t << "hehe pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" end } exit 6 End write_file("s", <<-"End") ruby = #{RUBY.dump} exec "\#{ruby} script" End pid = spawn(RUBY, "s") Process.wait pid status = $? assert_equal(pid, status.pid) assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_equal(6, status.exitstatus) if windows? expected = "hehe ppid=#{status.pid}" else expected = "hehe pid=#{status.pid} ppid=#{$$}" end assert_equal(expected, File.read("result")) } end def test_system_shell with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script1", <<-'End') File.open("result1", "w") {|t| t << "taka pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" } exit 7 End write_file("script2", <<-'End') File.open("result2", "w") {|t| t << "taki pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" } exit 8 End ret = system("#{RUBY} script1 || #{RUBY} script2") status = $? assert_equal(false, ret) assert_predicate(status, :exited?) result1 = File.read("result1") result2 = File.read("result2") assert_match(/\Ataka pid=\d+ ppid=\d+\z/, result1) assert_match(/\Ataki pid=\d+ ppid=\d+\z/, result2) assert_not_equal(result1[/\d+/].to_i, status.pid) if windows? Dir.mkdir(path = "path with space") write_file(bat = path + "/bat test.bat", "@echo %1>out") system(bat, "foo 'bar'") assert_equal(%["foo 'bar'"\n], File.read("out"), '[ruby-core:22960]') system(%[#{bat.dump} "foo 'bar'"]) assert_equal(%["foo 'bar'"\n], File.read("out"), '[ruby-core:22960]') end } end def test_spawn_shell with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script1", <<-'End') File.open("result1", "w") {|t| t << "taku pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" } exit 7 End write_file("script2", <<-'End') File.open("result2", "w") {|t| t << "take pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" } exit 8 End pid = spawn("#{RUBY} script1 || #{RUBY} script2") Process.wait pid status = $? assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_not_predicate(status, :success?) result1 = File.read("result1") result2 = File.read("result2") assert_match(/\Ataku pid=\d+ ppid=\d+\z/, result1) assert_match(/\Atake pid=\d+ ppid=\d+\z/, result2) assert_not_equal(result1[/\d+/].to_i, status.pid) if windows? Dir.mkdir(path = "path with space") write_file(bat = path + "/bat test.bat", "@echo %1>out") pid = spawn(bat, "foo 'bar'") Process.wait pid status = $? assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_predicate(status, :success?) assert_equal(%["foo 'bar'"\n], File.read("out"), '[ruby-core:22960]') pid = spawn(%[#{bat.dump} "foo 'bar'"]) Process.wait pid status = $? assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_predicate(status, :success?) assert_equal(%["foo 'bar'"\n], File.read("out"), '[ruby-core:22960]') end } end def test_popen_shell with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script1", <<-'End') puts "tako pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" exit 7 End write_file("script2", <<-'End') puts "tika pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" exit 8 End io = IO.popen("#{RUBY} script1 || #{RUBY} script2") result = io.read io.close status = $? assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_not_predicate(status, :success?) assert_match(/\Atako pid=\d+ ppid=\d+\ntika pid=\d+ ppid=\d+\n\z/, result) assert_not_equal(result[/\d+/].to_i, status.pid) if windows? Dir.mkdir(path = "path with space") write_file(bat = path + "/bat test.bat", "@echo %1") r = IO.popen([bat, "foo 'bar'"]) {|f| f.read} assert_equal(%["foo 'bar'"\n], r, '[ruby-core:22960]') r = IO.popen(%[#{bat.dump} "foo 'bar'"]) {|f| f.read} assert_equal(%["foo 