# # tkextlib/tkHTML/htmlwidget.rb # by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp) # require 'tk' # call setup script for general 'tkextlib' libraries require 'tkextlib/setup.rb' # call setup script require 'tkextlib/tkHTML/setup.rb' # TkPackage.require('Tkhtml', '2.0') TkPackage.require('Tkhtml') module Tk class HTML_Widget < TkWindow def self.package_version begin TkPackage.require('Tkhtml') rescue '' end end class ClippingWindow < TkWindow end end end class Tk::HTML_Widget::ClippingWindow WidgetClassName = 'HtmlClip'.freeze WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] = self HtmlClip_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{ HtmlClip_TBL.clear } def self.new(parent, keys={}) if parent.kind_of?(Hash) keys = TkComm._symbolkey2str(parent) parent = keys.delete('parent') end if parent.kind_of?(String) ppath = parent.path elsif parent ppath = parent else ppath = '' end return HtmlClip_TBL[ppath] if HtmlClip_TBL[ppath] widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname') if widgetname =~ /^(.*)\.[^.]+$/ ppath2 = $1 if ppath2[0] != ?. ppath2 = ppath + '.' + ppath2 end return HtmlClip_TBL[ppath2] if HtmlClip_TBL[ppath2] ppath = ppath2 end parent = TkComm._genobj_for_tkwidget(ppath) unless parent.kind_of?(Tk::HTML_Widget) fail ArgumentError, "parent must be a Tk::HTML_Widget instance" end super(parent) end def initialize(parent) @parent = parent @ppath = parent.path @path = @id = @ppath + '.x' HtmlClip_TBL[@ppath] = self end def method_missing(m, *args, &b) @parent.__send__(m, *args, &b) end end class Tk::HTML_Widget include Scrollable TkCommandNames = ['html'.freeze].freeze WidgetClassName = 'Html'.freeze WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] = self def create_self(keys) if keys and keys != None tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path, *hash_kv(keys, true)) else tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path) end end private :create_self ################################### # class methods ################################### def self.reformat(src, dst, txt) tk_call('html', 'reformat', src, dst, txt) end def self.url_join(*args) # args := sheme authority path query fragment tk_call('html', 'urljoin', *args) end def self.url_split(uri) tk_call('html', 'urlsplit', uri) end def self.lockcopy(src, dst) tk_call('html', 'lockcopy', src, dst) end def self.gzip_file(file, dat) tk_call('html', 'gzip', 'file', file, dat) end def self.gunzip_file(file, dat) tk_call('html', 'gunzip', 'file', filet) end def self.gzip_data(dat) tk_call('html', 'gzip', 'data', file, dat) end def self.gunzip_data(dat) tk_call('html', 'gunzip', 'data', filet) end def self.base64_encode(dat) tk_call('html', 'base64', 'encode', dat) end def self.base64_decode(dat) tk_call('html', 'base64', 'encode', dat) end def self.text_format(dat, len) tk_call('html', 'text', 'format', dat, len) end def self.xor(cmd, *args) tk_call('html', 'xor', cmd, *args) end def self.stdchan(cmd, channel) tk_call('html', 'stdchan', cmd, channel) end def self.crc32(data) tk_call('html', 'crc32', data) end ################################### # instance methods ################################### def clipping_window ClippingWindow.new(self) end alias clipwin clipping_window alias htmlclip clipping_window def bgimage(image, tid=None) tk_send('bgimage', image, tid) self end def clear() tk_send('clear') self end def coords(index=None, percent=None) tk_send('coords', index, percent) end def forminfo(*args) tk_send('forminfo', *args) end alias form_info forminfo def href(x, y) simplelist(tk_send('href', x, y)) end def image_add(id, img) tk_send('imageadd', id, img) self end def image_at(x, y) tk_send('imageat', x, y) end def images() list(tk_send('images')) end def