###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### # -*- ruby -*- #-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ module Gem QUICKLOADER_SUCKAGE = RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9\.1/ GEM_PRELUDE_SUCKAGE = RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9\.2/ end if Gem::GEM_PRELUDE_SUCKAGE and defined?(Gem::QuickLoader) then Gem::QuickLoader.remove $LOADED_FEATURES.delete Gem::QuickLoader.path_to_full_rubygems_library if $LOADED_FEATURES.any? do |path| path.end_with? '/rubygems.rb' end then # TODO path does not exist here raise LoadError, "another rubygems is already loaded from #{path}" end class << Gem remove_method :try_activate if Gem.respond_to?(:try_activate, true) end end require 'rubygems/defaults' require "rubygems/dependency_list" require 'rbconfig' ## # RubyGems is the Ruby standard for publishing and managing third party # libraries. # # For user documentation, see: # # * <tt>gem help</tt> and <tt>gem help [command]</tt> # * {RubyGems User Guide}[http://docs.rubygems.org/read/book/1] # * {Frequently Asked Questions}[http://docs.rubygems.org/read/book/3] # # For gem developer documentation see: # # * {Creating Gems}[http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/5] # * Gem::Specification # * Gem::Version for version dependency notes # # Further RubyGems documentation can be found at: # # * {RubyGems API}[http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/rdoc] (also available from # <tt>gem server</tt>) # * {RubyGems Bookshelf}[http://rubygem.org] # # == RubyGems Plugins # # As of RubyGems 1.3.2, RubyGems will load plugins installed in gems or # $LOAD_PATH. Plugins must be named 'rubygems_plugin' (.rb, .so, etc) and # placed at the root of your gem's #require_path. Plugins are discovered via # Gem::find_files then loaded. Take care when implementing a plugin as your # plugin file may be loaded multiple times if multiple versions of your gem # are installed. # # For an example plugin, see the graph gem which adds a `gem graph` command. # # == RubyGems Defaults, Packaging # # RubyGems defaults are stored in rubygems/defaults.rb. If you're packaging # RubyGems or implementing Ruby you can change RubyGems' defaults. # # For RubyGems packagers, provide lib/rubygems/operating_system.rb and # override any defaults from lib/rubygems/defaults.rb. # # For Ruby implementers, provide lib/rubygems/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb and override # any defaults from lib/rubygems/defaults.rb. # # If you need RubyGems to perform extra work on install or uninstall, your # defaults override file can set pre and post install and uninstall hooks. # See Gem::pre_install, Gem::pre_uninstall, Gem::post_install, # Gem::post_uninstall. # # == Bugs # # You can submit bugs to the # {RubyGems bug tracker}[http://rubyforge.org/tracker/?atid=575&group_id=126] # on RubyForge # # == Credits # # RubyGems is currently maintained by Eric Hodel. # # RubyGems was originally developed at RubyConf 2003 by: # # * Rich Kilmer -- rich(at)infoether.com # * Chad Fowler -- chad(at)chadfowler.com # * David Black -- dblack(at)wobblini.net # * Paul Brannan -- paul(at)atdesk.com # * Jim Weirch -- jim(at)weirichhouse.org # # Contributors: # # * Gavin Sinclair -- gsinclair(at)soyabean.com.au # * George Marrows -- george.marrows(at)ntlworld.com # * Dick Davies -- rasputnik(at)hellooperator.net # * Mauricio Fernandez -- batsman.geo(at)yahoo.com # * Simon Strandgaard -- neoneye(at)adslhome.dk # * Dave Glasser -- glasser(at)mit.edu # * Paul Duncan -- pabs(at)pablotron.org # * Ville Aine -- vaine(at)cs.helsinki.fi # * Eric Hodel -- drbrain(at)segment7.net # * Daniel Berger -- djberg96(at)gmail.com # * Phil Hagelberg -- technomancy(at)gmail.com # * Ryan Davis -- ryand-ruby(at)zenspider.com # # (If your name is missing, PLEASE let us know!) # # Thanks! # # -The RubyGems Team module Gem VERSION = '1.6.2' ## # Raised when RubyGems is unable to load or activate a gem. Contains the # name and version requirements of the gem that either conflicts with # already activated gems or that RubyGems is otherwise unable to activate. class LoadError < ::LoadError # Name of gem attr_accessor :name # Version requirement of gem attr_accessor :requirement end # :stopdoc: RubyGemsVersion = VERSION RbConfigPriorities = %w[ EXEEXT RUBY_SO_NAME arch bindir datadir libdir ruby_install_name ruby_version rubylibprefix sitedir sitelibdir vendordir vendorlibdir ] unless defined?