# frozen_string_literal: true $:.unshift File.expand_path("..", __FILE__) $:.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__) require "bundler/psyched_yaml" require "bundler/vendored_fileutils" require "uri" require "digest" if File.expand_path(__FILE__) =~ %r{([^\w/\.:\-])} abort "The bundler specs cannot be run from a path that contains special characters (particularly #{$1.inspect})" end require "bundler" require "rspec" Dir["#{File.expand_path("../support", __FILE__)}/*.rb"].each do |file| file = file.gsub(%r{\A#{Regexp.escape File.expand_path("..", __FILE__)}/}, "") require file unless file.end_with?("hax.rb") end $debug = false Spec::Manpages.setup unless Gem.win_platform? module Gem def self.ruby=(ruby) @ruby = ruby end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include Spec::Builders config.include Spec::Helpers config.include Spec::Indexes config.include Spec::Matchers config.include Spec::Path config.include Spec::Rubygems config.include Spec::Platforms config.include Spec::Sudo config.include Spec::Permissions # Enable flags like --only-failures and --next-failure config.example_status_persistence_file_path = ".rspec_status" config.disable_monkey_patching! # Since failures cause us to keep a bunch of long strings in memory, stop # once we have a large number of failures (indicative of core pieces of # bundler being broken) so that running the full test suite doesn't take # forever due to memory constraints config.fail_fast ||= 25 if ENV["CI"] config.bisect_runner = :shell if ENV["BUNDLER_SUDO_TESTS"] && Spec::Sudo.present? config.filter_run :sudo => true else config.filter_run_excluding :sudo => true end if ENV["BUNDLER_REALWORLD_TESTS"] config.filter_run :realworld => true else config.filter_run_excluding :realworld => true end git_version = Bundler::Source::Git::GitProxy.new(nil, nil, nil).version config.filter_run_excluding :ruby => RequirementChecker.against(RUBY_VERSION) config.filter_run_excluding :rubygems => RequirementChecker.against(Gem::VERSION) config.filter_run_excluding :git => RequirementChecker.against(git_version) config.filter_run_excluding :bundler => RequirementChecker.against(Bundler::VERSION.split(".")[0]) config.filter_run_excluding :ruby_repo => !(ENV["BUNDLE_RUBY"] && ENV["BUNDLE_GEM"]).nil? config.filter_run_excluding :no_color_tty => Gem.win_platform? || !!ENV["GITHUB_ACTION"] config.filter_run_excluding :github_action_linux => !!ENV["GITHUB_ACTION"] && (ENV["RUNNER_OS"] == "Linux") config.filter_run_when_matching :focus unless ENV["CI"] original_wd = Dir.pwd original_env = ENV.to_hash config.expect_with :rspec do |c| c.syntax = :expect end config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.allow_message_expectations_on_nil = false end config.around :each do |example| if ENV["BUNDLE_RUBY"] orig_ruby = Gem.ruby Gem.ruby = ENV["BUNDLE_RUBY"] end example.run Gem.ruby = orig_ruby if ENV["BUNDLE_RUBY"] end config.before :suite do Spec::Rubygems.setup ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "#{ENV["RUBYOPT"]} -r#{Spec::Path.spec_dir}/support/hax.rb" ENV["BUNDLE_SPEC_RUN"] = "true" ENV["BUNDLE_USER_CONFIG"] = ENV["BUNDLE_USER_CACHE"] = ENV["BUNDLE_USER_PLUGIN"] = nil ENV["GEMRC"] = nil # Don't wrap output in tests ENV["THOR_COLUMNS"] = "10000" original_env = ENV.to_hash if ENV["BUNDLE_RUBY"] FileUtils.cp_r Spec::Path.bindir, File.join(Spec::Path.root, "lib", "exe") end end config.before :all do build_repo1 end config.around :each do |example| ENV.replace(original_env) reset! system_gems [] in_app_root @command_executions = [] example.run all_output = @command_executions.map(&:to_s_verbose).join("\n\n") if example.exception && !all_output.empty? warn all_output unless config.formatters.grep(RSpec::Core::Formatters::DocumentationFormatter).empty? message = example.exception.message + "\n\nCommands:\n#{all_output}" (class << example.exception; self; end).send(:define_method, :message) do message end end Dir.chdir(original_wd) end config.after :suite do if ENV["BUNDLE_RUBY"] FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(Spec::Path.root, "lib", "exe") end end end