# Copyright (C) 2001 John W. Small All Rights Reserved # mailto:jsmall@laser.net subject:ruby-generic-server # Freeware require "socket" require "thread" class GServer DEFAULT_HOST = "" def serve(io) end @@services = {} # Hash of opened ports, i.e. services @@servicesMutex = Mutex.new def GServer.stop(port, host = DEFAULT_HOST) @@servicesMutex.synchronize { @@services[host][port].stop } end def GServer.in_service?(port, host = DEFAULT_HOST) @@services.has_key?(host) and @@services[host].has_key?(port) end def stop @connectionsMutex.synchronize { if @tcpServerThread @tcpServerThread.raise "stop" end } end def stopped? @tcpServerThread == nil end def shutdown @shutdown = true end def connections @connections.size end def join @tcpServerThread.join if @tcpServerThread end attr_reader :port, :host, :maxConnections attr_accessor :stdlog, :audit, :debug def connecting(client) addr = client.peeraddr log("#{self.class.to_s} #{@host}:#{@port} client:#{addr[1]} " + "#{addr[2]}<#{addr[3]}> connect") true end def disconnecting(clientPort) log("#{self.class.to_s} #{@host}:#{@port} " + "client:#{clientPort} disconnect") end protected :connecting, :disconnecting def starting() log("#{self.class.to_s} #{@host}:#{@port} start") end def stopping() log("#{self.class.to_s} #{@host}:#{@port} stop") end protected :starting, :stopping def error(detail) log(detail.backtrace.join("\n")) end def log(msg) if @stdlog @stdlog.puts("[#{Time.new.ctime}] %s" % msg) @stdlog.flush end end protected :error, :log def initialize(port, host = DEFAULT_HOST, maxConnections = 4, stdlog = $stderr, audit = false, debug = false) @tcpServerThread = nil @port = port @host = host @maxConnections = maxConnections @connections = [] @connectionsMutex = Mutex.new @connectionsCV = ConditionVariable.new @stdlog = stdlog @audit = audit @debug = debug end def start(maxConnections = -1) raise "running" if !stopped? @shutdown = false @maxConnections = maxConnections if maxConnections > 0 @@servicesMutex.synchronize { if GServer.in_service?(@port,@host) raise "Port already in use: #{host}:#{@port}!" end @tcpServer = TCPServer.new(@host,@port) @port = @tcpServer.addr[1] @@services[@host] = {} unless @@services.has_key?(@host) @@services[@host][@port] = self; } @tcpServerThread = Thread.new { begin starting if @audit while !@shutdown @connectionsMutex.synchronize { while @connections.size >= @maxConnections @connectionsCV.wait(@connectionsMutex) end } client = @tcpServer.accept @connections << Thread.new(client) { |myClient| begin myPort = myClient.peeraddr[1] serve(myClient) if !@audit or connecting(myClient) rescue => detail error(detail) if @debug ensure begin myClient.close rescue end @connectionsMutex.synchronize { @connections.delete(Thread.current) @connectionsCV.signal } disconnecting(myPort) if @audit end } end rescue => detail error(detail) if @debug ensure begin @tcpServer.close rescue end if @shutdown @connectionsMutex.synchronize { while @connections.size > 0 @connectionsCV.wait(@connectionsMutex) end } else @connections.each { |c| c.raise "stop" } end @tcpServerThread = nil @@servicesMutex.synchronize { @@services[@host].delete(@port) } stopping if @audit end } self end end