(ConfigMap) ## # Configuration settings from ::RbConfig ConfigMap = Hash.new do |cm, key| cm[key] = RbConfig::CONFIG[key.to_s] end else RbConfigPriorities.each do |key| ConfigMap[key.to_sym] = RbConfig::CONFIG[key] end end ## # Default directories in a gem repository DIRECTORIES = %w[cache doc gems specifications] unless defined?(DIRECTORIES) RubyGemsPackageVersion = VERSION RUBYGEMS_DIR = File.dirname File.expand_path(__FILE__) # :startdoc: ## # An Array of Regexps that match windows ruby platforms. WIN_PATTERNS = [ /bccwin/i, /cygwin/i, /djgpp/i, /mingw/i, /mswin/i, /wince/i, ] @@source_index = nil @@win_platform = nil @configuration = nil @loaded_specs = {} @loaded_stacks = {} @platforms = [] @ruby = nil @sources = [] @post_build_hooks ||= [] @post_install_hooks ||= [] @post_uninstall_hooks ||= [] @pre_uninstall_hooks ||= [] @pre_install_hooks ||= [] ## # Try to activate a gem containing +path+. Returns true if # activation succeeded or wasn't needed because it was already # activated. Returns false if it can't find the path in a gem. def self.try_activate path # finds the _latest_ version... regardless of loaded specs and their deps # TODO: use find_all and bork if ambiguous spec = Gem.searcher.find path return false unless spec begin Gem.activate spec.name, "= #{spec.version}" rescue Gem::LoadError # this could fail due to gem dep collisions, go lax Gem.activate spec.name end return true end ## # Activates an installed gem matching +dep+. The gem must satisfy # +requirements+. # # Returns true if the gem is activated, false if it is already # loaded, or an exception otherwise. # # Gem#activate adds the library paths in +dep+ to $LOAD_PATH. Before a Gem # is activated its required Gems are activated. If the version information # is omitted, the highest version Gem of the supplied name is loaded. If a # Gem is not found that meets the version requirements or a required Gem is # not found, a Gem::LoadError is raised. # # More information on version requirements can be found in the # Gem::Requirement and Gem::Version documentation. def self.activate(dep, *requirements) # TODO: remove options entirely if requirements.last.is_a?(Hash) options = requirements.pop else options = {} end requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty? dep = Gem::Dependency.new(dep, requirements) unless Gem::Dependency === dep # TODO: remove sources entirely sources = options[:sources] || [] matches = Gem.source_index.search dep, true report_activate_error(dep) if matches.empty? if @loaded_specs[dep.name] then # This gem is already loaded. If the currently loaded gem is not in the # list of candidate gems, then we have a version conflict. existing_spec = @loaded_specs[dep.name] # TODO: unless dep.matches_spec? existing_spec then unless matches.any? { |spec| spec.version == existing_spec.version } then sources_message = sources.map { |spec| spec.full_name } stack_message = @loaded_stacks[dep.name].map { |spec| spec.full_name } msg = "can't activate #{dep} for #{sources_message.inspect}, " msg << "already activated #{existing_spec.full_name} for " msg << "#{stack_message.inspect}" e = Gem::LoadError.new msg e.name = dep.name e.requirement = dep.requirement raise e end return false end spec = matches.last conf = spec.conflicts unless conf.empty? then why = conf.map { |act,con| "#{act.full_name} conflicts with #{con.join(", ")}" }.join ", " # TODO: improve message by saying who activated `con` raise LoadError, "Unable to activate #{spec.full_name}, because #{why}" end return false if spec.loaded? spec.loaded = true @loaded_specs[spec.name] = spec @loaded_stacks[spec.name] = sources.dup spec.runtime_dependencies.each do |spec_dep| next if Gem.loaded_specs.include? spec_dep.name specs = Gem.source_index.search spec_dep, true if specs.size == 1 then self.activate spec_dep else name = spec_dep.name unresolved_deps[name] = unresolved_deps[name].merge spec_dep end end unresolved_deps.delete spec.name require_paths = spec.require_paths.map do |path| File.join spec.full_gem_path, path end # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] insert_index = load_path_insert_index if insert_index then # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] $LOAD_PATH.insert(insert_index, *require_paths) else # we are probably testing in core, -I and RUBYLIB don't apply $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*require_paths) end return true end def self.unresolved_deps @unresolved_deps ||= Hash.new { |h, n| h[n] = Gem::Dependency.new n } end ## # An Array of all possible load paths for all versions of all gems in the # Gem installation. def self.all_load_paths result = [] Gem.path.each do |gemdir| each_load_path all_partials(gemdir) do |load_path| result << load_path end end result end ## # Return all the partial paths in +gemdir+. def self.all_partials(gemdir) Dir[File.join(gemdir, 'gems/*')] end private_class_method :all_partials ## # See if a given gem is available. def self.available?