# sync following repositories to ruby repository # # * https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems # * https://github.com/bundler/bundler # * https://github.com/ruby/rdoc # * https://github.com/ruby/reline # * https://github.com/flori/json # * https://github.com/ruby/psych # * https://github.com/ruby/fileutils # * https://github.com/ruby/fiddle # * https://github.com/ruby/stringio # * https://github.com/ruby/io-console # * https://github.com/ruby/csv # * https://github.com/ruby/webrick # * https://github.com/ruby/dbm # * https://github.com/ruby/gdbm # * https://github.com/ruby/sdbm # * https://github.com/ruby/etc # * https://github.com/ruby/date # * https://github.com/ruby/zlib # * https://github.com/ruby/fcntl # * https://github.com/ruby/scanf # * https://github.com/ruby/cmath # * https://github.com/ruby/strscan # * https://github.com/ruby/ipaddr # * https://github.com/ruby/logger # * https://github.com/ruby/prime # * https://github.com/ruby/matrix # * https://github.com/ruby/ostruct # * https://github.com/ruby/rexml # * https://github.com/ruby/rss # * https://github.com/ruby/irb # * https://github.com/ruby/sync # * https://github.com/ruby/tracer # * https://github.com/ruby/shell # * https://github.com/ruby/forwardable # * https://github.com/ruby/thwait # * https://github.com/ruby/e2mmap # * https://github.com/ruby/mutex_m # * https://github.com/ruby/racc # $repositories = { rubygems: 'rubygems/rubygems', bundler: 'bundler/bundler', rdoc: 'ruby/rdoc', reline: 'ruby/reline', json: 'flori/json', psych: 'ruby/psych', fileutils: 'ruby/fileutils', fiddle: 'ruby/fiddle', stringio: 'ruby/stringio', ioconsole: 'ruby/io-console', csv: 'ruby/csv', webrick: 'ruby/webrick', dbm: 'ruby/dbm', gdbm: 'ruby/gdbm', sdbm: 'ruby/sdbm', etc: 'ruby/etc', date: 'ruby/date', zlib: 'ruby/zlib', fcntl: 'ruby/fcntl', scanf: 'ruby/scanf', cmath: 'ruby/cmath', strscan: 'ruby/strscan', ipaddr: 'ruby/ipaddr', logger: 'ruby/logger', prime: 'ruby/prime', matrix: 'ruby/matrix', ostruct: 'ruby/ostruct', rexml: 'ruby/rexml', rss: 'ruby/rss', irb: 'ruby/irb', sync: 'ruby/sync', tracer: 'ruby/tracer', shell: 'ruby/shell', forwardable: "ruby/forwardable", thwait: "ruby/thwait", e2mmap: "ruby/e2mmap", mutex_m: "ruby/mutex_m", racc: "ruby/racc" } def sync_default_gems(gem) puts "Sync #{$repositories[gem.to_sym]}" case gem when "rubygems" `rm -rf lib/rubygems* test/rubygems` `cp -r ../../rubygems/rubygems/lib/rubygems* ./lib` `cp -r ../../rubygems/rubygems/test/rubygems ./test` when "bundler" `rm -rf lib/bundler* libexec/bundler libexec/bundle spec/bundler man/bundle* man/gemfile*` `cp -r ../../bundler/bundler/lib/bundler* ./lib` `cp -r ../../bundler/bundler/exe/bundle* ./libexec` `cp ../../bundler/bundler/bundler.gemspec ./lib/bundler` `cp -r ../../bundler/bundler/spec spec/bundler` `cp -r ../../bundler/bundler/man/*.{1,5,1\.txt,5\.txt,ronn} ./man` `rm -rf spec/bundler/support/artifice/vcr_cassettes` when "rdoc" `rm -rf lib/rdoc* test/rdoc libexec/rdoc libexec/ri` `cp -rf ../rdoc/lib/rdoc* ./lib` `cp -rf ../rdoc/test test/rdoc` `cp ../rdoc/rdoc.gemspec ./lib/rdoc` `cp -rf ../rdoc/exe/rdoc ./libexec` `cp -rf ../rdoc/exe/ri ./libexec` `rm -f lib/rdoc/markdown.kpeg lib/rdoc/markdown/literals.kpeg lib/rdoc/rd/block_parser.ry lib/rdoc/rd/inline_parser.ry` `git checkout lib/rdoc/.document` when "reline" `rm -rf lib/reline* test/reline` `cp -rf ../reline/lib/reline* ./lib` `cp -rf ../reline/test test/reline` `cp ../reline/reline.gemspec ./lib/reline` when "json" `rm -rf ext/json test/json` `cp -rf ../../flori/json/ext/json/ext ext/json` `cp -rf ../../flori/json/tests test/json` `cp -rf ../../flori/json/lib ext/json` `rm -rf ext/json/lib/json/pure*` `cp ../../flori/json/json.gemspec ext/json` `rm -r ext/json/lib/json/ext` `git checkout ext/json/extconf.rb ext/json/parser/prereq.mk ext/json/generator/depend ext/json/parser/depend` when "psych" `rm -rf ext/psych test/psych` `cp -rf ../psych/ext/psych ./ext` `cp -rf ../psych/lib ./ext/psych` `cp -rf ../psych/test/psych ./test` `rm -rf ext/psych/lib/org ext/psych/lib/psych.jar ext/psych/lib/psych_jars.rb` `rm -rf ext/psych/lib/psych.