# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'resolv' require 'socket' require 'tempfile' class Object # :nodoc: def stub name, val_or_callable, &block new_name = "__minitest_stub__#{name}" metaclass = class << self; self; end if respond_to? name and not methods.map(&:to_s).include? name.to_s then metaclass.send :define_method, name do |*args| super(*args) end end metaclass.send :alias_method, new_name, name metaclass.send :define_method, name do |*args| if val_or_callable.respond_to? :call then val_or_callable.call(*args) else val_or_callable end end yield self ensure metaclass.send :undef_method, name metaclass.send :alias_method, name, new_name metaclass.send :undef_method, new_name end unless method_defined?(:stub) # lib/rubygems/test_case.rb also has the same method definition end class TestResolvDNS < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @save_do_not_reverse_lookup = BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true end def teardown BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = @save_do_not_reverse_lookup end def with_udp(host, port) u = UDPSocket.new begin u.bind(host, port) yield u ensure u.close end end # [ruby-core:65836] def test_resolve_with_2_ndots conf = Resolv::DNS::Config.new :nameserver => [''], :ndots => 2 assert conf.single? candidates = [] conf.resolv('example.com') { |candidate, *args| candidates << candidate raise Resolv::DNS::Config::NXDomain } n = Resolv::DNS::Name.create 'example.com.' assert_equal n, candidates.last end def test_query_ipv4_address begin OpenSSL rescue LoadError skip 'autoload problem. see [ruby-dev:45021][Bug #5786]' end if defined?(OpenSSL) with_udp('', 0) {|u| _, server_port, _, server_address = u.addr begin client_thread = Thread.new { Resolv::DNS.open(:nameserver_port => [[server_address, server_port]]) {|dns| dns.getresources("foo.example.org", Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A) } } server_thread = Thread.new { msg, (_, client_port, _, client_address) = Timeout.timeout(5) {u.recvfrom(4096)} id, word2, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount = msg.unpack("nnnnnn") qr = (word2 & 0x8000) >> 15 opcode = (word2 & 0x7800) >> 11 aa = (word2 & 0x0400) >> 10 tc = (word2 & 0x0200) >> 9 rd = (word2 & 0x0100) >> 8 ra = (word2 & 0x0080) >> 7 z = (word2 & 0x0070) >> 4 rcode = word2 & 0x000f rest = msg[12..-1] assert_equal(0, qr) # 0:query 1:response assert_equal(0, opcode) # 0:QUERY 1:IQUERY 2:STATUS assert_equal(0, aa) # Authoritative Answer assert_equal(0, tc) # TrunCation assert_equal(1, rd) # Recursion Desired assert_equal(0, ra) # Recursion Available assert_equal(0, z) # Reserved for future use assert_equal(0, rcode) # 0:No-error 1:Format-error 2:Server-failure 3:Name-Error 4:Not-Implemented 5:Refused assert_equal(1, qdcount) # number of entries in the question section. assert_equal(0, ancount) # number of entries in the answer section. assert_equal(0, nscount) # number of entries in the authority records section. assert_equal(0, arcount) # number of entries in the additional records section. name = [3, "foo", 7, "example", 3, "org", 0].pack("Ca*Ca*Ca*C") assert_operator(rest, :start_with?, name) rest = rest[name.length..-1] assert_equal(4, rest.length) qtype, _ = rest.unpack("nn") assert_equal(1, qtype) # A assert_equal(1, qtype) # IN id = id qr = 1 opcode = opcode aa = 0 tc = 0 rd = rd ra = 1 z = 0 rcode = 0 qdcount = 0 ancount = 1 nscount = 0 arcount = 0 word2 = (qr << 15) | (opcode << 11) | (aa << 10) | (tc << 9) | (rd << 8) | (ra << 7) | (z << 4) | rcode msg = [id, word2, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount].pack("nnnnnn") type = 1 klass = 1 ttl = 3600 rdlength = 4 rdata = [192,0,2,1].pack("CCCC") # (TEST-NET address) RFC 3330 rr = [name, type, klass, ttl, rdlength, rdata].pack("a*nnNna*") msg << rr u.send(msg, 0, client_address, client_port) } result, _ = assert_join_threads([client_thread, server_thread]) assert_instance_of(Array, result) assert_equal(1, result.length) rr = result[0] assert_instance_of(Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A, rr) assert_instance_of(Resolv::IPv4, rr.address) assert_equal("", rr.address.to_s) assert_equal(3600, rr.ttl) end } end def test_query_ipv4_duplicate_responses begin OpenSSL rescue LoadError skip 'autoload problem. see [ruby-dev:45021][Bug #5786]' end if defined?