(gem, *requirements) requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty? unless gem.respond_to?(:name) and gem.respond_to?(:requirement) then gem = Gem::Dependency.new gem, requirements end !Gem.source_index.search(gem).empty? end ## # Find the full path to the executable for gem +name+. If the +exec_name+ # is not given, the gem's default_executable is chosen, otherwise the # specified executable's path is returned. +requirements+ allows # you to specify specific gem versions. def self.bin_path(name, exec_name = nil, *requirements) requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty? specs = Gem.source_index.find_name(name, requirements) raise Gem::GemNotFoundException, "can't find gem #{name} (#{requirements})" if specs.empty? specs = specs.find_all do |spec| spec.executables.include?(exec_name) end if exec_name unless spec = specs.last msg = "can't find gem #{name} (#{requirements}) with executable #{exec_name}" raise Gem::GemNotFoundException, msg end exec_name ||= spec.default_executable unless exec_name msg = "no default executable for #{spec.full_name} and none given" raise Gem::Exception, msg end File.join(spec.full_gem_path, spec.bindir, exec_name) end ## # The mode needed to read a file as straight binary. def self.binary_mode 'rb' end ## # The path where gem executables are to be installed. def self.bindir(install_dir=Gem.dir) return File.join(install_dir, 'bin') unless install_dir.to_s == Gem.default_dir Gem.default_bindir end ## # Reset the +dir+ and +path+ values. The next time +dir+ or +path+ # is requested, the values will be calculated from scratch. This is # mainly used by the unit tests to provide test isolation. def self.clear_paths @gem_home = nil @gem_path = nil @user_home = nil @@source_index = nil @searcher = nil end ## # The path to standard location of the user's .gemrc file. def self.config_file File.join Gem.user_home, '.gemrc' end ## # The standard configuration object for gems. def self.configuration @configuration ||= Gem::ConfigFile.new [] end ## # Use the given configuration object (which implements the ConfigFile # protocol) as the standard configuration object. def self.configuration=(config) @configuration = config end ## # The path the the data directory specified by the gem name. If the # package is not available as a gem, return nil. def self.datadir(gem_name) spec = @loaded_specs[gem_name] return nil if spec.nil? File.join(spec.full_gem_path, 'data', gem_name) end ## # A Zlib::Deflate.deflate wrapper def self.deflate(data) require 'zlib' Zlib::Deflate.deflate data end ## # The path where gems are to be installed. def self.dir @gem_home ||= nil set_home(ENV['GEM_HOME'] || default_dir) unless @gem_home @gem_home end ## # Expand each partial gem path with each of the required paths specified # in the Gem spec. Each expanded path is yielded. def self.each_load_path(partials) partials.each do |gp| base = File.basename(gp) specfn = File.join(dir, "specifications", base + ".gemspec") if File.exist?(specfn) spec = eval(File.read(specfn)) spec.require_paths.each do |rp| yield(File.join(gp, rp)) end else filename = File.join(gp, 'lib') yield(filename) if File.exist?(filename) end end end private_class_method :each_load_path ## # Quietly ensure the named Gem directory contains all the proper # subdirectories. If we can't create a directory due to a permission # problem, then we will silently continue. def self.ensure_gem_subdirectories(gemdir) require 'fileutils' Gem::DIRECTORIES.each do |filename| fn = File.join gemdir, filename FileUtils.mkdir_p fn rescue nil unless File.exist? fn end end ## # Returns a list of paths matching +glob+ that can be used by a gem to pick # up features from other gems. For example: # # Gem.find_files('rdoc/discover').each do |path| load path end # # if +check_load_path+ is true (the default), then find_files also searches # $LOAD_PATH for files as well as gems. # # Note that find_files will return all files even if they are from different # versions of the same gem. def self.find_files(glob, check_load_path=true) files = [] if