# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "bundle help" do it "uses mann when available" do with_fake_man do bundle "help gemfile" end expect(out).to eq(%(["#{root}/man/gemfile.5"])) end it "prefixes bundle commands with bundle- when finding the groff files" do with_fake_man do bundle "help install" end expect(out).to eq(%(["#{root}/man/bundle-install.1"])) end it "simply outputs the txt file when there is no man on the path" do with_path_as("") do bundle "help install" end expect(out).to match(/BUNDLE-INSTALL/) end it "still outputs the old help for commands that do not have man pages yet" do bundle "help version" expect(out).to include("Prints the bundler's version information") end it "looks for a binary and executes it with --help option if it's named bundler-<task>" do File.open(tmp("bundler-testtasks"), "w", 0o755) do |f| f.puts "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\nputs ARGV.join(' ')\n" end with_path_added(tmp) do bundle "help testtasks" end expect(exitstatus).to be_zero if exitstatus expect(out).to eq("--help") end it "is called when the --help flag is used after the command" do with_fake_man do bundle "install --help" end expect(out).to eq(%(["#{root}/man/bundle-install.1"])) end it "is called when the --help flag is used before the command" do with_fake_man do bundle "--help install" end expect(out).to eq(%(["#{root}/man/bundle-install.1"])) end it "is called when the -h flag is used before the command" do with_fake_man do bundle "-h install" end expect(out).to eq(%(["#{root}/man/bundle-install.1"])) end it "is called when the -h flag is used after the command" do with_fake_man do bundle "install -h" end expect(out).to eq(%(["#{root}/man/bundle-install.1"])) end it "has helpful output when using --help flag for a non-existent command" do with_fake_man do bundle "instill -h" end expect(err).to include('Could not find command "instill".') end it "is called when only using the --help flag" do with_fake_man do bundle "--help" end expect(out).to eq(%(["#{root}/man/bundle.1"])) with_fake_man do bundle "-h" end expect(out).to eq(%(["#{root}/man/bundle.1"])) end end