# frozen_string_literal: false # # irb/init.rb - irb initialize module # $Release Version: 0.9.6$ # $Revision$ # by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ruby-lang.org) # # -- # # # module IRB # :nodoc: # initialize config def IRB.setup(ap_path, argv: ::ARGV) IRB.init_config(ap_path) IRB.init_error IRB.parse_opts(argv: argv) IRB.run_config IRB.load_modules unless @CONF[:PROMPT][@CONF[:PROMPT_MODE]] fail UndefinedPromptMode, @CONF[:PROMPT_MODE] end end # @CONF default setting def IRB.init_config(ap_path) # class instance variables @TRACER_INITIALIZED = false # default configurations unless ap_path and @CONF[:AP_NAME] ap_path = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "irb.rb") end @CONF[:AP_NAME] = File::basename(ap_path, ".rb") @CONF[:IRB_NAME] = "irb" @CONF[:IRB_LIB_PATH] = File.dirname(__FILE__) @CONF[:RC] = true @CONF[:LOAD_MODULES] = [] @CONF[:IRB_RC] = nil @CONF[:USE_SINGLELINE] = false unless defined?(ReadlineInputMethod) @CONF[:USE_COLORIZE] = true @CONF[:INSPECT_MODE] = true @CONF[:USE_TRACER] = false @CONF[:USE_LOADER] = false @CONF[:IGNORE_SIGINT] = true @CONF[:IGNORE_EOF] = false @CONF[:ECHO] = nil @CONF[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = nil @CONF[:VERBOSE] = nil @CONF[:EVAL_HISTORY] = nil @CONF[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 1000 @CONF[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = 16 @CONF[:PROMPT] = { :NULL => { :PROMPT_I => nil, :PROMPT_N => nil, :PROMPT_S => nil, :PROMPT_C => nil, :RETURN => "%s\n" }, :DEFAULT => { :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ", :PROMPT_N => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ", :PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ", :PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n:%i* ", :RETURN => "=> %s\n" }, :CLASSIC => { :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ", :PROMPT_N => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ", :PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ", :PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n:%i* ", :RETURN => "%s\n" }, :SIMPLE => { :PROMPT_I => ">> ", :PROMPT_N => ">> ", :PROMPT_S => "%l> ", :PROMPT_C => "?> ", :RETURN => "=> %s\n" }, :INF_RUBY => { :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n:%i> ", :PROMPT_N => nil, :PROMPT_S => nil, :PROMPT_C => nil, :RETURN => "%s\n", :AUTO_INDENT => true }, :XMP => { :PROMPT_I => nil, :PROMPT_N => nil, :PROMPT_S => nil, :PROMPT_C => nil, :RETURN => " ==>%s\n" } } @CONF[:PROMPT_MODE] = (STDIN.tty? ? :DEFAULT : :NULL) @CONF[:AUTO_INDENT] = true @CONF[:CONTEXT_MODE] = 4 # use a copy of TOPLEVEL_BINDING @CONF[:SINGLE_IRB] = false @CONF[:LC_MESSAGES] = Locale.new @CONF[:AT_EXIT] = [] end def IRB.init_error @CONF[:LC_MESSAGES].load("irb/error.rb") end # option analyzing def IRB.parse_opts(argv: ::ARGV) load_path = [] while opt = argv.shift case opt when "-f" @CONF[:RC] = false when "-d" $DEBUG = true $VERBOSE = true when "-w" Warning[:deprecated] = $VERBOSE = true when /^-W(.+)?/ opt = $1 || argv.shift case opt when "0" $VERBOSE = nil when "1" $VERBOSE = false else Warning[:deprecated] = $VERBOSE = true end when /^-r(.+)?/ opt = $1 || argv.shift @CONF[:LOAD_MODULES].push opt if opt when /^-I(.+)?/ opt = $1 || argv.shift load_path.concat(opt.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) if opt when '-U' set_encoding("UTF-8", "UTF-8") when /^-E(.+)?/, /^--encoding(?:=(.+))?/ opt = $1 || argv.shift set_encoding(*opt.split(':', 2)) when "--inspect" if /^-/ !