require_relative '../spec_helper' require 'stringio' # The following tables are excerpted from Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide' # Second Edition by Dave Thomas, Chad Fowler, and Andy Hunt, page 319-22. # # Entries marked [r/o] are read-only and an error will be raised of the program attempts to # modify them. Entries marked [thread] are thread local. =begin Exception Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! Exception The exception object passed to raise. [thread] $@ Array The stack backtrace generated by the last exception. [thread] =end =begin Pattern Matching Variables --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These variables are set to nil after an unsuccessful pattern match. $& String The string matched (following a successful pattern match). This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread] $+ String The contents of the highest-numbered group matched following a successful pattern match. Thus, in "cat" =~/(c|a)(t|z)/, $+ will be set to “t”. This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread] $` String The string preceding the match in a successful pattern match. This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread] $' String The string following the match in a successful pattern match. This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread] $1 to $ String The contents of successive groups matched in a successful pattern match. In "cat" =~/(c|a)(t|z)/, $1 will be set to “a” and $2 to “t”. This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread] $~ MatchData An object that encapsulates the results of a successful pattern match. The variables $&, $`, $', and $1 to $ are all derived from $~. Assigning to $~ changes the values of these derived variables. This variable is local to the current scope. [thread] =end describe "Predefined global $~" do it "is set to contain the MatchData object of the last match if successful" do md = /foo/.match 'foo' $~.should be_kind_of(MatchData) $~.should equal md /bar/ =~ 'bar' $~.should be_kind_of(MatchData) $~.should_not equal md end it "is set to nil if the last match was unsuccessful" do /foo/ =~ 'foo' $~.should_not.nil? /foo/ =~ 'bar' $~.should.nil? end it "is set at the method-scoped level rather than block-scoped" do obj = def; yield; end def obj.foo2(&proc);; end match2 = nil match3 = nil match4 = nil match1 = /foo/.match "foo" { match2 = /bar/.match("bar") } match2.should_not == nil $~.should == match2 eval 'match3 = /baz/.match("baz")' match3.should_not == nil $~.should == match3 obj.foo2 { match4 = /qux/.match("qux") } match4.should_not == nil $~.should == match4 end it "raises an error if assigned an object not nil or instanceof MatchData" do $~ = nil $~.should == nil $~ = /foo/.match("foo") $~.should be_an_instance_of(MatchData) -> { $~ = }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { $~ = 1 }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "changes the value of derived capture globals when assigned" do "foo" =~ /(f)oo/ foo_match = $~ "bar" =~ /(b)ar/ $~ = foo_match $1.should == "f" end it "changes the value of the derived preceding match global" do "foo hello" =~ /hello/ foo_match = $~ "bar" =~ /(bar)/ $~ = foo_match $`.should == "foo " end it "changes the value of the derived following match global" do "foo hello" =~ /foo/ foo_match = $~ "bar" =~ /(bar)/ $~ = foo_match $'.should == " hello" end it "changes the value of the derived full match global" do "foo hello" =~ /foo/ foo_match = $~ "bar" =~ /(bar)/ $~ = foo_match $&.should == "foo" end end describe "Predefined global $&" do it "is equivalent to MatchData#[0] on the last match $~" do /foo/ =~ 'barfoobaz' $&.should == $~[0] $&.should == 'foo' end it "sets the encoding to the encoding of the source String" do "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::EUC_JP) =~ /b/ $&.encoding.should equal(Encoding::EUC_JP) end end describe "Predefined global $`" do it "is equivalent to MatchData#pre_match on the last match $~" do /foo/ =~ 'barfoobaz' $`.should == $~.pre_match $`.should == 'bar' end it "sets the encoding to the encoding of the source String" do "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::EUC_JP) =~ /b/ $`.encoding.should equal(Encoding::EUC_JP) end it "sets an empty result to the encoding of the source String" do "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) =~ /a/ $`.encoding.should equal(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) end end describe "Predefined global $'" do it "is equivalent to MatchData#post_match on the last match $~" do /foo/ =~ 'barfoobaz' $'.should == $~.post_match $'.should == 'baz' end it "sets the encoding to the encoding of the source String" do "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::EUC_JP) =~ /b/ $'.encoding.should equal(Encoding::EUC_JP) end it "sets an empty result to the encoding of the source String" do "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) =~ /c/ $'.encoding.should equal(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) end end describe "Predefined global $+" do it "is equivalent to $~.captures.last" do /(f(o)o)/ =~ 'barfoobaz' $+.should == $~.captures.last $+.should == 'o' end it "captures the last non nil capture" do /(a)|(b)/ =~ 'a' $+.should == 'a' end it "sets the encoding to the encoding of the source String" do "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::EUC_JP) =~ /(b)/ $+.encoding.should equal(Encoding::EUC_JP) end end describe "Predefined globals $1..N" do it "are equivalent to $~[N]" do /(f)(o)(o)/ =~ 'foo' $1.should == $~[1] $2.should == $~[2] $3.should == $~[3] $4.should == $~[4] [$1, $2, $3, $4].should == ['f', 'o', 'o', nil] end it "are nil unless a match group occurs" do def test(arg) case arg when /-(.)?/ $1 end end test("-").should == nil end it "sets the encoding to the encoding of the source String" do "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::EUC_JP) =~ /(b)/ $1.encoding.should equal(Encoding::EUC_JP) end end describe "Predefined global $stdout" do before :each do @old_stdout = $stdout end after :each do $stdout = @old_stdout end it "raises TypeError error if assigned to nil" do -> { $stdout = nil }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises TypeError error if assigned to object that doesn't respond to #write" do obj = mock('object') -> { $stdout = obj }.should raise_error(TypeError) obj.stub!(:write) $stdout = obj $stdout.should equal(obj) end end describe "Predefined global $!" do # See it "remains nil after a failed core class \"checked\" coercion against a class that defines method_missing" do $!.should == nil obj = do def method_missing(*args) super end [obj, 'foo'].join $!.should == nil end it "should be set to the value of $! before the begin after a successful rescue" do outer = 'outer' inner = 'inner' begin raise outer rescue $!.should == outer # nested rescue begin $!.should == outer raise inner rescue $!.should == inner ensure $!.should == outer end $!.should == outer end $!.should == nil end it "should be set to the value of $! before the begin after a rescue which returns" do def foo outer = 'outer' inner = 'inner' begin raise outer rescue $!.should == outer # nested rescue begin $!.should == outer raise inner rescue $!.should == inner return ensure $!.should == outer end $!.should == outer end $!.should == nil end foo end it "should be set to the value of $! before the begin after a successful rescue within an ensure" do outer = 'outer' inner = 'inner' begin begin raise outer ensure $!.should == outer # nested rescue begin $!.should == outer raise inner rescue $!.should == inner ensure $!.should == outer end $!.should == outer end flunk "outer should be raised after the ensure" rescue $!.should == outer end $!.should == nil end it "should be set to the new exception after a throwing rescue" do outer = 'outer' inner = 'inner' begin raise outer rescue $!.should == outer begin # nested rescue begin $!.should == outer raise inner rescue # the throwing rescue $!.should == inner raise inner ensure $!.should == inner end rescue # do not make the exception fail the example $!.should == inner end $!.should == outer end $!.should == nil end describe "in bodies without ensure" do it "should be cleared when an exception is rescued" do e = 'foo' begin raise e rescue $!.should == e end $!.should == nil end it "should be cleared when an exception is rescued even when a non-local return is present" do def foo(e) $!.should == e yield end def bar e = 'foo' begin raise e rescue $!.should == e foo(e) { return } end end bar $!.should == nil end it "should be cleared when an exception is rescued even when a non-local return from block" do def foo [ 1 ].each do begin raise'err') rescue => e $!.should == e return end end end foo $!.should == nil end it "should not be cleared when an exception is not rescued" do e = begin begin begin raise e rescue TypeError flunk end ensure $!.should == e end rescue $!.should == e end $!.should == nil end it "should not be cleared when an exception is rescued and rethrown" do e = 'foo' begin begin begin raise e rescue => e $!.should == e raise e end ensure $!.should == e end rescue $!.should == e end $!.should == nil end end describe "in ensure-protected bodies" do it "should be cleared when an exception is rescued" do e = 'foo' begin raise e rescue $!.should == e ensure $!.should == nil end $!.should == nil end it "should not be cleared when an exception is not rescued" do e = begin begin begin raise e rescue TypeError flunk ensure $!.should == e end ensure $!.should == e end rescue $!.should == e end end it "should not be cleared when an exception is rescued and rethrown" do e = begin begin begin raise e rescue => e $!.should == e raise e ensure $!.should == e end ensure $!.should == e end rescue $!.should == e end end end end =begin