#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby # -*- Ruby -*- # -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*- # -*- warn_indent: true; -*- # # Copyright (c) 2020 Wu, Alan. All rights reserved. # # This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby # granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the # conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for # details. module RubyVM::MicroJIT ScrapeResult = Struct.new(:pre_call_bytes, :post_call_bytes, :disassembly_lines) class << self def target_platform # Note, checking RUBY_PLATRFORM doesn't work when cross compiling @platform ||= if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('darwin') :darwin elsif RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('linux') :linux else :unknown end end def get_fileoff # use the load command to figure out the offset to the start of the content of vm.o `otool -l vm.o`.each_line do |line| if (fileoff = line[/fileoff (\d+)/, 1]) p [__method__, line] if $DEBUG return fileoff.to_i end end raise end def get_symbol_offset(symbol) `nm vm.o`.each_line do |line| if (offset = line[Regexp.compile('(\h+).+' + Regexp.escape(symbol) + '\Z'), 1]) p [__method__, line] if $DEBUG return Integer(offset, 16) end end raise end def readint8b(offset) bytes = IO.binread('vm.o', 8, offset) bytes.unpack('q').first # this is native endian but we want little endian. it's fine if the host moachine is x86 end def get_symbol_section_and_offset(name) `objdump -w -t vm.o`.each_line do |line| split_line = line.split next unless split_line.size >= 6 # the table should go into a data section if split_line[5].include?('insns_address_table') && split_line[3].include?('data') p line if $DEBUG return [split_line[3], Integer(split_line[0], 16)] end end raise 'Failed to find section and offset for the instruction address table' end def get_handler_offset(table_section, table_offset, insn_id) target_offset = insn_id * 8 + table_offset reloc_start_message = "RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [#{table_section}]:" `objdump -w -r vm.o`.each_line do |line| line.strip! if (line == reloc_start_message)...(line.empty?) split_line = line.split next if split_line.first == 'RELOCATION' next if split_line == ['OFFSET', 'TYPE', 'VALUE'] if Integer(split_line.first, 16) == target_offset section, offset = split_line[2].split('+') p line if $DEBUG return section, Integer(offset, 16) end end end raise 'Failed to find relocation info for the target instruction' end def objdump_disassemble_command(offset) case target_platform when :darwin "objdump --x86-asm-syntax=intel --start-address=#{offset} --stop-address=#{offset+50} -d vm.o" when :linux "objdump -M intel --start-address=#{offset} --stop-address=#{offset+50} -d vm.o" else raise "unkown platform" end end def disassemble(offset) command = objdump_disassemble_command(offset) puts "Running: #{command}" disassembly = `#{command}` instructions = [] puts disassembly if $DEBUG disassembly.each_line do |line| line = line.strip match_data = /\s*\h+:\s*((?:\h\h\s)+)\s+(\w+)/.match(line) if match_data bytes = match_data[1] mnemonic = match_data[2] instructions << [bytes, mnemonic, line] break if mnemonic == 'jmp' elsif !instructions.empty? p line raise "expected a continuous sequence of disassembly lines" end end jmp_idx = instructions.find_index { |_, mnemonic, _| mnemonic == 'jmp' } raise 'failed to find jmp' unless jmp_idx raise 'generated code for example too long' unless jmp_idx < 10 handler_instructions = instructions[(0..jmp_idx)] disassembly_lines = handler_instructions.map {|_, _, line| line} puts "Disassembly for the example handler:" puts disassembly_lines raise 'rip reference in example makes copying unsafe' if handler_instructions.any? { |_, _, full_line| full_line.downcase.include?('rip') } acceptable_mnemonics = %w(mov jmp lea call endbr64) unrecognized = nil handler_instructions.each { |i| unrecognized = i unless acceptable_mnemonics.include?(i[1]) } raise "found an unrecognized \"#{unrecognized[1]}\" instruction in the example. List of recognized instructions: #{acceptable_mnemonics.join(', ')}" if unrecognized raise 'found multiple jmp instructions' if handler_instructions.count { |_, mnemonic, _| mnemonic == 'jmp' } > 1 raise "the jmp instruction seems to be relative which isn't copiable" if instructions[jmp_idx][0].split.size > 4 raise 'no call instructions found' if handler_instructions.count { |_, mnemonic, _| mnemonic == 'call' } == 0 raise 'found multiple call instructions' if handler_instructions.count { |_, mnemonic, _| mnemonic == 'call' } > 1 call_idx = handler_instructions.find_index { |_, mnemonic, _| mnemonic == 'call' } pre_call_bytes = [] post_call_bytes = [] handler_instructions.take(call_idx).each do |bytes, mnemonic, _| pre_call_bytes += bytes.split end handler_instructions[call_idx + 1, handler_instructions.size].each do |bytes, _, _| post_call_bytes += bytes.split end ScrapeResult.new( comma_separated_hex_string(pre_call_bytes), comma_separated_hex_string(post_call_bytes), disassembly_lines ) end def darwin_scrape(instruction_id) fileoff = get_fileoff tc_table_offset = get_symbol_offset('vm_exec_core.insns_address_table') vm_exec_core_offset = get_symbol_offset('vm_exec_core') p instruction_id if $DEBUG p fileoff if $DEBUG p tc_table_offset.to_s(16) if $DEBUG offset_to_insn_in_tc_table = fileoff + tc_table_offset + 8 * instruction_id p offset_to_insn_in_tc_table if $DEBUG offset_to_handler_code_from_vm_exec_core = readint8b(offset_to_insn_in_tc_table) p offset_to_handler_code_from_vm_exec_core if $DEBUG disassemble(vm_exec_core_offset + offset_to_handler_code_from_vm_exec_core) end def linux_scrape(instruction_id) table_section, table_offset = get_symbol_section_and_offset('vm_exec_core.insns_address_table') p [table_section, table_offset] if $DEBUG handler_section, handler_offset = get_handler_offset(table_section, table_offset, instruction_id) p [handler_section, handler_offset] if $DEBUG disassemble(handler_offset) end def make_result(success, with_pc) [success ? 1 : 0, [ ['ujit_with_ec', with_pc], ] ] end def scrape_instruction(instruction_id) raise unless instruction_id.is_a?(Integer) case target_platform when :darwin darwin_scrape(instruction_id) when :linux linux_scrape(instruction_id) else raise 'Unknown platform. Only Mach-O on macOS and ELF on Linux are supported' end end def scrape with_ec = scrape_instruction(RubyVM::Instructions.find_index { |insn| insn.name == 'ujit_call_example_with_ec' }) make_result(true, with_ec) rescue => e print_warning("scrape failed: #{e.message}") int3 = '0xcc' failure_result = ScrapeResult.new(int3, int3, ['int3']) make_result(false, failure_result) end def print_warning(text) text = "ujit warning: #{text}" text = "\x1b[1m#{text}\x1b[0m" if STDOUT.tty? STDOUT.puts(text) end def comma_separated_hex_string(nums) nums.map{ |byte| '0x'+byte}.join(', ') end end end require_relative 'micro_jit/example_instructions'