;;; ruby-electric.el --- Minor mode for electrically editing ruby code ;; ;; Authors: Dee Zsombor <dee dot zsombor at gmail dot com> ;; Yukihiro Matsumoto ;; Nobuyoshi Nakada ;; Akinori MUSHA <knu@iDaemons.org> ;; Jakub Kuźma <qoobaa@gmail.com> ;; Maintainer: Akinori MUSHA <knu@iDaemons.org> ;; Created: 6 Mar 2005 ;; URL: https://github.com/knu/ruby-electric.el ;; Keywords: languages ruby ;; License: The same license terms as Ruby ;; Version: 2.3.1 ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; `ruby-electric-mode' accelerates code writing in ruby by making ;; some keys "electric" and automatically supplying with closing ;; parentheses and "end" as appropriate. ;; ;; This work was originally inspired by a code snippet posted by ;; [Frederick Ros](https://github.com/sleeper). ;; ;; Add the following line to enable ruby-electric-mode under ;; ruby-mode. ;; ;; (eval-after-load "ruby-mode" ;; '(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'ruby-electric-mode)) ;; ;; Type M-x customize-group ruby-electric for configuration. ;;; Code: (require 'ruby-mode) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (defgroup ruby-electric nil "Minor mode providing electric editing commands for ruby files" :group 'ruby) (defconst ruby-electric-expandable-bar-re "\\s-\\(do\\|{\\)\\s-*|") (defconst ruby-electric-delimiters-alist '((?\{ :name "Curly brace" :handler ruby-electric-curlies :closing ?\}) (?\[ :name "Square brace" :handler ruby-electric-matching-char :closing ?\]) (?\( :name "Round brace" :handler ruby-electric-matching-char :closing ?\)) (?\' :name "Quote" :handler ruby-electric-matching-char) (?\" :name "Double quote" :handler ruby-electric-matching-char) (?\` :name "Back quote" :handler ruby-electric-matching-char) (?\| :name "Vertical bar" :handler ruby-electric-bar) (?\# :name "Hash" :handler ruby-electric-hash))) (defvar ruby-electric-matching-delimeter-alist (apply 'nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (let ((delim (car x)) (plist (cdr x))) (if (eq (plist-get plist :handler) 'ruby-electric-matching-char) (list (cons delim (or (plist-get plist :closing) delim)))))) ruby-electric-delimiters-alist))) (defvar ruby-electric-expandable-keyword-re) (defmacro ruby-electric--try-insert-and-do (string &rest body) (declare (indent 1)) `(let ((before (point)) (after (progn (insert ,string) (point)))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (delete-region before after) (goto-char before)))) (defconst ruby-modifier-beg-symbol-re (regexp-opt ruby-modifier-beg-keywords 'symbols)) (defun ruby-electric--modifier-keyword-at-point-p () "Test if there is a modifier keyword at point." (and (looking-at ruby-modifier-beg-symbol-re) (let ((end (match-end 1))) (not (looking-back "\\.")) (save-excursion (let ((indent1 (ruby-electric--try-insert-and-do "\n" (ruby-calculate-indent))) (indent2 (save-excursion (goto-char end) (ruby-electric--try-insert-and-do " x\n" (ruby-calculate-indent))))) (= indent1 indent2)))))) (defconst ruby-block-mid-symbol-re (regexp-opt ruby-block-mid-keywords 'symbols)) (defun ruby-electric--block-mid-keyword-at-point-p () "Test if there is a block mid keyword at point." (and (looking-at ruby-block-mid-symbol-re) (looking-back "^\\s-*"))) (defconst ruby-block-beg-symbol-re (regexp-opt ruby-block-beg-keywords 'symbols)) (defun ruby-electric--block-beg-keyword-at-point-p () "Test if there is a block beginning keyword at point." (and (looking-at ruby-block-beg-symbol-re) (if (string= (match-string 1) "do") (looking-back "\\s-") (not (looking-back "\\."))) ;; (not (ruby-electric--modifier-keyword-at-point-p)) ;; implicit assumption )) (defcustom ruby-electric-keywords-alist '(("begin" . end) ("case" . end) ("class" . end) ("def" . end) ("do" . end) ("else" . reindent) ("elsif" . reindent) ("end" . reindent) ("ensure" . reindent) ("for" . end) ("if" . end) ("module" . end) ("rescue" . reindent) ("unless" . end) ("until" . end) ("when" . reindent) ("while" . end)) "Alist of keywords and actions to define how to react to space or return right after each keyword. In each (KEYWORD . ACTION) cons, ACTION can be set to one of the following values: `reindent' Reindent the line. `end' Reindent the line and auto-close the keyword with