{bundle,so} ext/psych/lib/{2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4}` `rm -f ext/psych/yaml/LICENSE` `cp ../psych/psych.gemspec ext/psych/` `git checkout ext/psych/depend` when "fiddle" `rm -rf ext/fiddle test/fiddle` `cp -rf ../fiddle/ext/fiddle ext` `cp -rf ../fiddle/lib ext/fiddle` `cp -rf ../fiddle/test/fiddle test` `cp -f ../fiddle/fiddle.gemspec ext/fiddle` `git checkout ext/fiddle/depend` `rm -rf ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle.{bundle,so}` when "stringio" `rm -rf ext/stringio test/stringio` `cp -rf ../stringio/ext/stringio ext` `cp -rf ../stringio/test/stringio test` `cp -f ../stringio/stringio.gemspec ext/stringio` `git checkout ext/stringio/depend ext/stringio/README.md` when "ioconsole" `rm -rf ext/io/console test/io/console` `cp -rf ../io-console/ext/io/console ext/io` `cp -rf ../io-console/test/io/console test/io` `mkdir -p ext/io/console/lib` `cp -rf ../io-console/lib/console ext/io/console/lib` `cp -f ../io-console/io-console.gemspec ext/io/console` `git checkout ext/io/console/depend` when "dbm" `rm -rf ext/dbm test/dbm` `cp -rf ../dbm/ext/dbm ext` `cp -rf ../dbm/test/dbm test` `cp -f ../dbm/dbm.gemspec ext/dbm` `git checkout ext/dbm/depend` when "gdbm" `rm -rf ext/gdbm test/gdbm` `cp -rf ../gdbm/ext/gdbm ext` `cp -rf ../gdbm/test/gdbm test` `cp -f ../gdbm/gdbm.gemspec ext/gdbm` `git checkout ext/gdbm/depend ext/gdbm/README` when "sdbm" `rm -rf ext/sdbm test/sdbm` `cp -rf ../sdbm/ext/sdbm ext` `cp -rf ../sdbm/test/sdbm test` `cp -f ../sdbm/sdbm.gemspec ext/sdbm` `git checkout ext/sdbm/depend` when "etc" `rm -rf ext/etc test/etc` `cp -rf ../etc/ext/etc ext` `cp -rf ../etc/test/etc test` `cp -f ../etc/etc.gemspec ext/etc` `git checkout ext/etc/depend` when "date" `rm -rf ext/date test/date` `cp -rf ../date/ext/date ext` `cp -rf ../date/lib ext/date` `cp -rf ../date/test/date test` `cp -f ../date/date.gemspec ext/date` `git checkout ext/date/depend` `rm -f ext/date/lib/date_core.bundle` when "zlib" `rm -rf ext/zlib test/zlib` `cp -rf ../zlib/ext/zlib ext` `cp -rf ../zlib/test/zlib test` `cp -f ../zlib/zlib.gemspec ext/zlib` `git checkout ext/zlib/depend` when "fcntl" `rm -rf ext/fcntl` `cp -rf ../fcntl/ext/fcntl ext` `cp -f ../fcntl/fcntl.gemspec ext/fcntl` `git checkout ext/fcntl/depend` when "thwait" `rm -rf lib/thwait*` `cp -rf ../thwait/lib/* lib` `cp -rf ../thwait/thwait.gemspec lib/thwait` when "e2mmap" `rm -rf lib/e2mmap*` `cp -rf ../e2mmap/lib/* lib` `cp -rf ../e2mmap/e2mmap.gemspec lib` when "strscan" `rm -rf ext/strscan test/strscan` `cp -rf ../strscan/ext/strscan ext` `cp -rf ../strscan/test/strscan test` `cp -f ../strscan/strscan.gemspec ext/strscan` `rm -f ext/strscan/regenc.h ext/strscan/regint.h` `git checkout ext/strscan/depend` when "racc" `rm -rf lib/racc* ext/racc test/racc` `cp -rf ../racc/lib/racc* lib` `cp -rf ../racc/ext/racc* ext` `cp -rf ../racc/test test/racc` when "rexml", "rss", "matrix", "irb", "csv", "shell", "logger", "ostruct", "scanf", "webrick", "fileutils", "forwardable", "prime", "tracer", "ipaddr", "cmath", "mutex_m", "sync" sync_lib gem else end end def sync_lib(repo) unless File.directory?("../#{repo}") abort "Expected '../#{repo}' (#{File.expand_path("../#{repo}")}) to be a directory, but it wasn't." end `rm -rf lib/#{repo}.rb lib/#{repo}/* test/test_#{repo}.rb` `cp -rf ../#{repo}/lib/* lib` tests = if File.directory?("test/#{repo}") "test/#{repo}" else "test/test_#{repo}.rb" end `cp -rf ../#{repo}/#{tests} test` gemspec = if File.directory?("lib/#{repo}") "lib/#{repo}/#{repo}.gemspec" else "lib/#{repo}.gemspec" end `cp -f ../#{repo}/#{repo}.gemspec #{gemspec}` end def update_default_gems(gem) author, repository = $repositories[gem.to_sym].split('/') unless File.exist?("../../#{author}/#{repository}") `mkdir -p ../../#{author}` `git clone git@github.com:#{author}/#{repository}.git ../../#{author}/#{repository}` end Dir.chdir("../../#{author}/#{repository}") do unless `git remote`.match(/ruby\-core/) `git remote add ruby-core git@github.com:ruby/ruby.git` `git fetch ruby-core` `git co ruby-core/trunk` `git branch ruby-core` end `git co ruby-core` `git fetch ruby-core trunk` `git rebase ruby-core/trunk` `git co master` `git stash` `git pull --rebase` end end case ARGV[0] when "up" $repositories.keys.each{|gem| update_default_gems(gem.to_s)} when "all" $repositories.keys.each{|gem| sync_default_gems(gem.to_s)} else sync_default_gems(ARGV[0]) end