Input/Output Variables --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $/ String The input record separator (newline by default). This is the value that rou- tines such as Kernel#gets use to determine record boundaries. If set to nil, gets will read the entire file. $-0 String Synonym for $/. $\ String The string appended to the output of every call to methods such as Kernel#print and IO#write. The default value is nil. $, String The separator string output between the parameters to methods such as Kernel#print and Array#join. Defaults to nil, which adds no text. $. Fixnum The number of the last line read from the current input file. $; String The default separator pattern used by String#split. May be set from the command line using the -F flag. $< Object An object that provides access to the concatenation of the contents of all the files given as command-line arguments or $stdin (in the case where there are no arguments). $< supports methods similar to a File object: binmode, close, closed?, each, each_byte, each_line, eof, eof?, file, filename, fileno, getc, gets, lineno, lineno=, path, pos, pos=, read, readchar, readline, readlines, rewind, seek, skip, tell, to_a, to_i, to_io, to_s, along with the methods in Enumerable. The method file returns a File object for the file currently being read. This may change as $< reads through the files on the command line. [r/o] $> IO The destination of output for Kernel#print and Kernel#printf. The default value is $stdout. $_ String The last line read by Kernel#gets or Kernel#readline. Many string- related functions in the Kernel module operate on $_ by default. The vari- able is local to the current scope. [thread] $-F String Synonym for $;. $stderr IO The current standard error output. $stdin IO The current standard input. $stdout IO The current standard output. Assignment to $stdout is deprecated: use $stdout.reopen instead. =end describe "Predefined global $/" do before :each do @verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil @dollar_slash = $/ @dollar_dash_zero = $-0 end after :each do $/ = @dollar_slash $-0 = @dollar_dash_zero $VERBOSE = @verbose end it "can be assigned a String" do str = "abc" $/ = str $/.should equal(str) end it "can be assigned nil" do $/ = nil $/.should be_nil end it "returns the value assigned" do ($/ = "xyz").should == "xyz" end it "changes $-0" do $/ = "xyz" $-0.should equal($/) end it "does not call #to_str to convert the object to a String" do obj = mock("$/ value") obj.should_not_receive(:to_str) -> { $/ = obj }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if assigned a Fixnum" do -> { $/ = 1 }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if assigned a boolean" do -> { $/ = true }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "Predefined global $-0" do before :each do @verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil @dollar_slash = $/ @dollar_dash_zero = $-0 end after :each do $/ = @dollar_slash $-0 = @dollar_dash_zero $VERBOSE = @verbose end it "can be assigned a String" do str = "abc" $-0 = str $-0.should equal(str) end it "can be assigned nil" do $-0 = nil $-0.should be_nil end it "returns the value assigned" do ($-0 = "xyz").should == "xyz" end it "changes $/" do $-0 = "xyz" $/.should equal($-0) end it "does not call #to_str to convert the object to a String" do obj = mock("$-0 value") obj.should_not_receive(:to_str) -> { $-0 = obj }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if assigned a Fixnum" do -> { $-0 = 1 }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if assigned a boolean" do -> { $-0 = true }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "Predefined global $," do after :each do $, = nil end it "defaults to nil" do $,.should be_nil end it "raises TypeError if assigned a non-String" do -> { $, = }.should raise_error(TypeError) end ruby_version_is "2.7" do it "warns if assigned non-nil" do -> { $, = "_" }.should complain(/warning: `\$,' is deprecated/) end end end describe "Predefined global $." do it "can be assigned an Integer" do $. = 123 $..should == 123 end it "can be assigned a Float" do $. = 123.5 $..should == 123 end it "should call #to_int to convert the object to an Integer" do obj = mock("good-value") obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(321) $. = obj $..should == 321 end it "raises TypeError if object can't be converted to an Integer" do obj = mock("bad-value") obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return('abc') -> { $. = obj }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "Predefined global $;" do after :each do $; = nil end ruby_version_is "2.7" do it "warns if assigned non-nil" do -> { $; = "_" }.should complain(/warning: `\$;' is deprecated/) end end end describe "Predefined global $_" do it "is set to the last line read by e.g. StringIO#gets" do stdin ="foo\nbar\n", "r") read = stdin.gets read.should == "foo\n" $_.should == read read = stdin.gets read.should == "bar\n" $_.should == read read = stdin.gets read.should == nil $_.should == read end it "is set at the method-scoped level rather than block-scoped" do obj = def; yield; end def obj.foo2; yield; end stdin ="foo\nbar\nbaz\nqux\n", "r") match = stdin.gets { match = stdin.gets } match.should == "bar\n" $_.should == match eval 'match = stdin.gets' match.should == "baz\n" $_.should == match obj.foo2 { match = stdin.gets } match.should == "qux\n" $_.should == match end it "is Thread-local" do $_ = nil running = false thr = do $_ = "last line" running = true end Thread.pass until running $_.should be_nil thr.join end it "can be assigned any value" do $_ = nil $_.should == nil $_ = "foo" $_.should == "foo" o = $_ = o $_.should == o $_ = 1 $_.should == 1 end end =begin Execution Environment Variables --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $0 String The name of the top-level Ruby program being executed. Typically this will be the program’s filename. On some operating systems, assigning to this variable will change the name of the process reported (for example) by the ps(1) command. $* Array An array of strings containing the command-line options from the invoca- tion of the program. Options used by the Ruby interpreter will have been removed. [r/o] $" Array An array containing the filenames of modules loaded by require. [r/o] $$ Fixnum The process number of the program being executed. [r/o] $? Process::Status The exit status of the last child process to terminate. [r/o, thread] $: Array An array of strings, where each string specifies a directory to be searched for Ruby scripts and binary extensions used by the load and require methods. The initial value is the value of the arguments passed via the -I command- line option, followed by an installation-defined standard library location, fol- lowed by the current directory (“.”). This variable may be set from within a program to alter the default search path; typically, programs use $: << dir to append dir to the path. [r/o] $-a Object True if the -a option is specified on the command line. [r/o] $-d Object Synonym for $DEBUG. $DEBUG Object Set to true if the -d command-line option is specified. __FILE__ String The name of the current source file. [r/o] $F Array The array that receives the split input line if the -a command-line option is used. $FILENAME String The name of the current input file. Equivalent to $<.filename. [r/o] $-i String If in-place edit mode is enabled (perhaps using the -i command-line option), $-i holds the extension used when creating the backup file. If you set a value into $-i, enables in-place edit mode. $-I Array Synonym for $:. [r/o] $-K String Sets the multibyte coding system for strings and regular expressions. Equiv- alent to the -K command-line option. $-l Object Set to true if the -l option (which enables line-end processing) is present on the command line. [r/o] __LINE__ String The current line number in the source file. [r/o] $LOAD_PATH Array A synonym for $:. [r/o] $-p Object Set to true if the -p option (which puts an implicit while gets . . . end loop around your program) is present on the command line. [r/o] $VERBOSE Object Set to true if the -v, --version, -W, or -w option is specified on the com- mand line. Set to false if no option, or -W1 is given. Set to nil if -W0 was specified. Setting this option to true causes the interpreter and some library routines to report additional information. Setting to nil suppresses all warnings (including the output of Kernel.warn). $-v Object Synonym for $VERBOSE. $-w Object Synonym for $VERBOSE. =end describe "Execution variable $:" do it "is initialized to an array of strings" do $:.is_a?(Array).should == true ($:.length > 0).should == true end it "does not include the current directory" do $:.should_not include(".") end it "is the same object as $LOAD_PATH and $-I" do $:.__id__.should == $LOAD_PATH.__id__ $:.__id__.should == $-I.__id__ end it "can be changed via <<" do $: << "foo" $:.should include("foo") end it "is read-only" do -> { $: = [] }.should raise_error(NameError) -> { $LOAD_PATH = [] }.should raise_error(NameError) -> { $-I = [] }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Global variable $\"" do it "is an alias for $LOADED_FEATURES" do $".should equal $LOADED_FEATURES end it "is read-only" do -> { $" = [] }.should raise_error(NameError) -> { $LOADED_FEATURES = [] }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Global variable $<" do it "is read-only" do -> { $< = nil }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Global variable $FILENAME" do it "is read-only" do -> { $FILENAME = "-" }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Global variable $?" do it "is read-only" do -> { $? = nil }.should raise_error(NameError) end it "is thread-local" do system(ruby_cmd('exit 0')) { $?.should be_nil }.join end end describe "Global variable $-a" do it "is read-only" do -> { $-a = true }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Global variable $-l" do it "is read-only" do -> { $-l = true }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Global variable $-p" do it "is read-only" do -> { $-p = true }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Global variable $-d" do before :each do @debug = $DEBUG end after :each do $DEBUG = @debug end it "is an alias of $DEBUG" do $DEBUG = true $-d.should be_true $-d = false $DEBUG.should be_false end end describe "Global variable $VERBOSE" do before :each do @verbose = $VERBOSE end after :each do $VERBOSE = @verbose end it "converts truthy values to true" do [true, 1, 0, [], ""].each do |true_value| $VERBOSE = true_value $VERBOSE.should be_true end end it "allows false" do $VERBOSE = false $VERBOSE.should be_false end it "allows nil without coercing to false" do $VERBOSE = nil $VERBOSE.should be_nil end end describe :verbose_global_alias, shared: true do before :each do @verbose = $VERBOSE end after :each do $VERBOSE = @verbose end it "is an alias of $VERBOSE" do $VERBOSE = true eval(@method).should be_true eval("#{@method} = false") $VERBOSE.should be_false end end describe "Global variable $-v" do it_behaves_like :verbose_global_alias, '$-v' end describe "Global variable $-w" do it_behaves_like :verbose_global_alias, '$-w' end describe "Global variable $0" do before :each do @orig_program_name = $0 end after :each do $0 = @orig_program_name end it "is the path given as the main script and the same as __FILE__" do script = "fixtures/dollar_zero.rb" Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do ruby_exe(script).should == "#{script}\n#{script}\nOK" end end it "returns the program name" do $0 = "rbx" $0.should == "rbx" end platform_is :linux, :darwin do it "actually sets the program name" do title = "rubyspec-dollar0-test" $0 = title `ps -ocommand= -p#{$$}`.should include(title) end end it "returns the given value when set" do ($0 = "rbx").should == "rbx" end it "raises a TypeError when not given an object that can be coerced to a String" do -> { $0 = nil }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end =begin Standard Objects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARGF Object A synonym for $<. ARGV Array A synonym for $*. ENV Object A hash-like object containing the program’s environment variables. An instance of class Object, ENV implements the full set of Hash methods. Used to query and set the value of an environment variable, as in ENV["PATH"] and ENV["term"]="ansi". false FalseClass Singleton instance of class FalseClass. [r/o] nil NilClass The singleton instance of class NilClass. The value of uninitialized instance and global variables. [r/o] self Object The receiver (object) of the current method. [r/o] true TrueClass Singleton instance of class TrueClass. [r/o] =end describe "The predefined standard objects" do it "includes ARGF" do Object.const_defined?(:ARGF).should == true end it "includes ARGV" do Object.const_defined?(:ARGV).should == true end it "includes a hash-like object ENV" do Object.const_defined?(:ENV).should == true ENV.respond_to?(:[]).should == true end end describe "The predefined standard object nil" do it "is an instance of NilClass" do nil.should be_kind_of(NilClass) end it "raises a SyntaxError if assigned to" do -> { eval("nil = true") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError) end end describe "The predefined standard object true" do it "is an instance of TrueClass" do true.should be_kind_of(TrueClass) end it "raises a SyntaxError if assigned to" do -> { eval("true = false") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError) end end describe "The predefined standard object false" do it "is an instance of FalseClass" do false.should be_kind_of(FalseClass) end it "raises a SyntaxError if assigned to" do -> { eval("false = nil") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError) end end describe "The self pseudo-variable" do it "raises a SyntaxError if assigned to" do -> { eval("self = 1") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError) end end =begin Global Constants --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following constants are defined by the Ruby interpreter. DATA IO If the main program file contains the directive __END__, then the constant DATA will be initialized so that reading from it will return lines following __END__ from the source file. RUBY_PLATFORM String The identifier of the platform running this program. This string is in the same form as the platform identifier used by the GNU configure utility (which is not a coincidence). RUBY_RELEASE_DATE String The date of this release. RUBY_VERSION String The version number of the interpreter. STDERR IO The actual standard error stream for the program. The initial value of $stderr. STDIN IO The actual standard input stream for the program. The initial value of $stdin. STDOUT IO The actual standard output stream for the program. The initial value of $stdout. SCRIPT_LINES__ Hash If a constant SCRIPT_LINES__ is defined and references a Hash, Ruby will store an entry containing the contents of each file it parses, with the file’s name as the key and an array of strings as the value. TOPLEVEL_BINDING Binding A Binding object representing the binding at Ruby’s top level— the level where programs are initially executed. =end describe "The predefined global constants" do it "includes STDIN" do Object.const_defined?