end if applicable. `nil' Do nothing. " :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Keyword") (choice :tag "Action" :menu-tag "Action" (const :tag "Auto-close with end" :value end) (const :tag "Auto-reindent" :value reindent) (const :tag "None" :value nil)))) :set (lambda (sym val) (set sym val) (let (keywords) (dolist (x val) (let ((keyword (car x)) (action (cdr x))) (if action (setq keywords (cons keyword keywords))))) (setq ruby-electric-expandable-keyword-re (concat (regexp-opt keywords 'symbols) "$")))) :group 'ruby-electric) (defvar ruby-electric-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map " " 'ruby-electric-space/return) (define-key map [remap delete-backward-char] 'ruby-electric-delete-backward-char) (define-key map [remap newline] 'ruby-electric-space/return) (define-key map [remap newline-and-indent] 'ruby-electric-space/return) (define-key map [remap electric-newline-and-maybe-indent] 'ruby-electric-space/return) (define-key map [remap reindent-then-newline-and-indent] 'ruby-electric-space/return) (dolist (x ruby-electric-delimiters-alist) (let* ((delim (car x)) (plist (cdr x)) (name (plist-get plist :name)) (func (plist-get plist :handler)) (closing (plist-get plist :closing))) (define-key map (char-to-string delim) func) (if closing (define-key map (char-to-string closing) 'ruby-electric-closing-char)))) map) "Keymap used in ruby-electric-mode") (defcustom ruby-electric-expand-delimiters-list '(all) "*List of contexts where matching delimiter should be inserted. The word 'all' will do all insertions." :type `(set :extra-offset 8 (const :tag "Everything" all) ,@(apply 'list (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(const :tag ,(plist-get (cdr x) :name) ,(car x))) ruby-electric-delimiters-alist))) :group 'ruby-electric) (defcustom ruby-electric-newline-before-closing-bracket nil "*Non-nil means a newline should be inserted before an automatically inserted closing bracket." :type 'boolean :group 'ruby-electric) (defcustom ruby-electric-autoindent-on-closing-char nil "*Non-nil means the current line should be automatically indented when a closing character is manually typed in." :type 'boolean :group 'ruby-electric) (defvar ruby-electric-mode-hook nil "Called after `ruby-electric-mode' is turned on.") ;;;###autoload (define-minor-mode ruby-electric-mode "Toggle Ruby Electric minor mode. With no argument, this command toggles the mode. Non-null prefix argument turns on the mode. Null prefix argument turns off the mode. When Ruby Electric mode is enabled, an indented 'end' is heuristicaly inserted whenever typing a word like 'module', 'class', 'def', 'if', 'unless', 'case', 'until', 'for', 'begin', 'do' followed by a space. Single, double and back quotes as well as braces are paired auto-magically. Expansion does not occur inside comments and strings. Note that you must have Font Lock enabled." ;; initial value. nil ;;indicator for the mode line. " REl" ;;keymap ruby-electric-mode-map (if ruby-electric-mode (run-hooks 'ruby-electric-mode-hook))) (defun ruby-electric-space/return-fallback () (if (or (eq this-original-command 'ruby-electric-space/return) (null (ignore-errors ;; ac-complete may fail if there is nothing left to complete (call-interactively this-original-command) (setq this-command this-original-command)))) ;; fall back to a globally bound command (let ((command (global-key-binding (char-to-string last-command-event) t))) (and command (call-interactively (setq this-command command)))))) (defun ruby-electric-space/return (arg) (interactive "*P") (and (boundp 'sp-last-operation) (setq sp-delayed-pair nil)) (cond ((or arg (region-active-p)) (or (= last-command-event ?\s) (setq last-command-event ?