require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) describe "Hash#initialize" do it "is private" do Hash.should have_private_instance_method("initialize") end it "can be used to reset default_proc" do h = { "foo" => 1, "bar" => 2 } h.default_proc.should == nil h.instance_eval { initialize { |_, k| k * 2 } } h.default_proc.should_not == nil h["a"].should == "aa" end it "receives the arguments passed to Hash#new" do, :two)[0].should == :one, :two)[1].should == :two end it "returns self" do h = h.send(:initialize).should equal(h) end it "raises a #{frozen_error_class} if called on a frozen instance" do block = lambda { HashSpecs.frozen_hash.instance_eval { initialize() }} block.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) block = lambda { HashSpecs.frozen_hash.instance_eval { initialize(nil) } } block.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) block = lambda { HashSpecs.frozen_hash.instance_eval { initialize(5) } } block.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) block = lambda { HashSpecs.frozen_hash.instance_eval { initialize { 5 } } } block.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) end end