'bar'"\n], r, '[ruby-core:22960]') end } end def test_exec_shell with_tmpchdir {|d| write_file("script1", <<-'End') File.open("result1", "w") {|t| t << "tiki pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" } exit 7 End write_file("script2", <<-'End') File.open("result2", "w") {|t| t << "tiku pid=#{$$} ppid=#{Process.ppid}" } exit 8 End write_file("s", <<-"End") ruby = #{RUBY.dump} exec("\#{ruby} script1 || \#{ruby} script2") End pid = spawn RUBY, "s" Process.wait pid status = $? assert_predicate(status, :exited?) assert_not_predicate(status, :success?) result1 = File.read("result1") result2 = File.read("result2") assert_match(/\Atiki pid=\d+ ppid=\d+\z/, result1) assert_match(/\Atiku pid=\d+ ppid=\d+\z/, result2) assert_not_equal(result1[/\d+/].to_i, status.pid) } end def test_argv0 with_tmpchdir {|d| assert_equal(false, system([RUBY, "asdfg"], "-e", "exit false")) assert_equal(true, system([RUBY, "zxcvb"], "-e", "exit true")) Process.wait spawn([RUBY, "poiu"], "-e", "exit 4") assert_equal(4, $?.exitstatus) assert_equal("1", IO.popen([[RUBY, "qwerty"], "-e", "print 1"]) {|f| f.read }) write_file("s", <<-"End") exec([#{RUBY.dump}, "lkjh"], "-e", "exit 5") End pid = spawn RUBY, "s" Process.wait pid assert_equal(5, $?.exitstatus) } end def with_stdin(filename) open(filename) {|f| begin old = STDIN.dup begin STDIN.reopen(filename) yield ensure STDIN.reopen(old) end ensure old.close end } end def test_argv0_noarg with_tmpchdir {|d| open("t", "w") {|f| f.print "exit true" } open("f", "w") {|f| f.print "exit false" } with_stdin("t") { assert_equal(true, system([RUBY, "qaz"])) } with_stdin("f") { assert_equal(false, system([RUBY, "wsx"])) } with_stdin("t") { Process.wait spawn([RUBY, "edc"]) } assert_predicate($?, :success?) with_stdin("f") { Process.wait spawn([RUBY, "rfv"]) } assert_not_predicate($?, :success?) with_stdin("t") { IO.popen([[RUBY, "tgb"]]) {|io| assert_equal("", io.read) } } assert_predicate($?, :success?) with_stdin("f") { IO.popen([[RUBY, "yhn"]]) {|io| assert_equal("", io.read) } } assert_not_predicate($?, :success?) status = run_in_child "STDIN.reopen('t'); exec([#{RUBY.dump}, 'ujm'])" assert_predicate(status, :success?) status = run_in_child "STDIN.reopen('f'); exec([#{RUBY.dump}, 'ik,'])" assert_not_predicate(status, :success?) } end def test_status with_tmpchdir do s = run_in_child("exit 1") assert_equal("#<Process::Status: pid #{ s.pid } exit #{ s.exitstatus }>", s.inspect) assert_equal(s, s) assert_equal(s, s.to_i) assert_equal(s.to_i & 0x55555555, s & 0x55555555) assert_equal(s.to_i >> 1, s >> 1) assert_equal(false, s.stopped?) assert_equal(nil, s.stopsig) end end def test_status_kill return unless Process.respond_to?(:kill) return unless Signal.list.include?("KILL") # assume the system supports signal if SIGQUIT is available expected = Signal.list.include?("QUIT") ? [false, true, false, nil] : [true, false, false, true] with_tmpchdir do write_file("foo", "Process.kill(:KILL, $$); exit(42)") system(RUBY, "foo") s = $? assert_equal(expected, [s.exited?, s.signaled?, s.stopped?, s.success?], "[s.exited?, s.signaled?, s.stopped?, s.success?]") end end def test_status_quit return unless Process.respond_to?(:kill) return unless Signal.list.include?("QUIT") with_tmpchdir do s = assert_in_out_err([], "Signal.trap(:QUIT,'DEFAULT'); Process.kill(:SIGQUIT, $$);sleep 30", //, //, rlimit_core: 0) assert_equal([false, true, false, nil], [s.exited?, s.signaled?, s.stopped?, s.success?], "[s.exited?, s.signaled?, s.stopped?, s.success?]") assert_equal("#<Process::Status: pid #{ s.pid } SIGQUIT (signal #{ s.termsig })>", s.inspect.sub(/ \(core dumped\)(?