check_load_path files = $LOAD_PATH.map { |load_path| Dir["#{File.expand_path glob, load_path}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}"] }.flatten.select { |file| File.file? file.untaint } end specs = searcher.find_all glob specs.each do |spec| files.concat searcher.matching_files(spec, glob) end # $LOAD_PATH might contain duplicate entries or reference # the spec dirs directly, so we prune. files.uniq! if check_load_path return files end ## # Finds the user's home directory. #-- # Some comments from the ruby-talk list regarding finding the home # directory: # # I have HOME, USERPROFILE and HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH. Ruby seems # to be depending on HOME in those code samples. I propose that # it should fallback to USERPROFILE and HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH (at # least on Win32). #++ def self.find_home unless RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' then ['HOME', 'USERPROFILE'].each do |homekey| return File.expand_path(ENV[homekey]) if ENV[homekey] end if ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] && ENV['HOMEPATH'] then return File.expand_path("#{ENV['HOMEDRIVE']}#{ENV['HOMEPATH']}") end end File.expand_path "~" rescue if File::ALT_SEPARATOR then drive = ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] || ENV['SystemDrive'] File.join(drive.to_s, '/') else "/" end end private_class_method :find_home ## # Zlib::GzipReader wrapper that unzips +data+. def self.gunzip(data) require 'stringio' require 'zlib' data = StringIO.new data Zlib::GzipReader.new(data).read end ## # Zlib::GzipWriter wrapper that zips +data+. def self.gzip(data) require 'stringio' require 'zlib' zipped = StringIO.new Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap zipped do |io| io.write data end zipped.string end ## # A Zlib::Inflate#inflate wrapper def self.inflate(data) require 'zlib' Zlib::Inflate.inflate data end ## # Get the default RubyGems API host. This is normally # <tt>https://rubygems.org</tt>. def self.host @host ||= "https://rubygems.org" end ## Set the default RubyGems API host. def self.host= host @host = host end ## # Return a list of all possible load paths for the latest version for all # gems in the Gem installation. def self.latest_load_paths result = [] Gem.path.each do |gemdir| each_load_path(latest_partials(gemdir)) do |load_path| result << load_path end end result end ## # Return only the latest partial paths in the given +gemdir+. def self.latest_partials(gemdir) latest = {} all_partials(gemdir).each do |gp| base = File.basename(gp) if base =~ /(.*)-((\d+\.)*\d+)/ then name, version = $1, $2 ver = Gem::Version.new(version) if latest[name].nil? || ver > latest[name][0] latest[name] = [ver, gp] end end end latest.collect { |k,v| v[1] } end private_class_method :latest_partials ## # The index to insert activated gem paths into the $LOAD_PATH. # # Defaults to the site lib directory unless gem_prelude.rb has loaded paths, # then it inserts the activated gem's paths before the gem_prelude.rb paths # so you can override the gem_prelude.rb default $LOAD_PATH paths. def self.load_path_insert_index index = $LOAD_PATH.index ConfigMap[:sitelibdir] if QUICKLOADER_SUCKAGE then $LOAD_PATH.each_with_index do |path, i| if path.instance_variables.include?(:@gem_prelude_index) or path.instance_variables.include?('@gem_prelude_index') then index = i break end end end index end ## # Loads YAML, preferring Psych def self.load_yaml require 'psych' rescue ::LoadError ensure require 'yaml' end ## # The file name and line number of the caller of the caller of this method. def self.location_of_caller caller[1] =~ /(.*?):(\d+).*?$/i file = $1 lineno = $2.to_i [file, lineno] end ## # The version of the Marshal format for your Ruby. def self.marshal_version "#{Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION}.#{Marshal::MINOR_VERSION}" end ## # Array of paths to search for Gems. def self.path @gem_path ||= nil unless @gem_path then paths = [ENV['GEM_PATH'] || default_path] if defined?(APPLE_GEM_HOME) and not ENV['GEM_PATH'] then paths << APPLE_GEM_HOME end set_paths paths.compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end @gem_path end ## # Get the appropriate cache path. # # Pass a string to use a different base path, or nil/false (default) for # Gem.dir. # def self.cache_dir(custom_dir=false) File.join(custom_dir ? custom_dir : Gem.dir, 'cache') end ## # Given a gem path, find the gem in cache. # # Pass a string as the second argument to use a different base path, or # nil/false (default) for Gem.dir. def self.cache_gem(filename, user_dir=false) File.join(cache_dir(user_dir), filename) end ## # Set array of platforms this RubyGems supports (primarily for testing). def self.platforms=(platforms) @platforms = platforms end ## # Array of platforms this RubyGems supports. def self.platforms @platforms ||= [] if @platforms.empty? @platforms = [Gem::Platform::RUBY, Gem::Platform.local] end @platforms end ## # Adds a post-build hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance # when Gem::Installer#install is called. The hook is called after the gem # has been extracted and extensions have been built but before the # executables or gemspec has been written. If the hook returns +false+ then # the gem's files will be removed and the install will be aborted. def self.post_build(&hook) @post_build_hooks << hook end ## # Adds a post-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance # when Gem::Installer#install is called def self.post_install(&hook) @post_install_hooks << hook end ## # Adds a post-uninstall hook that will be passed a Gem::Uninstaller instance # and the spec that was uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is # called def self.post_uninstall(&hook) @post_uninstall_hooks << hook end ## # Adds a pre-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance # when Gem::Installer#install is called. If the hook returns +false+ then # the install will be aborted. def self.pre_install(&hook) @pre_install_hooks << hook end ## # Adds a pre-uninstall hook that will be passed an Gem::Uninstaller instance # and the spec that will be uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is # called def self.pre_uninstall(&hook) @pre_uninstall_hooks << hook end ## # The directory prefix this RubyGems was installed at. If your # prefix is in a standard location (ie, rubygems is installed where # you'd expect it to be), then prefix returns nil. def self.prefix prefix = File.dirname RUBYGEMS_DIR if prefix != File.expand_path(ConfigMap[:sitelibdir]) and prefix != File.expand_path(ConfigMap[:libdir]) and 'lib' == File.basename(RUBYGEMS_DIR) then prefix end end ## # Promotes the load paths of the +gem_name+ over the load paths of # +over_name+. Useful for allowing one gem to override features in another # using #find_files. def self.promote_load_path(gem_name, over_name) gem = Gem.loaded_specs[gem_name] over = Gem.loaded_specs[over_name] raise ArgumentError, "gem #{gem_name} is not activated" if gem.nil? raise ArgumentError, "gem #{over_name} is not activated" if over.nil? last_gem_path = File.join gem.full_gem_path, gem.require_paths.last over_paths = over.require_paths.map do |path| File.join over.full_gem_path, path end over_paths.each do |path| $LOAD_PATH.delete path end gem = $LOAD_PATH.index(last_gem_path) + 1 $LOAD_PATH.insert(gem, *over_paths) end ## # Refresh source_index from disk and clear searcher. def self.refresh source_index.refresh! @searcher = nil end ## # Safely read a file in binary mode on all platforms. def self.read_binary(path) File.open path, binary_mode do |f| f.read end end ## # Report a load error during activation. The message of load error # depends on whether it was a version mismatch or if there are not gems of # any version by the requested name. def self.report_activate_error(gem) matches = Gem.source_index.find_name(gem.name) if matches.empty? then error = Gem::LoadError.new( "Could not find RubyGem #{gem.name} (#{gem.requirement})\n") else error = Gem::LoadError.new( "RubyGem version error: " + "#{gem.name}(#{matches.first.version} not #{gem.requirement})\n") end error.name = gem.name error.requirement = gem.requirement raise error end private_class_method :report_activate_error ## # Full path to +libfile+ in +gemname+. Searches for the latest gem unless # +requirements+ is given. def self.required_location(gemname, libfile, *requirements) requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty? matches = Gem.source_index.find_name gemname, requirements return nil if matches.empty? spec = matches.last spec.require_paths.each do |path| result = File.join spec.full_gem_path, path, libfile return result if File.exist? result end nil end ## # The path to the running Ruby interpreter. def self.ruby if @ruby.nil? then @ruby = File.join(ConfigMap[:bindir], ConfigMap[:ruby_install_name]) @ruby << ConfigMap[:EXEEXT] # escape string in case path to ruby executable contain spaces. @ruby.sub!(/.*\s.