require 'test/unit' require 'singleton' class TestSingleton < Test::Unit::TestCase class SingletonTest include Singleton end def test_marshal o1 = SingletonTest.instance m = Marshal.dump(o1) o2 = Marshal.load(m) assert_same(o1, o2) end def test_instance_never_changes a = SingletonTest.instance b = SingletonTest.instance assert_same a, b end def test_initialize_raises_exception assert_raise NoMethodError do end end def test_allocate_raises_exception assert_raise NoMethodError do SingletonTest.allocate end end def test_clone_raises_exception exception = assert_raise TypeError do SingletonTest.instance.clone end expected = "can't clone instance of singleton TestSingleton::SingletonTest" assert_equal expected, exception.message end def test_dup_raises_exception exception = assert_raise TypeError do SingletonTest.instance.dup end expected = "can't dup instance of singleton TestSingleton::SingletonTest" assert_equal expected, exception.message end def test_include_in_module_raises_exception mod = exception = assert_raise TypeError do mod.class_eval do include Singleton end end expected = "Inclusion of the OO-Singleton module in module #{mod}" assert_equal expected, exception.message end def test_extending_singleton_raises_exception assert_raise NoMethodError do 'foo'.extend Singleton end end def test_inheritance_works_with_overridden_inherited_method super_super_called = false outer = do define_singleton_method :inherited do |sub| super_super_called = true end end inner = do include Singleton end tester = assert super_super_called a = tester.instance b = tester.instance assert_same a, b end def test_class_level_cloning_preserves_singleton_behavior klass = SingletonTest.clone a = klass.instance b = klass.instance assert_same a, b end end