=>\z)/, '')) end end def test_wait_without_arg with_tmpchdir do write_file("foo", "sleep 0.1") pid = spawn(RUBY, "foo") assert_equal(pid, Process.wait) end end def test_wait2 with_tmpchdir do write_file("foo", "sleep 0.1") pid = spawn(RUBY, "foo") assert_equal([pid, 0], Process.wait2) end end def test_waitall with_tmpchdir do write_file("foo", "sleep 0.1") ps = (0...3).map { spawn(RUBY, "foo") }.sort ss = Process.waitall.sort ps.zip(ss) do |p1, (p2, s)| assert_equal(p1, p2) assert_equal(p1, s.pid) end end end def test_wait_exception bug11340 = '[ruby-dev:49176] [Bug #11340]' t0 = t1 = nil IO.popen([RUBY, '-e', 'puts;STDOUT.flush;Thread.start{gets;exit};sleep(3)'], 'r+') do |f| pid = f.pid f.gets t0 = Time.now th = Thread.start(Thread.current) do |main| Thread.pass until main.stop? main.raise Interrupt end begin assert_raise(Interrupt) {Process.wait(pid)} ensure th.kill.join end t1 = Time.now f.puts end assert_operator(t1 - t0, :<, 3, ->{"#{bug11340}: #{t1-t0} seconds to interrupt Process.wait"}) end def test_abort with_tmpchdir do s = run_in_child("abort") assert_not_equal(0, s.exitstatus) end end def test_sleep assert_raise(ArgumentError) { sleep(1, 1) } end def test_getpgid assert_kind_of(Integer, Process.getpgid(Process.ppid)) rescue NotImplementedError end def test_getpriority assert_kind_of(Integer, Process.getpriority(Process::PRIO_PROCESS, $$)) rescue NameError, NotImplementedError end def test_setpriority if defined? Process::PRIO_USER assert_nothing_raised do pr = Process.getpriority(Process::PRIO_PROCESS, $$) Process.setpriority(Process::PRIO_PROCESS, $$, pr) end end end def test_getuid assert_kind_of(Integer, Process.uid) end def test_groups gs = Process.groups assert_instance_of(Array, gs) gs.each {|g| assert_kind_of(Integer, g) } rescue NotImplementedError end def test_maxgroups assert_kind_of(Integer, Process.maxgroups) rescue NotImplementedError end def test_geteuid assert_kind_of(Integer, Process.euid) end def test_seteuid assert_nothing_raised(TypeError) {Process.euid += 0} rescue NotImplementedError end def test_seteuid_name user = ENV["USER"] or return assert_nothing_raised(TypeError) {Process.euid = user} rescue NotImplementedError end def test_getegid assert_kind_of(Integer, Process.egid) end def test_setegid assert_nothing_raised(TypeError) {Process.egid += 0} rescue NotImplementedError end def test_uid_re_exchangeable_p r = Process::UID.re_exchangeable? assert_include([true, false], r) end def test_gid_re_exchangeable_p r = Process::GID.re_exchangeable? assert_include([true, false], r) end def test_uid_sid_available? r = Process::UID.sid_available? assert_include([true, false], r) end def test_gid_sid_available? r = Process::GID.sid_available? assert_include([true, false], r) end def test_pst_inspect assert_nothing_raised { Process::Status.allocate.inspect } end def test_wait_and_sigchild if /freebsd|openbsd/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM # this relates #4173 # When ruby can use 2 cores, signal and wait4 may miss the signal. skip "this fails on FreeBSD and OpenBSD on multithreaded environment" end signal_received = [] Signal.trap(:CHLD) { signal_received << true } pid = nil IO.pipe do |r, w| pid = fork { r.read(1); exit } Thread.start { raise } w.puts end Process.wait pid 10.times do break unless signal_received.empty? sleep 0.01 end assert_equal [true], signal_received, " [ruby-core:19744]" rescue NotImplementedError, ArgumentError ensure begin Signal.trap(:CHLD, 'DEFAULT') rescue ArgumentError end end def test_no_curdir with_tmpchdir {|d| Dir.mkdir("vd") status = nil Dir.chdir("vd") { dir = "#{d}/vd" # OpenSolaris cannot remove the current directory. system(RUBY, "--disable-gems", "-e", "Dir.chdir '..'; Dir.rmdir #{dir.dump}", err: File::NULL) system({"RUBYLIB"=>nil}, RUBY, "--disable-gems", "-e", "exit true") status = $? } assert_predicate(status, :success?, "[ruby-dev:38105]") } end def test_fallback_to_sh feature = '[ruby-core:32745]' with_tmpchdir do |d| open("tmp_script.