(:STDIN).should == true end it "includes STDOUT" do Object.const_defined?(:STDOUT).should == true end it "includes STDERR" do Object.const_defined?(:STDERR).should == true end it "includes RUBY_VERSION" do Object.const_defined?(:RUBY_VERSION).should == true end it "includes RUBY_RELEASE_DATE" do Object.const_defined?(:RUBY_RELEASE_DATE).should == true end it "includes RUBY_PLATFORM" do Object.const_defined?(:RUBY_PLATFORM).should == true end it "includes TOPLEVEL_BINDING" do Object.const_defined?(:TOPLEVEL_BINDING).should == true end end describe "The predefined global constant" do before :each do @external = Encoding.default_external @internal = Encoding.default_internal end after :each do Encoding.default_external = @external Encoding.default_internal = @internal end describe "STDIN" do it "has the same external encoding as Encoding.default_external" do STDIN.external_encoding.should equal(Encoding.default_external) end it "has the same external encoding as Encoding.default_external when that encoding is changed" do Encoding.default_external = Encoding::ISO_8859_16 STDIN.external_encoding.should equal(Encoding::ISO_8859_16) end it "has the encodings set by #set_encoding" do code = "STDIN.set_encoding Encoding::IBM775, Encoding::IBM866; " \ "p [,]" ruby_exe(code).chomp.should == %{["IBM775", "IBM866"]} end it "retains the encoding set by #set_encoding when Encoding.default_external is changed" do code = "STDIN.set_encoding Encoding::IBM775, Encoding::IBM866; " \ "Encoding.default_external = Encoding::ISO_8859_16;" \ "p [,]" ruby_exe(code).chomp.should == %{["IBM775", "IBM866"]} end it "has nil for the internal encoding" do STDIN.internal_encoding.should be_nil end it "has nil for the internal encoding despite Encoding.default_internal being changed" do Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::IBM437 STDIN.internal_encoding.should be_nil end end describe "STDOUT" do it "has nil for the external encoding" do STDOUT.external_encoding.should be_nil end it "has nil for the external encoding despite Encoding.default_external being changed" do Encoding.default_external = Encoding::ISO_8859_1 STDOUT.external_encoding.should be_nil end it "has the encodings set by #set_encoding" do code = "STDOUT.set_encoding Encoding::IBM775, Encoding::IBM866; " \ "p [,]" ruby_exe(code).chomp.should == %{["IBM775", "IBM866"]} end it "has nil for the internal encoding" do STDOUT.internal_encoding.should be_nil end it "has nil for the internal encoding despite Encoding.default_internal being changed" do Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::IBM437 STDOUT.internal_encoding.should be_nil end end describe "STDERR" do it "has nil for the external encoding" do STDERR.external_encoding.should be_nil end it "has nil for the external encoding despite Encoding.default_external being changed" do Encoding.default_external = Encoding::ISO_8859_1 STDERR.external_encoding.should be_nil end it "has the encodings set by #set_encoding" do code = "STDERR.set_encoding Encoding::IBM775, Encoding::IBM866; " \ "p [,]" ruby_exe(code).chomp.should == %{["IBM775", "IBM866"]} end it "has nil for the internal encoding" do STDERR.internal_encoding.should be_nil end it "has nil for the internal encoding despite Encoding.default_internal being changed" do Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::IBM437 STDERR.internal_encoding.should be_nil end end describe "ARGV" do it "contains Strings encoded in locale Encoding" do code = fixture __FILE__, "argv_encoding.rb" result = ruby_exe(code, args: "a b") encoding = Encoding.default_external result.chomp.should == %{["#{encoding}", "#{encoding}"]} end end end ruby_version_is "2.7" do describe "$LOAD_PATH.resolve_feature_path" do it "returns what will be loaded without actual loading, .rb file" do extension, path = $LOAD_PATH.resolve_feature_path('set') extension.should == :rb path.should.end_with?('/set.rb') end it "returns what will be loaded without actual loading, .so file" do require 'rbconfig' extension, path = $LOAD_PATH.resolve_feature_path('etc') extension.should == :so path.should.end_with?("/etc.#{RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']}") end it "raises LoadError if feature cannot be found" do -> { $LOAD_PATH.resolve_feature_path('noop') }.should raise_error(LoadError) end end end