# We're responsible for generating all the HTML files
# from the object tree defined in code_objects.rb. We
# generate:
# [files] an html file for each input file given. These
# input files appear as objects of class
# TopLevel
# [classes] an html file for each class or module encountered.
# These classes are not grouped by file: if a file
# contains four classes, we'll generate an html
# file for the file itself, and four html files
# for the individual classes.
# [indices] we generate three indices for files, classes,
# and methods. These are displayed in a browser
# like window with three index panes across the
# top and the selected description below
# Method descriptions appear in whatever entity (file, class,
# or module) that contains them.
# We generate files in a structure below a specified subdirectory,
# normally +doc+.
# opdir
# |
# |___ files
# | |__ per file summaries
# |
# |___ classes
# |__ per class/module descriptions
# HTML is generated using the Template class.
require 'ftools'
require 'rdoc/options'
require 'rdoc/template'
require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup'
require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_flow'
require 'cgi'
require 'rdoc/ri/ri_cache'
require 'rdoc/ri/ri_reader'
require 'rdoc/ri/ri_writer'
require 'rdoc/ri/ri_descriptions'
module Generators
class RIGenerator
# Generators may need to return specific subclasses depending
# on the options they are passed. Because of this
# we create them using a factory
def RIGenerator.for(options)
class <\s*)[^\#]/
content = comment
content = comment.gsub(/^\s*(#+)/) { $1.tr('#',' ') }
@markup.convert(content, @to_flow)
# By default we replace existing classes with the
# same name. If the --merge option was given, we instead
# merge this definition into an existing class. We add
# our methods, aliases, etc to that class, but do not
# change the class's description.
def update_or_replace(cls_desc)
old_cls = nil
if @options.merge
rdr = RI::RiReader.new(RI::RiCache.new(@options.op_dir))
namespace = rdr.top_level_namespace
namespace = rdr.lookup_namespace_in(cls_desc.name, namespace)
if namespace.empty?
$stderr.puts "You asked me to merge this source into existing "
$stderr.puts "documentation. This file references a class or "
$stderr.puts "module called #{cls_desc.name} which I don't"
$stderr.puts "have existing documentation for."
$stderr.puts "Perhaps you need to generate its documentation first"
exit 1
old_cls = namespace[0]
if old_cls.nil?
# no merge: simply overwrite
# existing class: merge in
old_desc = rdr.get_class(old_cls)