#{$$}", "w") {|f| f.puts ": ;"; f.chmod(0755)} assert_not_nil(pid = Process.spawn("./tmp_script.#{$$}"), feature) wpid, st = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert_equal([pid, true], [wpid, st.success?], feature) open("tmp_script.#{$$}", "w") {|f| f.puts "echo $#: $@"; f.chmod(0755)} result = IO.popen(["./tmp_script.#{$$}", "a b", "c"]) {|f| f.read} assert_equal("2: a b c\n", result, feature) open("tmp_script.#{$$}", "w") {|f| f.puts "echo $hghg"; f.chmod(0755)} result = IO.popen([{"hghg" => "mogomogo"}, "./tmp_script.#{$$}", "a b", "c"]) {|f| f.read} assert_equal("mogomogo\n", result, feature) end end if File.executable?("/bin/sh") def test_spawn_too_long_path bug4314 = '[ruby-core:34842]' assert_fail_too_long_path(%w"echo", bug4314) end def test_aspawn_too_long_path bug4315 = '[ruby-core:34833] #7904 [ruby-core:52628] #11613' assert_fail_too_long_path(%w"echo |", bug4315) end def assert_fail_too_long_path((cmd, sep), mesg) sep ||= "" min = 1_000 / (cmd.size + sep.size) cmds = Array.new(min, cmd) exs = [Errno::ENOENT] exs << Errno::E2BIG if defined?(Errno::E2BIG) opts = {[STDOUT, STDERR]=>File::NULL} opts[:rlimit_nproc] = 128 if defined?(Process::RLIMIT_NPROC) EnvUtil.suppress_warning do assert_raise(*exs, mesg) do begin loop do Process.spawn(cmds.join(sep), opts) min = [cmds.size, min].max cmds *= 100 end rescue NoMemoryError size = cmds.size raise if min >= size - 1 min = [min, size /= 2].max cmds[size..-1] = [] raise if size < 250 retry end end end end def test_system_sigpipe return if windows? pid = 0 with_tmpchdir do assert_nothing_raised('[ruby-dev:12261]') do Timeout.timeout(3) do pid = spawn('yes | ls') Process.waitpid pid end end end ensure Process.kill(:KILL, pid) if (pid != 0) rescue false end if Process.respond_to?(:daemon) def test_daemon_default data = IO.popen("-", "r+") do |f| break f.read if f Process.daemon puts "ng" end assert_equal("", data) end def test_daemon_noclose data = IO.popen("-", "r+") do |f| break f.read if f Process.daemon(false, true) puts "ok", Dir.pwd end assert_equal("ok\n/\n", data) end def test_daemon_nochdir_noclose data = IO.popen("-", "r+") do |f| break f.read if f Process.daemon(true, true) puts "ok", Dir.pwd end assert_equal("ok\n#{Dir.pwd}\n", data) end def test_daemon_readwrite data = IO.popen("-", "r+") do |f| if f f.puts "ok?" break f.read end Process.daemon(true, true) puts STDIN.gets end assert_equal("ok?\n", data) end def test_daemon_pid cpid, dpid = IO.popen("-", "r+") do |f| break f.pid, Integer(f.read) if f Process.daemon(false, true) puts $$ end assert_not_equal(cpid, dpid) end if File.directory?("/proc/self/task") && /netbsd[a-z]*[1-6]/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM def test_daemon_no_threads pid, data = IO.popen("-", "r+") do |f| break f.pid, f.readlines if f Process.daemon(true, true) puts Dir.entries("/proc/self/task") - %W[. ..] end bug4920 = '[ruby-dev:43873]' assert_equal(2, data.size, bug4920) assert_not_include(data.map(&:to_i), pid) end else # darwin def test_daemon_no_threads data = Timeout.timeout(3) do IO.popen("-") do |f| break f.readlines.map(&:chomp) if f th = Thread.start {sleep 3} Process.daemon(true, true) puts Thread.list.size, th.status.inspect end end assert_equal(["1", "false"], data) end end end def test_popen_cloexec return unless defined? Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", ""]) {|io| assert_predicate(io, :close_on_exec?) } end def test_popen_exit bug11510 = '[ruby-core:70671] [Bug #11510]' pid = nil opt = {timeout: 10, stdout_filter: ->(s) {pid = s}} if windows? opt[:new_pgroup] = true else opt[:pgroup] = true end assert_ruby_status(["-", RUBY], <<-'end;', bug11510, **opt) RUBY = ARGV[0] th = Thread.start { Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true IO.popen([RUBY, "-esleep 15", err: [:child, :out]]) {|f| STDOUT.puts f.pid STDOUT.flush sleep(2) } } sleep(0.001) until th.stop? end; assert_match(/\A\d+\Z/, pid) ensure if pid pid = pid.to_i [:TERM, :KILL].each {|sig| Process.kill(sig, pid) rescue break} end end def test_execopts_new_pgroup return unless windows? assert_nothing_raised { system(*TRUECOMMAND, :new_pgroup=>true) } assert_nothing_raised { system(*TRUECOMMAND, :new_pgroup=>false) } assert_nothing_raised { spawn(*TRUECOMMAND, :new_pgroup=>true) } assert_nothing_raised { IO.popen([*TRUECOMMAND, :new_pgroup=>true]) {} } end def test_execopts_uid feature6975 = '[ruby-core:47414]' [30000, [Process.uid, ENV["USER"]]].each do |uid, user| if user assert_nothing_raised(feature6975) do begin system(*TRUECOMMAND, uid: user) rescue Errno::EPERM, NotImplementedError end end end assert_nothing_raised(feature6975) do begin system(*TRUECOMMAND, uid: uid) rescue Errno::EPERM, NotImplementedError end end assert_nothing_raised(feature6975) do begin u = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "print Process.uid", uid: user||uid], &:read) assert_equal(uid.to_s, u, feature6975) rescue Errno::EPERM, NotImplementedError end end end end def test_execopts_gid skip "Process.groups not implemented on Windows platform" if windows? feature6975 = '[ruby-core:47414]' [30000, *Process.groups.map {|g| g = Etc.getgrgid(g); [g.name, g.gid]}].each do |group, gid| assert_nothing_raised(feature6975) do begin system(*TRUECOMMAND, gid: group) rescue Errno::EPERM, NotImplementedError end end gid = "#{gid || group}" assert_nothing_raised(feature6975) do begin g = IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", "print Process.gid", gid: group], &:read) # AIX allows a non-root process to setgid to its supplementary group, # while other UNIXes do not. (This might be AIX's violation of the POSIX standard.) # However, Ruby does not allow a setgid'ed Ruby process to use the -e option. # As a result, the Ruby process invoked by "IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", ..." above fails # with a message like "no -e allowed while running setgid (SecurityError)" to stderr, # the exis status is set to 1, and the variable "g" is set to an empty string. # To conclude, on AIX, if the "gid" variable is a supplementary group, # the assert_equal next can fail, so skip it. assert_equal(gid, g, feature6975) unless $?.exitstatus == 1 && /aix/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM && gid != Process.gid rescue Errno::EPERM, NotImplementedError end end end end def test_sigpipe system(RUBY, "-e", "") with_pipe {|r, w| r.close assert_raise(Errno::EPIPE) { w.print "a" } } end def test_sh_comment IO.popen("echo a # fofoof") {|f| assert_equal("a\n", f.read) } end if File.executable?("/bin/sh") def test_sh_env IO.popen("foofoo=barbar env") {|f| lines = f.readlines assert_operator(lines, :include?, "foofoo=barbar\n") } end if File.executable?("/bin/sh") def test_sh_exec IO.popen("exec echo exexexec") {|f| assert_equal("exexexec\n", f.read) } end if File.executable?("/bin/sh") def test_setsid return unless Process.respond_to?(:setsid) return unless Process.respond_to?