\n)) (ruby-electric-replace-region-or-insert)) ((ruby-electric-space/return-can-be-expanded-p) (let (action) (save-excursion (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (let* ((keyword (match-string 1)) (allowed-actions (cond ((ruby-electric--modifier-keyword-at-point-p) '(reindent)) ;; no end necessary ((ruby-electric--block-mid-keyword-at-point-p) '(reindent)) ;; ditto ((ruby-electric--block-beg-keyword-at-point-p) '(end reindent))))) (if allowed-actions (setq action (let ((action (cdr (assoc keyword ruby-electric-keywords-alist)))) (and (memq action allowed-actions) action)))))) (cond ((eq action 'end) (ruby-indent-line) (save-excursion (newline) (ruby-electric-end))) ((eq action 'reindent) (ruby-indent-line))) (ruby-electric-space/return-fallback))) ((and (eq this-original-command 'newline-and-indent) (ruby-electric-comment-at-point-p)) (call-interactively (setq this-command 'comment-indent-new-line))) (t (ruby-electric-space/return-fallback)))) (defun ruby-electric--get-faces-at-point () (let* ((point (point)) (value (or (get-text-property point 'read-face-name) (get-text-property point 'face)))) (if (listp value) value (list value)))) (defun ruby-electric--faces-include-p (pfaces &rest faces) (and ruby-electric-mode (loop for face in faces thereis (memq face pfaces)))) (defun ruby-electric--faces-at-point-include-p (&rest faces) (apply 'ruby-electric--faces-include-p (ruby-electric--get-faces-at-point) faces)) (defun ruby-electric-code-face-p (faces) (not (ruby-electric--faces-include-p faces 'font-lock-string-face 'font-lock-comment-face 'enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face 'enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face 'enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face 'enh-ruby-regexp-face))) (defun ruby-electric-code-at-point-p () (ruby-electric-code-face-p (ruby-electric--get-faces-at-point))) (defun ruby-electric-string-face-p (faces) (ruby-electric--faces-include-p faces 'font-lock-string-face 'enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face 'enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face 'enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face 'enh-ruby-regexp-face)) (defun ruby-electric-string-at-point-p () (ruby-electric-string-face-p (ruby-electric--get-faces-at-point))) (defun ruby-electric-comment-at-point-p () (ruby-electric--faces-at-point-include-p 'font-lock-comment-face)) (defun ruby-electric-escaped-p() (let ((f nil)) (save-excursion (while (char-equal ?\\ (preceding-char)) (backward-char 1) (setq f (not f)))) f)) (defun ruby-electric-command-char-expandable-punct-p(char) (or (memq 'all ruby-electric-expand-delimiters-list) (memq char ruby-electric-expand-delimiters-list))) (defun ruby-electric-space/return-can-be-expanded-p() (and (ruby-electric-code-at-point-p) (looking-back ruby-electric-expandable-keyword-re))) (defun ruby-electric-replace-region-or-insert () (and (region-active-p) (bound-and-true-p delete-selection-mode) (fboundp 'delete-selection-helper) (delete-selection-helper (get 'self-insert-command 'delete-selection))) (insert (make-string (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) last-command-event)) (setq this-command 'self-insert-command)) (defmacro ruby-electric-insert (arg &rest body) `(cond ((and (null ,arg) (ruby-electric-command-char-expandable-punct-p last-command-event)) (let ((region-beginning (cond ((region-active-p) (prog1 (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning)) (insert last-command-event) (point)) (goto-char (region-end)))) (t (insert last-command-event) nil))) (faces-at-point (ruby-electric--get-faces-at-point))) ,@body (and region-beginning ;; If no extra character is inserted, go back to the ;; region beginning. (eq this-command 'self-insert-command) (goto-char region-beginning)))) ((ruby-electric-replace-region-or-insert)))) (defun ruby-electric-curlies (arg) (interactive "*P") (ruby-electric-insert arg (cond ((or (ruby-electric-code-at-point-p) (ruby-electric--faces-include-p faces-at-point 'enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face 'enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face)) (save-excursion (insert "}") (font-lock-fontify-region (line-beginning-position) (point))) (cond ((or (ruby-electric-string-at-point-p) ;; %w{}, %r{}, etc. (looking-back "%[QqWwRrxIis]{")) (if region-beginning (forward-char 1))) (ruby-electric-newline-before-closing-bracket (cond (region-beginning (save-excursion (goto-char region-beginning) (newline)) (newline) (forward-char 1) (indent-region region-beginning (line-end-position))) (t (insert " ") (save-excursion (newline) (ruby-indent-line t))))) (t (if region-beginning (save-excursion (goto-char region-beginning) (insert " ")) (insert " ")) (insert " ") (backward-char 1) (and region-beginning (forward-char 1))))) ((ruby-electric-string-at-point-p) (let ((start-position (1- (or region-beginning (point))))) (cond ((char-equal ?