# frozen_string_literal: false require_relative 'rexml_test_utils' require "rexml/document" require "rexml/xpath" # Harness to test REXML's capabilities against the test suite from Jaxen # ryan.a.cox@gmail.com module REXMLTests class JaxenTester < Test::Unit::TestCase include REXMLTestUtils include REXML def test_axis ; process_test_case("axis") ; end def test_basic ; process_test_case("basic") ; end def test_basicupdate ; process_test_case("basicupdate") ; end def test_contents ; process_test_case("contents") ; end def test_defaultNamespace ; process_test_case("defaultNamespace") ; end def test_fibo ; process_test_case("fibo") ; end def test_id ; process_test_case("id") ; end def test_jaxen24 ; process_test_case("jaxen24") ; end def test_lang ; process_test_case("lang") ; end # document() function for XSLT isn't supported def _test_message ; process_test_case("message") ; end def test_moreover ; process_test_case("moreover") ; end def test_much_ado ; process_test_case("much_ado") ; end def test_namespaces ; process_test_case("namespaces") ; end def test_nitf ; process_test_case("nitf") ; end # Exception should be considered def _test_numbers ; process_test_case("numbers") ; end def test_pi ; process_test_case("pi") ; end def test_pi2 ; process_test_case("pi2") ; end def test_simple ; process_test_case("simple") ; end # TODO: namespace node is needed def _test_testNamespaces ; process_test_case("testNamespaces") ; end # document() function for XSLT isn't supported def _test_text ; process_test_case("text") ; end def test_underscore ; process_test_case("underscore") ; end def _test_web ; process_test_case("web") ; end def test_web2 ; process_test_case("web2") ; end private def process_test_case(name) xml_path = "#{name}.xml" doc = File.open(fixture_path(xml_path)) do |file| Document.new(file) end test_doc = File.open(fixture_path("test/tests.xml")) do |file| Document.new(file) end XPath.each(test_doc, "/tests/document[@url='xml/#{xml_path}']/context") do |context| process_context(doc, context) end end # processes a tests/document/context node def process_context(doc, context) test_context = XPath.match(doc, context.attributes["select"]) namespaces = context.namespaces namespaces.delete("var") namespaces = nil if namespaces.empty? variables = {} var_namespace = "http://jaxen.org/test-harness/var" XPath.each(context, "@*[namespace-uri() = '#{var_namespace}']") do |attribute| variables[attribute.name] = attribute.value end XPath.each(context, "valueOf") do |value| process_value_of(test_context, variables, namespaces, value) end XPath.each(context, "test[not(@exception) or (@exception != 'true')]") do |test| process_nominal_test(test_context, variables, namespaces, test) end XPath.each(context, "test[@exception = 'true']") do |test| process_exceptional_test(test_context, variables, namespaces, test) end end # processes a tests/document/context/valueOf or tests/document/context/test/valueOf node def process_value_of(context, variables, namespaces, value_of) expected = value_of.text xpath = value_of.attributes["select"] matched = XPath.match(context, xpath, namespaces, variables) message = user_message(context, xpath, matched) assert_equal(expected || "", REXML::Functions.string(matched), message) end # processes a tests/document/context/test node ( where @exception is false or doesn't exist ) def process_nominal_test(context, variables, namespaces, test) xpath = test.attributes["select"] matched = XPath.match(context, xpath, namespaces, variables) # might be a test with no count attribute, but nested valueOf elements expected = test.attributes["count"] if expected assert_equal(Integer(expected, 10), matched.size, user_message(context, xpath, matched)) end XPath.each(test, "valueOf") do |value_of| process_value_of(matched, variables, namespaces, value_of) end end # processes a tests/document/context/test node ( where @exception is true ) def process_exceptional_test(context, variables, namespaces, test) xpath = test.attributes["select"] assert_raise(REXML::ParseException) do XPath.match(context, xpath, namespaces, variables) end end def user_message(context, xpath, matched) message = "" context.each_with_index do |node, i| message << "Node#{i}:\n" message << "#{node}\n" end message << "XPath: <#{xpath}>\n" message << "Matched <#{matched}>" message end end end