~ argv.first @CONF[:INSPECT_MODE] = argv.shift else @CONF[:INSPECT_MODE] = true end when "--noinspect" @CONF[:INSPECT_MODE] = false when "--singleline", "--readline", "--legacy" @CONF[:USE_SINGLELINE] = true when "--nosingleline", "--noreadline" @CONF[:USE_SINGLELINE] = false when "--multiline", "--reidline" @CONF[:USE_MULTILINE] = true when "--nomultiline", "--noreidline" @CONF[:USE_MULTILINE] = false when "--echo" @CONF[:ECHO] = true when "--noecho" @CONF[:ECHO] = false when "--echo-on-assignment" @CONF[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = true when "--noecho-on-assignment" @CONF[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = false when "--truncate-echo-on-assignment" @CONF[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = :truncate when "--verbose" @CONF[:VERBOSE] = true when "--noverbose" @CONF[:VERBOSE] = false when "--colorize" @CONF[:USE_COLORIZE] = true when "--nocolorize" @CONF[:USE_COLORIZE] = false when /^--prompt-mode(?:=(.+))?/, /^--prompt(?:=(.+))?/ opt = $1 || argv.shift prompt_mode = opt.upcase.tr("-", "_").intern @CONF[:PROMPT_MODE] = prompt_mode when "--noprompt" @CONF[:PROMPT_MODE] = :NULL when "--inf-ruby-mode" @CONF[:PROMPT_MODE] = :INF_RUBY when "--sample-book-mode", "--simple-prompt" @CONF[:PROMPT_MODE] = :SIMPLE when "--tracer" @CONF[:USE_TRACER] = true when /^--back-trace-limit(?:=(.+))?/ @CONF[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = ($1 || argv.shift).to_i when /^--context-mode(?:=(.+))?/ @CONF[:CONTEXT_MODE] = ($1 || argv.shift).to_i when "--single-irb" @CONF[:SINGLE_IRB] = true when "-v", "--version" print IRB.version, "\n" exit 0 when "-h", "--help" require_relative "help" IRB.print_usage exit 0 when "--" if opt = argv.shift @CONF[:SCRIPT] = opt $0 = opt end break when /^-/ fail UnrecognizedSwitch, opt else @CONF[:SCRIPT] = opt $0 = opt break end end load_path.collect! do |path| /\A\.\// =~ path ? path : File.expand_path(path) end $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*load_path) end # running config def IRB.run_config if @CONF[:RC] begin load rc_file rescue LoadError, Errno::ENOENT rescue # StandardError, ScriptError print "load error: #{rc_file}\n" print $!.class, ": ", $!, "\n" for err in $@[0, $@.size - 2] print "\t", err, "\n" end end end end IRBRC_EXT = "rc" def IRB.rc_file(ext = IRBRC_EXT) if !@CONF[:RC_NAME_GENERATOR] rc_file_generators do |rcgen| @CONF[:RC_NAME_GENERATOR] ||= rcgen if File.exist?(rcgen.call(IRBRC_EXT)) @CONF[:RC_NAME_GENERATOR] = rcgen break end end end case rc_file = @CONF[:RC_NAME_GENERATOR].call(ext) when String return rc_file else fail IllegalRCNameGenerator end end # enumerate possible rc-file base name generators def IRB.rc_file_generators if irbrc = ENV["IRBRC"] yield proc{|rc| rc == "rc" ? irbrc : irbrc+rc} end if xdg_config_home = ENV["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] irb_home = File.join(xdg_config_home, "irb") unless File.exist? irb_home require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p irb_home end yield proc{|rc| irb_home + "/irb#{rc}"} end if home = ENV["HOME"] yield proc{|rc| home+"/.irb#{rc}"} end current_dir = Dir.pwd yield proc{|rc| current_dir+"/.config/irb/irb#{rc}"} yield proc{|rc| current_dir+"/.irb#{rc}"} yield proc{|rc| current_dir+"/irb#{rc.sub(/\A_?/, '.')}"} yield proc{|rc| current_dir+"/_irb#{rc}"} yield proc{|rc| current_dir+"/$irb#{rc}"} end # loading modules def IRB.load_modules for m in @CONF[:LOAD_MODULES] begin require m rescue LoadError => err warn "#{err.class}: #{err}", uplevel: 0 end end end DefaultEncodings = Struct.new(:external, :internal) class << IRB private def set_encoding(extern, intern = nil, override: true) verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil Encoding.default_external = extern unless extern.nil? || extern.empty? Encoding.default_internal = intern unless intern.nil? || intern.empty? [$stdin, $stdout, $stderr].each do |io| io.set_encoding(extern, intern) end if override @CONF[:LC_MESSAGES].instance_variable_set(:@override_encoding, extern) else @CONF[:LC_MESSAGES].instance_variable_set(:@encoding, extern) end ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end end end