(:getsid) # OpenBSD and AIX don't allow Process::getsid(pid) when pid is in # different session. return if /openbsd|aix/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM IO.popen([RUBY, "-e", <<EOS]) do|io| Marshal.dump(Process.getsid, STDOUT) newsid = Process.setsid Marshal.dump(newsid, STDOUT) STDOUT.flush # getsid() on MacOS X return ESRCH when target process is zombie # even if it is valid process id. sleep EOS begin # test Process.getsid() w/o arg assert_equal(Marshal.load(io), Process.getsid) # test Process.setsid return value and Process::getsid(pid) assert_equal(Marshal.load(io), Process.getsid(io.pid)) ensure Process.kill(:KILL, io.pid) rescue nil Process.wait(io.pid) end end end def test_spawn_nonascii bug1771 = '[ruby-core:24309] [Bug #1771]' with_tmpchdir do [ "\u{7d05 7389}", "zuf\u{00E4}llige_\u{017E}lu\u{0165}ou\u{010D}k\u{00FD}_\u{10D2 10D0 10DB 10D4 10DD 10E0 10D4 10D1}_\u{0440 0430 0437 043B 043E 0433 0430}_\u{548C 65B0 52A0 5761 4EE5 53CA 4E1C}", "c\u{1EE7}a", ].each do |name| msg = "#{bug1771} #{name}" exename = "./#{name}.exe" FileUtils.cp(ENV["COMSPEC"], exename) assert_equal(true, system("#{exename} /c exit"), msg) system("#{exename} /c exit 12") assert_equal(12, $?.exitstatus, msg) _, status = Process.wait2(Process.spawn("#{exename} /c exit 42")) assert_equal(42, status.exitstatus, msg) assert_equal("ok\n", `#{exename} /c echo ok`, msg) assert_equal("ok\n", IO.popen("#{exename} /c echo ok", &:read), msg) assert_equal("ok\n", IO.popen(%W"#{exename} /c echo ok", &:read), msg) File.binwrite("#{name}.txt", "ok") assert_equal("ok", `type #{name}.txt`) end end end if windows? def test_clock_gettime t1 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME, :nanosecond) t2 = Time.now; t2 = t2.tv_sec * 1000000000 + t2.tv_nsec t3 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME, :nanosecond) assert_operator(t1, :<=, t2) assert_operator(t2, :<=, t3) assert_raise(Errno::EINVAL) { Process.clock_gettime(:foo) } end def test_clock_gettime_unit t0 = Time.now.to_f [ [:nanosecond, 1_000_000_000], [:microsecond, 1_000_000], [:millisecond, 1_000], [:second, 1], [:float_microsecond, 1_000_000.0], [:float_millisecond, 1_000.0], [:float_second, 1.0], [nil, 1.0], [:foo], ].each do |unit, num| unless num assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME, unit) } next end t1 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME, unit) assert_kind_of num.integer? ? Integer : num.class, t1, [unit, num].inspect assert_in_delta t0, t1/num, 1, [unit, num].inspect end end def test_clock_gettime_constants Process.constants.grep(/\ACLOCK_/).each {|n| c = Process.const_get(n) begin t = Process.clock_gettime(c) rescue Errno::EINVAL next end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_gettime(Process::#{n})") } end def test_clock_gettime_GETTIMEOFDAY_BASED_CLOCK_REALTIME n = :GETTIMEOFDAY_BASED_CLOCK_REALTIME t = Process.clock_gettime(n) assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_gettime(:#{n})") end def test_clock_gettime_TIME_BASED_CLOCK_REALTIME n = :TIME_BASED_CLOCK_REALTIME t = Process.clock_gettime(n) assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_gettime(:#{n})") end def test_clock_gettime_TIMES_BASED_CLOCK_MONOTONIC n = :TIMES_BASED_CLOCK_MONOTONIC begin t = Process.clock_gettime(n) rescue Errno::EINVAL return end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_gettime(:#{n})") end def test_clock_gettime_GETRUSAGE_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID n = :GETRUSAGE_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID begin t = Process.clock_gettime(n) rescue Errno::EINVAL return end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_gettime(:#{n})") end