require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/common' # TODO: WTF is this using a global? describe "YAML.dump" do after :each do rm_r $test_file end it "converts an object to YAML and write result to io when io provided" do$test_file, 'w' ) do |io| YAML.dump( ['badger', 'elephant', 'tiger'], io ) end YAML.load_file($test_file).should == ['badger', 'elephant', 'tiger'] end it "returns a string containing dumped YAML when no io provided" do YAML.dump( :locked ).should match_yaml("--- :locked\n") end it "returns the same string that #to_yaml on objects" do ["a", "b", "c"].to_yaml.should == YAML.dump(["a", "b", "c"]) end it "dumps strings into YAML strings" do YAML.dump("str").should match_yaml("--- str\n") end it "dumps hashes into YAML key-values" do YAML.dump({ "a" => "b" }).should match_yaml("--- \na: b\n") end it "dumps Arrays into YAML collection" do YAML.dump(["a", "b", "c"]).should match_yaml("--- \n- a\n- b\n- c\n") end it "dumps an OpenStruct" do require "ostruct" os ="age" => 20, "name" => "John") YAML.dump(os).should match_yaml("--- !ruby/object:OpenStruct\ntable:\n :age: 20\n :name: John\n") end it "dumps a File without any state" do file = begin YAML.dump(file).should match_yaml("--- !ruby/object:File {}\n") ensure file.close end end end