(OpenSSL) with_udp('', 0) {|u| _, server_port, _, server_address = u.addr begin client_thread = Thread.new { Resolv::DNS.open(:nameserver_port => [[server_address, server_port]], :search => ['bad1.com', 'bad2.com', 'good.com'], ndots: 5) {|dns| dns.getaddress("example") } } server_thread = Thread.new { 3.times do msg, (_, client_port, _, client_address) = Timeout.timeout(5) {u.recvfrom(4096)} id, flags, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount = msg.unpack("nnnnnn") qr = (flags & 0x8000) >> 15 opcode = (flags & 0x7800) >> 11 aa = (flags & 0x0400) >> 10 tc = (flags & 0x0200) >> 9 rd = (flags & 0x0100) >> 8 ra = (flags & 0x0080) >> 7 z = (flags & 0x0070) >> 4 rcode = flags & 0x000f _rest = msg[12..-1] questions = msg.bytes[12..-1] labels = [] idx = 0 while idx < questions.length-5 size = questions[idx] labels << questions[idx+1..idx+size].pack('c*') idx += size+1 end hostname = labels.join('.') if hostname == "example.good.com" id = id qr = 1 opcode = opcode aa = 0 tc = 0 rd = rd ra = 1 z = 0 rcode = 0 qdcount = 1 ancount = 1 nscount = 0 arcount = 0 word2 = (qr << 15) | (opcode << 11) | (aa << 10) | (tc << 9) | (rd << 8) | (ra << 7) | (z << 4) | rcode msg = [id, word2, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount].pack("nnnnnn") msg << questions.pack('c*') type = 1 klass = 1 ttl = 3600 rdlength = 4 rdata = [52,0,2,1].pack("CCCC") rr = [0xc00c, type, klass, ttl, rdlength, rdata].pack("nnnNna*") msg << rr rdata = [52,0,2,2].pack("CCCC") rr = [0xc00c, type, klass, ttl, rdlength, rdata].pack("nnnNna*") msg << rr u.send(msg, 0, client_address, client_port) else id = id qr = 1 opcode = opcode aa = 0 tc = 0 rd = rd ra = 1 z = 0 rcode = 3 qdcount = 1 ancount = 0 nscount = 0 arcount = 0 word2 = (qr << 15) | (opcode << 11) | (aa << 10) | (tc << 9) | (rd << 8) | (ra << 7) | (z << 4) | rcode msg = [id, word2, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount].pack("nnnnnn") msg << questions.pack('c*') u.send(msg, 0, client_address, client_port) u.send(msg, 0, client_address, client_port) end end } result, _ = assert_join_threads([client_thread, server_thread]) assert_instance_of(Resolv::IPv4, result) assert_equal("", result.to_s) end } end def test_query_ipv4_address_timeout with_udp('', 0) {|u| _, port , _, host = u.addr start = nil rv = Resolv::DNS.open(:nameserver_port => [[host, port]]) {|dns| dns.timeouts = 0.1 start = Time.now dns.getresources("foo.example.org", Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A) } t2 = Time.now diff = t2 - start assert rv.empty?, "unexpected: #{rv.inspect} (expected empty)" assert_operator 0.1, :<=, diff rv = Resolv::DNS.open(:nameserver_port => [[host, port]]) {|dns| dns.timeouts = [ 0.1, 0.2 ] start = Time.now dns.getresources("foo.example.org", Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A) } t2 = Time.now diff = t2 - start assert rv.empty?, "unexpected: #{rv.inspect} (expected empty)" assert_operator 0.3, :<=, diff } end def test_no_server skip if /mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM && ENV.key?('GITHUB_ACTIONS') # not working from the beginning u = UDPSocket.new u.bind("", 0) _, port, _, host = u.addr u.close # A race condition here. # Another program may use the port. # But no way to prevent it. begin Timeout.timeout(5) do Resolv::DNS.open(:nameserver_port => [[host, port]]) {|dns| assert_equal([], dns.getresources("test-no-server.example.org", Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A)) } end rescue Timeout::Error if RUBY_PLATFORM.match?