# -*- coding: us-ascii; mode: ruby; ruby-indent-level: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- # vim:sw=4:ts=4 # $Id$ # require_relative 'helper' require 'ostruct' # [ruby-core:01946] module Psych_Tests StructTest = Struct::new( :c ) end class Psych_Unit_Tests < Psych::TestCase def teardown Psych.domain_types.clear end def test_y_method assert_raises(NoMethodError) do OpenStruct.new.y 1 end end def test_syck_compat time = Time.utc(2010, 10, 10) yaml = Psych.dump time assert_match "2010-10-10 00:00:00.000000000 Z", yaml end # [ruby-core:34969] def test_regexp_with_n assert_cycle(Regexp.new('',0,'n')) end # # Tests modified from 00basic.t in Psych.pm # def test_basic_map # Simple map assert_parse_only( { 'one' => 'foo', 'three' => 'baz', 'two' => 'bar' }, <<EOY one: foo two: bar three: baz EOY ) end def test_basic_strings # Common string types assert_cycle("x") assert_cycle(":x") assert_cycle(":") assert_parse_only( { 1 => 'simple string', 2 => 42, 3 => '1 Single Quoted String', 4 => 'Psych\'s Double "Quoted" String', 5 => "A block\n with several\n lines.\n", 6 => "A \"chomped\" block", 7 => "A folded\n string\n", 8 => ": started string" }, <<EOY 1: simple string 2: 42 3: '1 Single Quoted String' 4: "Psych's Double \\\"Quoted\\\" String" 5: | A block with several lines. 6: |- A "chomped" block 7: > A folded string 8: ": started string" EOY ) end # # Test the specification examples # - Many examples have been changes because of whitespace problems that # caused the two to be inequivalent, or keys to be sorted wrong # def test_spec_simple_implicit_sequence # Simple implicit sequence assert_to_yaml( [ 'Mark McGwire', 'Sammy Sosa', 'Ken Griffey' ], <<EOY - Mark McGwire - Sammy Sosa - Ken Griffey EOY ) end def test_spec_simple_implicit_map # Simple implicit map assert_to_yaml( { 'hr' => 65, 'avg' => 0.278, 'rbi' => 147 }, <<EOY avg: 0.278 hr: 65 rbi: 147 EOY ) end def test_spec_simple_map_with_nested_sequences # Simple mapping with nested sequences assert_to_yaml( { 'american' => [ 'Boston Red Sox', 'Detroit Tigers', 'New York Yankees' ], 'national' => [ 'New York Mets', 'Chicago Cubs', 'Atlanta Braves' ] }, <<EOY american: - Boston Red Sox - Detroit Tigers - New York Yankees national: - New York Mets - Chicago Cubs - Atlanta Braves EOY ) end def test_spec_simple_sequence_with_nested_map # Simple sequence with nested map assert_to_yaml( [ {'name' => 'Mark McGwire', 'hr' => 65, 'avg' => 0.278}, {'name' => 'Sammy Sosa', 'hr' => 63, 'avg' => 0.288} ], <<EOY - avg: 0.278 hr: 65 name: Mark McGwire - avg: 0.288 hr: 63 name: Sammy Sosa EOY ) end def test_spec_sequence_of_sequences # Simple sequence with inline sequences assert_parse_only( [ [ 'name', 'hr', 'avg' ], [ 'Mark McGwire', 65, 0.278 ], [ 'Sammy Sosa', 63, 0.288 ] ], <<EOY - [ name , hr , avg ] - [ Mark McGwire , 65 , 0.278 ] - [ Sammy Sosa , 63 , 0.288 ] EOY ) end def test_spec_mapping_of_mappings # Simple map with inline maps assert_parse_only( { 'Mark McGwire' => { 'hr' => 65, 'avg' => 0.278 }, 'Sammy Sosa' => { 'hr' => 63, 'avg' => 0.288 } }, <<EOY Mark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278} Sammy Sosa: {hr: 63, avg: 0.288} EOY ) end def test_ambiguous_comments # [ruby-talk:88012] assert_to_yaml( "Call the method #dave", <<EOY ) --- "Call the method #dave" EOY end def test_spec_nested_comments # Map and sequences with comments assert_parse_only( { 'hr' => [ 'Mark McGwire', 'Sammy Sosa' ], 'rbi' => [ 'Sammy Sosa', 'Ken Griffey' ] }, <<EOY hr: # 1998 hr ranking - Mark McGwire - Sammy Sosa rbi: # 1998 rbi ranking - Sammy Sosa - Ken Griffey EOY ) end def test_spec_anchors_and_aliases # Anchors and aliases assert_parse_only( { 'hr' => [ 'Mark McGwire', 'Sammy Sosa' ], 'rbi' => [ 'Sammy Sosa', 'Ken Griffey' ] }, <<EOY hr: - Mark McGwire # Name "Sammy Sosa" scalar SS - &SS Sammy Sosa rbi: # So it can be referenced later. - *SS - Ken Griffey EOY ) assert_to_yaml( [{"arrival"=>"EDI", "departure"=>"LAX", "fareref"=>"DOGMA", "currency"=>"GBP"}, {"arrival"=>"MEL", "departure"=>"SYD", "fareref"=>"MADF", "currency"=>"AUD"}, {"arrival"=>"MCO", "departure"=>"JFK", "fareref"=>"DFSF", "currency"=>"USD"}], <<EOY - &F fareref: DOGMA &C currency: GBP &D departure: LAX &A arrival: EDI - { *F: MADF, *C: AUD, *D: SYD, *A: MEL } - { *F: DFSF, *C: USD, *D: JFK, *A: MCO } EOY ) assert_to_yaml( {"ALIASES"=>["fareref", "currency", "departure", "arrival"], "FARES"=>[{"arrival"=>"EDI", "departure"=>"LAX", "fareref"=>"DOGMA", "currency"=>"GBP"}, {"arrival"=>"MEL", "departure"=>"SYD", "fareref"=>"MADF", "currency"=>"AUD"}, {"arrival"=>"MCO", "departure"=>"JFK", "fareref"=>"DFSF", "currency"=>"USD"}]}, <<EOY --- ALIASES: [&f fareref, &c currency, &d departure, &a arrival] FARES: - *f: DOGMA *c: GBP *d: LAX *a: EDI - *f: MADF *c: AUD *d: SYD *a: MEL - *f: DFSF *c: USD *d: JFK *a: MCO EOY ) end def test_spec_mapping_between_sequences # Complex key #1 dj = Date.new( 2001, 7, 23 ) assert_parse_only( { [ 'Detroit Tigers', 'Chicago Cubs' ] => [ Date.new( 2001, 7, 23 ) ], [ 'New York Yankees', 'Atlanta Braves' ] => [ Date.new( 2001, 7, 2 ), Date.new( 2001, 8, 12 ), Date.new( 2001, 8, 14 ) ] }, <<EOY ? # PLAY SCHEDULE - Detroit Tigers - Chicago Cubs : - 2001-07-23 ? [ New York Yankees, Atlanta Braves ] : [ 2001-07-02, 2001-08-12, 2001-08-14 ] EOY ) # Complex key #2 assert_parse_only( { [ 'New York Yankees', 'Atlanta Braves' ] => [ Date.new( 2001, 7, 2 ), Date.new( 2001, 8, 12 ), Date.new( 2001, 8, 14 ) ], [ 'Detroit Tigers', 'Chicago Cubs' ] => [ Date.new( 2001, 7, 23 ) ] }, <<EOY ? - New York Yankees - Atlanta Braves : - 2001-07-02 - 2001-08-12 - 2001-08-14 ? - Detroit Tigers - Chicago Cubs : - 2001-07-23 EOY ) end def test_spec_sequence_key_shortcut # Shortcut sequence map assert_parse_only( { 'invoice' => 34843, 'date' => Date.new( 2001, 1, 23 ), 'bill-to' => 'Chris Dumars', 'product' => [ { 'item' => 'Super Hoop', 'quantity' => 1 }, { 'item' => 'Basketball', 'quantity' => 4 }, { 'item' => 'Big Shoes', 'quantity' => 1 } ] }, <<EOY invoice: 34843 date : 2001-01-23 bill-to: Chris Dumars product: - item : Super Hoop quantity: 1 - item : Basketball quantity: 4 - item : Big Shoes quantity: 1 EOY ) end def test_spec_sequence_in_sequence_shortcut # Seq-in-seq assert_parse_only( [ [ [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] ] ], <<EOY ) - - - one - two - three EOY end def test_spec_sequence_shortcuts # Sequence shortcuts combined assert_parse_only( [ [ [ [ 'one' ] ], [ 'two', 'three' ], { 'four' => nil }, [ { 'five' => [ 'six' ] } ], [ 'seven' ] ], [ 'eight', 'nine' ] ], <<EOY ) - - - - one - - two - three - four: - - five: - six - - seven - - eight - nine EOY end def test_spec_single_literal # Literal scalar block assert_parse_only( [ "\\/|\\/|\n/ | |_\n" ], <<EOY ) - | \\/|\\/| / | |_ EOY end def test_spec_single_folded # Folded scalar block assert_parse_only( [ "Mark McGwire's year was crippled by a knee injury.\n" ], <<EOY - > Mark McGwire\'s year was crippled by a knee injury. EOY ) end def test_spec_preserve_indent # Preserve indented spaces assert_parse_only( "Sammy Sosa completed another fine season with great stats.\n\n 63 Home Runs\n 0.288 Batting Average\n\nWhat a year!\n", <<EOY --- > Sammy Sosa completed another fine season with great stats. 63 Home Runs 0.288 Batting Average What a year! EOY ) end def test_spec_indentation_determines_scope assert_parse_only( { 'name' => 'Mark McGwire', 'accomplishment' => "Mark set a major league home run record in 1998.\n", 'stats' => "65 Home Runs\n0.278 Batting Average\n" }, <<EOY name: Mark McGwire accomplishment: > Mark set a major league home run record in 1998. stats: | 65 Home Runs 0.278 Batting Average EOY ) end def test_spec_multiline_scalars # Multiline flow scalars assert_parse_only( { 'plain' => 'This unquoted scalar spans many lines.', 'quoted' => "So does this quoted scalar.\n" }, <<EOY plain: This unquoted scalar spans many lines. quoted: "\\ So does this quoted scalar.\\n" EOY ) end def test_spec_type_int assert_parse_only( { 'canonical' => 12345, 'decimal' => 12345, 'octal' => '014'.oct, 'hexadecimal' => '0xC'.hex }, <<EOY canonical: 12345 decimal: +12,345 octal: 014 hexadecimal: 0xC EOY ) assert_parse_only( { 'canonical' => 685230, 'decimal' => 685230, 'octal' => 02472256, 'hexadecimal' => 0x0A74AE, 'sexagesimal' => 685230 }, <<EOY) canonical: 685230 decimal: +685,230 octal: 02472256 hexadecimal: 0x0A,74,AE sexagesimal: 190:20:30 EOY end def test_spec_type_float assert_parse_only( { 'canonical' => 1230.15, 'exponential' => 1230.15, 'fixed' => 1230.15, 'negative infinity' => -1.0/0.0 }, <<EOY) canonical: 1.23015e+3 exponential: 12.3015e+02 fixed: 1,230.15 negative infinity: -.inf EOY nan = Psych::load( <<EOY ) not a number: .NaN EOY assert( nan['not a number'].nan? ) end def test_spec_type_misc assert_parse_only( { nil => nil, true => true, false => false, 'string' => '12345' }, <<EOY null: ~ true: yes false: no string: '12345' EOY ) end def test_spec_complex_invoice # Complex invoice type id001 = { 'given' => 'Chris', 'family' => 'Dumars', 'address' => { 'lines' => "458 Walkman Dr.\nSuite #292\n", 'city' => 'Royal Oak', 'state' => 'MI', 'postal' => 48046 } } assert_parse_only( { 'invoice' => 34843, 'date' => Date.new( 2001, 1, 23 ), 'bill-to' => id001, 'ship-to' => id001, 'product' => [ { 'sku' => 'BL394D', 'quantity' => 4, 'description' => 'Basketball', 'price' => 450.00 }, { 'sku' => 'BL4438H', 'quantity' => 1, 'description' => 'Super Hoop', 'price' => 2392.00 } ], 'tax' => 251.42, 'total' => 4443.52, 'comments' => "Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338.\n" }, <<EOY invoice: 34843 date : 2001-01-23 bill-to: &id001 given : Chris family : !str Dumars address: lines: | 458 Walkman Dr. Suite #292 city : Royal Oak state : MI postal : 48046 ship-to: *id001 product: - !map sku : BL394D quantity : 4 description : Basketball price : 450.00 - sku : BL4438H quantity : 1 description : Super Hoop price : 2392.00 tax : 251.42 total: 4443.52 comments: > Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338. EOY ) end def test_spec_log_file doc_ct = 0 Psych::load_documents( <<EOY --- Time: 2001-11-23 15:01:42 -05:00 User: ed Warning: > This is an error message for the log file --- Time: 2001-11-23 15:02:31 -05:00 User: ed Warning: > A slightly different error message. --- Date: 2001-11-23 15:03:17 -05:00 User: ed Fatal: > Unknown variable "bar" Stack: - file: TopClass.py line: 23 code: | x = MoreObject("345\\n") - file: MoreClass.py line: 58 code: |- foo = bar EOY ) { |doc| case doc_ct when 0 assert_equal( doc, { 'Time' => mktime( 2001, 11, 23, 15, 01, 42, 00, "-05:00" ), 'User' => 'ed', 'Warning' => "This is an error message for the log file\n" } ) when 1 assert_equal( doc, { 'Time' => mktime( 2001, 11, 23, 15, 02, 31, 00, "-05:00" ), 'User' => 'ed', 'Warning' => "A slightly different error message.\n" } ) when 2 assert_equal( doc, { 'Date' => mktime( 2001, 11, 23, 15, 03, 17, 00, "-05:00" ), 'User' => 'ed', 'Fatal' => "Unknown variable \"bar\"\n", 'Stack' => [ { 'file' => 'TopClass.py', 'line' => 23, 'code' => "x = MoreObject(\"345\\n\")\n" }, { 'file' => 'MoreClass.py', 'line' => 58, 'code' => "foo = bar" } ] } ) end doc_ct += 1 } assert_equal( doc_ct, 3 ) end def test_spec_root_fold y = Psych::load( <<EOY --- This Psych stream contains a single text value. The next stream is a log file - a sequence of log entries. Adding an entry to the log is a simple matter of appending it at the end. EOY ) assert_equal( y, "This Psych stream contains a single text value. The next stream is a log file - a sequence of log entries. Adding an entry to the log is a simple matter of appending it at the end." ) end def test_spec_root_mapping y = Psych::load( <<EOY # This stream is an example of a top-level mapping. invoice : 34843 date : 2001-01-23 total : 4443.52 EOY ) assert_equal( y, { 'invoice' => 34843, 'date' => Date.new( 2001, 1, 23 ), 'total' => 4443.52 } ) end def test_spec_oneline_docs doc_ct = 0 Psych::load_documents( <<EOY # The following is a sequence of three documents. # The first contains an empty mapping, the second # an empty sequence, and the last an empty string. --- {} --- [ ] --- '' EOY ) { |doc| case doc_ct when 0 assert_equal( doc, {} ) when 1 assert_equal( doc, [] ) when 2 assert_equal( doc, '' ) end doc_ct += 1 } assert_equal( doc_ct, 3 ) end def test_spec_domain_prefix customer_proc = proc { |type, val| if Hash === val scheme, domain, type = type.split( ':', 3 ) val['type'] = "domain #{type}" val else raise ArgumentError, "Not a Hash in domain.tld,2002/invoice: " + val.inspect end } Psych.add_domain_type( "domain.tld,2002", 'invoice', &customer_proc ) Psych.add_domain_type( "domain.tld,2002", 'customer', &customer_proc ) assert_parse_only( { "invoice"=> { "customers"=> [ { "given"=>"Chris", "type"=>"domain customer", "family"=>"Dumars" } ], "type"=>"domain invoice" } }, <<EOY # 'http://domain.tld,2002/invoice' is some type family. invoice: !domain.tld,2002/invoice # 'seq' is shorthand for 'http://yaml.org/seq'. # This does not effect '^customer' below # because it is does not specify a prefix. customers: !seq # '^customer' is shorthand for the full # notation 'http://domain.tld,2002/customer'. - !customer given : Chris family : Dumars EOY ) end def test_spec_throwaway assert_parse_only( {"this"=>"contains three lines of text.\nThe third one starts with a\n# character. This isn't a comment.\n"}, <<EOY ### These are four throwaway comment ### ### lines (the second line is empty). ### this: | # Comments may trail lines. contains three lines of text. The third one starts with a # character. This isn't a comment. # These are three throwaway comment # lines (the first line is empty). EOY ) end def test_spec_force_implicit # Force implicit assert_parse_only( { 'integer' => 12, 'also int' => 12, 'string' => '12' }, <<EOY integer: 12 also int: ! "12" string: !str 12 EOY ) end ### # Commenting out this test. This line: # # - !domain.tld,2002/type\\x30 value # # Is invalid according to the YAML spec: # # http://yaml.org/spec/1.1/#id896876 # # def test_spec_url_escaping # Psych.add_domain_type( "domain.tld,2002", "type0" ) { |type, val| # "ONE: #{val}" # } # Psych.add_domain_type( "domain.tld,2002", "type%30" ) { |type, val| # "TWO: #{val}" # } # assert_parse_only( # { 'same' => [ 'ONE: value', 'ONE: value' ], 'different' => [ 'TWO: value' ] }, <<EOY #same: # - !domain.tld,2002/type\\x30 value # - !domain.tld,2002/type0 value #different: # As far as the Psych parser is concerned # - !domain.tld,2002/type%30 value #EOY # ) # end def test_spec_override_anchor # Override anchor a001 = "The alias node below is a repeated use of this value.\n" assert_parse_only( { 'anchor' => 'This scalar has an anchor.', 'override' => a001, 'alias' => a001 }, <<EOY anchor : &A001 This scalar has an anchor. override : &A001 > The alias node below is a repeated use of this value. alias : *A001 EOY ) end def test_spec_explicit_families Psych.add_domain_type( "somewhere.com,2002", 'type' ) { |type, val| "SOMEWHERE: #{val}" } assert_parse_only( { 'not-date' => '2002-04-28', 'picture' => "GIF89a\f\000\f\000\204\000\000\377\377\367\365\365\356\351\351\345fff\000\000\000\347\347\347^^^\363\363\355\216\216\216\340\340\340\237\237\237\223\223\223\247\247\247\236\236\236i^\020' \202\n\001\000;", 'hmm' => "SOMEWHERE: family above is short for\nhttp://somewhere.com/type\n" }, <<EOY not-date: !str 2002-04-28 picture: !binary | R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X 17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXv Pz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp 56enmleECcgggoBADs= hmm: !somewhere.com,2002/type | family above is short for http://somewhere.com/type EOY ) end def test_spec_application_family # Testing the clarkevans.com graphs Psych.add_domain_type( "clarkevans.com,2002", 'graph/shape' ) { |type, val| if Array === val val << "Shape Container" val else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid graph of type #{val.class}: " + val.inspect end } one_shape_proc = Proc.new { |type, val| if Hash === val type = type.split( /:/ ) val['TYPE'] = "Shape: #{type[2]}" val else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid graph of type #{val.class}: " + val.inspect end } Psych.add_domain_type( "clarkevans.com,2002", 'graph/circle', &one_shape_proc ) Psych.add_domain_type( "clarkevans.com,2002", 'graph/line', &one_shape_proc ) Psych.add_domain_type( "clarkevans.com,2002", 'graph/text', &one_shape_proc ) # MODIFIED to remove invalid Psych assert_parse_only( [[{"radius"=>7, "center"=>{"x"=>73, "y"=>129}, "TYPE"=>"Shape: graph/circle"}, {"finish"=>{"x"=>89, "y"=>102}, "TYPE"=>"Shape: graph/line", "start"=>{"x"=>73, "y"=>129}}, {"TYPE"=>"Shape: graph/text", "value"=>"Pretty vector drawing.", "start"=>{"x"=>73, "y"=>129}, "color"=>16772795}, "Shape Container"]], <<EOY - !clarkevans.com,2002/graph/shape - !/graph/circle center: &ORIGIN {x: 73, y: 129} radius: 7 - !/graph/line # !clarkevans.com,2002/graph/line start: *ORIGIN finish: { x: 89, y: 102 } - !/graph/text start: *ORIGIN color: 0xFFEEBB value: Pretty vector drawing. EOY ) end def test_spec_float_explicit assert_parse_only( [ 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 ], <<EOY # All entries in the sequence # have the same type and value. - 10.0 - !float 10 - !yaml.org,2002/float '10' - !yaml.org,2002/float "\\ 1\\ 0" EOY ) end def test_spec_builtin_seq # Assortment of sequences assert_parse_only( { 'empty' => [], 'in-line' => [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' ], 'nested' => [ 'First item in top sequence', [ 'Subordinate sequence entry' ], "A multi-line sequence entry\n", 'Sixth item in top sequence' ] }, <<EOY empty: [] in-line: [ one, two, three # May span lines, , four, # indentation is five ] # mostly ignored. nested: - First item in top sequence - - Subordinate sequence entry - > A multi-line sequence entry - Sixth item in top sequence EOY ) end def test_spec_builtin_map # Assortment of mappings assert_parse_only( { 'empty' => {}, 'in-line' => { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2 }, 'spanning' => { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2 }, 'nested' => { 'first' => 'First entry', 'second' => { 'key' => 'Subordinate mapping' }, 'third' => [ 'Subordinate sequence', {}, 'Previous mapping is empty.', { 'A key' => 'value pair in a sequence.', 'A second' => 'key:value pair.' }, 'The previous entry is equal to the following one.', { 'A key' => 'value pair in a sequence.', 'A second' => 'key:value pair.' } ], 12.0 => 'This key is a float.', "?\n" => 'This key had to be protected.', "\a" => 'This key had to be escaped.', "This is a multi-line folded key\n" => "Whose value is also multi-line.