require 'rubygems/command' require 'rubygems/indexer' class Gem::Commands::GenerateIndexCommand < Gem::Command def initialize super 'generate_index', 'Generates the index files for a gem server directory', :directory => '.' add_option '-d', '--directory=DIRNAME', 'repository base dir containing gems subdir' do |dir, options| options[:directory] = File.expand_path dir end end def defaults_str # :nodoc: "--directory ." end def description # :nodoc: <<-EOF The generate_index command creates a set of indexes for serving gems statically. The command expects a 'gems' directory under the path given to the --directory option. When done, it will generate a set of files like this: gems/ # .gem files you want to index quick/index quick/index.rz # quick index manifest quick/.gemspec.rz # legacy YAML quick index file quick/Marshal./.gemspec.rz # Marshal quick index file Marshal. Marshal..Z # Marshal full index yaml yaml.Z # legacy YAML full index The .Z and .rz extension files are compressed with the inflate algorithm. The Marshal version number comes from ruby's Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION and Marshal::MINOR_VERSION constants. It is used to ensure compatibility. The yaml indexes exist for legacy RubyGems clients and fallback in case of Marshal version changes. EOF end def execute if not File.exist?(options[:directory]) or not[:directory]) then alert_error "unknown directory name #{directory}." terminate_interaction 1 else indexer = options[:directory] indexer.generate_index end end end