/* -*- C -*- */

%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei.  All rights reserved.
%# This file is a part of  the programming language Ruby.  Permission is hereby
%# granted, to either  redistribute and/or modify this file,  provided that the
%# conditions mentioned  in the  file COPYING  are met.   Consult the  file for
%# details.
<%= render 'copyright' %>
<%= render 'notice', locals: {
    this_file: 'contains YARV instruction list',
    edit: __FILE__,
} -%>

/* BIN : Basic Instruction Name */
#define BIN(n) YARVINSN_##n

enum ruby_vminsn_type {
% RubyVM::Instructions.each do |i|
    <%= i.bin %>,
% end

    STATIC_ASSERT(numberof_##array, numberof(array) == VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE)