/* * This file is included by vm.h */ #define CACHE_SIZE 0x800 #define CACHE_MASK 0x7ff #define EXPR1(c,m) ((((c)>>3)^(m))&CACHE_MASK) static void rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method(const NODE *node); static ID object_id; static ID removed, singleton_removed, undefined, singleton_undefined; static ID added, singleton_added; struct cache_entry { /* method hash table. */ ID mid; /* method's id */ ID mid0; /* method's original id */ VALUE klass; /* receiver's class */ VALUE oklass; /* original's class */ NODE *method; }; static struct cache_entry cache[CACHE_SIZE]; #define ruby_running (GET_VM()->running) /* int ruby_running = 0; */ void rb_clear_cache(void) { struct cache_entry *ent, *end; rb_vm_change_state(); if (!ruby_running) return; ent = cache; end = ent + CACHE_SIZE; while (ent < end) { ent->mid = 0; ent++; } } static void rb_clear_cache_for_undef(VALUE klass, ID id) { struct cache_entry *ent, *end; rb_vm_change_state(); if (!ruby_running) return; ent = cache; end = ent + CACHE_SIZE; while (ent < end) { if (ent->oklass == klass && ent->mid == id) { ent->mid = 0; } ent++; } } static void rb_clear_cache_by_id(ID id) { struct cache_entry *ent, *end; rb_vm_change_state(); if (!ruby_running) return; ent = cache; end = ent + CACHE_SIZE; while (ent < end) { if (ent->mid == id) { ent->mid = 0; } ent++; } } void rb_clear_cache_by_class(VALUE klass) { struct cache_entry *ent, *end; rb_vm_change_state(); if (!ruby_running) return; ent = cache; end = ent + CACHE_SIZE; while (ent < end) { if (ent->klass == klass || ent->oklass == klass) { ent->mid = 0; } ent++; } } void rb_add_method(VALUE klass, ID mid, NODE * node, int noex) { NODE *body; if (NIL_P(klass)) { klass = rb_cObject; } if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && (klass == rb_cObject || !OBJ_UNTRUSTED(klass))) { rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't define method"); } if (!FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON) && node && nd_type(node) != NODE_ZSUPER && (mid == rb_intern("initialize") || mid == rb_intern("initialize_copy"))) { noex = NOEX_PRIVATE | noex; } else if (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON) && node && nd_type(node) == NODE_CFUNC && mid == rb_intern("allocate")) { rb_warn ("defining %s.allocate is deprecated; use rb_define_alloc_func()", rb_class2name(rb_iv_get(klass, "__attached__"))); mid = ID_ALLOCATOR; } if (OBJ_FROZEN(klass)) { rb_error_frozen("class/module"); } rb_clear_cache_by_id(mid); /* * NODE_METHOD (NEW_METHOD(body, klass, vis)): * nd_file : original id // RBASIC()->klass (TODO: dirty hack) * nd_body : method body // (2) // mark * nd_clss : klass // (1) // mark * nd_noex : visibility // (3) * * NODE_FBODY (NEW_FBODY(method, alias)): * nd_body : method (NODE_METHOD) // (2) // mark * nd_oid : original id // (1) * nd_cnt : alias count // (3) */ if (node) { NODE *method = NEW_METHOD(node, klass, NOEX_WITH_SAFE(noex)); method->nd_file = (void *)mid; body = NEW_FBODY(method, mid); } else { body = 0; } { /* check re-definition */ st_data_t data; NODE *old_node; if (st_lookup(RCLASS_M_TBL(klass), mid, &data)) { old_node = (NODE *)data; if (old_node) { if (nd_type(old_node->nd_body->nd_body) == NODE_CFUNC) { rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method(old_node); } if (RTEST(ruby_verbose) && node && old_node->nd_cnt == 0 && old_node->nd_body) { rb_warning("method redefined; discarding old %s", rb_id2name(mid)); } } } if (klass == rb_cObject && node && mid == idInitialize) { rb_warn("redefining Object#initialize may cause infinite loop"); } if (mid == object_id || mid == id__send__) { if (node && nd_type(node) == RUBY_VM_METHOD_NODE) { rb_warn("redefining `%s' may cause serious problem", rb_id2name(mid)); } } } st_insert(RCLASS_M_TBL(klass), mid, (st_data_t) body); if (node && mid != ID_ALLOCATOR && ruby_running) { if (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON)) { rb_funcall(rb_iv_get(klass, "__attached__"), singleton_added, 1, ID2SYM(mid)); } else { rb_funcall(klass, added, 1, ID2SYM(mid)); } } } void rb_define_alloc_func(VALUE klass, VALUE (*func)(VALUE)) { Check_Type(klass, T_CLASS); rb_add_method(rb_singleton_class(klass), ID_ALLOCATOR, NEW_CFUNC(func, 0), NOEX_PRIVATE); } void rb_undef_alloc_func(VALUE klass) { Check_Type(klass, T_CLASS); rb_add_method(rb_singleton_class(klass), ID_ALLOCATOR, 0, NOEX_UNDEF); } rb_alloc_func_t rb_get_alloc_func(VALUE klass) { NODE *n; Check_Type(klass, T_CLASS); n = rb_method_node(CLASS_OF(klass), ID_ALLOCATOR); if (!n) return 0; if (nd_type(n) != NODE_METHOD) return 0; n = n->nd_body; if (nd_type(n) != NODE_CFUNC) return 0; return (rb_alloc_func_t)n->nd_cfnc; } static NODE * search_method(VALUE klass, ID id, VALUE *klassp) { st_data_t body; if (!klass) { return 0; } while (!st_lookup(RCLASS_M_TBL(klass), id, &body)) { klass = RCLASS_SUPER(klass); if (!klass) return 0; } if (klassp) { *klassp = klass; } return (NODE *)body; } /* * search method body (NODE_METHOD) * with : klass and id * without : method cache * * if you need method node with method cache, use * rb_method_node() */ NODE * rb_get_method_body(VALUE klass, ID id, ID *idp) { NODE *volatile fbody, *body; NODE *method; if ((fbody = search_method(klass, id, 0)) == 0 || !fbody->nd_body) { /* store empty info in cache */ struct cache_entry *ent; ent = cache + EXPR1(klass, id); ent->klass = klass; ent->mid = ent->mid0 = id; ent->method = 0; ent->oklass = 0; return 0; } method = fbody->nd_body; if (ruby_running) { /* store in cache */ struct cache_entry *ent; ent = cache + EXPR1(klass, id); ent->klass = klass; ent->mid = id; ent->mid0 = fbody->nd_oid; ent->method = body = method; ent->oklass = method->nd_clss; } else { body = method; } if (idp) { *idp = fbody->nd_oid; } return body; } NODE * rb_method_node(VALUE klass, ID id) { struct cache_entry *ent; ent = cache + EXPR1(klass, id); if (ent->mid == id && ent->klass == klass) { if (ent->method) return ent->method; return 0; } return rb_get_method_body(klass, id, 0); } static void remove_method(VALUE klass, ID mid) { st_data_t data; NODE *body = 0; if (klass == rb_cObject) { rb_secure(4); } if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && !OBJ_UNTRUSTED(klass)) { rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't remove method"); } if (OBJ_FROZEN(klass)) rb_error_frozen("class/module"); if (mid == object_id || mid == id__send__ || mid == idInitialize) { rb_warn("removing `%s' may cause serious problem", rb_id2name(mid)); } if (st_lookup(RCLASS_M_TBL(klass), mid, &data)) { body = (NODE *)data; if (!body || !body->nd_body) body = 0; else { st_delete(RCLASS_M_TBL(klass), &mid, &data); } } if (!body) { rb_name_error(mid, "method `%s' not defined in %s", rb_id2name(mid), rb_class2name(klass)); } if (nd_type(body->nd_body->nd_body) == NODE_CFUNC) { rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method(body); } rb_clear_cache_for_undef(klass, mid); if (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON)) { rb_funcall(rb_iv_get(klass, "__attached__"), singleton_removed, 1, ID2SYM(mid)); } else { rb_funcall(klass, removed, 1, ID2SYM(mid)); } } void rb_remove_method(VALUE klass, const char *name) { remove_method(klass, rb_intern(name)); } /* * call-seq: * remove_method(symbol) => self * * Removes the method identified by _symbol_ from the current * class. For an example, see <code>Module.undef_method</code>. */ static VALUE rb_mod_remove_method(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod) { int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { remove_method(mod, rb_to_id(argv[i])); } return mod; } #undef rb_disable_super #undef rb_enable_super void rb_disable_super(VALUE klass, const char *name) { /* obsolete - no use */ } void rb_enable_super(VALUE klass, const char *name) { rb_warning("rb_enable_super() is obsolete"); } static void rb_export_method(VALUE klass, ID name, ID noex) { NODE *fbody; VALUE origin; if (klass == rb_cObject) { rb_secure(4); } fbody = search_method(klass, name, &origin); if (!fbody && TYPE(klass) == T_MODULE) { fbody = search_method(rb_cObject, name, &origin); } if (!fbody || !fbody->nd_body) { rb_print_undef(klass, name, 0); } if (fbody->nd_body->nd_noex != noex) { if (nd_type(fbody->nd_body->nd_body) == NODE_CFUNC) { rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method(fbody); } if (klass == origin) { fbody->nd_body->nd_noex = noex; } else { rb_add_method(klass, name, NEW_ZSUPER(), noex); } } } int rb_method_boundp(VALUE klass, ID id, int ex) { NODE *method; if ((method = rb_method_node(klass, id)) != 0) { if (ex && (method->nd_noex & NOEX_PRIVATE)) { return Qfalse; } return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; } void rb_attr(VALUE klass, ID id, int read, int write, int ex) { const char *name; ID attriv; int noex; if (!ex) { noex = NOEX_PUBLIC; } else { if (SCOPE_TEST(NOEX_PRIVATE)) { noex = NOEX_PRIVATE; rb_warning((SCOPE_CHECK(NOEX_MODFUNC)) ? "attribute accessor as module_function" : "private attribute?"); } else if (SCOPE_TEST(NOEX_PROTECTED)) { noex = NOEX_PROTECTED; } else { noex = NOEX_PUBLIC; } } if (!rb_is_local_id(id) && !rb_is_const_id(id)) { rb_name_error(id, "invalid attribute name `%s'", rb_id2name(id)); } name = rb_id2name(id); if (!name) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument needs to be symbol or string"); } attriv = rb_intern_str(rb_sprintf("@%s", name)); if (read) { rb_add_method(klass, id, NEW_IVAR(attriv), noex); } if (write) { rb_add_method(klass, rb_id_attrset(id), NEW_ATTRSET(attriv), noex); } } void rb_undef(VALUE klass, ID id) { VALUE origin; NODE *body; if (rb_vm_cbase() == rb_cObject && klass == rb_cObject) { rb_secure(4); } if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && !OBJ_UNTRUSTED(klass)) { rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't undef `%s'", rb_id2name(id)); } rb_frozen_class_p(klass); if (id == object_id || id == id__send__ || id == idInitialize) { rb_warn("undefining `%s' may cause serious problem", rb_id2name(id)); } body = search_method(klass, id, &origin); if (!body || !body->nd_body) { const char *s0 = " class"; VALUE c = klass; if (FL_TEST(c, FL_SINGLETON)) { VALUE obj = rb_iv_get(klass, "__attached__"); switch (TYPE(obj)) { case T_MODULE: case T_CLASS: c = obj; s0 = ""; } } else if (TYPE(c) == T_MODULE) { s0 = " module"; } rb_name_error(id, "undefined method `%s' for%s `%s'", rb_id2name(id), s0, rb_class2name(c)); } rb_add_method(klass, id, 0, NOEX_PUBLIC); if (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON)) { rb_funcall(rb_iv_get(klass, "__attached__"), singleton_undefined, 1, ID2SYM(id)); } else { rb_funcall(klass, undefined, 1, ID2SYM(id)); } } /* * call-seq: * undef_method(symbol) => self * * Prevents the current class from responding to calls to the named * method. Contrast this with <code>remove_method</code>, which deletes * the method from the particular class; Ruby will still search * superclasses and mixed-in modules for a possible receiver. * * class Parent * def hello * puts "In parent" * end * end * class Child < Parent * def hello * puts "In child" * end * end * * * c = Child.new * c.hello * * * class Child * remove_method :hello # remove from child, still in parent * end * c.hello * * * class Child * undef_method :hello # prevent any calls to 'hello' * end * c.hello * * <em>produces:</em> * * In child * In parent * prog.rb:23: undefined method `hello' for #<Child:0x401b3bb4> (NoMethodError) */ static VALUE rb_mod_undef_method(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod) { int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { rb_undef(mod, rb_to_id(argv[i])); } return mod; } /* * call-seq: * mod.method_defined?(symbol) => true or false * * Returns +true+ if the named method is defined by * _mod_ (or its included modules and, if _mod_ is a class, * its ancestors). Public and protected methods are matched. * * module A * def method1() end * end * class B * def method2() end * end * class C < B * include A * def method3() end * end * * A.method_defined? :method1 #=> true * C.method_defined? "method1" #=> true * C.method_defined? "method2" #=> true * C.method_defined? "method3" #=> true * C.method_defined? "method4" #=> false */ static VALUE rb_mod_method_defined(VALUE mod, VALUE mid) { return rb_method_boundp(mod, rb_to_id(mid), 1); } #define VISI_CHECK(x,f) (((x)&NOEX_MASK) == (f)) /* * call-seq: * mod.public_method_defined?(symbol) => true or false * * Returns +true+ if the named public method is defined by * _mod_ (or its included modules and, if _mod_ is a class, * its ancestors). * * module A * def method1() end * end * class B * protected * def method2() end * end * class C < B * include A * def method3() end * end * * A.method_defined? :method1 #=> true * C.public_method_defined? "method1" #=> true * C.public_method_defined? "method2" #=> false * C.method_defined? "method2" #=> true */ static VALUE rb_mod_public_method_defined(VALUE mod, VALUE mid) { ID id = rb_to_id(mid); NODE *method; method = rb_method_node(mod, id); if (method) { if (VISI_CHECK(method->nd_noex, NOEX_PUBLIC)) return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * mod.private_method_defined?(symbol) => true or false * * Returns +true+ if the named private method is defined by * _ mod_ (or its included modules and, if _mod_ is a class, * its ancestors). * * module A * def method1() end * end * class B * private * def method2() end * end * class C < B * include A * def method3() end * end * * A.method_defined? :method1 #=> true * C.private_method_defined? "method1" #=> false * C.private_method_defined? "method2" #=> true * C.method_defined? "method2" #=> false */ static VALUE rb_mod_private_method_defined(VALUE mod, VALUE mid) { ID id = rb_to_id(mid); NODE *method; method = rb_method_node(mod, id); if (method) { if (VISI_CHECK(method->nd_noex, NOEX_PRIVATE)) return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * mod.protected_method_defined?(symbol) => true or false * * Returns +true+ if the named protected method is defined * by _mod_ (or its included modules and, if _mod_ is a * class, its ancestors). * * module A * def method1() end * end * class B * protected * def method2() end * end * class C < B * include A * def method3() end * end * * A.method_defined? :method1 #=> true * C.protected_method_defined? "method1" #=> false * C.protected_method_defined? "method2" #=> true * C.method_defined? "method2" #=> true */ static VALUE rb_mod_protected_method_defined(VALUE mod, VALUE mid) { ID id = rb_to_id(mid); NODE *method; method = rb_method_node(mod, id); if (method) { if (VISI_CHECK(method->nd_noex, NOEX_PROTECTED)) return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; } void rb_alias(VALUE klass, ID name, ID def) { NODE *orig_fbody, *node, *method; VALUE singleton = 0; st_data_t data; rb_frozen_class_p(klass); if (klass == rb_cObject) { rb_secure(4); } orig_fbody = search_method(klass, def, 0); if (!orig_fbody || !orig_fbody->nd_body) { if (TYPE(klass) == T_MODULE) { orig_fbody = search_method(rb_cObject, def, 0); } } if (!orig_fbody || !orig_fbody->nd_body) { rb_print_undef(klass, def, 0); } if (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON)) { singleton = rb_iv_get(klass, "__attached__"); } orig_fbody->nd_cnt++; if (st_lookup(RCLASS_M_TBL(klass), name, &data)) { node = (NODE *)data; if (node) { if (RTEST(ruby_verbose) && node->nd_cnt == 0 && node->nd_body) { rb_warning("discarding old %s", rb_id2name(name)); } if (nd_type(node->nd_body->nd_body) == NODE_CFUNC) { rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method(node); } } } st_insert(RCLASS_M_TBL(klass), name, (st_data_t) NEW_FBODY( method = NEW_METHOD(orig_fbody->nd_body->nd_body, orig_fbody->nd_body->nd_clss, NOEX_WITH_SAFE(orig_fbody->nd_body->nd_noex)), def)); method->nd_file = (void *)def; rb_clear_cache_by_id(name); if (!ruby_running) return; if (singleton) { rb_funcall(singleton, singleton_added, 1, ID2SYM(name)); } else { rb_funcall(klass, added, 1, ID2SYM(name)); } } /* * call-seq: * alias_method(new_name, old_name) => self * * Makes <i>new_name</i> a new copy of the method <i>old_name</i>. This can * be used to retain access to methods that are overridden. * * module Mod * alias_method :orig_exit, :exit * def exit(code=0) * puts "Exiting with code #{code}" * orig_exit(code) * end * end * include Mod * exit(99) * * <em>produces:</em> * * Exiting with code 99 */ static VALUE rb_mod_alias_method(VALUE mod, VALUE newname, VALUE oldname) { rb_alias(mod, rb_to_id(newname), rb_to_id(oldname)); return mod; } static void secure_visibility(VALUE self) { if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && !OBJ_UNTRUSTED(self)) { rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't change method visibility"); } } static void set_method_visibility(VALUE self, int argc, VALUE *argv, ID ex) { int i; secure_visibility(self); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { rb_export_method(self, rb_to_id(argv[i]), ex); } rb_clear_cache_by_class(self); } /* * call-seq: * public => self * public(symbol, ...) => self * * With no arguments, sets the default visibility for subsequently * defined methods to public. With arguments, sets the named methods to * have public visibility. */ static VALUE rb_mod_public(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE module) { secure_visibility(module); if (argc == 0) { SCOPE_SET(NOEX_PUBLIC); } else { set_method_visibility(module, argc, argv, NOEX_PUBLIC); } return module; } /* * call-seq: * protected => self * protected(symbol, ...) => self * * With no arguments, sets the default visibility for subsequently * defined methods to protected. With arguments, sets the named methods * to have protected visibility. */ static VALUE rb_mod_protected(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE module) { secure_visibility(module); if (argc == 0) { SCOPE_SET(NOEX_PROTECTED); } else { set_method_visibility(module, argc, argv, NOEX_PROTECTED); } return module; } /* * call-seq: * private => self * private(symbol, ...) => self * * With no arguments, sets the default visibility for subsequently * defined methods to private. With arguments, sets the named methods * to have private visibility. * * module Mod * def a() end * def b() end * private * def c() end * private :a * end * Mod.private_instance_methods #=> [:a, :c] */ static VALUE rb_mod_private(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE module) { secure_visibility(module); if (argc == 0) { SCOPE_SET(NOEX_PRIVATE); } else { set_method_visibility(module, argc, argv, NOEX_PRIVATE); } return module; } /* * call-seq: * mod.public_class_method(symbol, ...) => mod * * Makes a list of existing class methods public. */ static VALUE rb_mod_public_method(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { set_method_visibility(CLASS_OF(obj), argc, argv, NOEX_PUBLIC); return obj; } /* * call-seq: * mod.private_class_method(symbol, ...) => mod * * Makes existing class methods private. Often used to hide the default * constructor <code>new</code>. * * class SimpleSingleton # Not thread safe * private_class_method :new * def SimpleSingleton.create(*args, &block) * @me = new(*args, &block) if ! @me * @me * end * end */ static VALUE rb_mod_private_method(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { set_method_visibility(CLASS_OF(obj), argc, argv, NOEX_PRIVATE); return obj; } /* * call-seq: * public * public(symbol, ...) * * With no arguments, sets the default visibility for subsequently * defined methods to public. With arguments, sets the named methods to * have public visibility. */ static VALUE top_public(int argc, VALUE *argv) { return rb_mod_public(argc, argv, rb_cObject); } static VALUE top_private(int argc, VALUE *argv) { return rb_mod_private(argc, argv, rb_cObject); } /* * call-seq: * module_function(symbol, ...) => self * * Creates module functions for the named methods. These functions may * be called with the module as a receiver, and also become available * as instance methods to classes that mix in the module. Module * functions are copies of the original, and so may be changed * independently. The instance-method versions are made private. If * used with no arguments, subsequently defined methods become module * functions. * * module Mod * def one * "This is one" * end * module_function :one * end * class Cls * include Mod * def callOne * one * end * end * Mod.one #=> "This is one" * c = Cls.new * c.callOne #=> "This is one" * module Mod * def one * "This is the new one" * end * end * Mod.one #=> "This is one" * c.callOne #=> "This is the new one" */ static VALUE rb_mod_modfunc(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE module) { int i; ID id; NODE *fbody; if (TYPE(module) != T_MODULE) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "module_function must be called for modules"); } secure_visibility(module); if (argc == 0) { SCOPE_SET(NOEX_MODFUNC); return module; } set_method_visibility(module, argc, argv, NOEX_PRIVATE); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { VALUE m = module; id = rb_to_id(argv[i]); for (;;) { fbody = search_method(m, id, &m); if (fbody == 0) { fbody = search_method(rb_cObject, id, &m); } if (fbody == 0 || fbody->nd_body == 0) { rb_print_undef(module, id, 0); } if (nd_type(fbody->nd_body->nd_body) != NODE_ZSUPER) { break; /* normal case: need not to follow 'super' link */ } m = RCLASS_SUPER(m); if (!m) break; } rb_add_method(rb_singleton_class(module), id, fbody->nd_body->nd_body, NOEX_PUBLIC); } return module; } int rb_method_basic_definition_p(VALUE klass, ID id) { NODE *node = rb_method_node(klass, id); if (node && (node->nd_noex & NOEX_BASIC)) return 1; return 0; } int rb_obj_respond_to(VALUE obj, ID id, int priv) { VALUE klass = CLASS_OF(obj); if (rb_method_basic_definition_p(klass, idRespond_to)) { return rb_method_boundp(klass, id, !priv); } else { VALUE args[2]; int n = 0; args[n++] = ID2SYM(id); if (priv) args[n++] = Qtrue; return RTEST(rb_funcall2(obj, idRespond_to, n, args)); } } int rb_respond_to(VALUE obj, ID id) { return rb_obj_respond_to(obj, id, Qfalse); } /* * call-seq: * obj.respond_to?(symbol, include_private=false) => true or false * * Returns +true+ if _obj_ responds to the given * method. Private methods are included in the search only if the * optional second parameter evaluates to +true+. */ static VALUE obj_respond_to(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { VALUE mid, priv; ID id; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &mid, &priv); id = rb_to_id(mid); if (rb_method_boundp(CLASS_OF(obj), id, !RTEST(priv))) { return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; } void Init_eval_method(void) { #undef rb_intern #define rb_intern(str) rb_intern_const(str) rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "respond_to?", obj_respond_to, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "remove_method", rb_mod_remove_method, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "undef_method", rb_mod_undef_method, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "alias_method", rb_mod_alias_method, 2); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "public", rb_mod_public, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "protected", rb_mod_protected, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "private", rb_mod_private, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "module_function", rb_mod_modfunc, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "method_defined?", rb_mod_method_defined, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "public_method_defined?", rb_mod_public_method_defined, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "private_method_defined?", rb_mod_private_method_defined, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "protected_method_defined?", rb_mod_protected_method_defined, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "public_class_method", rb_mod_public_method, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "private_class_method", rb_mod_private_method, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_vm_top_self(), "public", top_public, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_vm_top_self(), "private", top_private, -1); object_id = rb_intern("object_id"); added = rb_intern("method_added"); singleton_added = rb_intern("singleton_method_added"); removed = rb_intern("method_removed"); singleton_removed = rb_intern("singleton_method_removed"); undefined = rb_intern("method_undefined"); singleton_undefined = rb_intern("singleton_method_undefined"); }