\n", [ 'This key', 'is a sequence' ] => [ 'With a sequence value.' ] } }, <<EOY empty: {} in-line: { one: 1, two: 2 } spanning: { one: 1, two: 2 } nested: first : First entry second: key: Subordinate mapping third: - Subordinate sequence - { } - Previous mapping is empty. - A key: value pair in a sequence. A second: key:value pair. - The previous entry is equal to the following one. - A key: value pair in a sequence. A second: key:value pair. !float 12 : This key is a float. ? > ? : This key had to be protected. "\\a" : This key had to be escaped. ? > This is a multi-line folded key : > Whose value is also multi-line. ? - This key - is a sequence : - With a sequence value. # The following parses correctly, # but Ruby 1.6.* fails the comparison! # ? # This: key # is a: mapping # : # with a: mapping value. EOY ) end def test_spec_builtin_literal_blocks # Assortment of literal scalar blocks assert_parse_only( {"both are equal to"=>" This has no newline.", "is equal to"=>"The \\ ' \" characters may be\nfreely used. Leading white\n space is significant.\n\nLine breaks are significant.\nThus this value contains one\nempty line and ends with a\nsingle line break, but does\nnot start with one.\n", "also written as"=>" This has no newline.", "indented and chomped"=>" This has no newline.", "empty"=>"", "literal"=>"The \\ ' \" characters may be\nfreely used. Leading white\n space is significant.\n\nLine breaks are significant.\nThus this value contains one\nempty line and ends with a\nsingle line break, but does\nnot start with one.\n"}, <<EOY empty: | literal: | The \\\ ' " characters may be freely used. Leading white space is significant. Line breaks are significant. Thus this value contains one empty line and ends with a single line break, but does not start with one. is equal to: "The \\\\ ' \\" characters may \\ be\\nfreely used. Leading white\\n space \\ is significant.\\n\\nLine breaks are \\ significant.\\nThus this value contains \\ one\\nempty line and ends with a\\nsingle \\ line break, but does\\nnot start with one.\\n" # Comments may follow a nested # scalar value. They must be # less indented. # Modifiers may be combined in any order. indented and chomped: |2- This has no newline. also written as: |-2 This has no newline. both are equal to: " This has no newline." EOY ) str1 = "This has one newline.\n" str2 = "This has no newline." str3 = "This has two newlines.\n\n" assert_parse_only( { 'clipped' => str1, 'same as "clipped" above' => str1, 'stripped' => str2, 'same as "stripped" above' => str2, 'kept' => str3, 'same as "kept" above' => str3 }, <<EOY clipped: | This has one newline. same as "clipped" above: "This has one newline.\\n" stripped: |- This has no newline. same as "stripped" above: "This has no newline." kept: |+ This has two newlines. same as "kept" above: "This has two newlines.\\n\\n" EOY ) end def test_spec_span_single_quote assert_parse_only( {"third"=>"a single quote ' must be escaped.", "second"=>"! : \\ etc. can be used freely.", "is same as"=>"this contains six spaces\nand one line break", "empty"=>"", "span"=>"this contains six spaces\nand one line break"}, <<EOY empty: '' second: '! : \\ etc. can be used freely.' third: 'a single quote '' must be escaped.' span: 'this contains six spaces and one line break' is same as: "this contains six spaces\\nand one line break" EOY ) end def test_spec_span_double_quote assert_parse_only( {"is equal to"=>"this contains four spaces", "third"=>"a \" or a \\ must be escaped.", "second"=>"! : etc. can be used freely.", "empty"=>"", "fourth"=>"this value ends with an LF.\n", "span"=>"this contains four spaces"}, <<EOY empty: "" second: "! : etc. can be used freely." third: "a \\\" or a \\\\ must be escaped." fourth: "this value ends with an LF.