def test_clock_gettime_TIMES_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID n = :TIMES_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID begin t = Process.clock_gettime(n) rescue Errno::EINVAL return end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_gettime(:#{n})") end def test_clock_gettime_CLOCK_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID n = :CLOCK_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID t = Process.clock_gettime(n) assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_gettime(:#{n})") end def test_clock_gettime_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME_BASED_CLOCK_MONOTONIC n = :MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME_BASED_CLOCK_MONOTONIC begin t = Process.clock_gettime(n) rescue Errno::EINVAL return end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_gettime(:#{n})") end def test_clock_getres r = Process.clock_getres(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME, :nanosecond) rescue Errno::EINVAL else assert_kind_of(Integer, r) assert_raise(Errno::EINVAL) { Process.clock_getres(:foo) } end def test_clock_getres_constants Process.constants.grep(/\ACLOCK_/).each {|n| c = Process.const_get(n) begin t = Process.clock_getres(c) rescue Errno::EINVAL next end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_getres(Process::#{n})") } end def test_clock_getres_GETTIMEOFDAY_BASED_CLOCK_REALTIME n = :GETTIMEOFDAY_BASED_CLOCK_REALTIME t = Process.clock_getres(n) assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_getres(:#{n})") assert_equal(1000, Process.clock_getres(n, :nanosecond)) end def test_clock_getres_TIME_BASED_CLOCK_REALTIME n = :TIME_BASED_CLOCK_REALTIME t = Process.clock_getres(n) assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_getres(:#{n})") assert_equal(1000000000, Process.clock_getres(n, :nanosecond)) end def test_clock_getres_TIMES_BASED_CLOCK_MONOTONIC n = :TIMES_BASED_CLOCK_MONOTONIC begin t = Process.clock_getres(n) rescue Errno::EINVAL return end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_getres(:#{n})") f = Process.clock_getres(n, :hertz) assert_equal(0, f - f.floor) end def test_clock_getres_GETRUSAGE_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID n = :GETRUSAGE_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID begin t = Process.clock_getres(n) rescue Errno::EINVAL return end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_getres(:#{n})") assert_equal(1000, Process.clock_getres(n, :nanosecond)) end def test_clock_getres_TIMES_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID n = :TIMES_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID begin t = Process.clock_getres(n) rescue Errno::EINVAL return end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_getres(:#{n})") f = Process.clock_getres(n, :hertz) assert_equal(0, f - f.floor) end def test_clock_getres_CLOCK_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID n = :CLOCK_BASED_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID t = Process.clock_getres(n) assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_getres(:#{n})") f = Process.clock_getres(n, :hertz) assert_equal(0, f - f.floor) end def test_clock_getres_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME_BASED_CLOCK_MONOTONIC n = :MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME_BASED_CLOCK_MONOTONIC begin t = Process.clock_getres(n) rescue Errno::EINVAL return end assert_kind_of(Float, t, "Process.clock_getres(:#{n})") end def test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking assert_separately(["-", RUBY], <<-INPUT, timeout: 60) ruby = ARGV.shift GC.start # reduce garbage GC.disable # avoid triggering CoW after forks trap(:QUIT) {} parent = $$ 100.times do |i| pid = fork {Process.kill(:QUIT, parent)} IO.popen(ruby, 'r+'){} Process.wait(pid) $stdout.puts $stdout.flush end INPUT end if defined?