\# (char-before start-position)) (unless (save-excursion (goto-char (1- start-position)) (ruby-electric-escaped-p)) (insert "}") (or region-beginning (backward-char 1)))) ((or (ruby-electric-command-char-expandable-punct-p ?\#) (save-excursion (goto-char start-position) (ruby-electric-escaped-p))) (if region-beginning (goto-char region-beginning)) (setq this-command 'self-insert-command)) (t (save-excursion (goto-char start-position) (insert "#")) (insert "}") (or region-beginning (backward-char 1)))))) (t (delete-char -1) (ruby-electric-replace-region-or-insert))))) (defun ruby-electric-hash (arg) (interactive "*P") (ruby-electric-insert arg (if (ruby-electric-string-at-point-p) (let ((start-position (1- (or region-beginning (point))))) (cond ((char-equal (following-char) ?')) ;; likely to be in '' ((save-excursion (goto-char start-position) (ruby-electric-escaped-p))) (region-beginning (save-excursion (goto-char (1+ start-position)) (insert "{")) (insert "}")) (t (insert "{") (save-excursion (insert "}"))))) (delete-char -1) (ruby-electric-replace-region-or-insert)))) (defun ruby-electric-matching-char (arg) (interactive "*P") (ruby-electric-insert arg (let ((closing (cdr (assoc last-command-event ruby-electric-matching-delimeter-alist)))) (cond ;; quotes ((char-equal closing last-command-event) (cond ((not (ruby-electric-string-face-p faces-at-point)) (if region-beginning ;; escape quotes of the same kind, backslash and hash (let ((re (format "[%c\\%s]" last-command-event (if (char-equal last-command-event ?\") "#" ""))) (bound (point))) (save-excursion (goto-char region-beginning) (while (re-search-forward re bound t) (let ((end (point))) (replace-match "\\\\\\&") (setq bound (+ bound (- (point) end)))))))) (insert closing) (or region-beginning (backward-char 1))) (t (and (eq last-command 'ruby-electric-matching-char) (char-equal (following-char) closing) ;; repeated quotes (delete-char 1)) (setq this-command 'self-insert-command)))) ((ruby-electric-code-at-point-p) (insert closing) (or region-beginning (backward-char 1))))))) (defun ruby-electric-closing-char(arg) (interactive "*P") (cond (arg (ruby-electric-replace-region-or-insert)) ((and (eq last-command 'ruby-electric-curlies) (= last-command-event ?}) (not (char-equal (preceding-char) last-command-event))) ;; {} (if (char-equal (following-char) ?\n) (delete-char 1)) (delete-horizontal-space) (forward-char)) ((and (= last-command-event (following-char)) (not (char-equal (preceding-char) last-command-event)) (memq last-command '(ruby-electric-matching-char ruby-electric-closing-char))) ;; ()/[] and (())/[[]] (forward-char)) (t (ruby-electric-replace-region-or-insert) (if ruby-electric-autoindent-on-closing-char (ruby-indent-line))))) (defun ruby-electric-bar(arg) (interactive "*P") (ruby-electric-insert arg (cond ((and (ruby-electric-code-at-point-p) (looking-back ruby-electric-expandable-bar-re)) (save-excursion (insert "|"))) (t (delete-char -1) (ruby-electric-replace-region-or-insert))))) (defun ruby-electric-delete-backward-char(arg) (interactive "*p") (cond ((memq last-command '(ruby-electric-matching-char ruby-electric-bar)) (delete-char 1)) ((eq last-command 'ruby-electric-curlies) (cond ((eolp) (cond ((char-equal (preceding-char) ?\s) (setq this-command last-command)) ((char-equal (preceding-char) ?{) (and (looking-at "[ \t\n]*}") (delete-char (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0))))))) ((char-equal (following-char) ?\s) (setq this-command last-command) (delete-char 1)) ((char-equal (following-char) ?}) (delete-char 1)))) ((eq last-command 'ruby-electric-hash) (and (char-equal (preceding-char) ?{) (delete-char 1)))) (delete-char (- arg))) (put 'ruby-electric-delete-backward-char 'delete-selection 'supersede) (defun ruby-electric-end () (interactive) (if (eq (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?w) (insert " ")) (insert "end") (save-excursion (if (eq (char-syntax (following-char)) ?w) (insert " ")) (ruby-indent-line t))) (provide 'ruby-electric) ;;; ruby-electric.el ends here