image_set(id, num) tk_send('imageset', id, num) self end def image_update(id, imgs) tk_send('imageupdate', id, imgs) self end def index(idx, count=None, unit=None) tk_send('index', idx, count, unit) end def insert_cursor(idx) tk_send('insert', idx) end def names() simple_list(tk_send('names')) end def on_screen(id, x, y) bool(tk_send('onscreen', id, x, y)) end def over(x, y) list(tk_send('over', x, y)) end def over_markup(x, y) list(tk_send('over', x, y, '-muponly')) end def over_attr(x, y, attrs) list(tk_send('overattr', x, y, attrs)) end def parse(txt) tk_send('parse', txt) self end def resolver(*uri_args) tk_send('resolver', *uri_args) end def selection_clear() tk_send('selection', 'clear') self end def selection_set(first, last) tk_send('selection', 'set', first, last) self end def refresh(*opts) tk_send('refresh', *opts) end def layout() tk_send('layout') end def sizewindow(*args) tk_send('sizewindow', *args) end def postscript(*args) tk_send('postscript', *args) end def source() tk_send('source') end def plain_text(first, last) tk_send('text', 'ascii', first, last) end alias ascii_text plain_text alias text_ascii plain_text def text_delete(first, last) tk_send('text', 'delete', first, last) self end def html_text(first, last) tk_send('text', 'html', first, last) end alias text_html html_text def text_insert(idx, txt) tk_send('text', 'insert', idx, txt) self end def break_text(idx) tk_send('text', 'break', idx) end alias text_break break_text def text_find(txt, *args) tk_send('text', 'find', txt, *args) end def text_table(idx, imgs=None, attrs=None) tk_send('text', 'table', idx, imgs, attrs) end def token_append(tag, *args) tk_send('token', 'append', tag, *args) self end def token_delete(first, last=None) tk_send('token', 'delete', first, last) self end def token_define(*args) tk_send('token', 'defile', *args) self end def token_find(tag, *args) list(tk_send('token', 'find', tag, *args)) end def token_get(first, last=None) list(tk_send('token', 'get', first, last)) end def token_list(first, last=None) list(tk_send('token', 'list', first, last)) end def token_markup(first, last=None) list(tk_send('token', 'markup', first, last)) end def token_DOM(first, last=None) list(tk_send('token', 'domtokens', first, last)) end alias token_dom token_DOM alias token_domtokens token_DOM alias token_dom_tokens token_DOM def token_get_end(idx) tk_send('token', 'getend', idx) end alias token_getend token_get_end def token_offset(start, num1, num2) list(tk_send('token', 'offset', start, num1, num2)) end def token_get_attr(idx, name=None) list(tk_send('token', 'attr', idx, name)) end def token_set_attr(idx, name=None, val=None) tk_send('token', 'attr', idx, name, val) self end def token_handler(tag, cmd=nil, &b) cmd = Proc.new(&b) if !cmd && b if cmd tk_send('token', 'handler', tag, cmd) return self else return tk_send('token', 'handler', tag) end end def token_insert(idx, tag, *args) tk_send('token', 'insert', idx, tag, *args) self end def token_attrs(*args) list(tk_send('token', 'attrs', *args)) end def token_unique(*args) list(tk_send('token', 'unique', *args)) end def token_on_events(*args) list(tk_send('token', 'onEvents', *args)) end def dom_nameidx(tag, name) number(tk_send('dom', 'nameidx', tag, name)) end alias dom_name_index dom_nameidx def dom_radioidx(tag, name) number(tk_send('dom', 'radioidx', tag, name)) end alias dom_radio_index dom_radioidx def dom_id(*spec) tk_send('dom', 'id', *spec) end def dom_ids(*spec) list(tk_send('dom', 'ids', *spec)) end def dom_value(*spec) list(tk_send('dom', 'value', *spec)) end def dom_attr(idx) tk_send('dom', 'attr', idx) end def dom_formel(name) tk_send('dom', 'formel', name) end alias dom_form_element dom_formel def dom_tree(idx, val) list(tk_send('dom', 'tree', idx, val)) end end