require 'rexml/encoding' require 'rexml/source' module REXML # NEEDS DOCUMENTATION class XMLDecl < Child include Encoding DEFAULT_VERSION = "1.0"; DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; DEFAULT_STANDALONE = "no"; START = '<\?xml'; STOP = '\?>'; attr_accessor :version, :standalone def initialize(version=DEFAULT_VERSION, encoding=nil, standalone=nil) @encoding_set = !encoding.nil? if version.kind_of? XMLDecl super() @version = version.version self.encoding = version.encoding @standalone = version.standalone else super() @version = version self.encoding = encoding @standalone = standalone end @version = DEFAULT_VERSION if @version.nil? end def clone end def write writer, indent=-1, transitive=false, ie_hack=false indent( writer, indent ) writer << START.sub(/\\/u, '') writer << " #{content}" writer << STOP.sub(/\\/u, '') end def ==( other ) other.kind_of?(XMLDecl) and other.version == @version and other.encoding == self.encoding and other.standalone == @standalone end def xmldecl version, encoding, standalone @version = version @encoding_set = !encoding.nil? self.encoding = encoding @standalone = standalone end def node_type :xmldecl end alias :stand_alone? :standalone private def content rv = "version='#@version'" rv << " encoding='#{encoding}'" if @encoding_set rv << " standalone='#@standalone'" if @standalone rv end end end