*/m, '"\&"') end @ruby end def self.latest_spec_for name dependency = Gem::Dependency.new name fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher spec_tuples = fetcher.find_matching dependency match = spec_tuples.select { |(n, _, p), _| n == name and Gem::Platform.match p }.sort_by { |(_, version, _), _| version }.last match and fetcher.fetch_spec(*match) end def self.latest_version_for name spec = latest_spec_for name spec and spec.version end def self.latest_rubygems_version latest_version_for "rubygems-update" end ## # A Gem::Version for the currently running ruby. def self.ruby_version return @ruby_version if defined? @ruby_version version = RUBY_VERSION.dup if defined?(RUBY_PATCHLEVEL) && RUBY_PATCHLEVEL != -1 then version << ".#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" elsif defined?(RUBY_REVISION) then version << ".dev.#{RUBY_REVISION}" end @ruby_version = Gem::Version.new version end ## # The GemPathSearcher object used to search for matching installed gems. def self.searcher @searcher ||= Gem::GemPathSearcher.new end ## # Set the Gem home directory (as reported by Gem.dir). def self.set_home(home) home = home.gsub File::ALT_SEPARATOR, File::SEPARATOR if File::ALT_SEPARATOR @gem_home = home end private_class_method :set_home ## # Set the Gem search path (as reported by Gem.path). def self.set_paths(gpaths) if gpaths @gem_path = gpaths.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) if File::ALT_SEPARATOR then @gem_path.map! do |path| path.gsub File::ALT_SEPARATOR, File::SEPARATOR end end @gem_path << Gem.dir else # TODO: should this be Gem.default_path instead? @gem_path = [Gem.dir] end @gem_path.uniq! end private_class_method :set_paths ## # Returns the Gem::SourceIndex of specifications that are in the Gem.path def self.source_index @@source_index ||= SourceIndex.from_installed_gems end ## # Returns an Array of sources to fetch remote gems from. If the sources # list is empty, attempts to load the "sources" gem, then uses # default_sources if it is not installed. def self.sources if @sources.empty? then begin gem 'sources', '> 0.0.1' require 'sources' rescue LoadError @sources = default_sources end end @sources end ## # Need to be able to set the sources without calling # Gem.sources.replace since that would cause an infinite loop. def self.sources=(new_sources) @sources = new_sources end ## # Glob pattern for require-able path suffixes. def self.suffix_pattern @suffix_pattern ||= "{#{suffixes.join(',')}}" end def self.loaded_path? path # TODO: ruby needs a feature to let us query what's loaded in 1.8 and 1.9 $LOADED_FEATURES.find { |s| s =~ /(^|\/)#{Regexp.escape path}#{Regexp.union(*Gem.suffixes)}$/ } end ## # Suffixes for require-able paths. def self.suffixes @suffixes ||= ['', '.rb', *%w(DLEXT DLEXT2).map { |key| val = RbConfig::CONFIG[key] next unless val and not val.empty? ".#{val}" } ].compact.uniq end ## # Prints the amount of time the supplied block takes to run using the debug # UI output. def self.time(msg, width = 0, display = Gem.configuration.verbose) now = Time.now value = yield elapsed = Time.now - now ui.say "%2$*1$s: %3$3.3fs" % [-width, msg, elapsed] if display value end ## # Lazily loads DefaultUserInteraction and returns the default UI. def self.ui require 'rubygems/user_interaction' Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui end ## # Use the +home+ and +paths+ values for Gem.dir and Gem.path. Used mainly # by the unit tests to provide environment isolation. def self.use_paths(home, paths=[]) clear_paths set_home(home) if home set_paths(paths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) if paths end ## # The home directory for the user. def self.user_home @user_home ||= find_home end ## # Is this a windows platform? def self.win_platform? if @@win_platform.nil? then @@win_platform = !!WIN_PATTERNS.find { |r| RUBY_PLATFORM =~ r } end @@win_platform end ## # Load +plugins+ as ruby files def self.load_plugin_files(plugins) plugins.each do |plugin| # Skip older versions of the GemCutter plugin: Its commands are in # RubyGems proper now. next if plugin =~ /gemcutter-0\.[0-3]/ begin load plugin rescue ::Exception => e details = "#{plugin.inspect}: #{e.message} (#{e.class})" warn "Error loading RubyGems plugin #{details}" end end end ## # Find all 'rubygems_plugin' files in installed gems and load them def self.load_plugins load_plugin_files find_files('rubygems_plugin', false) end ## # Find all 'rubygems_plugin' files in $LOAD_PATH and load them def self.load_env_plugins path = "rubygems_plugin" files = [] $LOAD_PATH.each do |load_path| globbed = Dir["#{File.expand_path path, load_path}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}"] globbed.each do |load_path_file| files << load_path_file if File.file?