\\n" span: "this contains four \\ spaces" is equal to: "this contains four spaces" EOY ) end def test_spec_builtin_time # Time assert_parse_only( { "space separated" => mktime( 2001, 12, 14, 21, 59, 43, ".10", "-05:00" ), "canonical" => mktime( 2001, 12, 15, 2, 59, 43, ".10" ), "date (noon UTC)" => Date.new( 2002, 12, 14), "valid iso8601" => mktime( 2001, 12, 14, 21, 59, 43, ".10", "-05:00" ) }, <<EOY canonical: 2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z valid iso8601: 2001-12-14t21:59:43.10-05:00 space separated: 2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -05:00 date (noon UTC): 2002-12-14 EOY ) end def test_spec_builtin_binary arrow_gif = "GIF89a\f\000\f\000\204\000\000\377\377\367\365\365\356\351\351\345fff\000\000\000\347\347\347^^^\363\363\355\216\216\216\340\340\340\237\237\237\223\223\223\247\247\247\236\236\236iiiccc\243\243\243\204\204\204\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371\377\376\371!\376\016Made with GIMP\000,\000\000\000\000\f\000\f\000\000\005, \216\2010\236\343@\024\350i\020\304\321\212\010\034\317\200M$z\357\3770\205p\270\2601f\r\e\316\001\303\001\036\020' \202\n\001\000;" assert_parse_only( { 'canonical' => arrow_gif, 'base64' => arrow_gif, 'description' => "The binary value above is a tiny arrow encoded as a gif image.\n" }, <<EOY canonical: !binary "\\ R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOf\\ n515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaW\\ NjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++\\ f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUg\\ d2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuN\\ AFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84Bww\\ EeECcgggoBADs=" base64: !binary | R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOf n515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaW NjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++ f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUg d2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuN AFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84Bww EeECcgggoBADs= description: > The binary value above is a tiny arrow encoded as a gif image. EOY ) end def test_ruby_regexp # Test Ruby regular expressions assert_to_yaml( { 'simple' => /a.b/, 'complex' => %r'\A"((?:[^"]|\")+)"', 'case-insensitive' => /George McFly/i }, <<EOY case-insensitive: !ruby/regexp "/George McFly/i" complex: !ruby/regexp "/\\\\A\\"((?:[^\\"]|\\\\\\")+)\\"/" simple: !ruby/regexp "/a.b/" EOY ) end # # Test of Ranges # def test_ranges # Simple numeric assert_to_yaml( 1..3, <<EOY ) --- !ruby/range 1..3 EOY # Simple alphabetic assert_to_yaml( 'a'..'z', <<EOY ) --- !ruby/range a..z EOY # Float assert_to_yaml( 10.5...30.3, <<EOY ) --- !ruby/range 10.5...30.3 EOY end def test_ruby_struct # Ruby structures book_struct = Struct::new( "MyBookStruct", :author, :title, :year, :isbn ) assert_to_yaml( [ book_struct.new( "Yukihiro Matsumoto", "Ruby in a Nutshell", 2002, "0-596-00214-9" ), book_struct.new( [ 'Dave Thomas', 'Andy Hunt' ], "The Pickaxe", 2002, book_struct.new( "This should be the ISBN", "but I have another struct here", 2002, "None" ) ) ], <<EOY - !ruby/struct:MyBookStruct author: Yukihiro Matsumoto title: Ruby in a Nutshell year: 2002 isbn: 0-596-00214-9 - !ruby/struct:MyBookStruct author: - Dave Thomas - Andy Hunt title: The Pickaxe year: 2002 isbn: !ruby/struct:MyBookStruct author: This should be the ISBN title: but I have another struct here year: 2002 isbn: None EOY ) assert_to_yaml( Psych_Tests::StructTest.new( 123 ), <<EOY ) --- !ruby/struct:Psych_Tests::StructTest c: 123 EOY end def test_ruby_rational assert_to_yaml( Rational(1, 2), <<EOY ) --- !ruby/object:Rational numerator: 1 denominator: 2 EOY # Read Psych dumped by the ruby 1.8.3. assert_to_yaml( Rational(1, 2), "!ruby/object:Rational 1/2\n" ) assert_raises( ArgumentError ) { Psych.load("!ruby/object:Rational INVALID/RATIONAL\n") } end def test_ruby_complex assert_to_yaml( Complex(3, 4), <<EOY ) --- !ruby/object:Complex image: 4 real: 3 EOY # Read Psych dumped by the ruby 1.8.3. assert_to_yaml( Complex(3, 4), "!ruby/object:Complex 3+4i\n" ) assert_raises( ArgumentError ) { Psych.load("!ruby/object:Complex INVALID+COMPLEXi\n") } end def test_emitting_indicators assert_to_yaml( "Hi, from Object 1. You passed: please, pretty please", <<EOY --- "Hi, from Object 1. You passed: please, pretty please" EOY ) end ## ## Test the Psych::Stream class -- INACTIVE at the moment ## #def test_document # y = Psych::Stream.new( :Indent => 2, :UseVersion => 0 ) # y.add( # { 'hi' => 'hello', 'map' => # { 'good' => 'two' }, # 'time' => Time.now, # 'try' => /^po(.*)$/, # 'bye' => 'goodbye' # } # ) # y.add( { 'po' => 'nil', 'oper' => 90 } ) # y.add( { 'hi' => 'wow!', 'bye' => 'wow!' } ) # y.add( { [ 'Red Socks', 'Boston' ] => [ 'One', 'Two', 'Three' ] } ) # y.add( [ true, false, false ] ) #end # # Test YPath choices parsing # #def test_ypath_parsing # assert_path_segments( "/*/((one|three)/name|place)|//place", # [ ["*", "one", "name"], # ["*", "three", "name"], # ["*", "place"], # ["/", "place"] ] # ) #end # # Tests from Tanaka Akira on [ruby-core] # def test_akira # Commas in plain scalars [ruby-core:1066] assert_to_yaml( {"A"=>"A,","B"=>"B"}, <<EOY A: "A," B: B EOY ) # Double-quoted keys [ruby-core:1069] assert_to_yaml( {"1"=>2, "2"=>3}, <<EOY '1': 2 "2": 3 EOY ) # Anchored mapping [ruby-core:1071] assert_to_yaml( [{"a"=>"b"}] * 2, <<EOY - &id001 a: b - *id001 EOY ) # Stress test [ruby-core:1071] # a = []; 1000.times { a << {"a"=>"b", "c"=>"d"} } # Psych::load( a.to_yaml ) end # # Test Time.now cycle # def test_time_now_cycle # # From Minero Aoki [ruby-core:2305] # #require 'yaml' t = Time.now t = Time.at(t.tv_sec, t.tv_usec) 5.times do assert_cycle(t) end end # # Test Range cycle # def test_range_cycle # # From Minero Aoki [ruby-core:02306] # assert_cycle("a".."z") # # From Nobu Nakada [ruby-core:02311] # assert_cycle(0..1) assert_cycle(1.0e20 .. 2.0e20) assert_cycle("0".."1") assert_cycle(".."..."...") assert_cycle(".rb"..".pl") assert_cycle(".rb"...".pl") assert_cycle('"'...".") assert_cycle("'"...".") end # # Circular references # def test_circular_references a = []; a[0] = a; a[1] = a inspect_str = "[[...], [...]]" assert_equal( inspect_str, Psych::load(Psych.dump(a)).inspect ) end # # Test Symbol cycle # def test_symbol_cycle # # From Aaron Schrab [ruby-Bugs:2535] # assert_cycle(:"^foo") end # # Test Numeric cycle # class NumericTest < Numeric def initialize(value) @value = value end def ==(other) @value == other.instance_eval{ @value } end end def test_numeric_cycle assert_cycle(1) # Fixnum assert_cycle(111111111111111111111111111111111) # Bignum assert_cycle(NumericTest.new(3)) # Subclass of Numeric end # # Test empty map/seq in map cycle # def test_empty_map_key # # empty seq as key # assert_cycle({[]=>""}) # # empty map as key # assert_cycle({{}=>""}) end # # contributed by riley lynch [ruby-Bugs-8548] # def test_object_id_collision omap = Psych::Omap.new 1000.times { |i| omap["key_#{i}"] = { "value" => i } } raise "id collision in ordered map" if Psych.dump(omap) =~ /id\d+/ end def test_date_out_of_range Psych::load('1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00') end def test_normal_exit Psych.load("2000-01-01 00:00:00.#{"0"*1000} +00:00\n") # '[ruby-core:13735]' end def test_multiline_string_uses_literal_style yaml = Psych.dump("multi\nline\nstring") assert_match("|", yaml) end def test_string_starting_with_non_word_character_uses_double_quotes_without_exclamation_mark yaml = Psych.dump("@123'abc") refute_match("!", yaml) end def test_string_dump_with_colon yaml = Psych.dump 'x: foo' refute_match '!', yaml end def test_string_dump_starting_with_star yaml = Psych.dump '*foo' refute_match '!', yaml end end