(fork) def test_process_detach pid = fork {} th = Process.detach(pid) assert_equal pid, th.pid status = th.value assert status.success?, status.inspect end if defined?(fork) def test_kill_at_spawn_failure bug11166 = '[ruby-core:69304] [Bug #11166]' th = nil x = with_tmpchdir {|d| prog = "#{d}/notexist" th = Thread.start {system(prog);sleep} th.kill th.join(0.1) } assert_equal(th, x, bug11166) end if defined?(fork) def test_exec_fd_3_redirect # ensure we can redirect anything to fd=3 in a child process. # fd=3 is a commonly reserved FD for the timer thread pipe in the # parent, but fd=3 is the first FD used by the sd_listen_fds function # for systemd assert_separately(['-', RUBY], <<-INPUT, timeout: 60) ruby = ARGV.shift begin a = IO.pipe b = IO.pipe pid = fork do exec ruby, '-e', 'print IO.for_fd(3).read(1)', 3 => a[0], 1 => b[1] end b[1].close a[0].close a[1].write('.') assert_equal ".", b[0].read(1) ensure Process.wait(pid) if pid a.each(&:close) if a b.each(&:close) if b end INPUT end if defined?(fork) def test_exec_close_reserved_fd cmd = ".#{File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR}bug11353" with_tmpchdir { (3..6).each do |i| ret = run_in_child(<<-INPUT) begin $VERBOSE = nil Process.exec('#{cmd}', 'dummy', #{i} => :close) rescue SystemCallError end INPUT assert_equal(0, ret) end } end def test_signals_work_after_exec_fail r, w = IO.pipe pid = status = nil Timeout.timeout(30) do pid = fork do r.close begin trap(:USR1) { w.syswrite("USR1\n"); exit 0 } exec "/path/to/non/existent/#$$/#{rand}.ex" rescue SystemCallError w.syswrite("exec failed\n") end sleep exit 1 end w.close assert_equal "exec failed\n", r.gets Process.kill(:USR1, pid) assert_equal "USR1\n", r.gets assert_nil r.gets _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) end assert_predicate status, :success? rescue Timeout::Error begin Process.kill(:KILL, pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH end raise ensure w.close if w r.close if r end if defined?(fork) def test_threading_works_after_exec_fail r, w = IO.pipe pid = status = nil Timeout.timeout(30) do pid = fork do r.close begin exec "/path/to/non/existent/#$$/#{rand}.ex" rescue SystemCallError w.syswrite("exec failed\n") end run = true th1 = Thread.new { i = 0; i += 1 while run; i } th2 = Thread.new { j = 0; j += 1 while run && Thread.pass.nil?; j } sleep 0.5 run = false w.syswrite "#{th1.value} #{th2.value}\n" end w.close assert_equal "exec failed\n", r.gets vals = r.gets.chomp.split.map!(&:to_i) assert_operator vals[0], :>, vals[1], vals.inspect _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) end assert_predicate status, :success? rescue Timeout::Error begin Process.kill(:KILL, pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH end raise ensure w.close if w r.close if r end if defined?(fork) def test_many_args bug11418 = '[ruby-core:70251] [Bug #11418]' assert_in_out_err([], <<-"end;", ["x"]*256, [], bug11418, timeout: 60) bin = "#{EnvUtil.rubybin}" args = Array.new(256) {"x"} GC.stress = true system(bin, "--disable=gems", "-w", "-e", "puts ARGV", *args) end; end def test_to_hash_on_arguments all_assertions do |a| %w[Array String].each do |type| a.for(type) do assert_separately(['-', EnvUtil.rubybin], <<~"END;") class #{type} def to_hash raise "[Bug-12355]: #{type}#to_hash is called" end end ex = ARGV[0] assert_equal(true, system([ex, ex], "-e", "")) END; end end end end end