(load_path_file.untaint) end end load_plugin_files files end class << self ## # Hash of loaded Gem::Specification keyed by name attr_reader :loaded_specs ## # The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Install#install finishes # installation attr_reader :post_build_hooks ## # The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Install#install does any work attr_reader :post_install_hooks ## # The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Uninstall#uninstall does any # work attr_reader :post_uninstall_hooks ## # The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Install#install is finished attr_reader :pre_install_hooks ## # The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Uninstall#uninstall is finished attr_reader :pre_uninstall_hooks end def self.cache # :nodoc: warn "#{Gem.location_of_caller.join ':'}:Warning: " \ "Gem::cache is deprecated and will be removed on or after " \ "August 2011. " \ "Use Gem::source_index." source_index end ## # Location of Marshal quick gemspecs on remote repositories MARSHAL_SPEC_DIR = "quick/Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}/" autoload :Version, 'rubygems/version' autoload :Requirement, 'rubygems/requirement' autoload :Dependency, 'rubygems/dependency' autoload :GemPathSearcher, 'rubygems/gem_path_searcher' autoload :SpecFetcher, 'rubygems/spec_fetcher' autoload :Specification, 'rubygems/specification' autoload :Cache, 'rubygems/source_index' autoload :SourceIndex, 'rubygems/source_index' autoload :Platform, 'rubygems/platform' autoload :Builder, 'rubygems/builder' autoload :ConfigFile, 'rubygems/config_file' end module Kernel remove_method :gem if 'method' == defined? gem # from gem_prelude.rb on 1.9 ## # Use Kernel#gem to activate a specific version of +gem_name+. # # +requirements+ is a list of version requirements that the # specified gem must match, most commonly "= example.version.number". See # Gem::Requirement for how to specify a version requirement. # # If you will be activating the latest version of a gem, there is no need to # call Kernel#gem, Kernel#require will do the right thing for you. # # Kernel#gem returns true if the gem was activated, otherwise false. If the # gem could not be found, didn't match the version requirements, or a # different version was already activated, an exception will be raised. # # Kernel#gem should be called *before* any require statements (otherwise # RubyGems may load a conflicting library version). # # In older RubyGems versions, the environment variable GEM_SKIP could be # used to skip activation of specified gems, for example to test out changes # that haven't been installed yet. Now RubyGems defers to -I and the # RUBYLIB environment variable to skip activation of a gem. # # Example: # # GEM_SKIP=libA:libB ruby -I../libA -I../libB ./mycode.rb def gem(gem_name, *requirements) # :doc: skip_list = (ENV['GEM_SKIP'] || "").split(/:/) raise Gem::LoadError, "skipping #{gem_name}" if skip_list.include? gem_name Gem.activate(gem_name, *requirements) end private :gem end ## # Return the path to the data directory associated with the named package. If # the package is loaded as a gem, return the gem specific data directory. # Otherwise return a path to the share area as define by # "#{ConfigMap[:datadir]}/#{package_name}". def RbConfig.datadir(package_name) warn "#{Gem.location_of_caller.join ':'}:Warning: " \ "RbConfig.datadir is deprecated and will be removed on or after " \ "August 2011. " \ "Use Gem::datadir." require 'rbconfig/datadir' Gem.datadir(package_name) || File.join(Gem::ConfigMap[:datadir], package_name) end require 'rubygems/exceptions' gem_preluded = Gem::GEM_PRELUDE_SUCKAGE and defined? Gem unless gem_preluded then # TODO: remove guard after 1.9.2 dropped begin ## # Defaults the operating system (or packager) wants to provide for RubyGems. require 'rubygems/defaults/operating_system' rescue LoadError end if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) then begin ## # Defaults the ruby implementation wants to provide for RubyGems require "rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}" rescue LoadError end end end ## # Enables the require hook for RubyGems. require 'rubygems/custom_require' Gem.clear_paths