(/mingw/) # cannot repo locally skip 'Timeout Error on MinGW CI' else raise Timeout::Error end end end def test_invalid_byte_comment bug9273 = '[ruby-core:59239] [Bug #9273]' Tempfile.create('resolv_test_dns_') do |tmpfile| tmpfile.print("\xff\x00\x40") tmpfile.close assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError, bug9273) do Resolv::DNS::Config.parse_resolv_conf(tmpfile.path) end end end def test_resolv_conf_by_command Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) do assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EINVAL) do Resolv::DNS::Config.parse_resolv_conf("|echo foo") end end end end def test_dots_diffences name1 = Resolv::DNS::Name.create("example.org") name2 = Resolv::DNS::Name.create("ex.ampl.eo.rg") assert_not_equal(name1, name2, "different dots") end def test_case_insensitive_name bug10550 = '[ruby-core:66498] [Bug #10550]' lower = Resolv::DNS::Name.create("ruby-lang.org") upper = Resolv::DNS::Name.create("Ruby-Lang.org") assert_equal(lower, upper, bug10550) end def test_ipv6_name addr = Resolv::IPv6.new("\0"*16) labels = addr.to_name.to_a expected = (['0'] * 32 + ['ip6', 'arpa']).map {|label| Resolv::DNS::Label::Str.new(label) } assert_equal(expected, labels) end def test_ipv6_create ref = '[Bug #11910] [ruby-core:72559]' assert_instance_of Resolv::IPv6, Resolv::IPv6.create('::1'), ref assert_instance_of Resolv::IPv6, Resolv::IPv6.create('::1:'), ref end def test_ipv6_to_s test_cases = [ ["2001::abcd:abcd:abcd", "2001::ABcd:abcd:ABCD"], ["2001:db8::1", "2001:db8::0:1"], ["::", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0"], ["2001::", "2001::0"], ["2001:db8::1:1:1:1:1", "2001:db8:0:1:1:1:1:1"], ["1::1:0:0:0:1", "1:0:0:1:0:0:0:1"], ["1::1:0:0:1", "1:0:0:0:1:0:0:1"], ] test_cases.each do |expected, ipv6| assert_equal expected, Resolv::IPv6.create(ipv6).to_s end end def test_ipv6_should_be_16 ref = '[rubygems:1626]' broken_message = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1" \ "\x03ns2\bdnsimple\x03com\x00" \ "\x00\x1C\x00\x01\x00\x02OD" \ "\x00\x10$\x00\xCB\x00 I\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00" e = assert_raise_with_message(Resolv::DNS::DecodeError, /IPv6 address must be 16 bytes/, ref) do Resolv::DNS::Message.decode broken_message end assert_kind_of(ArgumentError, e.cause) end def test_too_big_label_address n = 2000 m = Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageEncoder.new {|msg| 2.times { n.times {|i| msg.put_labels(["foo#{i}"]) } } } Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageDecoder.new(m.to_s) {|msg| 2.times { n.times {|i| assert_equal(["foo#{i}"], msg.get_labels.map {|label| label.to_s }) } } } assert_operator(2**14, :<, m.to_s.length) end def assert_no_fd_leak socket = assert_throw(self) do |tag| Resolv::DNS.stub(:bind_random_port, ->(s, *) {throw(tag, s)}) do yield.getname("") end end assert_predicate(socket, :closed?, "file descriptor leaked") end def test_no_fd_leak_connected assert_no_fd_leak {Resolv::DNS.new(nameserver_port: [['', 53]])} end def test_no_fd_leak_unconnected assert_no_fd_leak {Resolv::DNS.new} end def test_each_name dns = Resolv::DNS.new def dns.each_resource(name, typeclass) yield typeclass.new(name) end dns.each_name('') do |ptr| assert_equal('', ptr.to_s) end dns.each_name(Resolv::IPv4.create('')) do |ptr| assert_equal('', ptr.to_s) end dns.each_name('::1') do |ptr| assert_equal('', ptr.to_s) end dns.each_name(Resolv::IPv6.create('::1')) do |ptr| assert_equal('', ptr.to_s) end dns.each_name(Resolv::DNS::Name.create('')) do |ptr| assert_equal('', ptr.to_s) end assert_raise(Resolv::ResolvError) { dns.each_name('example.com') } end end